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1、ale考研词汇讲义考研英语词汇讲义ALEX一个月结束考研单词考研英语查阅用词根acu = sharpacute敏锐的;尖锐的acumem敏锐;聪明acupuncture 针灸alti = highaltitude 高度altimeter 高度计exalt 提高;提升ambula = walkambulance救护车ambulant 流动的ambulate 行走、移动ann = yearanniversary 周年纪念annual 每年的annals 编年史anthro = mananthropoid 似人类的;类人猿anthropology 人类学anthroposociology 人类社会学

2、arch = rulermonarch 君主anarchism 无政府主义patriarch 家长、族长aster/astr = starastrology 占星术astronomy 天文学asterisk 星号,星标audi = hearingaudience 听众audible 听得见的audiphone 助听器auto = selfautomation 自动化autobiography 自传autosuggestion 自我暗示bio = lifebiology 生物学biography 传记biocide 杀虫剂brevi = shortbrief 简短的brevity 简洁abbre

3、viate 缩写capit = headcapital 首都decapitate 斩首capitation 人头税;按人收费ced = go;moverecede 后退;弓1退unprecedented 史 无前例的precede先行,居先cess = go;moveaccess通路process 进展chron = timechronology 年表,年代学chronic 慢性的synchronal 同步的,同时发生的cide = kill;cutsuicide 自杀insecticide 杀虫齐 Ubactericide 杀菌齐 Uconfid = trustconfidential 机密

4、的confide 吐露(秘密)cord = heartaccordance 一致,调和concord 协调,同意discord 不和,不一致cred = trust;beliefcredit 信用;信任incredible 难以置信的credulous 轻信的cur = run;movecurrent 潮流excurse远足,旅行incursion 入侵,进入cycl = circle;wheelbicycle 自行车tricycle 三轮车hemicycle 半圆的dic/dict = say;speakindicate指示,暗示dictate 口授diction 措词domin = rul

5、e;controldominate主宰indomitable 不屈不挠的duce/duct = lead;takeintroduce介绍induce 弓丨诱conduct 指导equ = same;equalequality平等equivalence 对应物equator 赤道faci = easyfacile 易得到的,不花力气的facilitate 使容易fact = make;domanu facture 制造factory 工厂benefactor 恩人,施恩者fer = carry;bringferry 轮渡transfer 搬运,转移in terfere 干预fin = end;l

6、imitfinalize使了结infinite 无限的define 限定,下定义flect/flex = bendreflect反射,反映flexible 易弯曲的reflexctor 反射镜flu = flowinfluence影响fluent 流利fluid 流动的;液,流体form = shapereform 改革conform 符合gen = producegenerate产生genetics 遗传学genesis 起源,创始grad = go;stepgraduate毕业gradual 逐步的degrade退化,堕落graph/gram =write;writingtelegraph

7、电报program节目,说明书diagram 图表grate/grati = thanksgrateful衷心感谢的gratitude 感谢grav = heavy;seriousgravity重力;严重性grave 严重的gravimeter 比重计,测重器gress = go;walkprogress进步aggressive 侵略的congress 会议humid = wethumidity湿度,湿气humidify 使湿润hydr = water;liquidhydroelectric 水电的hydroplane 水上飞机hydrospace 海洋世界ject = throweject

8、喷射;逐出inject 注射reject 拒绝juven = youngjuvenile青少年rejuvenate ( 使)返老还童juvenilia 少年文艺读物just/jur = justjustify证明正确jurist 法学家jury 陪审团labor = worklaborious费力的collaborate 合作,协作later = side;partybilateral双边的unilateral 单方的equilateral 等边的leg = lawlegislate立法illegitimate 非法的legislature 立法机关literat = letterlitera

9、ture文学illiterate 文盲semiliterate 半文盲的loc = placelocation地点allocate 分配localism 地方主义lumi = light;brightilluminate照明illuminance 照明度luminary 发光体,杰出人物magni = big;greatmagnificent 宏大的magnify 放大magnitude 巨大,广大man(u) = handmanufacture 生产,力口工manage管理manuscript 手稿mar = seasubmarine 潜艇maritime 海事的,海运的mariner 海员

