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1、精品文档英国文学维多利亚时期(一)The Victorian Age General Introductiona)Period an Eras in English history655106610661154115414851485160315581603160317141603162516251649Interregnum16491660166016881714183018371901190119101914191819181939193919451945presentBrief intro:The Victorian Period revolves around the politica

2、l career of Queen Victoria. She was crowned in 1837 and died in 1901 (which put a definite end to her political career). A great deal of change took place during this period-brought about because of the Industrial Revolution; so its not surprising that the literature of the period is often concerned

3、 with social reform. As Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) wrote, The time for levity, insincerity, and idle babble and play-acting, in all kinds, is gone by; it is a serious, grave time.b)Victoria Period1)Time SpanThe Victorian Period revolves around the political career of Queen Victoria. A new era really

4、 began with the passage of Reform Bill 1832 and closed at the end of Boer War in 1902.2)Three phasesThe early Victorian period (183048): 多事之秋(A Time of Troubles)It saw the opening of Britains first railway and its first Reform Parliament, but it was also a time of economic distress.The mid-Victorian

5、 period (184870): 经济繁荣和宗教不合的时期(Economic Prosperity and Religious Controversy)It was not free of harassing problems, it was a time of prosperity, optimism, and stability.The later period (18701901) : 由盛到衰进程的时期(Decay of Victorian Values)The costs of Empire became increasingly apparent, and England was

6、 confronted with growing threats to its military and economic preeminence.c)Queen Victoria and Victorian TemperVictoria was born in came to the throne in 1837(aged 18), after the death of her uncle William IV, crowned in 1838 and died in 1901. She reigned for exactly 63 years, 7 months, 2 days (June

7、 20, 1837 - January 22, 1901), longer than any other British monarch. Her 9 children and 42 grandchildren tying them together and earning her the nickname the grandmother of Europe.Exemplifies Victorian qualities: earnestness, moral responsibility, domestic proprietyThe Victorian Period was an age o

8、f transitionAn age characterized by energy and high moral purpose1819年生于伦敦,1837年继位成为英国女王。到19世纪末,维多利亚女王由于拥有许多欧洲皇室的皇亲国戚,被人称为“欧洲的祖母”。1897年英国为她在位60周年举行庆典,成为英国历史上统治时刻最长的女王。由于这一时期英国迅速地向外扩张,成立了庞大的殖民地,因此被称为“日不落帝国”。1901年1月22日,维多利亚女王归天。d)Four FeaturesThe long struggle of the Anglo-Saxons for personal liberty

9、is definitely settled, and democracy becomes the established order of the day.Because it is an age of democracy, it is an age of popular education, of religious tolerance, of growing brotherhood, and of profound social unrest(动荡).It is an age of comparative peace.The Victorian Age is especially rema

10、rkable because of its rapid progress in all the arts and sciences and in mechanical inventions. Historical Background1.SocietyA Time of ChangeA great deal of change took place during this period-brought about because of the Industrial Revolution; so its not surprising that the literature of the peri

11、od is often concerned with social reform.1)London becomes most important city in Europe2)Population of London expands from two million to six million3)Shift from ownership of land to modern urban economy4)Impact of industrialism5)Increase in wealth6)Worlds foremost imperial power7)Victorian people s

12、uffered from anxiety, a sense of being displaced persons in an age of technological advances.2.EconomyColonial ExpansionThe most powerful of the British Empire at the time of territory across 5 continents with a total area of up to 33,500,000 square kilometers, the United Kingdom is 137 times that o

13、f the total global area of 1 / 4; its colony with a population of about 400,000,000, of the total population of the colony 75 %. From the Earth near the Canadian Arctic, the Antarctic to the vicinity of Argentina, from the Congo River in Africa, Asia, South-East Asia have ranged from the size of the

14、 British colony.World FactoryTo the mid-19th century, the United Kingdom to become the worlds first industrialized countries, which export a large number of manufactured goods, imports of raw materials and a large number of agricultural and sideline products. Britain became the worlds factory, the e

15、conomic center. In 1851, the number of British merchant account for nearly half of world merchant shipping, industrial products occupied 50% of the world market, and production of pig iron accounted for 53% of the worlds coal output accounted for 50% of the world.ImperialismThe sun never sets: “Russ

16、ia and the North American plains is our corn, Chicago and Odessa is our granary, Canada and the Baltic Sea is our forests, our Australian sheep farms, Argentina and North American prairie to the west of our cattle grazing, and sent Peruvian silver, gold sent Australia and South Africa, India and Chi

17、na has provided us with tea, East Indies to provide us with coffee, sugar and spices. 3.Culture UTILITARIANISM1)Definition:Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure as summed among all sentient(有知觉的)beings. It

18、is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome.2)Simplified:We decide how to act, and then justify our actions, by evaluating which alternatives are likely to result in the greatest good.3)Principle of Utility:One should always act as to br

19、ing about the “greatest good for the greatest number”4)Chinese explanation:功利主义以为人应该做出能“达到最大善”的行为,所谓最大善的计算那么必需依托此行为所涉及的每一个个体之苦乐感觉的总和,其中每一个个体都被视为具相同分量,且欢乐与痛楚是能够换算的,痛楚仅是“负的欢乐”。功利主义不考虑一个人行为的动机与手腕,仅考虑一个行为的结果对最大欢乐值的阻碍。能增加最大欢乐值的即是善;反之即为恶。5)Representative:Derived from the ideas of Jeremy Bentham杰里米边沁(英国哲学家

