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1、高二英语必修Uniteople课文翻译Unit13 PeopleWarm-up 热身Listen to the police description.听警方的描述Which people in the photo below are the police looking for?下面图片中的哪个人是警方要找的对象Police are looking for four people in connection with a crime.警方正在寻找与案件有关的四个嫌疑人They were last seen in the London area.他们最后一次出现是在伦敦The first is

2、a white man.第一个是白人He is quite tall with short, dark hair.他个头很高,留着黑色的短发He was last seen wearing a black baseball cap, a blue long-sleeve shirt and sunglasses.他最后一次出现时戴着一顶黑色的棒球帽、一副太阳镜,穿着一件蓝色的长袖衬衫。The second is a white man wearing glasses.第二个是戴着眼镜的白人He has little hair and was last seen wearing a white

3、shirt and holding books under his arm.他头发很少,最后一次出现时穿着白色的衬衫,腋下夹着书The third is a black woman.第三个是黑人妇女She has short hair and was last seen wearing a black and white T-shirt with a gold chain around her neck.她留着短发,最后一次出现时穿着黑白相同的T恤,脖子上戴着金项链。The fourth person is an old white man.第四个人是一个白人老头He has grey hai

4、r and a gray beard and was last seen wearing glasses and a blue, white and red shirt.他有着灰白的头发和灰白的胡子,最后一次出现时戴着眼镜,穿着蓝色、白色、红色相间的衬衫。If you see any of these people, please contact.如果你看见上述任何一人,请与.联系。Lesson 1 EQ:IQ.Success comes with a high EQ.成功来自于高情商Most students do an IQ test early in their school caree

5、r.大部分学生在开始学习生涯之前都会进行智商测试Even if they never see their results they feel that their IQ is what determines how well they are going to do in life.即使他们看不测试结果,他们认为智商决定了他们将来生活的好坏。When they see other students doing better than them they usually believe that those students have a higher IQand that there is n

6、othing they can do to change facts.当他们看到别人做得比他好的时候,他总是愿意相信那些学生的智商比自己高,自己做什么也改变不了这个事实。However, new research into EQ suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ.然而,关于情商新的研究指出显示成功不简单地依靠高智商While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are,your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligenc

7、e.你的智商表明你的聪明程度,而你的情商则表明你能否很好的利用聪明才智Professor Salovey, who invented the term EQ, gives the following description.萨洛维教授提出情商这一概念并对其做了如下解释At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted.在职场上,一个人的智商决定了他能否被录用,而情商则决定了他能否得到提拔Supported by his academic research在他的学术研究基础上Professor Sal

8、ovey suggests that when predicting someones future success their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.萨洛维教授提出:在预测一个人未来的成功时,他们的性格,即通过情商测试来测量,也许比他的智商更为重要。Professor Salovey may be correct.萨洛维教授也许是对的For example, have you ever wondered why some of the smartest stud

9、ents in your class who you think deserve good grades, sometimes end up failing exams?例如,你是否有过这样的困惑:为什么班里有些聪明的学生,你认为应该得到好的分数却难过考试关?Perhaps their failure is because of their low EQ.他们的失败也许是因为他们的情商低People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well.人们经常错误地认为高智商的

10、人总是拥有高情商This association can exist but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ to have a high EQ or someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ.这种联系可能存在,但是一个低智商的人有高情商或者一个高情商的人有低智商也是有可能的。It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards

11、life.人们通常相信高情商的人善于接受新观点,对生活持积极的态度,They are also less likely to be troubled by problems.他们较少被问题所困扰On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations thus they have a harder time surviving in life.另一方

12、面,毫无疑问的是低情商的人,经常在与别人相处和处理困难时有问题,因此生活得比较艰难。People generally believe that a persons IQ is determined by birth.一个人的情商被认为是与生俱来的However, most social scientists agree that EQ has a lot to do with education.然而,大多数的社会科学家都同意情商与教育有很大关系。Some are trying to study the possibility of improving a persons EQ especia

13、lly in terms of people skills, such as understanding and communication.一些人试图研究提高情商的可能性,特别是“人类技能”方面,例如 理解和沟通能力。Professor Mayer, recognised by many as a leading expert in the study of changes to peoples EQs recently announced the results of a study on senior high school students.梅耶教授被公认为是情商变化这一研究领域权威专

14、家,他最近公布了一项对中学生的研究结果。When normal students were introduced to students with disabilities they found that, afterwards, the normal students were more willing to help people with difficulties.在一些正常的学生被介绍与一些残疾学生认识后,他们发现正常的学生比以前乐于去帮助处于困境的人们。They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students f

15、eelings ,compared to students who had not been involved in the study.同其他没有参加研究的学生相比,他们更能理解残疾学生的情感。There was also an obvious change in the disabled students attitudes.同时,那些残疾学生的态度也发生了明显的变化。They became more positive about life and more wiling to try new things.他们对生活的态度更加积极,也更愿意尝试新鲜事物。The results of st

16、udies such as these show that EQ is as important if not more important than IQ.像这样的研究结果表明情商如果不是比智商更重要,也是与智商同样重要。To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life在这个世界中生存并快乐的生活, means getting on with other people and being able to understand and react to situations in the best way possible.意

17、味着能够与其他人很好的相处 能理解形势 并以最好的方式做出反应This requires a high EQ - the higher the better.这需要高的情商-越高越好And the fact that it might be possible to raise EQs 情商是可以提高的这一事实means that schools need to make sure意味着学校需要保证that their students are receiving the education they really need学生接受他们真正的教育and know that their futur

