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Unity3d1Learning the Interface中文翻译.docx

1、Unity3d1Learning the Interface中文翻译Learning the Interface(学习界面)First Launch(第一次运行)Lets begin learning Unity. If you have not yet opened Unity, you can find it inside Start-Programs-Unity on Windows, or Applications-Unity on Mac. The Unity Editor will appear. Take your time to look over the Unity Edit

2、or interface and familiarize yourself with it. The Main Editor Window is made up of several Tabbed Windows, called Views. There are several types of Views in Unity, each with a specific purpose. 让我们开始学习Unity。如果你还没有打开Unity,你可以在Windows里面找到开始-程序- Unity启动它,或者在Mac系统中通过Applications-Unity启动它。你自己可以观察Unity编辑

3、器界面并熟悉它。主编辑器窗口是由几个选项卡式窗口组成,称之为视图。在Unity中,有不同类型的特殊用途的视图。Project View(项目视图)Every Unity project contains an Assets folder. The contents of this folder are presented in the Project View. This is where you store all the assets that make up your game, like scenes, scripts, 3D models, textures, audio files

4、, and Prefabs. If you right-click on any asset in the Project View, you can choose Reveal in Explorer (Reveal in Finder on Mac) to actually see the asset itself in your file system. 每个Unity的项目包含一个资源文件夹。此文件夹的内容呈现在项目视图。这里存放着你游戏的所有资源,比如场景、脚本、三维模型、纹理、音频文件和预制组件。如果你在项目视图里右击任何资源,你都可以在资源管理器中(在Mac系统中是Reveal

5、in Finder)找到这些真正的文件本身。Important Note: You should never move project assets around using the OS since this will break any metadata associated with the asset. Always use the Project View to organize your assets.重要提示:不要使用操作系统来移动项目资源,因为这将破坏与资源相关的一些元数据。你应该始终使用项目视图来组织自己的资源。To add assets to your project, y

6、ou can drag any file from your OS into the Project View, or use Assets-Import New Asset. Your asset is now ready to be used in your game. For more information about working with assets, skip ahead to the Asset Workflow section of the manual. 要添加资源到你的项目中,你可以拖动操作系统的任何文件到项目视图,或者使用Assets-Import New Asse

7、t导入新资源。你的资源现在可以在你的游戏中使用了。如需更多使用资源的信息,直接跳到资源工作流程手册。Scenes are also stored in the Project View. Think of these as individual levels. For example, the Islands Scene loads by default when Unity first launches. To create a new Scene, use Control-N (Command-N on Mac). To save the current Scene into the Pr

8、oject View, use Control-S (Command-S on Mac). Some game assets need to be created from within Unity. To do this, use the Create drop-down, or right click-Create. 场景也存储在项目视图中。想想这些独特的层次。例如,Unity第一次启动时默认加载的“孤岛危机”场景。要创建新的场景,使用Ctrl+N(在Mac系统中使用Command-N),要在项目视图中保存当前场景,使用Ctrl+S(在Mac系统中使用Command-S)。有些游戏资源必须

9、从Unity内部建立。要做到这一点,使用Create下拉菜单,或通过右键然后点击- Create来创建。The Create drop-down(Create下拉菜单)This will allow you to add scripts, Prefabs, or folders to keep your project organized. You can rename any asset/folder by pressing F2 on Windows, or Enter on Mac, or with two paced clicks on the asset name. If you h

10、old the Alt key while you expand or contract a directory, all subdirectories will also be expanded or contracted. 这将允许你添加脚本、预制组件(想不出更好的名字了)、或文件夹让您的项目组织有序。你可以在Windows系统中按F2键(Mac系统中为回车)重新命名任何资源/文件夹,或通过在资源名字上两次点击(不是双击)来重命名。如果你按住Alt键的同时,展开或收起一个目录,所有子目录也将展开或收起。Hierarchy(层次结构视图)The Hierarchy contains ever

11、y GameObject in the current Scene. Some of these are direct instances of asset files like 3D models, and others are instances of Prefabs - custom objects that will make up much of your game. You can select and Parent objects in the Hierarchy. As objects are added and removed from the scene, they wil

