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1、四年级英语上册Unit1Thisismynewfriend教案1人教精通版2019年四年级英语上册Unit1Thisismynewfriend教案1人教精通版课题Lesson1课型新授课教学目标1. Linguistic Factors :Letters: A a-apple, B b-banana, C c-cake, D d-doughnut, E e-egg2. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters.3. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast res

2、ponse. 4. Moral Education: Get along well with others.重点1. Letters, new vocabulary and target language.2. Language functions.难点教具A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards. 多媒体教具PPT教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图3. 1、Warm-up1.Play the game: Guess the animals. (cat, monkey, dog, duck)2. Play the game:

3、 High and low voice.(To review the knowledge theyve learned before.3. Here I will say a word or a sentence in high voice, then the students should repeat it in low voice.But if I say a word or a sentence in low voice, they should repeat it in high voice.Words: this, my, etcSentences: Nice to meet yo

4、u. Glad to meet you. Good morning. EtcWords: cat dog, monkey, duck Sentences: Im Jim. etcT: Im Jim. S: 2、Presentation3. Practice(Write the new letters on the blackboard.)(Write the new words on the blackboard.)1. Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it.2. Here the teache

5、r will give the students some letter cards. Ask the students to say out some names of cities. Learn the letters: A a-apple, B b-banana, C c-cake, D d-doughnut, E eegg. (Use the letter cards.)2. Go on playing the game: High and low voice.Learn the new vocabulary “friend, again, America, China, Englan

6、d” and the target language “Nice to see you again. This is my new friend. Im from America.” in this game. (Use the word cards.)3. Learn the dialogue.2. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups.3. Get the students to act out the dialogue in role.Play a game: Where are you from? (A competition

7、 among the students.)板书设计Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 1 A a B b C c D d E e课后小记 由于学生三年级有一定的口语基础,老师自然而然的授课方式,让学生很容易接受。本课所学的国家名称学生基本上可以进行认读,目标达成。徐庄小学教师教学设计方案第 一 周 第 2 节 总编第 2 节课题Lesson 2课型新授课教学目标1.Linguistic Factors: Letters: F f-fruit, G g-grapes, H h-hot dog, I i-ice cream ,J jjuiceNew Vocab

8、ulary: Singapore, Canada, friends (3 skills) panda, bear, pig, rabbit, bird, mouse2. Target Language: Where are you from? Im from .Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night!3. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters. Learn to read and say the new dialogue.4. Intelligence Development: Dev

9、elop the ability for fast response.重点1. Letters, new vocabulary and target language.2. Language functions.难点Group work.教具A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards.多媒体教具教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warm-up2.Presentation1. Review the letters, words and drills theyve learned last lesson.Use the let

10、ter cards.Use the word cards.Write the new words on the blackboard.2. Act out the dialogues theyve made in role.1. Learn the letters: F f-fruit, G g-grapes, H h-hot dog, I i-ice cream , J jjuice.2. Learn the new vocabulary “Singapore, Canada, friends”.3. Learn some animals with ctions.(panda, bear,

11、pig, rabbit, bird, mouse)4. Learn the target language “Where are you from? Im from .”.3.practiceLets sing. Where are you from?1. Ask the students to listen to the tape recorder, and repeat after it.2. Let the students practice the dialogue in groups.3. Get the students to act out the dialogue in rol

12、e.板书设计Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 2 Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj课后小记 老师课堂语言的自然导入,自我介绍,为学生示范,让学生模仿去说,通过设定情景学习相关国家名称,和问答练习。本课目标基本达成。徐庄小学教师教学设计方案第 一 周 第 3 节 总编第 3 节课题Lesson 3课型新授课教学目标1. Linguistic Factors: Letters: K k-kangaroo, L l-lion, M m-monkey, N n-nest,O oowl New Vocabulary: boy, girl, student (3 ski

13、lls) Target Language: Fun story2. Task Activities: Learn to read and write the letters. Learn to read ,write the words and say the new dialogue.3. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response.重点1.Letters, new vocabulary and target language.2. Dialogue.难点Group work.教具A tape recorde

