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1、考研英语之语法练习题08573定语从句练习题1.The settlers were unprepared for the long and patient toil the soil would be made to yield crops.Aby which alone B so that C because D though2.Most electronic devices of this kind, manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.Athat are B as are C which is D it is3.The c

2、ommentator must know the value of silence and how to use it at those moments the pictures speakfor themselves.Aif B when C which D as4.Children are likely to have less supervision at home was common in the traditional family structure.A than B that C which D as5.The Social Security Retirement Progra

3、m is made up of two trust funds, could go penniless by next year.A the larger one B the larger of whichC the largest one D the largest of which6.Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, obtaining water is not the least.A of which B for what C as D whose7.There ought to be less anxie

4、ty over the perceived risk of getting cancer than in the public mind today.A exists B exist C existing D existed8.The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds his argument in favor of the new theory.A which to base on B on which to baseC to base on which D which to be based on9. is generally acc

5、epted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.A What B That C It D As10.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything going on in the world.A it is B as is C there is D what is11.Ive kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school twenty

6、years ago. A about B since C till D with14.This is an exciting area of study, and one which new applications are being discovered almost daily.A from B by C in D through15. can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of thepatient in the modifica

7、tion of his condition.BA AsWhat16.for his work.He had more dictionaries thanAthey are needed B were necessaryCit was needed D necessary were they17.These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than intraditional media.Aexist B exists C existing D

8、 to exist18.When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established time lost due to injuriesis kept at a minimum.Awhere B how C what D unless19. Edward Blotkowsk, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, puts it, “Therehas to be coordination of pro

9、grams. What s need is a package deal”.A So B Since C As D Thus20.The Great Wall is the place almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.A where B which C of which D in which名词从句练习题21.In actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. he knows about it is out of date and inacc

10、urate.A What little B So much C How much D So little22.Prof. Lees book will show you can be used in other contexts.A that you have observed B that how you have observedChow that you have observed D how what you have observed23.I will give this dictionary to wants to have it.A whomever B someone C wh

11、oever D anyone24.They lost their way in the forest, and made matters worse was that night began to fall.A that B it C what D which25.Although happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in theA which B what26. is no reason for discharging her.A Because sh

12、e was a few minutes lateC howD itBOwing to a few minutes being lateworld.CD Being a few minutes lateThe fact that she was a few minutes late27.Concerns were raised witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.28. our team seems to lack at the moment is

13、 the determination it will win.AWhatever; that B What; thatC That; whether D Whether; that29.It sdoubtful the government of that country can accept them as permanent residents.A whether B that C how D what30.You may rely on everything will be ready by Monday.A that B what C which D it that状语从句练习题31.

14、Conversation becomes weaker in a society that spends so much time listening and being talked to it hasall but lost the will and the skill to speak for itself.A asB whichC thatD what32. Give me your telephone number _ I need your help.A whetherB unlessC so thatD in case33. born in Chicago, the author

15、 is most famous for his stories about New York city.A AlthoughB SinceC AsD When34.All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, a direct causalrelationship has not yet been establishment.A provided B since C although D supposing35.We are extremely sensit

16、ive to smells, we do not generally realize it.A even if B if only C only if D as if36.Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks from which theother elements are produced.A so that B but that C in that D provided that37.The senior librarian at the circulation

17、 desk promised to get the book for me she could remember wholast borrowed it.A ever since B much as C even though D if only38. industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive by reducing the number of employees,Manpower is booming.A For B Because C As D Since39. its economy continu

18、es to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part timers and temporaryworkers.A Even though B Now that C If only D Provided that40.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true it comes toclassroom tests.41.There are over 100 night schools i

19、n the city, making it possible for a professional to be re-educated no matter he does.A how B where C what D when42.You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting you don t mind taking the night trainA provided B unless C though D until43.The engineers are going through with their highway project

20、, the expenses have risen.A even though B just because C now that D as though44.It is that we llhave to be very careful.A a so big work B a so big job C such a big job D such a big work45. it is youve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.A That B Because C Whatever D However46.Sh

21、e can hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework hard she tries.A for B as C how D however47. we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.A For now B Since that C Now that D By now48. the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter.A Now that B Although C Provided

22、 D Except that49.On a raining day I was driving north through Vermont I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading“ Boston ”A which B where C when D that50.The draft bill will strictly control the amount of publicity that can be given to a case a trial begins.A since B if C before D as51. they ar

23、e adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges,teenagers are especially self-conscious.52.A variety of activities should be organized participants can remain active as long as they want.A if only B now that C so that D even if53.The phenomenon provides

24、a way for companies to remain globally competitive avoiding market cycles.A but B while C and D whereasB By hard work倒装、强调和省略结构练习题1.will Bill be able to impress his boss.A With hard work2.Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar write correctly.A you will B you can C can you D cant yo

25、u3.Humble it may be, there sno place like home, where he may go.A although B as C how D which4.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, a sudden loud noise.A being there B should there beC there was D there having been5.The business of each day, sellin goods or shipping th

26、em, went quite smoothly.A it being B be it C was it D it was6.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the time theywere finished.A could lose B would have lostC might lose D ought to have lost7.Just as the soil is a part of the earth, the atmosphere.

27、A as it is B the same as C so is D and so is8. do we go for picnic.A Certainly B Sometimes C Seldom D Once9.Vitamins do not provide energy, do they construct or build any part of the body.A either B so C nor D never10. for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so th

28、riving as it is.A Had it not been B Were it notC Be it not D Should it not be11.Only when you have obtained sufficient data come to a sound conclusion.A can you B would you C you will D you can12.Wood does not conduct electricity; .A so doesnt rubber B also doesnt rubberC nor does rubber D nor rubbe

29、r doesl3. So involved with their computers that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them tobreak for sports and games.A became the children B become the childrenC had the children become D do the children become14.Church, as we use the word, refers to all religious institutions, the

30、y Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and so on.15.“ during the performance of this trick, ladies and gentleman, do my hands actually leave my arms. ”saidthe magician.A On time B In no time C At no time D At times16. , I still enjoy driving even after my accident.A It may seem strange though B Strange though it may seemC Though strange it may seem D Strange it

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