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1、英语作业一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. While shopping, people sometimes cant help persuading into buying something A B Cthey dont really need.DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:B;标准答案:B得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:B.改为“being persuaded”表示被动含义,因为本文大意是“在购物的时候,人们有时候禁不住劝说而买些他们并不十分需要的东西。”2. If you had been there, Im s

2、ure you would have enjoyed to see the Chinese Team A B C win.DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:C.改为seeing。enjoy后面习惯搭配doing,组成enjoy doing,意思是“乐意做某事”。本句大意是“如果你到过那里的话,我敢肯定你一定会乐意看到中国队获胜。”3. The passengers saw the thief stole on the bus, but they didnt say anything. A

3、B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:B;标准答案:B得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:B。解题步骤:第一步:本句由but连接两个分句构成。第一个分句的主语是the passengers,谓语是saw的宾语是thethief。第二个分句的主语是they,谓语是didntsay,宾语是anything。本句大意是“乘客看到小偷在公交车上行窃,但是他们都没有做声。”第二步:1A是谓语,和主语搭配没有错误,用的是一般过去式,和后面的D相呼应,所以此处无错。2B是一个动词,用的是一般过去式。由于前面有一个saw,我们这里要考虑到see构成的词

4、组“see sb. doing”(看到某人正在做)。所以此处的B应该改成“stealing”才对。“saw thethief stealing”的意思是“看到小偷在行窃”。3C是个介词短语,用作地点状语。此处无错。4D是一谓语,和主语搭配无错,时态和前面的saw也相互呼应,所以此处无错。第三步:答案是B。4. Dear Helen, please forgive him for his rudeness, can you ? A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:D。解题步骤:第一

5、步:本句是一个祈使句,无需主语,谓语是forgive,宾语是him。句子大意是“亲爱的Helen,请原谅他的无理,可以吗?”第二步:1A是个动词原形,用作祈使句的谓语,无错。2B是个介词,源自短语“forgive sb.for sth.”(原谅某人做了某事)。此处无错。3C是个名词,无错。4D是个反意疑问结构,祈使句的反意疑问句一般用“willyou”,所以此处错误。第三步:答案是D。5. He invited me to go to a party and I did not want to join him that evening.A B C DA. A B. B C. C D. D知识

6、点:Identification1学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:C。解题步骤:第一步:本句有两个分句组成,中间用and连接。第一个分句的主语是he,谓语动词是invited,宾语是me。第二个分句的主语是I,谓语是did not want。本句大意是“他邀请我去参加一个宴会,但是那天晚上我不想和他在一起”。第二步:过滤错误1A是动词谓语,和主语搭配没有错误,时态用过去式也没有错误。2B是不定式作宾语补足语,符合invite的习惯搭配“invite sb. to do sth.”(邀请某人做某事)。3C这个连词的意思是“并且”, 用来连接两个句子。根据第一步的分析

7、,我们知道句中的两个分句是转折的关系,所以此处用“and”不对,应该改用“but”。4D源自“want to do”(想要做某事),所以无错。第三步:答案是C二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. Last week, Bill Gates retired from full-time work at the worlds biggest computer software company, Microsoft. He will remain chairman of the company he established with Paul Allen in nineteen seven

8、ty-five. Mister Gates leaves Microsoft at a time of change in the computing industry. Microsoft grew at a time when personal computers, or PCs, were replacing big mainframe computers as the main computing tools. He showed that huge profits could be made in software as PCs increasingly were found on

9、every desk and in every home. Now, free Internet software threatens to replace PC-based software. Devices like smart phones connect people to the Internet. Google has become a leader in Internet Web searching and advertising. Microsoft has struggled to change with the new computer environment. Its e

10、fforts to sell music and its latest operating system, Vista, have not been big successes. And an attempt this year to buy Yahoo for over forty-seven billion dollars failed. In the last several years, Bill Gates has slowly given control of Microsoft to others. In two thousand, he gave the job of chie

11、f executive officer to Steve Ballmer, a friend of his since their years at Harvard University. Mister Ballmer has been with Microsoft since nineteen eighty. (203字)1. What is Microsoft?A. a software companyB. a phone companyC. an internet companyD. a PC company2. Which of the following is not true ab

12、out Microsoft?A. It was set up in 1975.B. It was set up by Gates and Paul Allen.C. It was set up by Gates, Paul Allen, and Steve Ballmer.D. It is the largest of its kind in the world.3. The underlined word “PC” in paragraph two is closest in meaning to _.A. big mainframe computerB. softwareC. person

13、al computerD. computing industry4. In order to cope with the new computer environment, Microsoft has done the following except_.A. selling music B. selling the latest operating systemC. buying Yahoo D. Both A and B5. Choose the best title for this passage.A. Bill Gates B. Microsoft C. Bill Gates and

14、 Microsoft D. the Computer Industry1. 1. What is Microsoft? A. a software company B. a phone company C. an internet company D. a PC company 2. 2. Which of the following is not true about Microsoft? A. It was set up in 1975. B. It was set up by Gates and Paul Allen. C. It was set up by Gates, Paul Al

15、len, and Steve Ballmer. D. It is the largest of its kind in the world. 3. 3. The underlined word “PC” in paragraph two is closest in meaning to _.A. big mainframe computer B. software C. personal computer D. computing industry 4. 4. In order to cope with the new computer environment, Microsoft has d

16、one the following except_. A. selling music B. selling the latest operating system C. buying Yahoo D. Both A and B 5. 5. Choose the best title for this passage.A. Bill Gates B. Microsoft C. Bill Gates and Microsoft D. the Computer Industry 试题分值:50.0得分:10, 10, 10, 10, 10提示:1. 题目问“Microsoft(微软)是什么?”此题