14、r, pictures and some letter cards.多媒体教具教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warm-up2. Presentation1. Review the letters, words and drills theyve learned last lesson.Use the letter cards.Write the new letters on the blackboard.Use the pictures.Write the new words on the blackboard.2. Act out the dialogues they

15、ve made in role.1. Learn the letters: K k-kangaroo, L l-lion, M m-monkey, N n-nest, O o-owl.2. Learn the new vocabulary “boy, girl, student”3. Learn the target language “Come on, boys. Have some fruit. Thank you.”.4. Learn the dialogue.3. PracticeLets play. Whos this boy/girl?Ask the students to lis

16、ten to the tape recorder, and repeat after it.Let the students practice the dialogue in groups.Get the students to act out the dialogue in role.板书设计Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 3 K k L l M m N n O o课后小记 伴随着“Where are you from?”的歌曲,开始了本课的教授,本课通过创设情境的方式,让学生学会如何询问人物。但He和She有个别同学还是不能很好地区分。还需巩固。徐

17、庄小学教师教学设计方案第 二 周 第 1 节 总编第 4 节课题Lesson 4课型新授课教学目标1 灵活使用Whats your father? 询问职业,并作简单问答。2 学习有关职业的词driver,teacher,farmer,正确听说认读。3. 学习字母:panda一Pp quailQq rabbitRr squirrelSs tigerTt,做到正确听、说、读、写。重点正确听、说、读、写字母:Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt难点正确听、说、认读新词:driver,teacher,farm教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1 Warm-up

18、2. Presentation2游戏Whats missing?教师拿出几张已学过的字母或单词卡片,教师拿走一张卡片1.老师提问Whos that boy?引导学生回答Its me2.教学生形容某一人物的表达法: Hes coolCool一般用于口语中,表示某人打扮时髦或表示感叹“棒极了”。1 唱歌曲Where are you from?学生仔细看10秒钟然后闭上眼睛,学生睁开眼辨认什么不见了。1. 表演第3课对话。2. 看图片 引出对家庭成员的介绍This is my father3. Practice3.教师介绍人物、地点和情景4出示图片学习新词,老师在黑板上范写学生认读5.玩I spy游

19、戏1. 猜职业。2.接龙游戏:Whats your fathermother? HeShe is.3.看第8页的图4.听录音两遍,说出对话内容。5. 听录音跟读,同位两个学生分别充当个角色,练习本课小对话。用Whats your father?造句练习,用所学过的词汇做替换练习,以巩固所学内容。6.学习字母:pandaPp quailQq rabbitRr squirrelSs tigerTt 字母读音:Pp/pi:,Qq/kju:,Rra:,Sses,nti:,注意字母q中/ju:的读音。学生分成小组,教师拿出一张职业图片,各组轮流派两名学生,一学生做与图片上的职业相关的动作,另一学生问Wh

20、at is heshe?其他组学生猜,猜对得分。练习Pp-Tt字母及包含这些字母的单词板书设计Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 4 Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt 课后小记 通过练习上节课询问人物名称,引入到本课对职业的询问,学生利用自己手中的图片进行本课的问答练习,本课目标基本达成。徐庄小学教师教学设计方案第 二 周 第 2 节 总编第 5 节课题Lesson 5课型新授课教学目标1. 灵活使用介绍他人及询问职业的用语。2. 学习有关职业的词:doctor,nurse,postman,做到正确 听、说、认读。3. 学习字母:uniformUu vestV

21、v watchWw boxXx yachtYy zebroZz,做到正确听、说、读、写。重点正确听、说、读、写字母:Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz难点正确听、说、认读新词:doctor,nurse,postman教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1. Warm-up2. Presentation2. 慢动作(Slow Motion)。教师把事先装入信封里的字母卡片或职业图片慢慢拿出,一次只让学生看卡片或图的一小部分。奖励第一个说出字母或词的学生。1. 启发学生:你长大了要当什么? (What will you be when you grow

