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1、新目标九年级英语U8学案Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks Section A 1a2c (总第 课时)【Learning objectives】Knowledge:1.Knowing:clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer, give out 2. Practicing: Id like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.Ability: Can say some ways about volunteering.Idea of Emotion,

2、 Attitude and value: Be ready to help others.【Important leaning points】Practicing: Id like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.【Learning process】一、预习任务(教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣)Task1: 短语汉译英:把 打扫干净_ 无家可归的人们_使振奋_ 分发_推迟_ 建立_ 想出_ 防止饥饿_课外学习班_Task2: Look at the bulletion board and read a

3、bout ways you could help people._ _ _二、诊断评价(教师寄语:相信自己,永不放弃)完成句子1. Ill help_ _(清扫) the city park. 2. You could volunteer in an _ _ _(课后学习班里)。3. A group of students are planning a_ _ _Day(城市公园清洁日) 4. 我一直在努力地让他振作起来已经20分钟了。 Ive been trying to_ him _ for twenty minutes.5. Ill _ _ (写下)all the ideas6. You

4、could _ _ _(分发食物) at a food bank.7. We need _ _ _(想出)a plan.8. We cant_ _(推迟制订计划). 二、 精讲点拨(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我)1. put off的用法_.2. sick, ill的区别_.三、系统总结(教师寄语:只有不断总结与归纳,才会更系统全面)总结本节课的重点句子_.限 时 作 业(一)选择正确答案 1. It took me a lot of time_ _my homework. A. finish B .to finish C. finishing D. finished2. Pleas

5、e_ ,or Ill be late for work. A. call me up B .call up me C. dont call up me 3. He also_ some signs asking for old bikes.A. put down B. put up C. put off D. put in4. He looks sad, lets_. A cheer up he B cheer he up C cheer up him D cheer him up(二)完成句子1 . Id like to_ _(鼓舞)the sick kids.1. Were going _

6、 _(建立)a food bank to help hungry people.3. You could_ _(分发食物) at a food bank. 4. We need_ _ _(想出) a plan5. We_ _(推迟) the sports meeting because of the rain.6. He also_ _(张贴)some signs asking for old bikes Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks Section A 3a4 总第 课时Learning Objectives:Knowledge: major

7、; commitment ;elementary ; veterinarian; coachvolunteer sbs time to -; put -to use; plan to -;cheer -up; spend -in (doing); not only-but also -; set up; put offAbility :Can understand the passage of 3aIdea of Emotion, Attitude and value: others can make both people and oneself happy【Important points

8、】 1. Uderstanding : The passage of 3a2. Practicing: volunteer sbs time to -; put -to use; plan to -;cheer -up;spend -in (doing); not only-but also -; set up; put off 预习任务Task 1 Learn 3a 快速阅读短文,回答以下问题:1 What does Hui Ping love to do ? _2 What does Lin Pei plan to do when he leaves school? _What does

9、Zhu Ming want to be ?_ Task 2. 熟读课文.二、精讲点拨 1、put -to use 把-投入使用 我们已经把这种新型机器投入到正常使用中了They have already _ this kind of machine _ _ 2、not only -but also -_就近原则, 其他相似结构_ 不仅我们而且我们的英语老师也喜欢流行歌曲 _3、put -off _ 后跟名词/Ving 形式 我得把我的行程推迟倒下个月 I have to _ _ going until next month.三、预习诊断 :单选1. You cant put off _ a p

10、lan. A make B to make C making D for making2. You could visit the sick kids in the hospital to _A cheer up them B laugh at them C cheer them up D take after them3. The work _ me a week. AspendsB takesC costsD pays 4. Mary likes autumn beacuse the weather is _ too hot _ too cold. A not only - but als

11、o B both - and C neither -nor D either -or5. Not only _ run his machine, but _ repair it. A. can he; he can B. he can; he can C. he can; can he D. can he ; can he 限 时 作 业( ) 1. Not only _ me to a meal , but also he bought me a present. A. did he invite B. he invited C. had he invited D. he had invit

12、ed( ) 2. The two girls wre very happy because _ of them had passed the math exam. A. both B. all C. neither D. none( ) 3. It took me a lot of time _ my homework last weekend. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished( ) 4 Did you _ much money on the car ? A. cost B. pay C. spend D. take( ) 5.

