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本文(广东省天河区届高考英语二轮复习语法精讲精炼非谓语动词13新.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省天河区届高考英语二轮复习语法精讲精炼非谓语动词13新非谓语动词精讲精炼13 551.Do I have to take all this medicine? It _ so terrible.A. tastes B. is tasting C. is tasted D. has tasted答案 A552._ in the countryside made Mr. Wilson very hardworking when he was still young.A. Bringing up B. Being brought up C. Having brought up D. Brough

2、t up答案 B553.A good knowledge of English is helpful if you are devoted to English literature.Abe studied Bstudy Cstudied Dstudying答案 D554.April 12, 1846, was chosen as the day when all should be ready to start. We left with a group of 45 wagons.A. to travel B. travelled C. travelling D. travel 答案 C55

3、5.This is an illness that can result in total blindness if _.A. leaving untreated B. left untreatedC. leaving to be untreated D. left untreating答案 B556.Would you like to help me clean my house now?Sorry, I cant help _ your house because Im busy repairing mw bike?A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D.

4、 being cleaned答案 A557.The comments the expert made _ stock-market bothered him greatly, _ him not fall asleep all night.A. be concerned, which made B. concerned, makingC. concerning, making D. to be concerning, made 答案 C558. as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A. Being publis

5、hed B. Publishing C. Published D. To be published答案 C559.Even today I still remember the great fun we had _ games on the beach in those happy days. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played 答案 C560.The man lay under a tree eating something, and seeing a dog running to him, _ up in no time.A. to stand

6、B. stood C. standing D. would stand答案 B561.The tall waterfalls and green mountains are a splendid sight when _ from the valley bottom. A. viewing B. viewing them C. viewed D. view答案 C562.I wont go to his birthday without _. A. inviting B. being inviting C. invited D. to be invited答案 B563.Charlie sto

7、od on the top of the mountain, the sun in the east ( )Awatched; rising Bwatching; raised Cto watch; arise Dwatching; rising答案 D564.The great difficulty I had _ the patient who received a serious wound was unimaginable. A. treat B. to treat C. treating D. treated答案 C565.The worldwide financial crisis

8、 set people _why so many banks and companies are left _ down one by one.A. thinking, closing B. thinking, to be closedC. to think, closing D. to think, closed答案 A566.When _ about how to choose a proper car for personal use, he advised me to ask Mr. Li.A. consulting B. he consulted C. consulted D. ha

9、ving consulted答案 C567.The cancer risks _smoking have been well documented. A. associating with B. involved with B. involving with D. associated with答案 D568._ news came _ the H1N1Flu was spreading among children. A. Disturbing; that B. Disturbed; which C. Disturbing; which D. Disturbed; what答案 A569._

10、 by his parents for long, John feels sad in the heart though he appears _ bothered about it.A. Being ignored; not to be B. To be ignored; to have not been C. Ignored; not to be D. Ignoring; not being答案 C570.We are _ to talk loudly in the dormitory when others are taking a noon-break.A. supposed B. s

11、upposing C. not supposed D .not supposing答案 C571.I must remember_ John that the garden needs _Areminding; watering Bto remind; wateringCreminding; to water Dto remind; to water答案 B572.It rained nonstop for ten days , completely our holiday.A. to ruin B. ruined C. having ruined D. ruining答案 D573. fro

12、m space, the earth, with water seventy percent of its percentage, looks a “blue ball”.A. Seen; coveredB. Seeing; coveringC. Seeing; covered D. Seen; covering答案 A574.This novel is set in the highly developed city, Shanghai, so once _, it will capture the hearts and minds of many ambitious youths. A.

