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1、第三讲九年级英语unit12Lifeisfulloftheunexpected课文知识点详解第三讲Unit12. Life is full of the unexpected课文知识点详解Section A. 1.Life is full of the unexpected. 生活充满了意外。(标题)【解析1】be full of = be filled with充满,装满Our life is _chances, but there are also a lot of challenges.(充满) The box is_(装满) books.( ) On hearing the news,

2、 her heart was _ gratitude. A. filled of B. full with C. filled with D. fill with【莱芜】77. If you read a lot, your life will be full _ pleasure. A. by B. of C. for D. With【辽宁丹东】Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of ( ) So she is. because she takes a lot of exercise every day. A. knowledge B. c

3、ourage C. change D. energy【 解析2】 unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的the unexpected “意外的事情”“出乎意料的事”。the adj.表示一类人或事物。英语中,有些形容词与定冠词the连用,表示一类人或事物,在句子中起名词的作用。如:the homeless (无家可归者) the disabled(残疾人)The old should be taken good care of by the government.老年人应该被政府好好照顾It will not be unexpected if Tom comes late ag

4、ain, because he is always like this.如果汤姆又迟到了,一点也不意外,因为他一向如此。【2014甘肃白银】 The girl is greatly interested in the song. The lyrics of it _ her thoughts and feelings. A. express B. discuss C. expect D. imagine2.By the time I got up, my brother _already _ in the shower. (1b) 我起床时,我弟弟已经进入浴室了。3. By the time

5、I got outside, the bus had already left. 当我出来时,公共汽车已经离开了。 (1b)【解析】 by the time 在以前,指从过去的某一点到从句所示的时间为止,常引导表示过去的时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词。如:By the time I got up, he had already left. 当我起床时,他已经离开了。By the time I _(walk) into the classroom, the teacher _(start) _(teach) already. By the time I got outs

6、ide , the bus _already _(leave).( )_ the time I heard the noise ,it had already gone. A. By B. When C. At( ) By the time of last term, we _ all the lessons. A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. will finish【甘肃兰州】I overslept this morning. By the time I got to the train station, the train _

7、(leave).【山东枣庄】By the time I locked the door, I realized I _my keys at home. A. had repaired B. had changed C. had forgotten D. had left【拓展】by now 表示“到现在为止”,通常与现在完成时连用。By now I have collected 200 dolls. 到现在为止,我已收集了二百个布娃娃。4. When I got to school, I realized I _ my backpack at home.(1b) 当我到学校时我意识到我把书包忘

8、在家里了。【 解析】leave sth. +地点“把某物忘在某处”forget意为“遗忘某物”,指忘记一件具体的东西,但不能有具体的地点。Ileftmybookonthedesk.我把书忘在了桌 子上。Iforgotmyumbrellayesterday.我昨天忘了带伞。【辨析】leave 与forget的用法: (1) leave “ 遗留,落下,忘记带”,侧重指把某物或某人留在某个地方,后常跟地点状语;(2)forget “ 忘记”,侧重指忘记某件事情,后常跟to do (忘了要去做)或doing (忘了做过)。 【拓展】leave left left v 离开(1)leave sth +

9、地点 把某物遗忘在某地(2)leave for +地点 离开去某地(3) leave a message 留言 ask for leave 请假 leave school (中学) 毕业(4)leave one by oneself=leave sb alone 把某人单独留下【注意】英语中表示“把某物遗忘在某处”常用 leave + 地点,而不是forget+地点 如:Unluckily, I left my book at home不幸的是,我把书忘在家里了。【延伸】动词leave 的第三人称单数形式为leaves; 而名词leaf的复数也是leaves.【广西贵港】Lin Kai, ha

10、nd in your homework, please.Oh, sorry. I _ it at home this morning. A. was leaving B. has left C. will leave D. left【山东枣庄】By the time I locked the door, I realized I _my keys at home. A. had repaired B. had changed C. had forgotten D. had left【齐齐哈尔】Im sorry, Mr. Li. I _ my English homework at home.