18、es are not entirely determined by their IQs.并且指导他们的未来并不全是由智商决定的。Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs.性格与工作Listen to a class discussion and answer the questions. 听班级的讨论,并回答问题Use the Listening Strategies to help you.用听力技巧帮助你Today we are going to focus on jobs and personalities.今天我们关注一下工作和性格Think of some jo

19、bs and what kinds of people do them.想一想工作以及从事那些工作的人What characteristics do these people have?这些人有什么样的性格?Er. people who work with computers are usually quiet, shy people.嗯,与电脑打交道的人通常安静、害羞Xiao Dong, whats your reaction to that?小东,对这种说法你有什么看法?Do you agree?你同意吗?To some extent, yes. Theyre also not usual

20、ly very athletic.从某种程度上同意,他们通常也不很爱运动来But it seems to me that they have to be creative.但是在我看来,他们很有创造力。Youre right there. Next, Li Liang.你是对的,下一个,李亮A tour guide.一个导游Im certain that this is a very exciting job.我确定这是份非常令人兴奋的工作Tour guides need to be independent, outgoing and have a desire to share inform

21、ation.导游需要独立、外向、愿意与人分享信息。They must also be able to deal with many different situations and problems.他们也必须能够处理许多不同的情况和问题。What do you think Cao Wen?曹文,你怎么认为呢?I agree.我同意I think tour guides must also get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing other people enjoying themselves.我认为导游在看到其他人玩的很开心的时候就会拥有极大的满足感。

22、Thats a good point. Other jobs?这点不错,其他工作呢?Farmers. As I see it, farmers are very important.农民,我认为农民非常重要。Without their harvests every year, we would all go hungry!没有他们每年的收获,我们都会挨饿哦And their characteristics?那他们的性格呢?A farmer needs to be patient and know a lot about animal biology.农民需要有耐心,还需要对动物生物学非常了解。

23、Also, the weather is hard on farmers but they must never give up.还有,天气对农民的影响也很大,但是他们必须坚持不懈。Right, but thats true for everyone, isnt it?是的,但是对每个人来说都是这样,不是吗Mm, yes.嗯 是的Id like to be a farmer and grow fruit like pineapple and peaches我想做一个农民,种植像菠萝、桃之类的水果but I think I prefer to work in the city!不过我想我还是比较

24、喜欢在城里工作Id like to be a cook in a big hotel.我想做一个大饭店里的厨师Cooks also have to be creative厨师必须富有创造力and they need to be able to handle a kitchen and get things done on time.他们需要厨艺非凡,按时备好饭菜。I think youd make a great cook, Wang Shu.王舒,我觉得你描述了一个很棒的厨师OK, what about some other jobs?好的,其他工作呢?I would have though

25、t that some of you might like to work in.我想有些人可能想在.工作Medicine? Doctors and nurses?医药?医生和护士呢?Yes, good.是的,很好What kind of a person is a doctor or a nurse?医生或护士性格怎么样?Does anyone have views on this?有人对这个职业有什么看法吗?I feel that to be a nurse takes a lot of kindness.我觉得护士应该很善良They have to be very caring peop

26、le and are willing to help others.他们必须很会照顾人,也很乐意帮助别人。Yes, they certainly cant be selfish.是的,他们肯定不能自私。I couldnt agree more.我再同意不过了What about a doctor?医生呢?They need to be kind too - and good listeners.他们也得很善良-很好的倾听者。They should also be confident so that people trust them.他们也要有自信,那样人们才会信任他们Im hoping to

27、 be a doctor.我想做一名医生Thats cool! Good for you!那很酷,祝你好运So many jobs require getting on well with other people.这么多的工作都需要与别人很好的相处。Can you think of any jobs where this isnt a requirement?你们能想出什么工作没有这个要求吗?Well discuss this tomorrow.我们明天讨论这个话题Listen to the dialogues and complete the Function File.听对话完成文档Di

28、alogue 1.对话1Did you know that Alice can speak three languages?你知道安丽丝会说三种语音吗?Really? I find that very hard to believe.真的吗?我觉得很难相信Shes only five.她只有5岁而已But its true! Ask her mother!但是那是真的,问问她妈妈Dialogue 2.对话2I feel that airlines should not allow new-born babies aboard their long distance flights.我觉得航空公

29、司不应该让新出生的婴儿搭乘长途飞机。Mm, I quite agree.嗯,我非常同意Theres nothing worse than listening to a crying baby for 12 hours.没有什么比12小时一直听婴儿哭更糟糕的了。Dialogue 3.对话3Ive just seen Ian holding a bunch of flowers and walking into a restaurant.我看见伊恩拿着一束花走进了一家饭店。Thats interesting.真有趣He told me he was going to the library!他跟我

30、说他要去图书馆I wonder why he lied.我想知道他为什么要撒谎Maybe hes too shy to tell you he has a new girlfriend!可能是他太害羞了,不敢告诉你他有女朋友了Dialogue 4.Do you remember what I said about making hay while the sun shines?你还记得我对抓紧时机是怎么说的吗?Yes.记得Well, it means that when things are going well you should make the best of them嗯,就是说当事情

31、发展很好时,你就应该好坏利用。so, because my boss was pleased with my report那么,因为我老板对我的报告很满意。I asked for extra vacation and got it.我就跟他要了额外的假期,结果我成功了Thats great!太棒了Dialogue 5.It really makes me mad when Jim sings at work.吉姆上班时唱歌真让人难以忍受I also hate shaking hands with him.我还讨厌和他握手His hands are always damp!他的手总是湿湿的And he wears such terrible clothes, like that pink shirt!他还穿很难看的衣服,像那件粉色的T恤Anything else?还有什么吗?Yes! I really dislike it when he eats garlic for lun

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