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1、英语河北省邯郸市鸡泽县第一中学学年高二月考试题20152016学年度第二学期第二次月考高二英语试题 命题人:赵明磊说明:1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。2.将卷答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上,将卷答案答在答题纸上。卷 (选择题 满分100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。1. What can we learn from the conversation?A. John is going to give a speech.B. Joh

2、n wont come to the meeting.C. The woman doubts whether John will come.2. What are the speakers discussing?A. A book by a new author. B. A book they have both read.C. A book by an author they both know.3. Which is the woman going to choose next year?A. Extra sport. B. Cooking. C. Art.4. How is the wo

3、man getting along with her piano lessons?A. She is tired of them. B. She is making progress. C. She wants to give them up.5. Why did Mr. Green knock the girl down?A. He was driving fast. B. He didnt see the girl. C. He was drunk. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并

4、标在试卷的相应位置。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. When does the train arrive in Newcastle?A. 13:30, Tuesday. B. 13:30, Monday. C. 11:30, Tuesday.7. How much does the man have to pay for the ticket?A.40. B.25. C.15.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What kind of animal has been most commonly drawn in the cave?A. The horse. B. The bull. C.

5、 The fish.9. Why was the cave closed in 1963?A. The tourists had drawn pictures on the walls.B. Some pictures had been destroyed.C. Few people had visited the cave.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Which sport does the woman choose to do?A. Tennis. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.11. On what day will the woman come

6、 for the course?A. Monday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.12. What is the price for one lesson?A. 5. B. 3.75. C. 8.75.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long has the man worked at the hospital?A. For three years. B. For two years. C. For five years.14. What will the mans office pay during the course?A. His course fee

7、s. B. His living costs. C. His salary.15. How long does the part-time course last?A. For a whole year. B. For 18 months. C. For two years.16. Which course does the man choose?A. The full-time course. B. The part-time course. C. The modular course.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What do we know about Camp Alis

8、on?A. It is the oldest day camp in the UK.B. It has been operating for 20 years.C. It is operated by a company based in Australia.18. How long did it take Camp Alison to acquire ten sites in London?A. About 5 years. B. About 6 years. C. About 16 years.19. Why is it easy for Camp Alison to find sites

9、?A. There are many schools in the London area.B. Schools arent usually open in the summer.C. It has excellent sports equipment.20. What sometimes changes a day camp programme?A. A camp inspection. B. The weather. C. The directors plans.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B

10、、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AEvery day my husband parked his car in the same open-air car park in Zimbabwe. On this particular day, he had been running to his car with a pile of office papers under his arm. As he opened the car door, he suddenly lost control of his body. He felt a stabbing pain in hi

11、s arm, and became totally breathless and lost consciousness. As he fell down, half in, half out of the car, his last thought was “what a way to die”.A young woman getting into her own car in the deserted car park noticed what was going on and at once ran to my husbands aid, trying to bring his life

12、back. Realizing time was important, she tried to move my husband to her car, calling the guard at the gate.Fearing an ambulance would take too long to arrive, she felt it better to get to the hospital as quickly as she could. She raced through traffic lights sounding her cars horn and rushed into th

13、e hospital, calling out, “I have an unknown man here who I think is having a heart attack.”Having realized he was in capable hands, the woman returned to the car park, found his keys on the ground, collected his papers and piled them in the car. Having seen my husband come out of a certain building

14、each day, the security guard thought he knew where he worked. The young woman managed to locate his colleagues and they in turn contacted my niece, who waited for me to return home so she could break the news to me.After careful tests it turned out that my husbands disease had nothing to do with hea

15、rt. We were naturally eager to find the kind stranger who had come to his aid. After some weeks we discovered where the young woman worked. She was overjoyed when my husband walked into her office with a huge bouquet (束) of flowers. She said she required no thanks, and preferred to remain anonymous

16、(匿名的).We now live in a different country, but each Christmas my husband remembers her act of kindness and sends a gift. We regard every day of his life as a bonus, all thanks to this kind stranger.21. From the passage, we can infer that _.A. a heart attack hit the writers husband suddenlyB. there we