13、publishes B. having publishedC. publishing D. published答案 D575.With all the magazines I needed _, I left the post office.A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. to be bought答案 C576.Every year, a great many visitors come to visit the temple_ the 12th century, _ has brought a large income. A. dating from; wh

14、ich B. dated from; whichC. which dates from; that D. which dated from; which答案 A577._ for nearly an hour at the airport, they were all unusually hungry.A. Having waited B. Wait C. To wait D. To have waited答案 A578.A 3G mobile phone, _to be most useful and fashionable, is popular with some teenagers.A

15、. consider B. considering C. considered D. to be considered答案 C579.The latest survey, by , found more than 12 percent of teenagers want to work as pilots. Ato be carried out Bbeing carried out Ccarried out Dhaving been carried out答案 C580.Why do you look worried?There are so many problems .A. remaini

16、ng to settle B. remained settlingC. remaining to be settled D. remained to be settled答案 C581.They will show ten topics from using clean energy _ the environment and give you a chance to make your own choice.A. to protect B. to protecting C. protecting D. protected答案 B582.After a years training, they

17、 were made entirely used _ under water.A. to stay B. to staying C. staying D. stay答案 B583._ so delicious, the food in this market was sold out soon.A. Tasting B. Tasted C. Having been tasted D. Being tasted答案 A584.When the customer caught the shop owner _ him, she stopped _ things there and started

18、dealing with another shop.A. cheating; to buy B. to cheat; buying C. cheating; buying D. to cheat; to buy答案 C585.All the species showed a clear relationship with those of America, _from the continent by about 600 miles.A. though separated B. unless separatedC. though separating D. once separated答案 A

19、586.Alcohol is also classified as a downer, and although it is legal, it can damage the liver and do great harm if in large quantities. A. consume B. to consume C. consuming D. consumed答案 D587.The construction of an economic zone to the west coast of the Taiwan Straits, _ at present, will surely sti

20、mulate (刺激)the declining economy on both sides of the Straits. Ato be discussed Bbeing discussed Cdiscussed Ddiscussing答案 B588.Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug had no side effect.Awhen taken Bwhen taking Cwhen to take Dwhen to be taken答案 A589._ in the warm sunlight, I soon

21、 fell asleep on the sunny beach.A. Bathe B. To bathe C. Bathed D. Bathing答案 C590.The young man sat back in his sofa, _ with what he had worked out to do with the remaining work. A. having satisfied B. being satisfied C. To be satisfied D. satisfied 答案 D591.I found him sitting in his chair, completel

22、y a magazine. A. absorbing B. being absorbed inC. absorbed in D. absorbing in答案 C592.He wrote me a letter, _ that he would come by and by.A. to say B. said C. being said D. saying答案 D593.All her time _ experiments, she has no time for films. A. devoted to do B. devoted to doingC. devoting to doing D

23、. is devoted to doing答案 B594.Did you regret _ your opinion that we should stay at home on Sunday? A. to put up B. to put forward C. putting up D. putting forward答案 D595.We waited and waited, and the exciting moment we were looking forward to at last. Acome Bcame Ccoming Dhad come答案 B596.The recent s

24、tories in this magazine, _ one of yours, have been _ in the list of the best ones. A. include, include B. including, including C. including, included D. included, included答案 C597. What made Rodger so upset?_ three tickets for the football match.A. Lost B. Losing C. Because of losing D. Since he lost

25、答案 B598.We were unlikely to avoid _ by the stormy weather. A. being affected B. to be affected C. affecting D. to affect答案 A599._ the best in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships _21,000 dollars. A. Judged; totaling B. To be judged; totaled C. Having judged; to

26、total D. judging; would total答案 A600.Fran is gaining valuable experience_ with her fathers firm in London. A. to work B. having worked C. working D. worked答案 C601.The medical team left the village with great satisfaction, a lot of local villagers Atreating Bto treat Ctreated Dhaving treated答案 D602.I

27、m afraid well have to work extra hours for there are still some problems _. A. remaining to settle B. remaining to be settledC. remained to talk about D. to remain to discuss答案 B603.Suddenly, a man driving a motor car_ the girls bag and took it away, _into the darkness. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappeared C. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing答案 D604.Cultural differences _ into consideration in communication, we can avoid some unexpected consequencesAtake Btaking Ctaken Dbeing taken答案 C

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