13、He looks sad. Lets cheer him _ A. up B. in C. out D. at( )6. If you still have any other questions, please _ your hand. A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on( )7. Its cold outside. Youd better _ your warm clothes, Lucy. A. put on B. put away C. put up D. put off( ) 8. We believe scientists will

14、 _a way to solve the problem of air pollution. A. set off B. put off C. come up with D. catch up with( ) 9 Now I spend time _ what I love to do.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( ) 10. We have to _our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain. A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put downUni

15、t 8 Ill help clean up the city parks Seetion B la2c 总第 课时 Learning objectivel Knowledge :to master take after fix up repair similar toHabit-forming: Be able to use the phrasesIdea of Emotion,Attitude and value:Help others by doing sth. in life.Important points take after fix up give away be similar

16、to come up with run out of Learning process一、预习任务Task 1:1a and 1b1. Learn la. Match the sentences with similar meaning.写出下列短语:与相像_修理_赠送_ 与相似_ 用完_2. Learn 1b Make sentences with the phrases in the box using your ideas.Task 2:读听力材料,完成句子1) Jinmy修自行车然后把它们赠送出去。Jimmy is the boy who _ _ old bikes and_ _ _.

17、2)然后,我把自行车修一修,送给那些没有足够的钱给自己买自行车的人。 Then I _ _the bikes and _ _ _to kids who dont have _ _ _ _ their own bikes.3)我猜我像我父亲。I guess I _ _ my father.4) 但现在我已用完了买自行车的钱。But mow Ive _ _ _ my money to buy old bikes.5) 我必须要想某个办法弄到钱,不然的话我就要停止了。I need to _ _ _ some way of getting money or Ill have to stop.6) 你的

18、父母一定会为你感到自豪。Your parents must _ _ _you.二、预习诊断 翻译句子1、I _ _ my bicycle to charity.(捐赠)2、He _ _ his mother.(相像)3、I _ _ _ her.(与相似)4、He _ _ _ _ his money.(用完)5、I _ it _.(修理)三、精讲点拨run out of take after fix up give away be similar to come up with 四、系统总结观察下列两类短语的用法并总结出类似的短语1. fix it up give it away _2. tak

19、e after him run out of it _限时作业(10) 一、单项选择:1. This watch doesnt work.Can you_?A. fix it up B. fix up it C. fixed it up D. fixed up it 2. Im similar _ A to she B. to her C. to he D. to his 二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Jimmy often _(fix)up bicycles.2. Lucy _(take) after her mother.3. He _(run) out of his money.4.

20、I fix up bikes and give _(they)away.三、完成句子:1.I guess I _ _ (像)my father.2. Now Ive _ _ _(用完) my money to buy old bikes.3.I need to _ _ _ (想出)some way of getting money or Ill have to stop.4.Your parents must _ _ _(为你感到自豪)you. Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks Section B 3a- 4 总第 课时【Learning obje

21、ctives】1. Master the words and phrases: put up,ask for,hand out, work out2. Can write an article by using the notes on Pages65, Part 23. Communicating: Offer help. 一、预习任务 Task 1.3a Have the Ss resd the passage and underline all the phrasal verbs. 使.高兴_put up_ call up_ hand out_ set up_用完_ask for_告诉某

22、人关于某事_想出_work out _fix up _捐赠_Task 2 .Ss discuss the article and finish 3b.1.He did a radio interview.2._3._ 4._5._ 二、预习诊断1.Last week everyone was trying to _Jimmy.(使高兴)。2.He told a radio interview that he _(ran) out of money to buy old bikes.3.He also put up some signs _(ask)foe old bikes and _(cal

23、l)up all his friends and _(tell)them about the problem. 三、精讲点拨 1. Put up: (1): “张贴;展示”,如:Its not allowed to _ sign here.(2).:“举起,抬起;张开(伞)”如:lets _our umbrellas.If you have any ideas, please _your hands.2. work out:在句中意为“带来好结果;有预期的结果;产生某种结果”。如:Things will work themselves out.事情会用好结果的。此外,work out还有“可以

24、解决;设计出;作出;计算出,消耗完”的意思。四、系统总结限时作业(10)选词并用其正确形式填空:give out ,cheer up, clean up, run out of , give away, put off, put up, set up, write down, come up with1. We are going to _ a food bank to help hungry people.2. I can _food at the food bank.3. I didnt sell it, I _ it _.4. The city park is not clean.We

25、need to _a plan.5. The city park is not clean, we need to help_ it_.6. -Do we have to do it right away?-Yes, we cant _ it_.7. Please lend me a pen, I need to _ _ your telephone number.8. I dont have any more of it. Ive _ _ _it.9. We could _ _ some movies posters on the wall of our cinema.10. -I hate doing homework.-Well,_!-Is a part of your job. Unit 8 Ill help clean up the c

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