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1、经济金融词汇摩根斯坦利:美国经济难以实现V型复苏2009-06-09 14:46:41提要:面对金融形势好转及一系列经济数据优于预期,市场越发相信,美国经济衰退已结束,健康的经济回升近在眼前。但本文认为,四项因素几乎排除了出现V型复苏的可能性:首先,金融形势仍将处于抑制性状态;其次,住房供求失衡依然严重;第三,消费者去杠杆化、恢复财务健康和增加储蓄漫长过程才刚刚开始;第四,本次衰退影响广泛,包括外部经济活动在内,任何相对强劲的经济部门对于衰退的缓冲作用都是有限的。不过,还不能完全排除美国经济快速复苏的可能性。鉴于经济前景不明朗,投资者应谨慎行事。(外脑精华北京)面对金融形势的实质性好转和一系列

2、优于预期的经济数据,市场越发相信,美国经济衰退已经结束、健康的经济回升近在眼前。确实,关于经济周期的知识以及“扎诺维茨法则”(Zarnowitzs Law)都表明,深度衰退之后往往是V型复苏。因此,似乎有理由认为,本次二战以来最严重的衰退过后,美国经济将出现强劲复苏。但对此观点,我们却不能苟同。我们认为,虽然近期美国经济前景有所缓和,但衰退仍将持续下去。我们最重要的理由在于,四项因素几乎排除了出现V型复苏的可能性。首先,金融形势仍将保持相对紧缩的状态;其次,住房供求失衡依然严重,其对房价和该部门经济活动的影响将持续到2010年;第三,消费者去杠杆化、恢复财务健康和增加储蓄漫长过程才刚刚开始,因











13、依然存在,因此就目前而言,3.25%将是10年期美国国债收益率的上限。英文原文:V-Shaped Recovery UnlikelyWhat shape recovery?Genuine improvement in financial conditions and a string of less-bad economic data have increased speculation that the recession is now ending and a healthy rebound might be at hand. Indeed, business cycle lore and

14、 the law - Zarnowitzs Law - associate deep recessions with V-shaped recoveries, and thus it would be reasonable to expect a strong recovery following the deepest post-war recession. But we disagree. We concede that the near-term outlook is a bit less dire, but in our view the recession has further t

15、o go.Most important, however, we strongly believe that four factors make a V-shaped rebound unlikely:First, financial conditions will stay relatively restrictive. Second, a still-large imbalance between housing supply and demand likely will remain a drag on home prices and housing activity into 2010

16、. Third, consumers have only begun a long process of deleveraging and repairing their balance sheets and saving positions, so spending growth should be subdued. And finally, the breadth of the recession limits the cushion from any stronger sectors, including activity overseas.However, a sub-par reco

17、very seems to be the consensus view, so its important to look at upside risks.In what follows, we examine the logic and recent evidence for our call, and then consider the circumstances that could potentially promote a more vigorous rebound.A strong case for a sub-par recovery.The history of financi

18、al crises is on our side; because they result in deep and prolonged declines in asset values, such crises not only promote deep recessions, but typically the aftermath involves prolonged convalescence.More specifically, four factors underpin our case for a sub-par recovery. First, financial conditio

19、ns will stay relatively restrictive. Losses are still rising at lenders, limiting risk appetite and balance sheet capacity, and thus restraining the availability and boosting the cost of credit. A slow cleaning up of lenders balance sheets will keep lending capacity low and the cost of using it comp

20、aratively high, and increased regulatory oversight will reinforce that restraint. We think that such lingering restraint will affect all credit-sensitive areas of the economy, including housing, consumer durables, capital spending and working capital for businesses large and small. As evidence, the

21、National Federation of Independent Businesses just reported that, in April, credit was harder to obtain by small businesses than at any time in the past 29 years. And while loan-to-value ratios at auto finance companies rose slightly in April - to 89% from 86% in January-February - required downpaym

22、ents were still more than double what lenders wanted last year.Moreover, the lags between the change in financial conditions and the economy will prevent rapid progress. To be sure, as Morgan Stanley interest rate strategist Laurence Mutkin argues, when more capital comes into the financial system,

23、and securitization revives, competition will erode the high rates lenders are able to charge for the use of their balance sheets today. In our view, however, that time may be far off, and both the scars from the crisis and the regulatory response to it probably will keep those costs permanently high

24、er than pre-crisis norms.Second, the imbalance between supply and demand in housing is still significant and likely will remain a drag on home prices and housing activity into 2010. The single-family vacancy rate in existing homes is double the 1.2% historical average through 2004. Given the persist

25、ently tight financing backdrop, vacancies might undershoot that old 1.2% norm for a while to bring down the supply/demand imbalance quickly, especially as foreclosures rise again. Consequently, prospective buyers need to start occupying roughly 750,000 single-family vacant homes before the housing m

26、arket and home prices stabilize. In turn, this implies that new and existing home sales must rise by roughly 20-25% from the current pace. Likewise, in commercial real estate, vacancy rates and cap rates are rising and rents are falling.Third, consumers have only begun the process of deleveraging an

27、d repairing their balance sheets and saving positions, and we believe that the personal saving rate, currently at 4%, will rise to 7-10% in the next few years. This process will mean slower growth in US demand. Some argue that pent-up demand for vehicles and durables is strong following the recent r

28、etrenchment in sales. We disagree. Its true that to maintain the stock of vehicles on the road (245 million light vehicles) given normal scrappage would require about 13 million vehicles sold annually. But with financing constrained, we think that consumers can endure 3-4 years of sales below those

29、levels, since we spent the last 13 above them, especially with 15% more light vehicles on the road than licensed drivers.Finally, the breadth of the recession limits the cushion from any stronger sectors. For example, while growth appears to be improving in Asia, the global recession will limit US e

30、xports. Unlike the experience since the crisis began nearly two years ago, in which net exports contributed more than a full percentage point on average to real US growth, we expect that the cyclical contribution to US growth from overseas activity will be flat to down over the next 18 months.We thi

31、nk that the evidence for near-term economic weakness still dominates.Home prices, pre-tax real incomes and profit margins are declining - by 18%, 0.3%, and 2 percentage points, respectively, over the past year. Retailing is softening again, despite tax cuts that kicked in on April 1. Pricing power i

32、s fading, notably for business semi-finished and capital goods, and especially as import prices for similar goods are falling. High inventory-to-sales ratios suggest further production cuts: In March, we estimate that the real I/S ratio in manufacturing and trade rose back to 1.43 months, equaling the cycle high. Finally, as more companies file for bankruptcy, we think they will liquidate stocks. Big production cuts in autos will trim roughly one percentage point from GDP. And, in contrast with the leveling off in initial claims for unemployment insurance

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