12、l appear and disappear from the Hierarchy as well. 层次视图包含了每一个当前场景的游戏对象(GameObject)。其中一些是资源文件的实例,如3D模型和其他预制组件(完善你的游戏的自定义对象)的实例。您可以在层次结构视图中选择对象或者生成对象。当在场景中增加或者删除对象,层次结构视图中相应的对象则会出现或消失。Parenting(父对象)Unity uses a concept called Parenting. To make any GameObject the child of another, drag the desired chi

13、ld onto the desired parent in the Hierarchy. A child will inherit the movement and rotation of its parent. You can now expand and contract the parent to see its children in the Hierarchy without affecting your game. Unity使用父对象的概念。要想让一个游戏对象成为另一个的子对象,只需在层次视图中把它拖到另一个上即可。一个子对象将继承其父对象的动作和旋转属性。你在层次视图中展开和收

14、起父对象,可以看到其子对象,而不会影响你的游戏。(这句翻译感觉有点别扭)Two unparented objects(两个没有父对象的对象)One object parented to another(一个对象是另一个的父对象)To learn more about Parenting, please review the Parenting section of the Transform Component page. 要学习更多关于父对象的知识,请查看Transform Component page的关于父对象的部分。Toolbar(工具条)The Toolbar consists of

15、 five basic controls. Each relate to different parts of the Editor. 工具栏包括五个基本控制,每一个涉及到不同部分的编辑。Transform Tools - used with the Scene View 变换工具用于场景视图Transform Gizmo Toggles - affect the Scene View display 变换Gizmo(这个词是小物件、小玩意的意思,在这里不知道怎么翻译合适)开关影响场景视图中的显示Play/Pause/Step Buttons - used with the Game View

16、 运行/暂停/单步执行按钮用于游戏视图Layers Drop-down - controls which objects are displayed in Scene View 层 下拉菜单控制场景视图中选中对象的显示Layout Drop-down - controls arrangement of all Views 布局 下拉菜单控制所有视图的排列Scene View(场景视图)The Scene View(场景视图)The Scene View is your interactive sandbox. You will use the Scene View to select and

17、position environments, the player, the camera, enemies, and all other GameObjects. Maneuvering and manipulating objects within the Scene View are some of the most important functions in Unity, so its important to be able to do them quickly. 场景视图是你的交互式沙箱(?)。你可以使用它来选择和布置环境、玩家、摄像机、敌人和所有其他游戏对象。在场景视图中调动和

18、操作对象是Unity最重要的功能,因此,能够迅速掌握它们是非常重要的。Scene View Navigation(场景视图导航)See Scene View Navigation for full details on navigating the scene view. Heres a brief overview of the essentials: Hold the right mouse button to enter Flythrough mode. This turns your mouse and WASD keys (plus Q and E for up and down)

19、into quick first-person view navigation. Select any GameObject and press the F key. This will center the Scene View and pivot point on the selection. Use the arrow keys to move around on the X/Z plane. Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. Hold Alt and middle cl

20、ick-drag to drag the Scene View camera around. Hold Alt and right click-drag to zoom the Scene View. This is the same as scrolling with your mouse wheel. 要查看场景视图导航的全部详细资料请点击Scene View Navigation,下面是简要概述: 按住鼠标右键进入飞行穿越模式。旋转你的鼠标且使用WASD键(Q向上、E向下)进入快速的第一人称视角导航。(这句翻译也别扭,能明白意思就行) 选择任意游戏对象,然后按F键,所选择的物体将在场景视

21、图的中心位置显示。 使用方向键,将沿X/Z平面方向移动。 ALT+鼠标左键拖动使当前视野沿当前纵轴作圆周运动。 ALT+鼠标中键拖动可以拖动当前视野。 ALT+鼠标右键拖动可以缩放场景视野,这和你的鼠标滚轮作用相同。You might also find use in the Hand Tool (shortcut: Q), especially if you are using a one-button mouse. With the Hand tool is selected, 也许你已经发现了手形工具(快捷键:Q),尤其是当你使用单键鼠标时,下面是各种选中状态的含义:Click-drag

