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1、英国文学史复习资料大二英语专业必考一作家作品连线 1.Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟 The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事),The Book of The Duchess(公爵夫人之书)、The Parliament of Fowls(百鸟会议)The House of Fame(声誉之堂)、Troilus and Criseyde(特罗勒斯与克丽西德)2.William Shakespeare莎士比亚Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, SonnetThe Merchant of Venice,Henry IV, Twelfth Night, King

2、 Lear,Macbeth Othello,Winters Tale,The Tempest3.Francis Bacon培根 Of Marriage and Single Life(论婚姻和单身), Of Studies,Advancement of Learning,New Atlantis,Essays4.John Donne邓恩 (Metaphysical poems玄学派诗人) Song and Sonnets(歌与十四行诗)The Good-Morrow,Break of Day, Holy Sonnets(圣十四行诗),At the Round Earths Imagined C

3、orners,Below,Death ,Be not Proud,Elegies,On His Mistress,To His Mistress Going to Bed5.John Milton 弥尔顿 Paradise Lost(失乐园)、 Paradise Regained(复乐园)Samson Agonistes(力士参孙),Lycidas(利西达斯),Areopagitica,6.Daniel Defoe笛福 The Life and strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(鲁滨孙漂流记)、Captain Singleton(

4、辛格顿船长)、Moll Flanders(摩尔弗兰德斯)A Journal of the Plague Year(大疫年日记)、Roxana(罗克萨娜)7.Jonathan Swift斯威夫特 Gullivers Travels(格列佛游记) A Tale of a Tub (一只桶的故事),A Modest Proposal(一个温和的建议),The Battle of the Books,The Drapiers Letter,Journal to Stella8.William Blake布莱克 Song of Innocence(天真之歌), Song of experience(经验

5、之歌), Poetical Sketches(诗的素描), The Book of Thel(塞尔书),The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,Visions of the Daughters of Albion,The Song of Los 9.Robert Burns彭斯Auld Lang Syne, A Red Red Rose, Poems、Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect,The Tree of Liberty,Scots、Wha Hae,Holy WilliessPrayer.The Twa Dogs,My Hearts in

6、 the Highlands,John Anderson,My Jo,10.William Wordsworth华兹华斯I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,Lyrical Ballads,Line Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,Ode:Intimations of Immortality,The Solitary Reaper,Lucy Poems,The Prelude,11.Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治Kubla Khan(忽必烈汗),Biographia Literia (文学传记)、Ly

7、rical Ballads (抒情歌谣集),The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,Christabel,12.Jane Austen简奥斯丁 Pride and Prejudice,Sense and Sensibility(Elinor and Marriane),Mansfield Park,Emma,Northanger Abbey,Persuasion,13.George Gordon Byron 乔治戈登拜伦 Hours of Idleness,English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,Childe Harolds Pilgrim

8、age,The Giaour,The Bride of Abydos,The Siege of Corinth,Manfred,Cain,Don Juan,She Walks in Beauty14.Percy Bysshe Shelley 波西比希雪莱 Queen Mab,The Revolt of Islam,Prometheus Unbound,The Cenci,Adonais,England in 1819,Ode to the West Wind,A Defence of Poetry15.John Keats 约翰济慈 Endymion,Isabella,The Eve of S

9、aint Agnes,Hyperion,Ode on a Grecian Urn,Ode to a Nightingale16.Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂勃朗特 Jane Eyre,Villette,Shirley,The Professor,Poems by Currer,Ellis,and Acton Bell17.Charles Dickens查尔斯狄更斯 The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,Oliver Twist,Davis Copperfield,Bleak House,A Tale of Two Cities,The

10、Old Curiosity Shop,Dombey and Son,Great Expectations18.Alfred Tennyson阿尔弗尼德 丁尼生 Poems by Two Brothers,The Princess,In Memoriam A.H.H.,Maud,Enoch Arden,Idylls of the King19.Robert Browning罗伯特布朗宁 Paracelsus,Strafford,Pippa Passes,Dramatic Lyrics,Dramatic Romances and Lyrics,Men and Women,Dramatic Pers

11、onae,The Ring and the Book20.Matthew Arnold马修阿诺德 The Strayed Reveller,Poems,Poems:Second Series,New Poems,Essays in Criticism,Culture and Anarchy,Literature and Dogma21.Tomas Hardy托马斯哈代 Under the Greenwood Tree,A Pair of Blue Eyes,Far From the Madding Crowd,The Return of the Native,Mayor of the Cast

12、erbridge,Tess of the DUrbervilles,Jude the Obscure,The Dynasts二、术语解释 1、Epic(史诗): A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. It started in the 5th century, Beowulf was an important epic.2、Humanism(人文主义):In the 15th

