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最新中考英语 考点跟踪突破4 七下 Units 712.docx

1、最新中考英语 考点跟踪突破4 七下 Units 712教学资料参考参考范本【2019最新】中考英语 考点跟踪突破4 七下 Units 7-12_年_月_日_部门一、单项选择。1How is Helen in the new school?She is doing very well.There is _C_ to worry about.AsomethingBanythingCnothing Deverything2Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry,lets make it _B_ time.Aothers B

2、anotherCother Dthe other3Now,people have more free time.Square Dancing is becoming more and more _D_(20xx,安徽)Acomfortable BdifficultCdifferent Dpopular4Jason,would you please _C_ this notice?With pleasure.(20xx,武汉)Aput onBput offCput upDput out5On Fridays,I often _C_ with my sister and watch Running

3、 Man at home.(20xx,龙东)Ashow up Bcome upCstay up6Jim,please help me _B_ the cooked meat.I want to make fried rice.OK,Mom.(20xx,莆田)Acut down Bcut upCcut off7_D_ is the weather like today?Its cloudy.AWhen BHow CWhere DWhat8I often _C_ some time reading on Sunday evening.How about you?Apay Btake Cspend

4、Dcost9_A_ you _ a good time last weekend?No.It was a terrible experience.ADid;have BAre;havingCWill;have DDo;have10_B_?He has a round face and a big nose.AWhat does he likeBWhat does he look likeCWhats he likeDWhy does he like it二、词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示或首字母提示完成单词。11Gothrough(横穿)the forest,you can reach th

5、e beautiful country.12The restaurant is behind (在后面) the bookstore.(20xx,滨州)13Drive straight (径直) on,and youll find the museum on your left.(20xx,黄冈)14Its cloudy (多云的)Maybe it will rain later.(20xx,广安)15Eve felt very tired after a whole days hard work.(20xx,济宁)B)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。16I always play socce

6、r with my friends on sunny (sun) days.17The wind blew (blow) out the candles just now.18We met two visitors (visit) on the way to the park.19My mother went shopping and bought some potatoes (potato)20There is (be) a girl and three boys in the classroom.21Mrs.Browns son was not happy because he lost

7、(lose) his schoolbag.22Three children can go to their school easily (easy)23The woman sings well and she is a famous singer (sing)24Where is your sister?She is_cooking (cook) in the kitchen.25I often spend an hour reading (read) before going to bed.三、按要求完成句子(每空一词)。26I think the fastest way to travel

8、 is by_plane(对画线部分提问)_How do you think is the fastest way to travel by?27The teacher said,“Dont cheat in exams,children!”(改为同义句)The teacher told the children not to cheat in exams.28The teacher explained to us the puzzling problem yesterday afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)Did the teacher explain to you the puzzl

9、ing problem yesterday afternoon?29She speaks French.Her twin sister speaks French.too.(合并为一句)Both of the twin sisters speak French.30The woman in white is a nurse.(改为复数句)The women in white are nurses四、根据文意,从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使文意通顺,正确,连贯。(20xx,沈阳)some,time,know,while,doing,always,inside,special,hands Ever

10、y country has its own customs (风俗) and traditions.A custom is a special way of 31.doing something.A tradition is a custom that is passed down over 32.timeThese customs and traditions make different cultures in different countries.We should 33.know about other peoples customs and cultures.And we shou

11、ld 34.always respect (尊重) them.For example,in America,people wear their shoes in their homes.But in 35.some Asian countries like Japan and Korea,people take off their shoes before going 36.inside their homes.In many Asian countries,people use chopsticks 37.while Americans and Europeans eat with fork

12、s and knives.But in India and some other countries,people often eat with their 38.hands.There are many other differences.But all of these cultures are 39.specialWe should try to know and learn about them.(二)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。Have you ever seen paintings on feathers (羽毛)?A man in Australia has painte

