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本文(秋九年级英语全册 unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious单元综合评价检测 新版人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

秋九年级英语全册 unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious单元综合评价检测 新版人教新目标版.docx

1、秋九年级英语全册 unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious单元综合评价检测 新版人教新目标版Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious (45分钟100分)第卷(共45分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择相符的图片(有一幅图片多余)。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【听力材料】1. Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. 2. Its said Santa Claus brings presents

2、to children on Christmas Eve. 3. People hide eggs in different places for an egg hunt during Easter. 4. On Mid-Autumn night, people admire the moon and eat mooncakes. 5. Children go around the neighborhood to ask for candy and treats, saying “trick or treat”. 答案: 15. DCFAB()录音中有一段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5

3、分)6. What festival is celebrated in June in Marys country? A. Dragon Boat Festival. B. Fathers Day. C. Mothers Day. 7. When is Dragon Boat Festival? A. Its on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(阴历)month. B. Its on the fifteenth day of the fifth lunar month. C. Its on the fifteenth day of the eighth lu

4、nar month. 8. What food do people eat during Dragon Boat Festival? A. Dumplings. B. Mooncakes. C. Zongzi. 9. What activities do people organize during Dragon Boat Festival? A. People hold lantern shows. B. People have dragon boat races. C. People have swimming races. 10. Why do people celebrate Drag

5、on Boat Festival? A. In memory of Qu Yuan. B. In memory of Change. C. In memory of Hou Yi. 【听力材料】Mary: There is a festival in June in our country, its Fathers Day. Is there a Chinese festival in June, too? Li Lei: Yes, its on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. We call it Dragon Boat Festival. M

6、ary: What do you usually do on that day in China? Li Lei: We make and eat Zongzi and hold dragon boat races. Mary: It sounds very interesting. Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival? Li Lei: Oh, it is a story about Qu Yuan. He lived about two thousand years ago. His job was to give advice to the

7、emperor. But he wasnt trusted and often got punishment. So he jumped into the Miluo River and died. Mary: What a pity! Was the day that Qu Yuan died on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in that year? Li Lei: Yes, you are very smart. From then on, Chinese people began to eat Zongzi and have drag

8、on boat races on that day to remember him. 答案: 610. BACBA. 单项选择(20分)1. Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? Sorry, Im a stranger here. A. I like here B. Im a teacherC. I dont like here D. Im new here【解析】选D。考查对短语或词的理解。stranger意为“陌生者”, 与D选项“我是新来的”意思相近, 故选D。2. The song reminds memy old schoo

9、l days as soon as it is played. A. with B. to C. of D. at【解析】选C。考查介词辨析。句意: 每当这首歌播放时, 总使我想起过去的学生时代。remind of. . . “提醒; 使记起; 使想起”, 固定搭配。3. I wonderyou would like to go hiking with us this weekend. A. that B. what C. if D. when【解析】选C。考查连词辨析。句意: 我不知道这个周末你是否愿意和我们一起去远足。if意为“是否”, 引导宾语从句。4. (2013益阳中考)He use

10、d toin a small village, but he has been used toin a big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意: 他过去常住在一个小村庄里, 但现在他已经习惯住在大城市里。used to do sth. “过去常做某事”; be used to doing sth. “习惯于做某事”。5. disappointed she will be if she knows the result of the match! A. What B. How C. Wha

11、t a D. What an【解析】选B。考查感叹句。感叹句的结构为: What a/an+ adj. +单数名词+主语+谓语! What +不可数名词/可数名词复数+主语+谓语! How+ adj. /adv. +主语+谓语! 感叹部分的disappointed是形容词, 故选B。6. Not only Jim but also his fathergreat interest in Chinese culture. A. have B. has C. are D. is【解析】选B。考查主谓一致。have great interest in/be interested in“对感兴趣”。n

12、ot only. . . but also连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词在人称和数上要与but also后的主语保持一致。7. (2013遂宁中考)He wastiredhe could not go on walking. A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that【解析】选C。考查固定句式。so. . . that与such. . . that都表示“如此以至于”, 区别在于so后接形容词、副词; such后接名词。由第一个空格之后的形容词tired可知选C。8. Its funlantern riddles during the Lantern Festiv

13、al. A. guess B. guessesC. guessing D. to guess【解析】选D。考查固定句式。句意: 元宵节猜灯谜很有趣。It+ be+ adj. +to do sth. 句式中, it是形式主语, 后面的动词不定式是真正的主语。9. He worked hard andas the general manager of the company. A. got up B. ended upC. put up D. set up【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意: 他努力工作, 最终成为了那家公司的总经理。end up“最终成为; 最终处于”。10. (2013南昌中考)

14、I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. . They often use them to play games instead. A. I hope so B. I dont agreeC. No problem D. Good idea【解析】选B。考查交际用语。由答语“They often use them to play games instead. ”可知不同意对方的观点。I dont agree. “我不同意。”故选B。. 阅读理解(15分) Halloween is a strange ho