22、 to drag the camera around. 在场景中拖动视野。Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. ALT+鼠标左键拖动使当前视野沿当前纵轴作圆周运动。Hold Control (Command on Mac) and click-drag to zoom the camera.按住CTRL(Mac系统中为Command键)+鼠标左键拖动缩放当前视野。In the upper-right corner of the Scene View is the Scene Giz

23、mo. This displays the Scene Cameras current orientation, and allows you to quickly modify the viewing angle. 在场景视图右上角是场景小工具(Scene Gizmo)。这里显示场景摄像机的当前方向,你可以快速地变换视角。You can click on any of the arms to snap the Scene Camera to that direction and change it to Isometric Mode. While in Isometric Mode, you

24、 can right-click drag to orbit, and Alt-click drag to pan. To exit this mode, click the middle of the Scene Gizmo. You can also Shift-click the middle of the Scene Gizmo any time to toggle Isometric Mode. 你可以点击任意方向杆从而使场景摄像机朝那个方向而且变为等轴(等距)模式。在等轴模式中,您可以鼠标右键拖动作圆周,也可以按住Alt键拖动来平移。按Scene Gizmo的中心退出此模式。你还可

25、以按住Shift键单击Scene Gizmo的中心随时切换等轴模式。Positioning GameObjects(定位游戏对象)See Positioning GameObjects for full details on positioning GameObjects in the scene. Heres a brief overview of the essentials: 查看详情请点击Positioning GameObjects,下面是概述:When building your games, youll place lots of different objects in you

26、r game world. To do this use the Transform Tools in the Toolbar to Translate, Rotate, and Scale individual GameObjects. Each has a corresponding Gizmo that appears around the selected GameObject in the Scene View. You can use the mouse and manipulate any Gizmo axis to alter the Transform Component o

27、f the GameObject, or you can type values directly into the number fields of the Transform Component in the Inspector. 建立你的游戏时,你会在你的游戏世界中放置许多不同的对象。要做到这一点必须使用工具栏的变换工具来调动、旋转和按比例缩放个别游戏对象,每个在场景视图中选中的对象都有一个对应的Gizmo,你可以用鼠标操作Gizmo轴来改变游戏对象的转换组件,也可以在检视视图中为转换组件的各字段直接输入数字。调动工具快捷键“W” 旋转工具快捷键“E” 缩放工具快捷键“R”Scene V

28、iew Control Bar(场景视图控制条)The Scene View control bar lets you see the scene in various view modes - Textured, Wireframe, RGB, Overdraw, and many others. It will also enable you to see (and hear) in-game lighting, game elements, and sound in the Scene View. See View Modes for all the details. 场景视图控制条可以

29、让你看到不同的视图模式纹理模式,线框模式,RGB模式,透视模式,等等,它也可以让你看到(听到)游戏中的灯光、游戏要素、声音等。点击View Modes查看视图模式的详情。Game View(游戏视图)The Game View is rendered from the Camera(s) in your game. It is representative of your final, published game. You will need to use one or more Cameras to control what the player actually sees when th

30、ey are playing your game. For more information about Cameras, please view the Camera Component page. 游戏视图显示你最后发布游戏后的运行画面,你需要使用一个或多个摄像机来控制玩家在游戏时实际看到的画面。如需更多关于摄像机的信息,请查看Camera Component page。Play Mode(运行模式)Use the buttons in the Toolbar to control the Editor Play Mode and see how your published game w

31、ill play. While in Play mode, any changes you make are temporary, and will be reset when you exit Play mode. The Editor UI will darken to remind you of this. 使用工具条按钮控制运行模式来看看您发布的游戏如何运行。在运行模式下,任何更改都只是暂时的,它们将在退出运行模式时重置复位。提醒你一点,在运行模式下编辑界面会变暗。Game View Control Bar(游戏视图控制条)The first drop-down on the Game

32、 View control bar is the Aspect Drop-down. Here, you can force the aspect ratio of the Game View window to different values. It can be used to test how your game will look on monitors with different aspect ratios. 控制条的第一个下拉菜单是Aspect外观菜单,在这里,你可以强制游戏窗口为不同的长宽比,它可以用来测试游戏在不同长宽比的显示器中的不同情况。Further to the right is the Maximize on Play toggle. While enabled, the Game View will maximize itself to 100% of your Editor Window for a

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