13、century, It is aphilosophicalandethicalstance that emphasizes the value andagencyofhuman beings, individually and collectively preferscritical thinkingand evidence over established doctrine or faith. Thomas More wrote Utopia.3、Metaphysical poetry(玄学派): In the17th century , metaphysical poetry is cha

14、racterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas. John Donne wrote Songs and Sonnets.4、Enlightenment(启蒙主义): In the 18th century, the Enlightenment on the whole, was an expression of struggle

15、of the then progressive class of bourgeois against feudalism. Jonathan Swift wrote Gullivers travels.5、Romanticism(浪漫主义): A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most of the 19th century. Robert Burns wrote A Red ,Red Rose.6、Sonnet(十四行诗): A four

16、teen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea. Sonnet 18 is one of important sonnets written by Shakespeare.7、Conceit(幻想主义):A unusually far-fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between

17、two apparently dissimilar things or feelings.8、.CriticalRealism:It means the tendency of writers and intellectuals in the period between 1875 and 1920 to apply the methods of realistic fiction to the criticism of society and the examination of social issues.Realist writers were all concerned about t

18、he fate of the common people and described what was faithful to reality.三、简答1.就莎士比亚的一部作品做出解析Hamlet is the profoundest expression of Shakespeares humanism and his criticism of contemporary life.The play opens with Hamlets appearing in a mood of world-weariness caused by his fathers death and by his m

19、others hasty marriage with his uncle, and ends up with the death of major characters.Hamlet is a man free from medieval prejudices and superstitions. He has an unbounded love for the world rather than for heaven. He cherishes a profound reverence for man, and a firm belief in mans power over destiny

20、. Shakespeare expressed the traditional aspects of themes, such as hesitation, inherited sin and corruption, sons seeking revenge, deception, ambition, madness, loyalty, empty existence.Hamlet is usually regarded as the summit of his art.2.鲁滨逊漂流记的人物形象和情节Plot: It is the story of Robinson Crusoe, an E

21、nglishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely island. He lives on this lonely island and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whom he calls Friday. Crusoe and Friday become close friends, and when they are finally re

22、scued four years later, both return to England. Characteristics Robinson Crusoe who desires adventure never gives in the simple life. He is not a traditional hero or epic adventurer. He is always ready to admit unheroic feelings of fear or panic, as when he finds the footprint on the beach. Crusoe p

23、refers to describe himself as an ordinary sensible man never as an exceptional hero.3.在失乐园指撒旦的形象(The Image of Satan)(1)Satan in the poem is a rebel who rises against God and, though defeated, still seeks for revenge. He is by far the most striking character in the poem.(2)Satan is the real hero of t

24、he poem. He is admired and respected by his fellow-angels. He goes through many obstacles and makes revolt against God. Though weaker in force, he remains superior in nobility. He welcomes his defeat and his torments as a glory, a liberty and a joy.(spirit of revolution)(3)Satan is the spirit questi

25、oning the authority of God.4.培根散文节选段落评价(Characteristics of Bacons Essays)Bacons essays are characterized by their conciseness and brevity, simplicity and forcefulness, practicality and versatility.His essays have been considered as a reformation of popular euphuism(夸饰文体)of his contemporaries. Usuall

26、y each essay discusses a single subject, for instance, Of Beauty, Of Marriage, Of Riches, Of Studies. Short as they are, these essays show Bacons profundity in understanding man and society. These essays cover a wide variety of subjects, such as love, truth, friendship, parents and children, beauty,

27、 studies, youth and age and many othersThey have won popularity for his clearness, brevity (简短) and force of expression选择了(论读书)Of studies in detail discussed thepurpose and function ofreading,analyzesmany different attitudes towardsreading and introduces the methodsof reading.Baconin this this essay

28、 uses theparallelism. This essayisone of theimportant article.Bacons essays are characterized by their conciseness and brevity, simplicity and forcefulness, practicality and versatility.His essays have been considered as a reformation of popular euphuism(夸饰文体)of his contemporaries. Usually each essa

29、y discusses a single subject, for instance, Of Beauty, Of Marriage, Of Riches, Of Studies. Short as they are, these essays show Bacons profundity in understanding man and society. 5.傲慢与偏见的情节(Pride and Prejudice)Elizabeth was born to a family of small landowners four sisters, Jane, Mary, Katie and Ly

30、dia. They have a little monotonous quiet life along with the two young guys coming up and it is undeniable and eliminate the waves. Bingley is healthy and progressive and rich Darcy is a good friend, became acquainted with the town lure of this home.Elizabeth is both intelligent and strong-minded wo

31、man. Although Darcy and Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice, respectively, while the other left out, unaware of their true mind, but they really attracted to each other. Finally, in Elizabeths sister after the elopement with Lydia, Darcy save her reputation. They gradually eliminatemisunderstanding b

32、etween them ,eventually engaged.6.Byronic Hero(拜伦式英雄)Byronic hero refers to a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.2with immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic Hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society. And would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies

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