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1、熟词多义高中英语熟词生义普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明中的词汇表是命题人的主要依据,而这个词汇表只提供了英语单词或短语的拼写形式,未有词性和词义。这就给命题人提供了广阔的活动空间,给他们减少了很多限制,但却给考生增加了几倍的难度。因为英语中的一词多义多性现象是普遍存在的。例如:2001年全国卷中第26题: We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it_ very well Aworked out Btried out Cwent on Dcarried on 正确答案为A。此处work out的词义为“(情况)发展”、“进行”。其余干扰项

2、的干扰作用都很大。如果没有完全掌握work out的含义,根本无法选定这个选项,更何况,我们的课本根本未有把work out作“(情况)进展”、“进行”解释过。单选题如此,阅读理解、完形填空等题中熟词生义现象更是比比皆是。为了能使我们广大考生顺利通过考试,我们将根据考试说明的词汇表,按照字母顺序举例解析我们常见常考的熟词生义。 A1about prepadv到处(美)around (熟义:关于) We spent the whole afternoon walking about town我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去。 2accept vtvi同意(接受别人的观点,看法) (熟义:接受)

3、Tom accepted her explanation汤姆同意她的解释。 认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。 3act vi起作用 (熟义:行动) It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 4add vt接着说,又说 (熟义:加) “They dont know”he added“他们不知道。”他接着又说。 5address vt称呼 (熟义:地址,写地

4、址) The president should be addressed as“Mr President”总统应称为“总统先生”。 直接向说 向发表演说 She turned to address the man on her left她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。 He is going to address the meeting in a minute他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 6admit vt允许进入 容纳 (熟义:承认) The servant opened the door and admitted me(into the house)仆人打开门,并请我进去。 The the

5、atre only admits 1,000persons这个剧场只能容纳一千人。 7against prep衬着,迎着,*着 (熟义:反对,违背) The picture looks good against the white wall这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看。 8agree with 与一致,协调,适合 (熟义:同意) Your story agrees with what I heard你讲的与我所听到的一致。 Long plane trips dont agree with me我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。 9air v抒发,倾诉,播送 (熟义:n空气) Dont air yo

6、ur troubles too often不要经常发牢骚。 10at all 真的,确实 (熟义:常与not连用,构成not at all:不用谢,一点也不。) If it is at all foggy,I shall not go out如果真的有雾,我就不出去。 This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all 这真的是我第一次出国。 11arm n武器v武装 (熟义:n手臂) Lay down your arms or well fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! 12attend vtvi看护,治疗 (熟义:出

7、席) DrParia Lal attends himParia Lal医生在治疗他。 If you go out,wholl attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿? B 13back vt支持 (熟义:n背) Many of his friends backed his plan他的许多朋友支持他的计划。 14badly adv迫切 (熟义:坏) The boy badly wants a new bike这男孩非常想要一辆新自行车。 15before conj才;就 (熟义:以前) It was a long time before I got to sleep a

8、gain过了很久我才再睡着。 I hadnt waited long before he came我没有等多久,他就来了。 16break down(计划)失败,坚持不下去 熟义:(机器等)坏了 All our plans broke down我们所有的计划都破灭了。 17bring v引起 (熟义:带来) The cries brought the neighbours running哭声使邻居跑了过来。 18build n身材,体型 (熟义:v修建) The football player has a solid build足球运动员体格健壮。 C19can n罐头vt做成罐头 (熟义:能

9、) Mother cans fruit妈妈把水果做成罐头。 20cause n事业 (熟义:n起因,v引起) The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。 21chance n可能性v碰巧 (熟义:机会) There is a chance that I will see him可能我会遇见他。 We chanced to be out when she called当她打电话时,我们恰好不在家。 22come back 重新流行 顶嘴 回想起来 (熟义:回来) Do you think long dre

10、sses will ever come back? 你认为长裙子还会再流行吗? He came back at her with a nasty remark他以恶毒的语言回击她。 Its suddenly to come back where I saw you last突然,我想起上次我在什么地方见过你。 23come in开始流行;上市;上台执政;承担(任务) (熟义:进来) This style is certain to come in this year今年这种款式肯定流行。 If the Workers Party comes in at the next election a

11、lot of industry will be state-owned如果工人党下届上台执政,许多工业都将收为国有。 Here is the plan of attack,and this is where you come in这是我们的攻击计划,这是你要执行的任务。 e on 进行,进展;开始(下雨);上映,上演,举行 (熟义:快过来) How has he come on at school this year?他今年学业进展如何? The rain has just come on雨刚开始下。 The next exam comes on in early summer下次考试将在夏初

12、进行。 e out 出版;开花;结果(如何) (熟义:出来) Everything will come out all right一切都会好的。 pany n有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数) (熟义:公司) You may know a man by the company he keeps.你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人。 He came in company with a group of girls他是和一群女孩子来的。 27.concert n协作,一致vt商议 (熟义:音乐会) The various governments decided to act in concert

13、 over this matter各级政府决定互相配合处理此事。 The team made a concerted effort to win the game这支球队齐心协力力争赢这场比赛。 28.cost vt使失去(生命、健康等) (熟义:花费;值) The patients dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night病人的危险状态使医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。 29.count vi重要;vt认为 熟义:数(数目) Every minute counts每分每秒都重要。 On the wh