15、liday. It started several centuries ago in Europe. It began as “Hallow Evening” which means “holy night”. At that time November 1st was called “All Saints Day(诸圣日)”and people honored all the saints who did not have their own special day. People believed that all the spirits of dead people were activ

16、e on the night of October 31st. So people would play all sorts of tricks on each other. Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. Pumpkins are a symbol of Halloween, so orange has become the other traditional Halloween

17、color. Making lanterns out of pumpkins is a Halloween custom. Halloween is great fun for children. They dress up as ghosts(鬼)or witches(女巫). Small children go “Trick-or-Treat”. They wear costumes, knock on doors, and shout, “Trick or Treat! ”People almost always choose to give them candy as a treat,

18、 instead of choosing to receive a trick from the children. Adults sometimes “trick or treat” their friends, too. Usually the “treat” is a glass of wine or some small gifts. 根据短文内容, 完成下列句子, 每空一词。1. Halloween is a holiday which startedof years ago in. 2. It was believed that the spirits ofpeople were

19、active on the night“All Saints Day”. 3. andare both traditional Halloween colors. 4. People, especially, have great fun playing “Trick or Treat” toHalloween. 5. According to the custom, people always treat children withinstead ofa trick from them. 答案: 1. hundreds; Europe2. dead; before3. Black; oran

20、ge/Orange; black4. children; celebrate/enjoy 5. candy; receiving第卷(共55分). 词汇运用(10分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. The little girl lout her toys on the ground and took photos for them. 2. You eat too much these days. You have put on nearly five p. 3. She has no money to take the taxi because her wallet was sa

21、few minutes ago. 4. She is so kind that she always(款待)others with kindness. 5. A(陌生人)came up to me and asked me the way to the station. 答案: 1. laid2. pounds3. stolen4. treats5. stranger. 完成句子(10分)1. 我认为龙舟赛真的很有趣。I the dragon boat races are really fun. 2. 父母不应该只关心孩子们将来是否能够事业成功。Parents shouldnt only th

22、eir children can succeed in career in the future. 3. 我相信我们的生活一定会越来越好。I our life better and better. 4. 老师们总是警告学生考试时不要作弊。The teachers alwaysthe students cheat in the exams. 5. 这是一个多么感人的故事啊! moving story it is! 答案: 1. think that2. care about whether/if3. believe that; will be4. warn; not to5. What a. 补

23、全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. What else do you know about this festival? B. Im fine. C. Here are some sweet dumplings(元宵)for you. D. I hope you will like it. E. Do you want to know more about it? F. Wow, thanks! G. You know I really love Chinese culture. (It is the Lantern Festival(元宵节)today. Lin

24、 Mei comes to see her American friend Paul. )A: Hi, Lin Mei. Nice to see you. B: Hi, Paul. 1A: Sweet dumplings? 2I know people eat them on the Lantern Festival. B: How great you are! 3A: Well, on the day people will watch lantern shows at night and guess the riddles on the lanterns. This festival is

25、 on the 15th of the first lunar(农历)month. It is handed down from Tang Dynasty. 4B: So glad to hear that! I am proud of you. Now its time to cook the delicious food. 5答案: 15. CFAGD. 书面表达(25分)一家英语杂志社正在调查不同国家孩子在母亲节时给妈妈送礼物的情况。假如你是林超, 请根据表中的信息并结合自身看法, 给杂志社写一封信。Child(Country)GiftReasonsAnita(UK)A nice sca

26、rf1. need one2. favorite colorJacob(USA)A hand-madecard1. mean a lot2. easy to makeZhang Peng(China). . .1. . . .2. . . .注意: 1. 内容必须包括表格中的信息; 2. 词数为80个左右(开头和结尾部分已给出, 不计入总词数)。Dear editor, I am writing to tell you something about how children from different countries choose gifts for their mothers on

27、Mothers Day. _ Looking forward to your reply. Yours,Lin Chao【参考范文】Dear editor, I am writing to tell you something about how children from different countries choose gifts for their mothers on Mothers Day. Anita is from England. Shed like to give a scarf as a gift to her mother. Anita thinks her moth

28、er really needs a nice scarf and she likes white best. Jacob comes from the USA. Hed like to give his mother a hand-made card. Because its easy to make and it means a lot. Zhang Peng is from China. His mother is a worker. He wants to give her a nice cup. Then she can use it to drink a cup of tea and

29、 have a good rest after work. Looking forward to your reply. Yours,Lin Chao. 完形填空(15分) It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb, “There is no Father Christmas. ”I ran to my grandmothers h

30、ouse, for she always told the truth. Grandma was at home. I told1everything. “No Father Christmas? ”She was a little2. “Dont believe it. Put on your coat, and lets go. ”“Go? Where, Grandma? ”I asked. “Kerbys Store. ”As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, “Take the3and buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car.

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