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大学体验英语听说教程3 Listening task部分听力原文.docx

1、大学体验英语听说教程3 Listening task部分听力原文UNIT11.A: Jake Sutton!Is that you, man? How are you?B: Hey, Andrew! I didnt recognize you for a moment, long time no see!A: Yeah, wow, I havent seen you since high school graduation! whatve you been up to?B: Ive been back East, at collage.A: collage? Where?B: Boston.

2、b. u.A: Oh, cool.B: And this past year, I got to go to Spain as an exchange student.A: Spain? No kidding? I remember you always hoped for an international lifestyle.B: exactly.A: So how was is, amigo?B: Oh, man, it was so great; I got to see a lot of Europe.A: Year! Like where,B: All over. Italy, Fr

3、ance, Greece, and my homestay family was really nice. Theyve invited me back again if I want to go to graduate school there.A; sounds like we wont be seeing you for anther few more years then, eh?B: I dunno. Half of me wants to go , half of me wants to stay here , you know, when i was there , I miss

4、ed home a lot more than I thought I would.A: I can imagine.2.A: so, terry, how have you been? B: good, good.A: How are things going? Did you graduate this year?B: Me? Nah! I went to State, but after my second year, I realize that what I really want to do is take over for my mom in the restaurant.A:

5、Oh, thats right. Your family owns a little restaurant. Well, I mean, its not so little, butB: So I came back home and started apprenticing as chef.A: Really? That is so cool! You know, now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense for you. Even back in high school, you could cook up a storm. So,

6、 how is it being in the restaurant business?B: Well, I love to cook, but, man, I have a lot to learn about running a business. Im really glad my moms around to teach me.A: Well, Ill have to come by to try your cooking. What nights do you work?B: Take your pick. Im there seven nights a week.3;A: Ken?

7、 Ken Mackney, is that you?B: Uh, yeah, Im Ken Mackney.A: Its me. Barry Simmons. You know, Mr. Joness calculus class, senior year?B: Um, so, hows it going? What are you up to these days?A: Im pretty busy. Im working as an accountant in the city.B: Oh, thats great! It sounds like you really put your m

8、ath skills to good use.A: Yeah. And I got married last fall. Hey, you might actually know my wife, Tina Chan, Jason Chans little sister?B: Tina. Is she the one who went to Harvard Medical School?A: No, that was Lisa Fong. Tina went to art school.B: Oh! Well, I guess you and Tina are a good match, th

9、en, you were always into art, too, werent you?A: No, not really, thats my brother tom you are thinking of, you dont remember very much from high school, do you?B: No, I guess not! Its been a long time!4:A: hi, Kate, its me, Cindy Lohan, you remember me , dont you?B: Cindy, Cindy. I cant seem to plac

10、e the name. Oh, my gosh, yes! I do remember you! ButA: But what?B: Well, its just that you dont look like the free-spirited Cindy I remember. You look so, so normal.A: Normal? I guess youre referring to my hair?B: Yeah. I mean, youre just a regular brunette now. When I knew you, you always had your

11、hair dyed some interesting color. Blue one day, pink the next.A: Well, Im a lawyer now. Most judges have a thing against pink hair, soB: I can see your sense of humor hasnt changed much!Unit 21.Oh, my gosh. You wont believe this.What? What happened, Katie (Kate)?You know that guy Brett, from the foo

12、tball team?Oh, yeah, the big dumb jock. What did he do this time?He gave me a poem.A poem?I mean, its beautiful! Its romantic and its full of imagery. I just couldnt believe it came from him.You got that right. I didnt even think he could read.I just found out he plays two musical instruments and sp

13、eaks French fluently! Hmm, well, maybe theres more to Brett than meets the eye.2:Hey, Jeff(Jeffrey), I didnt know you took dance lessons.What? How did you know that?Your girlfriend showed me some pictures of your dancing.Man, I told her not to show those to people.Aw (used to express sympathy, disgu

14、st, or disbelief), come on (hurry, disagreement). Actually, I think its pretty cool. I wish there were something I felt that passionate about. Really, you know I love to dance, but I dont tell my friends about it.Dancing is a private thing for me. Its just something I do for myself.3:Hey, Kayla. Can

15、 I borrow your notes from todays math class?Yeah, sure, just make sure to give them back to me before my band plays tonight. I need t time to study.Did you say your band? Yeah. Im in a band called Rock Hard. I play the drums (instrument played by beating with the hands or sticks鼓).Youre kidding. You

16、 play the drums for a rock band? I never wouldve guessed.Why? Cause Im a straight A student? Yeah, I mean youre the one everyone comes to for math help. I just assumed you were a A nerd?Well, I dont know about that.Dont worry. Im not offended (no offence-as weak as a cat (=as weak as water). Im a ne