20、) and his disciple James Mill, the father of John Stuart Mill.Rationalist唯物主义者 test of value.6)Effect:Almost everything was put to the test by the criterion of utility, that is, the extent to which it could promote the material happiness. This theory held a special appeal to the middle-classed indus

21、trialists, whose greed drove them to exploiting workers to the utmost and brought greater suffering and poverty to the working mass.Utilitarianism failed to recognize peoples spiritual needs.CHANGES IN IDEOLOGY意识形态1)Science and technology developed very fast. New inventions and discoveries in geolog

22、y, astronomy, biology and anthropology drastically changed peoples life.2)German philosophers such as Ludwig Feuerbach and Comte exerted great influences over British ideological field.3)Charles Darwin(达尔文)Origin of Species (1859) “The Survival of the Fittest” and The Descent of Man (1871) shook the

23、 theoretical basis of the conventional religious faith. People begin to question faith and long-held beliefs about humanity.4)KARL MARX(马克思)Theory of Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto(1847),The Capital (1867)5)THE RELIGIOUS COLLISIONScience and technology developed very fast. New inventions and dis

24、coveries in geology, astronomy, biology and anthropology drastically changed peoples life. Definitions of several terms1.The Reform Act 1832The Representation of the People Act 1832, or Reform Act 1832, was an Act of Parliament (2 & 3 Will. IV) that introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral s

25、ystem of England and Wales. According to its preamble, the act was designed to take effectual Measures for correcting divers Abuses that have long prevailed in the Choice of Members to serve in the Commons House of Parliament.1832年改革法案(英文:Reform Act 1832)是英国在1832年通过的关于扩大下议院选民基础的法案。该议案改变了下议院由保守派独占的状态

26、,加入了中产阶级的势力,是英国议会史的一次重大改革。背景自工业革命以后,新工工业城市崛起。但英国下议院1688年后再没有新的市镇取得议会代表权,而一些所谓“衰废市镇”(Rotten Boroughs),仅有数户居住、无人居住、乃至在地理上消失的地址竟拥有在下议院市镇代议士;反之新工业城市往往聚居数以万计人口却无代议士代表。除议会议席分派失衡外,议员的民意代表性也不充分,在英格兰及爱尔兰只有百分之五的成年男性选举权,苏格兰200万人口中更仅有3000人有选举权。而且选举方式上采取公布投票法,选民无法对自己的投票取向保密,很多时候屈服于有势力人士的威迫利诱,被迫投票给他们。内容1. 依旧保留171

27、0年以来有关下议院议员的不动产条件,因此议员身世仍以地主贵族为主。2. 下议院议席分派将郡议员人数由188席增加至253席,市代表由465席减至399席,这些市都曾是在中古时期的多数市,因此在国会有自己的市代表,但随着时期改变而荒废,故此议席需要减少。其中,五十六个衰废城市人口低于二千,失去单独派出代议士的资格,改成归入郡区选区;三十二个人口介于二千至四千人的城市,议席由二席减至一席。空出的143席中,英格兰郡区得65席,苏格兰得8席,爱尔兰得5席,而因工业革命新兴的工业城市得65席。3. 选民资格亦有开放。在市镇中,年收入在十镑以上的房户主和年付十镑以上房产租税者,在郡乡中,年付十镑田土租税

28、的六十年长期田地租用者、年付五十镑田土租税的短时间田地租用者及年付两镑地税的自有土地者皆享投票权。选民总数由五十万增加到八十一万三千,更多中上层的中产阶级取得选举权,选民占全国人口百分之三左右。阻碍旧有地主及旧有南部城市商人的势力受冲击;增加了因工业革命而兴起的中北部城市(如曼彻斯特、利物浦)商人的参政机遇;郡代表的增加有助平稳不同地址势力对选举的阻碍;群众对下议院的阻碍力上升,同时此法案也开辟了往后各议会改革法案的先河。2.New Poor Law 18343.The Chartist Movement (1836-1848) Background :1)The development of

29、 Industrial Revolution and the industrial capitalism, the working class had organized in a strong organization. 2)After the Reform Act 1832,the capitalist class had the rights to vote, but not to the working class.3)The working class was very poor and their working conditions were very bad.In 1838,

30、a Peoples Charter was drawn up by radicals in London Working Mens Association.背景:1)工业革命的展开和工业资本主义的进展,工人阶级力量的壮大; 2)1832年的英国议会改革,使工业资产阶级取得了选举权。工人阶级却被排斥于议会之外;3)1838年,伦敦工人协会的工人领袖与议会的激进派议员一起起草了一份请愿书,并命名为“人民宪章”。 Chartism Chartism was a Victorian era working class movement for political reform in Britain b

31、etween 1838 and 1848. It takes its name from the Peoples Charter of 1838. The term Chartism is the umbrella name for numerous loosely-coordinated local groups, often named Working Mens Association, articulating grievances in many cities from 1837. Its peak activity came in 1839, 1842 and 1848. It be

32、gan among skilled artisans in small shops, such as shoemakers, printers, and tailors. The movement was more aggressive in areas with many distressed handloom workers, such as in Lancashire and the Midlands.It began as a petition movement which tried to mobilize moral force, but soon attracted men who advocated strikes, Genera

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