10、meter/metri = measurethermemeter 温度计altimeter 高度计mit/miss = sendemit放射vomit 呕吐transmission 播送,传送mort = deathmortal 致命的immortal 不朽的postmortem 死后的nomin = namenominal 名义上nominate 提名innominate 无名的,匿名的nounce = proclaimpronounce 发音denounce公开指责ortho =straight;correctorthodox 正统的orthopaedy 矫正术pater/patr = f

11、atherpaternal 父亲般的patriarch ( 男性)族长patricide 弑父;杀父者pathy = feelingsympathy 同情antipathy 反感empathy 移情ped = footpedestrain 行人expedition 远征(队)pedal足的;踏板pel/pulse =push;driveexpel 驱逐impulse 冲动dispel 驱散pend/pens = useup;hangexpense 花费expe nditure 开支suspend悬浮;使悬而未决phon = soundheadphone 耳机symphony交响乐microph

12、one 麦克风plic = foldduplicate 二倍的,副本complication 综合症;并发症;复杂implicit 含蓄的port = carryporter 脚夫export 出口passport 护照pose = put;placepropose 建议dispose 处理expose 使暴露,揭发prim = initial;firstprimary 初级的primitive 原始的prime首要的,最初的psych = mindpsychology 心理学psychoanalysis 心理分析punct = pointpunctuate 力口标点acupuncture 针

13、灸punctual准时的,精确的rupt = breakcorruption 腐败in terrupt 打断bankrupt 破产scop = see;look atmicroscopic 微观的macroscopic 宏观的scope = instrument for observingmicroscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜scribe/script =write;writing;look atdescribe 描述prescription 处方sequ = followconsequence 后果sequence 次序sequel结局,续集sens/sent =sense;

14、feelingsentimental 多 愁善感的sensitivity 灵敏度consent 赞同simil = likesimilarity 共性simile 明喻similar 类似的sol = alonesole唯一的solitary 单独的soliloquy 独白soph = wisephilosopher 哲学家sophisticated 老练的,尖端的pansophic 无所不知的spec(t) = see;look atin spect 视察expect 盼望retrospect 回顾suspect 怀疑prospect 展望respect 尊敬spir = breathere

15、spirati on 呼吸perspire 出汗expire 死亡断气struct = buildconstructive 富有建设性的superstructure 上层建筑destruction 毁灭stup = be motionlessstupid 愚蠢stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡stupor 昏迷,麻木sum = use up;takeconsumption 消费assume自以为resume继续进行tain = holdmaintain 维持attai n 获得abstain 放弃,戒,禁the(o) = godtheology 神学theist 有神论者atheism 无神论

16、thermo = heatthermometer 温度计thermonuclear 热核的thermos热水瓶tract = drawtractor 拽引机,拖拉机attract 吸弓 1distract 分散vent = comeadvent来到,出现convention 会议contravention 违反,抵触verb = wordverbal词语的,动词的hyperverbal 说话太多的vert/vers = turnconvert 转移versi on 译本subvert推翻,颠覆vid/vis = seevision 视力,视觉invisible 看不见的visibility 能

17、见度viv = lifevivid 生动的revive 复活survive 幸存,逃生voc/vok = call;voiceevoke唤起,召唤advocate 倡议,倡导vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家volv = rollrevolver 左轮手枪;转炉revolution 革命考研英语词汇FAQ第一:考试的有限无限性,规律从哪里来?第二:单词有多重要,到底应该背多少单词?不容任何马虎1. The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered despite widespread agreeme nt that it wa

18、s un fathomable正常情况下,摘自2008年考研英语大纲包含两大类写作词汇。其他词汇。第三:每一个词汇都是重要的吗?高频词汇author 65 n. 作者;创始人I would not rely on age nts for finding everyth ing that is added to adatabase that might in terest me, says the author of a job-search ing guide.2004 年阅读 1一位职业搜索指南的作者说:“我不会依赖代理在数据库增加的每一项内容里去逐 一寻找可能令我感兴趣的东西。考纲要求,但