14、ole she counted herself a fortunate wife总的说来,她自认为还是一个幸运的人。 30.cover v走完(一段路),够付(费用),看完(多少页书);涉及;报导(熟义:覆盖) Here is 5;that should cover all your expenses这儿有5英镑,应该够付你所有的开支。 练习:将下列句子译成汉语。 1The new theory became widely accepted 2The brake wouldnt act,so there was an accident 3The President gave an addres

15、s to the nation over thd radio 4This ticket will admit three to the film 5The national flag stands out brightly against the blue sky 6Do it well if you do it at all 7It wasnt long before his new car broke down 8This type of suit doesnt agree with your build 9It chanced that the rain came on when we

16、started out 10I came out first in this exam 11I have company this evening 12The teacher asked the students to read the text in concert 13Careless driving cost him his life 14For businessmen what counted was money 15Hospitals receive 10,000per donor to cover the costs of the operating room,doctors, a

17、nd nurses(自2002北京春季高考阅读题E篇) D31deal with与做生意;与来往论及 (熟义:处理;对付) Do you deal with Sm ith,the butcher?你与肉商史密斯有生意往来吗? 32desert vt离开,抛弃n应得的赏罚 (熟义:沙漠) We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut 我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。 33date A日期 B追溯 C枣子 D约会 The ancient temple has a long history and can date back to the year

18、1890ADHow wonderful it is! Which one is the correct meaning of the word“date”?_ 34depend A依* B信赖 C视情况而定 When will the sports meet be held? It dependsI have no idea now W hich one is the correct m eaning of the word“depend”?_ 35develop A染上 B发展 C冲洗 D开发 (熟义:发展;开发)It is really a bad news that after his

19、father died last year his mother develops a terrible disease this year!How sad he is now! Which one is the correct meaning of the word“develop”?_ 36do A做 B将就 C.(表示强调)真地 D行 (熟义:做,制作)Which do you prefer,coffee or tea? Either will doIt makes no difference for me Which one is the correct meaning of the

20、second“do”?_ 37draw A打平 B吸引 C吸取 D画 (熟义:画)Ladies and gentlemen,may I draw your attention to me?I have an important announcement to make. Which one is the correct meaning of the word“draw”?_ 38drive A使 B驾驶 C驱赶 D精力 (熟义:驾驶) Do you have any idea what has driven him mad? Which one is the correct meaning o

21、f the word“drive”?_ (the key: 33-38 BCADBA) E39easy adj舒适的,安分的,轻松的 (熟义:容易的) Now we are leading an easy life现在我们过着舒适的生活。 40escape v被忘记 (熟义:逃走) His name escaped me for the moment我一时想不起他的名字了。41eat ones words 收回前言,认错道歉(切勿望文生义,解为“食言”) He boasted that he would throw me downstairs;but I made him eat his wo

22、rds他吹嘘说他要把我抛下楼去,但我叫他收回他的话了。 42example n警告 (熟义:例子,榜样) Let this be an example to you这便是给你的警告。 43employ A雇佣 B使用 C采取 My father employs more people during the harvest Which one is the correct meaning of the word“employ”?_ 44end A终点 B结局 C终止 At last,the war ended with the Englishmen winningThe Frenchmen ha

23、d only controlled one province of Canada Which one is the correct meaning of the word“end”?_ 45enter A进入 B加入 C开始 D报名 Have you entered yourself for the sports meet to be held next week? Which one is the correct meaning of the word“enter”?_ 46equal A相当的 B比得上 C等于 Nothing can equal the pleasure of drink

24、ing a cold drink on a cold summer day Which one is the correct meaning of the word“equal”?_ 47even A有规律的 B平坦的 C甚至 D公平的 Everything is evenly arranged at present Dont be too worried Which one is the correct meaning of the word“even”?_ 48excuse A免除 B借口 C原谅 Living in the country can excuse you from the

25、worry of the heavy traffic and the polluted environment Which one is the correct meaning of the word“excuse”?_ 49expect A预计 B盼望 C希望 The weather turns out far better than we expectedNow we have got used to it Which one is the correct meaning of the word“expect”?_ 50experience A经验 B经历 C遭受 Now that you

26、 have experienced such an adventure before,you must be able to do with it Which one is the correct meaning of the word“experience”?_ 51express A明确的 B高速的 C表达 n快车 (熟义:v表达)It was in that express way that the traffic accident happened Which one is the correct meaning of the word“express”?_ His express w

27、ish was that you should come here by express train他明确的愿望是要你乘快车来52extra A额外的 B非常 C额外的事物 The workers will get some extra pay if they work extra hours Which one is the correct meaning of the word“extra”?_ ( the key to 43-52 ACDBAAABBA)F53fail v不足,缺乏;忽略 (熟义:失败,不及格) Our water supply failed我们供水不足了。 He nev

28、er fails to write to his mother every month他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。 54familiar adj密切的,亲密 (熟义:熟悉) Are you on familiar terms with Tom?你和Tom交情好吗? 55family n子女 (熟义:家) Has he any family?他有子女吗? 56far from 远远不是 (熟义:离远) The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success这个展览远远不是失败;而是十分成功的。 57figure v认为,想象 (熟义:n数字;雕塑,人物) She figured that she would be next她认为她可能就是下一个。 I couldnt figure out what he meant我不明白他是什么意思。 58fine vn罚款 (熟义:adj好的,晴朗的) He was fined 200他被罚了200美元。 59flood n大量的东西;vt大量而来,充满 (熟义:洪水) I received a flood of letters this morning今天早

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