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1、八年级英语模拟试题适合广东地区doc2013-2014学年度第一学期教学质量自查评卷人得分一听力理解八年级英语题号一、听力理解笔试部分合计ABCD二三四五六七得分A.听句子(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)B.根据句了的内容和所提的问题,选择一个符合题意的图画回答问 题,把最佳选项的字母编号填在提前的括号内。每题听一遍。)3.What should I do to go to library?ABC)4.Why is the cinema is the best?ABBig Screen)5.What the Speaker talking about?C评卷人得分AB.听对话(本大题共5

2、小题,每小题1分,共5分) 回答每段对话后面的问题。在个体所给的三个选项中选出一个最 佳的答案,并将其字母编号填在提前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。)6.What time did Mr Yuan get up yesterday?A.7:00 am听第二段对话,回答第7小题。( )7.How much does one teapot cost if you buy two?A.Y&00 B.Y&50C.9:00 amC.Y9.00听第三段对话,冋答第8小题。( )8.How can they go to the sea?B.By planeA.By boat听第四段对

3、话,回答第9-10小题。( )9. What do they know about Yunnan?C.By trainA 11 is very large B 11 is a nice place)10. How can they get more information about the travel?A. By going to the travel agency (旅行社).C. It is too far away.B. By reading newspapers.C. By watching TV.评卷人得分c.听短文(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)在每小题备选的三个答案中,

4、选岀一个能完成句子的最佳选项, 并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。本题听两遍。)16. How does Mary feel these days?A.She feels tired but excited.B.She feels tired and stressed out.C.She feels relaxed and excited)17. When does Mary have a math test?A.Next Monday. B.Next month. C.Next Friday.)18. What was Marys grade in the last math test?A.

5、She got a C in it. B.She got B in it. C.She got an A in it.)19. What does Mary do after she finishes her homework?A.She goes to bed B.She reads English books.C.She does a lot of math exercises)20. Which of the following is TRUE?A.Mary doesnt think she is improvingB.Mary is good at math but isnt good

6、 at English.评卷人得分C.Mary studies until ten at night every dayAbout SchooKs TripHave a good trip SName: Jack BrownNow: you should be careful to do sth, Please read the relevant content and you can knowabout Schoofs trips infomation.Where do we go?(16)How do we get there?(17)(另一种方式回答)What time do we me

7、et and where?7:50 am and (18)school.What things do we do?Visit museum; play things; eat good food and(19) At last what should we do?(20)D.听填信息(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)你将会听到一段有关于Jake Brown的旅游信息,请根据所听内容, 提炼出重耍信息,完成下列的信息表,本题听两遍。评卷人得分二.单项选择(本题共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)在每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母 编号填在提前的括号内。_ do yo

8、u go to the movies? Hardly everD.How farA. How long B.How often C.How many)22. He be in the classroom, I think. No, he be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute 3go.A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can?t D. may; mustnt)23. She looks because she has a vacation.A. relaxed; relaxed B. rel

9、axed; relaxingC. relaxing; relaxed D. relaxing; relaxing)24.1 am too tired and I want to stop a good rest.A. have E. had C having D. to have)25. There is with the boys eyes He cant see anything.A. nothing wrong B. somethingC. wrong things D. wrong something)26. Mr Green is not in good health these d

10、ays, he works hard.A. Because; so B because;/ C. Although; but D Although; /)27. Do you know his parents? Yes, they English teachers in our school.A. I can come B. Thats all rightC. Sure, Pd love to D. Thats OK)32. In my class, 75% students take the bus to school. So students get to school by bus.A.

11、 all B. most C some D. few)33. Whats your idea about making friends, Wang Hong? Oh.I dont like my good friends to do things me.A. the same; as B. same; likeC the different; from D different; as)34. My brother likes to talk, but my sister So she is than him.A. does; more B. doesnt: quieterC- is; less

12、 outgoing D isnt; less active)35. He has money and friends. he is very happy, I think.A. little; few; B. little; few; ButC. few; a little; And D. a few; little; But)36.He went there and has stayed there A.three days ago; for three days B. for three days; three days agoC.three days before; three days

13、 D. before three days; three days before)37.The meat is dear and eating meat is bad for your health.A. too much; much too B. too much; too muchC much too; too much D. much too; much too)38. If it tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.A.isnt rain B.donY rain C.doesnt rain D.worTt rain)39. Do you know

14、 anything about the singer Jay? Yeah. I heard that he speaks English best in the family, but he speaks Chinese in the family.A. best B worst C better D. worse)40. Li Ming cant come to help us this afternoon He has got A. something important to do B importani something to doC. to do important somethi

15、ng D. to do some important评卷人得分三完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题中,从四个选项选出 一个最佳答案并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。A young man went to a car shop. He was wearing a dirty jacket. He looked at an (41)car carefully and then turned to speak to the salesman. (42) is this car? he asked. Ten thousand two hundred

16、 and eighteen pounds/5 the salesman said. TT1 have sixteen (43) them, the young man saidThe salesman smiled. He found it hard to be polite, You arc (44) , of course/ he said, 6Tm afraid we cant help you. This car isnt for sale. The salesman showed his customer to the _ (45) and the young man did not

17、 say anything and left the shop. He went to a shop on the other side of the street and (46) sixteen cars. The second salesman was polite and (47) The young man took plenty of money out of his (48) and paid for the cars in cash (现金).He explained that the cars were for himself and his fifteen friends.

