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1、初三代词学 案学科 英语 年级 初三 班级 教师 课题上课时间学习目标代词学习重点各种代词学习难点具体语境运用教 学 流 程国学:人生无朋友犹如生活无阳光(A life without a friend is a life without a sun)中考英语代词专题人称代词与物主代词:1. 人称代词与物主代词的各种形式:单数主 格宾 格形容物代名词物代第一人称 Imemymine第二人称youyou your yours第三人称hehim his hissheher her hersitit itsits复数一人称weusour ours二人称youyou your yours三人称they

2、themtheir theirs2. 人称代词与物主代词的用法:人称代词的主格在句中作主语。He ofen goes home by bus.人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语,还可作表语使用。如:She is a good student.I dont know him.His mother is waiting for them outside.人称代词的语序几个人称代词并列作主语时,他们的顺序是:单数形式( 2,3,1 )you ,he and I ; 复数形式( 1,2,3 ) we ,you and they(3) 形容词性物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用; 名词词性

3、物主代词常用来避免和前面已提到的名词重复。相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。 (4) 名词词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,表示带有部分概念或有一定的感情色彩。如: He is a friend of mine.二.反身代词:表示动作回到主语本身所以它应与动作发出者保持人称一致。人称 单数 复数第一人称myself 我自己 ourselves 我们自己第二人称 yourself 你自己 yourselves 你们自己 第三人称 himself 他自己 herself 她自己 itself 它自己 他们自己 themselves 她们自己 它们自己反身代词常用于一些固

4、定搭配中。如:teach oneself 自学 learn by oneself自学enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得高兴 help oneself to 随便吃hurt oneself 受伤 by oneself 亲自三. 指示代词1. 指示代词列表如下:单数 this that 复数 these those2. 指示代词的用法(1) this /these 近指或者指下文要提到的事,that / those 远指或者指前面刚刚提过的事。如:Please remember this:No pain,no gains.He was ill. That was why he didnt

5、go to school.(2) 打电话时用 this 介绍自己,用that 询问对方。如This is Mike speaking. Who is that?我是迈克。你是谁?(3)在表示比较的句子中,that指代单数的人或物,those指代复数的人或物;The books on the table are newer than those in my schoolbag。四. 疑问代词疑问代词 主要用法 who主语、表语、宾语(作宾语时在口语中不能放在介词后) whomwho 的宾格形式,作宾语 whosewho 的所有格形式,作主语、表语、宾语、定语what / whowhat 询问某人

6、的职业who 询问某人的身份 、姓名what / whichwhat 指不定数目中的“哪一个,哪一些;什么”,没有一定范围的限定which “哪一个”,在一定范围内特指的人或物五.不定代词1、复合不定代词(1)初中阶段常用复合不定代词列表如下:somebody (某人)anybody (某人/任何人)nobody (没有人)everybody (每人)someone (某人)anyone (某人/任何人)no one (没有人)everyone (每人)something (某事)anything (某人/任何事)nothing (没有东西)ecerything (每一件事)Do you ha

7、ve anything special to tell me today ? 今天你有什么特别的事告诉我吗?(2) 当形容词或else修饰复合不定代词something ,everything , everyone等时,形容词或else必须放在这些词的后面。如:Do you have anything special to tell me today ? 今天你有什么特别的事告诉我吗?Can you find anyone else ? 你能再找一个人吗 ?(4)everyone的意思等同与everbody,只能指人;every one 既可指人也可指物,还可以和of短语连用。如:Every

8、one likes Mary. 人人都喜欢玛丽。I have kept every one of her letters. 我把她的每一封信都保2、普通不定代词(1)初中阶段常用普通不定代词列表如下:some any few little none one othermny much either neithereach every both all(2)普通不定代词的用法1)some与 anysome和any均表示“一些”,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词;some一般用于肯定句中,any多用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。但在疑问句中,当表示说话人希望得到肯定回答或表示请求、建议时应用so

9、me 。 如:There arent any students in the classroom .Look ! Some boys are playing football .-Would you like _ coffee ? - Yes , please .2) many 与 muchmany 修饰可数名词复数, 还可以与表示程度的副词so , too , as , how连用。much修饰不可数名词,也可以与表示程度的副词 so, too, how连用。如:How many bottles of water do you need ?He has too much homework t

10、o do .He never eats so much breakfast .3)either, neither与botheither指两个之中的其中一个,neither指两个人或物中一个也不,常构成固定搭配either/ neither of +名词(代词)的复数+谓语动词(第三人称单数);当either- or 和neither-nor-,连接两个主语时,谓语动词应离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致;both表示“两者都”常与and连用。如:Neither of the books is good .Neither you nor he is wrong .Both she and I a

11、re students .4) none与allnone指三者或三者以上中没有一个, all指三者或三者以上都,它们常与of 连用。I tried several jackets, but none of them looked good.Jim, Lucy and Lily all agree to stay here .5) each 与everyeach 和every都表示“每一个”。each强调个别,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;every强调整体情况,修饰名词时谓语动词也要用单数形式。另外,each可指两个以上的人或事物,而every只可指三个或三个以上的人或事物。如:There

12、 are trees on each side of the road .Every student in Class 5 passed the exam .Each of us wears a yellow T-shirt .We each wear a yellow T-shirt .(3) 几组容易混淆的不定代词:1)it ,one ,that作代词时的区别it特指上下文提到的同一对象是同一事物。one泛指上下文提到的同类事物中的一个,同类而不同一。that常用与比较结构中,代替前面提到的名词,以避免重复。如:-Who has a pen ? -I have one .The book