17、re few people in the park that dayC. the young woman was at a loss at firstD. the woman was fined for breaking the traffic lights22. Who told the writer the news of her husbands illness?A. The young woman. B. The security guard.C. The colleague of her husband. D. The writers niece.23. What might be

18、the most suitable title for the passage?A. The Gift of Life B. An Act of GratitudeC. The Attack of a Disease D. The Story of a Young WomanBWhats the weather like today? Harmful rays are dangerous even on cold, cloudy days. Sunscreen is important year-round protection no matter where you are. Remembe

19、r, youre being struck by the suns powerful rays when you are *walking on the street *playing on the ground *relaxing on the beach or pool*taking part in outdoor activitiesSun Veil Sunscreen can reduce the harmful effects of the sun. Sun Veil Sunscreen is guaranteed 100% effective or you will get a f

20、ull refund. Sun Veil Sunscreen provides long-lasting waterproof protection from the suns burning rays that will last for a full 6 hours in or out of water.Instructions: Apply Sun Veils disappearing blue-colored sunscreen to all exposed skin. The blue color disappears as you rub Sun Veil Sunscreen on

21、to the skin. The coloring is safe and easily washes from most clothing. For best results, allow Sun Veil Sunscreen to dry for 15-30 minutes before exposure to the sun.Warning: Discontinue use immediately, if the skin becomes painful or there are some red spots. Sun Veil Sunscreen is not recommended

22、for pregnant women and babies under the age of six months. If youre interested in our product, just order now! $20.00 for one bottle. There will be a 10% discount if you buy two at a time, and a 15% discount for three or more!24. Different activities are mentioned to show that Sun Veil Sunscreen is

23、_. A. popular with all the ages B. available wherever you are C. better than others on the market D. necessary whatever you do25. Sun Veil Sunscreen is a product which _. A. is suitable for people of all ages B. provides long-lasting waterproof protection C. can protect the skin for a whole day D. c

24、an be bought only online26. Which of the following statements is true about Sun Veil Sunscreen? A. When you apply this sunscreen to your skin, the blue color will disappear. B. If this sunscreen is ineffective, you can get half of your money back. C. It must be dry for one hour before you go outdoor

25、s. D. Its popular with all colored people.27. How much should you pay for Sun Veil Sunscreen in all, four bottles of it at first and one more bottle a week later? A. $51.00 B. $100.00 C. $69.00 D. $88.00CWhen you first arrive in Oxford, it may take a little while for you to find your way around. Som

26、e of the first things our students do when they arrive include finding a bike (most students in Oxford find cycling is the best way to go around), setting up a bank account, getting their computer and mobile phone working, finding their department, getting to know their college and working out the b

27、est places to socialize.One of the major events you will experience shortly after “coming up” to Oxford is matriculation. Matriculation is held at the Universitys Sheldonian Theatre and is the ceremony at which you are formally admitted to the university.International students are invited to an orie

28、ntation day at the start of the academic year. Sessions run throughout the day that will give you practical information about living and studying in the UK and introduce you to other graduate students from all over the world who are starting their studies at Oxford at the same time as you, as well a

29、s to current Oxford graduate students and staff who will be able to help and advise you. The day covers topics such as studying and learning in the Oxford system, University services, information on living in Britain and cultural differences, as well as addressing practical issues such as employment

30、, immigration and visas, health and safety. You can choose which talks to attend and at the end of the day there is a social hour so you can meet fellow students.Another good thing to experience early is college dining. Most colleges have a tradition of regular formal hall dinners, which consist of

31、three or four courses, and the atmosphere of an evening out in a nice restaurant. On some of these occasions you can invite people around to your college for dinner and then they may return the favor. In this way, you can get to know people studying your own and other subjects at the same time as vi

32、siting many of the historical college grounds and dining halls.28. For a newcomer to Oxford, what does he have to do first?A. To work out what to major in. B. To open a qq account.C. To get a bike to go around. D. To buy a new mobile phone.29. What is matriculation?A. A special day for International students to start academic year. B. A ceremony when studen

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