17、很简单,众所周知微软是软件公司,所以选A。这是个细节题,答案在课文第一段的第一句有提到。2. 本题题目问“关于微软公司,下列哪个说法不正确?”本题是细节题,所以先得浏览一下选项。A的意思是“微软成立于1975年。”第一段的最后一句提到微软确实成立于1975年。B的意思是“微软是由Gates和Paul Allen建立的。”第一段的最后一句提到了这一点。C的意思是“微软是由Gates、Paul Allen和Steve Ballmer共同建立的。”要想判断这个选项的正确与否,首先得在课文中找到Steve Ballmer这个人名。我们发现这个人名出现在最后一段中。该段最后一句说道“Ballmer先生自

18、从1980年就来到了微软。”从这里可知Ballmer先生并非微软创始人之一,所以C是不对的。D的意思是“微软是世界第一大软件公司。”3. 本题题目问“第二段下划线的单词PC和下面哪个意思最相近?”这是个词汇题。词汇题的解题思路是看看该词汇出现的句子,以及该句子的前后句。一般让你猜测词义的词汇在原文中或者有同位语解释,或者有同义词解释,或者有反义词进行比较,或者有实例进行说明。这样我们先读一下PC出现的句子,即第二段的第二句,该句大意是“微软的发展是在个人电脑即PC替代了大型计算机作为主要的计算工具的时期。”所以,答案就是C。4. 题目问道“为了应付新的电脑市场的大环境,微软公司做了很多事情,除

19、了下面哪一个?”这个题目是细节题,中心词是“the newcomputer environment”。经过中心词定位,发现答案在第三段的中间部分。该段大意是“免费的网络软件对微软的软件提出了挑战。为了迎接新的电脑市场大环境,微软公司努力售卖音乐和最新的操作平台Vista,但是效果不大。今年曾试图用470亿美元收购Yahoo,但是失败了。”据此可知答案是C。5. 题目让我们给文章起个名字。起名子的问题属于文章中心思想类型的题目,我们的办法是阅读每段的第一句话。读后我们发现文章对Gates和Microsoft着墨都挺多的,所以答案是C。三、单项选择题(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. It see

20、ms to me that I have been _ my duty.A. overlooking B. concealing C. neglecting D. ignoring 知识点:Choice5学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选C,题目大意是“似乎一直以来我都在忽视自己的责任”。neglect:pay no attention to; give no or not enough care to 忽视, 疏忽,玩忽,不顾,漏做,遗忘1. He neglectedto write and say “thank you”.他忘记写并说“谢谢你”了。2. N

21、o one trustsBob, for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty. 没有人相信鲍勃,因为他从不守时,而且经常玩忽职守3. If you arenot careful, children tend to neglect their homework.如果你不注意的话,孩子们往往会不重视他们的家庭作业。4. Hed giventoo much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her.他为事业付出太多,长时间地工作,忽视了她。2. I wrote to ask him h

22、ow he was getting along _ his colleagues.A. with B. in C. to D. on 知识点:Choice5学生答案:A;标准答案:A得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我写信问他和同事相处得怎么样”。get along with:have a friendly relationship with 与友好,与和睦相处1. The girl wasvery easy to get along with.这女孩很容易相处。2. How do youget along with your co-workers?您与同事的关系如何?

23、3. He gets alongwith his colleagues.他与同事关系相处的非常融洽。4. The projectteam member responsible for this part of the project does not get along withthe subcontractor.负责项目这部分的项目团队成员与这个分包商的关系也不好。3. Youll never _ anything if you spend your time that way!A. amount for B. accommodate with C. amount to D. accuse

24、of 知识点:Choice5学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选C,题目大意是“如果你这样荒废时光,你将一事无成”。amount to:achieve success,develop into;be equal to有成就,发展为;等于;总计1. Her answeramounted to a refusal.她的回答等于是拒绝。2. He is lazy when he should study hard. Iam afraid he will amount to nothing.他懒于用功学习,恐怕将会一事无成。3. If you are sogood to

25、 her without ever wanting to marry her, that will amount to runningher through the guts.如果你对她这么好而又不打算和她结婚,这不就等于在折磨她吗?4. I hope you will not _ his work.A. communicate with B. compare with C. interfere with D. live with 知识点:Choice5学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选C,题目大意是“我希望你不要妨碍他的工作”。interfere with:

26、hinder, affect, interrupt (指事件,环境等)妨害;妨碍; 干扰1. interferewith childrens education妨碍孩子们的学业2. My headachedoesnt interfere with my work.我的头痛不会妨碍我工作。3. I kept thedoor and the window shut lest the noise outside should interfere with mysons sleep.我关上了门窗,以免外面的噪音影响我儿子的睡眠。5. _ and they will take a mile.A. Giv

27、e them an inch B. As Giving them an inch C. To give them an inch D. Give an inch them 知识点:Choice5学生答案:A;标准答案:A得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:解析:该题选A,题目大意是“得寸进尺,指一些人贪心不足”。本句结构是“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”,其中前半部分的“祈使句”相当于if引导的条件句,后半部分的陈述句用一般将来时,此结构表示“如果,就会”。例如:1. Give us the tools and we will finishthejob in two days.如果给我们工具,我们就会在两天内完成任务。2. Fail to pay and they will cut off theelectricity. 你如果不付款,他们就会断电。3. Tell us what to do and well get onwithit. 你如果告诉我们怎么干,我们就继续干下去。

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