13、d hundreds of pieces of feather art.Ian Davie lives in a farmhouse in Australia.He collects swan (天鹅) feathers from a lake.Then,he cleans these feathers and paints on them.It is 40.really (real) hard to paint on feathers.Each painting takes about one week to finish.He sometimes puts 41.five (fifth)

14、feathers together to draw a larger picture.About ten years ago,Mr.Davie went on an 42.important (importance) holiday in New Zealand.He watched how local people painted on feathers.When he 43.came (come) back to Australia,he started to create 44.his (he) own feather art.Mr.Davie has become a famous 4

15、5.painter (paint)Some of his works are sold for thousands of pounds.五、阅读理解。(20xx,东营)Here is a dog with a lantern (提灯) in his mouth, he is looking for his master(主人)Carlo, a lovely dog, had been taught to be useful.The roads, in the place where his master lived, were often so bad that it was not safe

16、 for any person to go out without a light on dark nights.So Carlos master taught him to carry a lantern for him at night; and he did it as steadily(稳固地) as any boy could have done.Carlo never trotted(小跑) too far before his master so that the bright light of the lantern might guide his masters steps.

17、When he came to a deep rut(车辙)or hole in the road, he would turn round to his master, seemed to say,“Take care, there is a hole here.”The dogs master lived about a mile from the town; and when he could not get home before dark, Carlo used to be sent to him with the lantern.Carlo knew where to go.He

18、also knew the road which his master would take.But Carlo didnt always find his master right away.When he reached the town, he would run off to a house where his master often was.Still holding his lantern, he would scratch at the streetdoor with his feet and bark(吠叫); as much as to say, “Here am I, M

19、aster, with the lantern, are you ready for home?”Someone would perhaps come to the door and say,“Your master is not here.”Carlo would growl(嘟哝), seemed to say,”Then he is somewhere else, and I must find him.”He would then run off to one house after another, until he found his master, then the two we

20、nt home together.46The roads in the place where Carlos master lived were _A_AbadBdarkCdangerous for people to go outDfull of deep ruts and holes47The master taught Carlo _D_Ato speakBwhere to go to look for himCto know the road which he would takeDto carry the lantern to guide his steps at night48Wh

21、en Carlo came to the bad part of the road,he _C_.AbarkedBgrowledCturned round to his masterDscratched at the ground49The meaning of the underlined word “scratch”is _D_A咬B敲C撞D扒,抓50The best title for the story is _B_AA dog and his masterBThe dog with the lanternCHow a dog guide his masters stepDHow a

22、dog found his master六、书面表达。假设你叫张玲,前些天收到笔友戴夫的电子邮件,信中说他不久要来中国学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封邮件,提出一些如何学好中文的建议。内容要求:1.中文有用,外国人对它感兴趣,学习它;2.中英文不同,学习困难;3.学好中文的建议:多记忆、多读写、看电视、听广播、找人交流等;4.不仅能从书上学到,也能通过其他方法学好中文。要求:1.必须用以上所有信息,可适当发挥;2.要求句子连贯,语句通顺,书写规范;4.词数不少于80词,信的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数;4.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:usefu

23、l,foreigner,different from,difficult, heart,listen to the radio,not only.but also.Dear Dave,Im glad youll come to China to learn Chinese.Chinese_is_becoming_more_and_more_useful.Many_foreigners_are_interested_in_it_and_studying_it_now.It_may_be_difficult_for_you_because_its_really_different_

24、from_English.You_have_to_learn_more_Chinese_words_by_heart.Remember_as_many_Chinese_words_as_possible.Its_also_important_to_do_some_reading_and_writing.You_can_watch_TV_and_listen_to_the_radio_to_practice_your_listening.Its_a_good_way_to_catch_(get)_every_chance_to_talk_in_Chinese.You_can_learn_Chinese_not_only_from_books_but_also_from_people_around_you.If_you_have_any_questions,please_let_me_know.Im_sure_youll_learn_Chinese_well.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Zhang Ling

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