11、Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow. A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring5. A: What happened? 发生了什么? (1c) B: I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower 我睡过头了。等我起来时,我哥哥已经在洗澡了。【解析】oversleep =sleep late v 睡过头sleep slept sleptoversleepoversleptov

12、erslept( ) What happened ? I _. A. oversleep B. oversleeped C. overslept( ) My alarm clock didnt go off, so I_.A. oversleep B. overslept C. oversleeping ( )I _ this morning and missed the early bus. A. overslept B. slept C. held D. caught 6.When I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backp

13、ack. (2b) 当我到家时我意识到我把钥匙忘在背包里了。【解析】leave 在此处做及物动词,“留下”。 “leave.地点”表示“把某物落/忘在某地”。如:I left my homework at home this morning.我今天早晨把作业忘在家里了。(1)leave 用作及物动词,其用法有表“离开”。leave.for.意为“离开某地前往某地”。如:The Greens will leave Beijing for London next week. 格林一家下星期离开北京去伦敦。表“剩下” How much time is there left? 还剩下多少时间?表“辞去

14、(工作等);脱离(组织等)”。如:Mary left school last year and she is working in a shop now.玛丽去年退了学,现正在一家商店工作(2)leave 也用作不及物动词,意为“去,出发”。如:Its time for us to leave.我们该走了注意:表示把某物落/忘在某地,不能用forget,要用leave。( ) - Boysandgirls!Please_your compositionsafterclass. - Oh,myGod!I_itathome. A.handin;forgot B.handin;left C.hand

15、out;forgot D.handout;left7.By the time I_(get) back to school, the bell_(ring). (2b)【解析】get back to school 意为“回到学校” 【解析】(1)get back to 后接表地点的名词,意为 “ 回到某地”; (2) get back to 后面接人,可引申为“回复某人的信件,电子邮件,电话”等;(3)get back 还可表示“ 回来,返回,拿回,取回”等含义。【广东佛山】We lost the way in the forest, and we didnt know. ( ) A.wher

16、e we get back B. when did we get back C. how we could get back8. Myalarmclockdidntgooff!我的闹钟没响。(2d)【解析】go off 发出响声, (闹钟)闹响 如:The alarm went off just now. 刚才警钟响了【短语】 go over 复习 go away 离开 go by (时间)过去 go for a walk 出去散步go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming去钓鱼/去买东西/去溜冰/去游泳例:( ) I was late today because

17、 my alarm clock didnt_A. run off B. go off C. give out D. give up 9.So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.(2d)【解析】 rush out 冲出去,冲出如:Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain.亨利冲出房间,消失在了雨中。 Julia rushed out and didnt return.朱丽叶冲了出去,再没回来。10.Carls day saw me on the s

18、treet and gave me a lift in his car. Carl的爸爸在街上看到我,捎了我一程。(2d)【解析】givesb.alift=givesb.aride/givearidetosb.“捎某人一程”,( ) The poor old woman was standing in the middle of the road and asked someone to _. A. give him a ride B. give her a ride C. enjoy a ride D. accept a ride( ) Tom drove by and gave me a

19、_ on the way home. A. flight B. Run C. walk D. lift 11. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.(3a)我正要去办公室时,我决定先喝一杯咖啡。【解析】be about to 忙于;即将做某事。侧重于表示动作马上就要发生,常与when引导的从句连用,但不与具体的时间状语连用。 ( ) Hurryup,Tom!Thetrainis_tostart. A.about B.with C.for D.At12.I went to my favorite coffee pla

20、ce even though it was two blocks east from my office. 我走向我最喜欢的咖啡馆,尽管它在我的办公室东面有两个街区远。(3a)【解析1】 even though 即使, 虽然, 尽管, 用于引导让步状语从句。( ) Idontlikevegetables_theyaregoodformyhealth. A.because B.eventhough C.afterall D.sothat【浙江丽水】_ Frank left school at 16, he still become a successful writer. A. Ever sin