17、rd. But who says nerds cant play drums? Unit 3A: So, Amy, how many kids do you and Tom have?B: Uh, kids, none, Not yet.A: Not yet? Did you say ”not yet”? Hey, are you and Tom keeping score here or what? You must be,what,35 by now. Clocks a tickin. Tick-tock, tick-tock, you know?B: Yeah, I think were

18、 aware of all that, but its kind of complicated. Weve got our careers right now, andA: Complicated? You think youre the only people who are trying to juggle careers and family?B: No, no. Im sure were not. Just, its kind of a personal thingA: So, Jerry, have you thought about where youre going to liv

19、e after you graduate in June?B: Uh, yeah. I think Im going to move back in with my folks, save a little money, you know.A: Your folks ?You gotta be kidding !Dont you think its time to leave the nest?B:Uh, yeah, I guess. But its not like its gonna be forever. Just until I can save up enough money toA

20、:I gotta say, man, I think its a mistake.B: Well, Ive thought about it a lot, and I really think its the best decision for me right now.A: But you need to go out on your own ,get your own place ,find yourself. Your parents are just going to get in the way.B: Well, you know, Im not the only one movin

21、g back home after college. Seems like half the people I know are doing it.A: Excuse me ,maam.B: Yes?A: Your sons tantrum is disturbing everyone in the store.B:I know, I know. Im trying to calm him down. Bobby, please be I little good boy for Mommy. Ill give you a nice ,yummy cookie if you stop cryin

22、g.A: If you ask me, whats your son needs is a little good old-fashioned discipline. A nice spanking will do the job! You know what they say: Spare the rod and spoil the child!B: Listen. How I raise my son is none of your business. We dont believe in using physical violence with our children.A: So, L

23、uice, do you have anyone special in your life ?B: No. Not right now .Its been a while since Ive dated anybody.A: Well, what have you doing about it? You know you cant meet someone sitting at home on your couch on Friday nights eating chocolate ice cream. Youve got to get yourself out there , girl!B:

24、 Well , I dont know. Meeting someone at a bar or club just isnt for me.A:I know! Im fixing you up with a friend of mine. Hes perfect for you.B: Thats ok, Im not really into blind dates.A: Dont be ridiculous! Youre gotta love him!B: You know, Im not sure I really want to be dating anyone right now. U

25、NIT 4 My sister is a really strict vegan. Its not for religious or health reasons. Its just shes just a little nuts. Ever time she comes over for I family dinner we have to make a special dish just for her .And if ,like, the forks weve used to serve some meat even touches her plate for a split secon

26、d, she freaks out and have to get another plate. Recently, she starts this new thing where she cant even eat any vegetables. Every time I go over to her place, the cat looks at me with these sad eyes, like,” Meatplease?”My cousin Pat is a professional clown. He goes by the name Patty Cakes. He gets

27、hired to do special events like kids birthday parties. The thing about Pat is that he just cant stop being a clown even when hes not working. Hell show up at his friends house and start making balloon hats for everyone. And then theres his pet duck, Phoebe. Pat use Phoebe in his clown act, but somet

28、imes he doesnt have time to take her home after work, so he just brings her along wherever hes going. Its just so strange to see Pat walk in somewhere with Phoebe following behind him wearing a diaper.My Aunt Samantha collects dolls .Shes a real fanatic .Most people have hobbies, you know, like spor

29、ts or music or movies ,but Aunt Samantha spends all her money on dolls. She has one room in her apartment completely devoted to Barbies. I mean, the whole room is wall-to-wall Barbies! Shes got over a thousand of them lined upon shelves from floor to ceiling. The dolls are all in perfect condition.

30、She stores them in their boxes and never takes them out .Its kind of scary, actually .When you walk into that room ,you just feel surrounded by them .Its like theyre all watching you or something.My brother Andrew is really into TV and movies and, umHow can I put this nicely? He can get pretty extre

31、me about it. Hes always pretending to be a character from a movies or TV show. Now, when he was twelve or thirteen, he used to watch the TV show Star Trek all the time, and hed go around talking exactly like Mr. Spock. Like if Id say. Andrew, get out of my room .Im studying .Youre so irritating.” An

32、drew hed say, Irritating? Ah, yes, one of your earthling emotions.” Stuff like that, a line right out of Star Trek. Now, sometimes, its funny. Like now hes doing Harry Potter voices .But we worry about him a lot .I mean, does he even know who he is? Hes always acting like someone else.UNIT5A:Honey, Ive been thinking.B: Huh?A:

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