18、 He said that they worked (49) a fishing-boat. We have got a lot of money this season/5 the young man said, and we want tobuy cars: Certainly, (50)salesman was very pleased.()41. A. AthleticB. elseC expensiveD. unfortunately()42. A. How muchB. How manyC. What aboutD. What()43. A. toB.ofc./D. at()44.

19、 A. sayingB. smilingC. jokingD. selling()45. A. carB.doorC windowD. manager()46. A. took awayB. stoleC. looked atD. asked for()47. A. helpfulB. hopefulC. HappyD. cold)5 l.We know Disney Park and Ocean Parkes prize have childrens prize.And pay for children prize children should ?A.age under the 18 B.

20、age under the 12 C.age above the 18 D.age above the 12)52.If Lilys family go to a place at 8:45 am.They should go to A.Disney Park B.Ocean Park C.Shopping Square D.5-star hotel)53.About the acticle.What does the fake mean?A.正品 B.诈骗 C.冒充 D.冒牌货)54. Lilys family want to live in 5-star hotel.They should

21、 have the same bedrooms.And they have YEN42000.They should live .(1HK=12YEN)A.good bedrooms bedrooms C. presidential suite D.We dont know)55.What do you think of the passage what the title (题目)is the best?A.Some beautiful places B.Some good places to have fun.C. Some expensive places D.Some g

22、ood places about Hong Kong“God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland.” True to this saying, the people of the Netherlands are again “making their landAbout 1980 the Netherlands will complete a project begun in the 192()1: transforming the Zyuder Zee, an inlet (小港)of the North Sea into dry land

23、and a freshwater lake By stages, 550,000 acres of land will serve several purposes: industrial, recreational, military, and agricultural. Fed by the river Yssel, the remaining water basin Lake Yssel, about 300,000 acres will irrigate the surrounding land and help in the fight against salination (盐化作

24、用) Excess water will drain through sluices into the sea.As the first stop a nineteen-mile-long barrier dam, rising twenty-five feet above sea level, closed the entrance to the Zuider Zee. Then the experimental polder of a hundred acres preceded the first and smallest of the main polders fifty thousa

25、nd acres that became dry land in 1930. The fifth and largest polder 150,000 acres will be the last of the Zuider Zee works.Farmers for the new polder (开拓地)come from every province. The Eastern Flevoland polder, completed in 1957, became farmland for many from the province of Zealand which was badly

26、hit by the disastrous floods of 1953( )56. This article gives a present-day example of how A. salty soils are desalinated E. the Netherlands has increased its landareaC. irrigalion systems are built D. dams are constructed( )57. The period taken for the Zuider Zee project is A. from 1900 up to 1960

27、B. from the 1920 till about 1980C. from 1930 to 1957 D. less than fifty years( )58. The Zuider Zee will be replaced by A. 550,00() acres of land B. 300,000 acres of fresh waterC.both A and B D. Neither A nor B( )59. The article gives a measurement for the A. height of the barrier dam B width of the

28、barrier damC width of the road along the damD.height above sea level of the area on the land side of dam( )60. Implied but not stated A. The first step in the project was a barrier dam.B The polder recipe was first used in this century.C.Half of the Netherlands is below sea level.D.There is more tha

29、n one method of fighting salinationc阅读配对。阅读左栏人员的“求救信,然后右栏中是对应的办法,选择出一个相关项目匹配, 将答案字母编号填在相应位置。( )61.1 am fat.I amfatter than my classmates.I want to lose weight.but I dont know what to do?Can you help me?( )62Oh,I ate food toomuch yesterday.So today I am not feeling well.I guess I have aA.You should i

30、nvite your friends come to your party.And you should buy snakes and drinks in your home.Oh I forget to tell you:you should buy a big cakes and good music.If you do it,your party is very funny and intereseing.You should eat much food.Your weight is very low.You are so thin.And as for your life. You should eat much food.COh!Your weight is high.So you should lose weight.You should do more sports;eat more vegetables and fruit.Eatingstomachache.What should I do?( )63.My birthday partyis coming.I feel very happy.But my Birthday Party I dont know what to do.I dont wa

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