13、is mine. _is very interesting .The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou in winter .2)either与any作“任何”讲时的区别either是两者中任何一个;any是三者(及以上)中任何一个。如:We plant trees on either side of the street .You can choose any student to join the swimming .3)neither与none的区别neither是两者都不;none是三者或三者以上都不。如:None

14、of the students likes the math teacher .-Which subject do you like better, math or English ? -Neither, I like Chinese .4)other,the other,others,the others,another不定代词 意义 用法说明other 另外的只作定语,常与复数名词或不可数名词连用;但如果前面有the,this,that,some,any,each,every,no。one,my,your,his等,则可与单数名词连用the other两者中的另一个常与one连用,构成“o

15、ne-the other”;作定语修饰复数名词时,表示“其余的全部”others泛指别的人或物是other的复数形式,泛指别的人或物(但不是全部)。不能作定语,可以构成some- others结构the others特指其余的人或物是the other的复数形式,特指其余的人或物another任何一个,另一个指三者或三者以上中的任何一个,用作形容词或代词六. 代词it 的用法1. 指代前面提到过的事物。如:The book on the desk is not mine . It is Jims .2. 代替指示代词this 或 that。如:-Whats that ? -It is a pe

16、ncil .3. 指婴儿或不明身份的人。如:-Who is shouting in the classroom ? -It must be Tom.表示时间、距离和天气。如:-Whats the weather like today ? -It is sunny .How far is it from your school to your home ?-Whats the time now ? -It is ten oclock .5. 用作形式主语,常用于下列句型中:Its + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.Its time +to do sth. /for sth

17、. /thatIt seems that-看起来好像-Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事Its +adj. + that 从句It is important for us to work hard .Its time to get up .It seems that he is quite happy .Its your turn to sing a song .Its necessary that you should read English every morning .6. 作形式宾语Do you think it difficult to learn F

18、tench ?I find it easy to surf the Internet .中考代词练习【2013 铜仁】1. You swim so well. Who taught you? Learn by _ . A. myself B. herself C. himself D. itself【2013 衡阳】2. Mum, Im hungry. Is there to eat? Yes, you can have some bread on the table. A. something B. nothing C. anything【2013潍坊】3. I have two siste

19、rs, but_of them is a teacher. A. all B. neither C. both D. none【2013呼和浩特】4. He invited some classmates to come to his party,but _ came. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 【2013鞍山】5. The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even _. Thats so cool! A. all B. both C. neither D.

20、none【2013鞍山】6. What kind of house would you like? , Id like _with a garden in front of_. A. it, one B. one, one C. one, it D. it, it【2013莱芜】7. A smile costs _, but gives so much. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything【2013哈尔滨】8. No matter how difficult things seem to be, you should say to

21、 _ “Never mind!” A positive attitude is the key to success.A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves【2013哈尔滨】9. _ was born being good at all things. You can do well in things through hard work. As an English learner, you cant be excellent without enough practice.A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Nobody【201

22、3盐城】10.Does your English teacher chat with you on QQ? Yes, sometimes, Its we enjoy doing at weekends. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing【2013苏州】11. Your tea smells great! Its from India. Would you like _? A. it B. this C. some D. little【2013绍兴】12.Which magazine do you like better, Cra

23、zy Reading or Teens space? I like _of them. They are useful for English lessons. A. none B. neither C. all D. both 【2013连云港】13. Ive got several novels written by MoYan. You can borrow _ if you like. A. it B. one C. every D. Either【2013泰州】14. Have you got anything to do this afternoon, Lucy and Lily?

24、 Yes. _ of us are going to the home for the elderly. A. Each B. Either C. Both D. All【2013宜宾】15. My friend Jenny often helps _ with _ English. A. I; me B. me; my C. my; me D. I; my 【2013 上海】16. My parents showed _ some old pictures that brought back sweet memories. A. I B. me C. my D. mine【2013山西】17

25、. Many people think Peng Liyuan is the most beautiful First Lady. And _ songs are also well-known. A. his B. her C. their 【2013聊城】18. - Jim, please help _ to some bread . - Thank you. A. himself . B. yourself . C. herself D. myself. 【2013安顺】19. The man has _ friends in this city, so he often stays a

26、t home. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little【2013鞍山】20. We need to go shopping. There is_ juice left in the fridge. A. little B. few C. many D. much【2013滨州】21. Which of the two T-shirts will you take? Ill take . One is for my brother and the other is for myself. A. either B. both C. neither D. all【

27、2013菏泽】22Dont be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you? No. I wont. I know that _of us are perfect after all. A. none B. neither C. each D. all【2013宁波】23. Would you like some juice or coffee? _ is OK. I really dont care. A. Both B. Either C. All D. Neither【2013宁波】24. Excuse me,

28、 is this _ iPad mini? No, it isnt. _ is at home. A. your; Mine B. your; My C. yours; My D. yours; Mine【2013丽水】25. What do you think of the movie by Zhao Wei? Terrific. I like _ very much. A. it B. him C. her D. you【2013安徽】26. I am a little hungry, Mom. There are some cakes on the plate. You can take_. A. it B. one C. that D. this【2013德州】27.Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom just now? _. She cleaned it all by herself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody【2013泰安】28. Who he

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