22、 up?)教师解释各行各业同等重要。3. 复习第4课对话内容。请学生将自己编好的对话表演给大家看。学生给出各种职业,已学过的职业要用英语回答。3、Practice2. 通过表演,导入单词doctor,nurse与postman。如导入doctor一词时,教师可以捂着肚子说:Im not very well today走到一桌前坐下来,教师扮医生做出给病人把脉、写处方单等动作,然后说:Have two pills each time,twice a day Youll be OK做完后问学生:What am I?鼓励学生整体接受词汇,并适当重复3.看挂图或投影,听录音,学习本课对话。模仿语音语调

23、。4.两人一组,一学生拿人物及职业图片与另一学生进行对话: SA:Look,this is my uncle SB:Hes cool! Whats he? SA:Hes a postman5. 学习字母UuZz,注意字母读音 Uu/ju:,Vvvi:,Wwdablju:,XxeksYywai,Zzzed1.让一位学生从备好的小盒中抽出一卡片,然后做动作表示卡片上的职业,学生根据动作用英语猜职业,猜对有奖。2. 找朋友。学生分两组,一组拿图或字母大写形式,一组拿单词或字母小写形式,以最快速度配对。让学生体验英语单词的正确读音板书设计Unit 1 This is my new friend. Le

24、sson 5Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz课后小记 本课三、四会单词比较多,学生掌握起来有些难度,特别是doctor和driver特别容易混,在写的环节中学生对于”s”总是容易遗忘,在今后的学习中还有待于巩固。徐庄小学教师教学设计方案第 二 周 第 3节 总编第 6 节课题Lesson 6课型新授课教学目标4. 灵活使用Whats your father?My mother is TV reporter, Your father is a policeman.5. 复习学过的表示职业的单词。6. 根据标志物(动物,植物,人物,食物)的图片,准确说出它们所代表的国家。重点正确听、说、读、写字

25、母:Aa-Oo 难点正确听、说、认读三会单词。教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图3. Warm-up2. Presentation教师提出问题:(A)Whats Gao Weis mother?B)Whats his father?1. 看图片、做动作、说出表示职业的单词:pupil、 teacher、doctor、policeman、farmer、nurse、postman、driver2. 用句型Im from ChinaAmericaEnglandSingaporeCanada1.学生听录音2.学生很快听到答案: A TV reporter

26、。3.在听完最后录音之前让学生猜。学生可能说出Hes a teacherdoctor等答案。3、Practice学生听完最后一句后,就能给出正确答案His father is a policeman.1.教师把本单元所学过的表示职业的单词写成卡片2.教师提供某个国家标志性的图片(食物、植物、动物、人物)4.学生听录音,跟读课文两遍。5.学生以小组为单位,大量操练本课的新句型。6.分角色扮演该对话。让一个学生抽取一张,然后做动作。其他学生根据动作猜出该单词。然后以小组为单位依次进行比赛,看谁说得最快最准。学生猜出该国家让学生体验英语单词的正确读音板书设计Unit 1 This is my new

27、 friend. Lesson 6 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee FfGg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo课后小记 本课是本单元最后一课,通过这篇有趣的小故事,唤起了本单元学习的重点单词和语句。学生通过本单元学习,能够自主创编对话。附送:2019年四年级英语上册Unit1Thisismynewfriend教案1人教精通版课题Lesson1课型新授课教学目标1. Linguistic Factors :Letters: A a-apple, B b-banana, C c-cake, D d-doughnut, E e-egg2. Task Activities: Learn t

28、o read and write the letters.3. Intelligence Development: Develop the ability for fast response. 4. Moral Education: Get along well with others.重点4. Letters, new vocabulary and target language.5. Language functions.难点教具A tape recorder, pictures and some letter cards. 多媒体教具PPT教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意

29、图6. 1、Warm-up1.Play the game: Guess the animals. (cat, monkey, dog, duck)2. Play the game: High and low voice.(To review the knowledge theyve learned before.3. Here I will say a word or a sentence in high voice, then the students should repeat it in low voice.But if I say a word or a sentence in low voice, they should repeat it in high voice.Words: this, my, etcSentences: Nice

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