19、从未出现过的abdomen n.腹,腹部 abide v. (by) 坚持,遵守alleviate v. 减轻,缓解,缓和 allia nee n. 结盟,联盟;联姻超过大纲要求,但是曾经考察过的。cas ino 14 n.赌场He visited the casino, lost the $20 and left.2006 年新题型gambli ng 14 n. 赌博 David Williamdss suit should trouble this年新题型gambli ng natio n. But dont bet o n it.2006homeless 10 a. 无家可归的shipp

20、er 9 n. 托运人,发货人, The vast con solidati on with in the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company.2003 年阅读3bus in essma n 8 n. 商人 During most of his walk ing life he willtake his code for gra nted, as the bus in essma n takes his ethics. 2006年翻译warni ng n. 警告,通知,预兆The

21、Wall Street Jour nal reports that the cas ino has 20 sig ns warning,enjoy the fun and always bet with your head, not over it. 2006 年新题型alphabetically ad. 按字母顺序地One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabeticallydisadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early.2004 年阅读 2anthropology

22、 n. 人类学 Anthropology is one of the social sciences.2003年翻译abn ormality n. 变态;畸形,异常性50. The author uses the example of a mon key to argue that robots are .2002 年阅读 2 B able to perceive abnormalities ( )immediately大纲要求 有些单词已学过(中学词汇)有些单词很重要(高频词汇)有些单词从未考(虽然在大纲内) 有些单词是超纲 (注:统计日期截止至三月 31日)第四:和四六级词汇的区别第四:背

23、单词的方法。(针对不同类型的单词)被动词汇:主动词汇:结 论 如1死记硬背(注意复习的频度和方法)2技巧性记忆课 堂 注 意需要注意的复习点192021222324252627282930123 456 :89101112131415161718AAAAAABBBBBBCCCCCCDDDDDD(抽第一大类:方位意思前缀,比如前后上下内部中间周围 象意思也可以啊)前面!向前!Ex表示前面的,前任的ex-wife 前妻(ex 前 +wife 妻子) ex-president fore-表示前面,预先forearm 前人,祖先(fore+amr 胳膊)forefather Pro-表示向前,在前”p

24、rogress 进步(pro+gress 走 宀 向前走)project投射出;工程项目(pro+ject+扔+扔向前面宀投射;引申为工程项目)promote 促进;提升(pro+mote 动宀 向前动宀 促进)propel 推进(pro+pel推向前推)pre 表示“前的,预先”prehistory 史前(pre+history 历史)preschool prefix前缀(pre+fix固定固定在前面 前缀)predict prepay 预付(pre+pay 付钱)precede 后面!表示 “在后面postwar 战后的( post+war 战争 )postgraduate postp o

25、ne 推迟 (post+ph one 放宀放至U后面 宀 推迟)with- 表示 “向后,相反 ”withdraw撤消,撤退(with+draw拉宀向相反拉 宀撤退)withhold 上面!向上!Over表示”在 之上”overlook v.俯视;疏忽(over+look看宀在上面看 宀俯视,z上申为疏忽)overcome overwhelm v.压倒;泛滥(over+whelm 推翻宀翻过来宀压倒)overbridge n. sur- 表示 “超过,在上面 ”surface 表面( sur+face 脸 面)surpass surmount 登上,超越(sur+mount 山 宀在山上 宀登

26、上)survival幸存,生存(sur+viv活+ al经过事故活着宀幸存)super- 表示 超级,超过,过度” superman 表示 在上面”supervise superficial肤浅的(super+fic做+ ial吨E表面上做)up=up ,表示“向上”upgrade n 升级; 上升(up+grade 等级宀升级)setup n uphold v 支持;拥护(up+hold宀向上拿住宀 拥护)upfront a 下面!.sub- 表示 “在下面,次一等,副手 ”submerge 沉没,淹没(sub+merge 淹没 宀淹没下去)submissive 恭顺的(sub+miss 给宀ive t在下面给宀恭顺 的) subordinate subtitle sue-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等在同辅音词根前表示 在下面”support 支持(sup+port 带t带来支持)suppress 镇压,压制(sup+press 压t压下去)suppose 猜想,推测 (sup+pose 放t 放下去想 t猜想)surround 包围(sur+round 圆圈t在下面围一圈)sus- 表示 “在 下面”suspeet 怀疑 suspend 悬挂,中止(sus+pend 挂t挂在下面 t悬挂)sustain 共同!也就是

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