21、ce B. In fact C. After all D. Even though【拓展】even if / even though/ though 三者都可以引导让步状语从句。Even if =even though“即使、纵然”引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握很大的事情though “虽然”,引出的从句叙述的是事实。I will try even if I may fail. 即使失败,我也要尝试一下。Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。注 though 和but 不能同时出现在句中。( )【江苏无锡4】On th

22、ose foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you _ it was at noon. B.because C.but D.though( )【河北】Eric arrived on time, _ it was the rush hour. A. although B. because C. while D. unless ( )【南京】_ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face. A. Because B. If C. Until D

23、. Though13.As I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound. 当我和其他的工作人员排除等候时,我听到了一声巨响(3a)【解析】wait in line with 意为“与排队等候”。 stand in line 站成一排cut in line 插队【解析2】sound n “声音;声响”。【辨析】sound, voice 与 noisesound 含义广泛,指一切可以听到的声音,包括有意听到的和无意听到的。如:At midnight he heard a strange sound. 半

24、夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。voice 指说话及唱歌的声音,多用于指人的嗓音。如:The girl has a beautiful voice.这个女孩有美丽的嗓音noise 特指噪音和吵闹声。 如:The noise of traffic kept me awake.交通的噪音使我睡不着。( )【烟台】Would you mind not_ noise? Alice is sleeping. Sorry, I didnt know. I_ she was awake. A. make, think B. making, thought C. making, think D. make, tho

25、ught ( )【甘肃白银】The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _ from the factory. A. voice B. noise C. music D. song14. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building. (3a) 我们难以置信地看着燃烧的建筑物升起的黑烟。【解析1】 stare v. 盯着看,凝视 (表示看得比较仔细,有时候也带有吃惊的意味去看,常与at, into连用。) 如:Dont stare

26、at me like that.别那样盯着我看。【解析2】in disbelief 不相信 ,疑惑, 怀疑如:Tamara stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head. 塔玛拉一边狐疑地盯着他看,一边摇着头。如:She looked at him in disbelief. 她全然不信地看着他。【解析3】above 1)prep (表示位置)在正上方;高于”。(与 below相对)如:Themoonisnowabovethetrees.月亮正位于树梢上。2)prep 表示在地位、级别、能力、资历、重要性等方面“超过”如:He is above me

27、 in every way. 他各个方面都比我强。3) adv. “在上面; (级别、数目等)更高; 更大;更多;在上文”。如:Seetheexamplesgivenabove.见上述例子。( ) Iceisnotoftenseenhereinwinterasthe temperature normallystays_zero. A.up B.down C.above D.below【拓展】above/over/on辨析【相同点】方位介词,“在之上”【不同点】1)above 着重指:在上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below.如:The sun rose above the hor

28、izon. 太阳升到了地平线上。2)over 表盖在上面或铺在上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under.如:Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。3). on 含有与表面相接触的意思。如:The book is on the desk.【扬州1】This problem is far _ me, Im afraid I cant work it out. Dont worry, we will help you. A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. Between【湖北鄂州She

29、 sold her treasures to cure her mothers illness, even though it was her own wishes. Its so kind _ her. A. against; of B. above; of C. on; for D. for; for 【解析4】burn v. 着火,燃烧(burnt, burnt / burned, burned) burning adj. 着火的;燃烧的如:He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。( ) Teachersareoftencompar

30、edto_candles. A.burnt B.isburning C.burns D.burning【拓展】burnaway烧掉burndown渐渐烧完 15. I felt lucky to be alive.我感到很幸运能活下来。(3a)辨析:alive, living, live与livelyalive活着,“活的,有生命的,还出气的可指人也可指物表语,后置定语, 宾补living活着, 尚在人间, 健在的指人或物定语或表语live活着的,活生生的指物,不指人定语lively活泼的,活跃,充满生气的可指人,也可指物定语、表语或宾补( ) 1. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest writer. H

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