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1、论文模版英文原创性声明(黑体、小2号、加粗、居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。(宋体 小4号)本人签名: 日期: 摘要(黑体小2 居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)飘是以亚特兰大以及附近的一个种植园为场景,描绘了发生在18世纪50年代- 18世 纪60年代内战前后美国南方人的生活。在这个时期

2、,美国的政治发生了巨大的变化。这部作品一定的技巧是表现浪漫主义色彩,并反映美国内战这一的主题,人物主角斯加丽反叛坚强的性格令很多读者着迷。作者玛格丽特-米切儿于1900 年出生在一个律师家庭,其父亲曾是亚特兰大历史学会主席。在玛格丽特26岁,她决定创作一部 以美国内战为题材,亚特兰大为自然背景的小说。 南北战争是美国工业革命重要阶段,美国内战的原因:十九世纪二十年代,美国已开始工业革命。到六十年代,美国工业已跃居世界第四位。这时,南部以奴隶制为基础的种植园经济却日益明显地阻碍资本主义经济的发展。两种经济制度的严重矛盾导致了南北战争的爆发。这个故事发生在美国内战前后,不仅展示了战争的残酷,同时描

3、绘了在此阶段,美国南方人复杂心理。本文主要从创作背景和人物性格两个角度入手,本文将首先关注的故事的背景,并对美国南北战争的客观与主观的认识。研究主人公斯佳丽、白瑞德等人物性格特点,分析他们的性格中的闪光点,及这本书的精神价值和意义。 通过分析比较飘中南北战争前后人物性格的转变,得出战争给人们的生活和心理都带来了巨大的影响。不同的人物在战争中表现不同的心态。经历了战争斯加丽表现出勇敢坚强,敢于面对现实,媚兰则用自己的力量帮助需要帮助的人,瑞德不在意世人的看法,运用时机经商。艾希礼逃避现实沉迷自我。由此可见,战争是一场灾难,给人们的心理和生活都带来巨大创伤。(宋体小4,1.5倍行距 )中间无标点符

4、号关键词:面向对象软件测试测试策略测试模型测试用例设计(黑体4) (宋体小4)(所有文本页边距:上边距为25mm,下边距为20mm,左边距为25mm,右边距为20mm)顺序为:中英文摘要、中英文目录、这四页页码为罗马数字ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 小2加粗) (段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)Gone with the wind takes Atlanta as well as a neighbor plantation as a scene. It describes the peoples life of 1850-1860 of the southern Amer

5、ican before and after the Civil War. It describes the love story that happened in 1850s-1860s, a period of the great change in America ,which characterized by the civil war. Gone with the wind is a work of romanticism, reflecting the theme of Civil War (Annetee,1997). Scarlett was demonstrated by th

6、e heroine of treason and arduous pioneering spirit. The readers are indulged the spirit of self-improvement.The author, Margaret Mitchell was born in Georgia Atlanta, the U.S. city. she grown in a family lawyer,in November 8, 1900. Her father was once the President of the city of Atlanta of the hist

7、ory .When Margaret was 26-year-old, she decided to create a novel of the Civil War, and Atlanta had become the natural background of the novel.Civil War was an important step of the industrialization (Ji, 2007). Civil war is the important period to the development of the America. The story happened

8、before, during, and after the civil war, not only showed a scene of war, but gave a description of the spirits of American in the South in the process of the comprehending the spirit.This study centers on the literature creation background and character disposition two angles; through understanding

9、the objective and the subjective of the US Civil War to analyzing the influence that the war bring to people, and through the research to the leading character Scarlett, the Rhett and other individuals characteristic, analyzing in the flashing points of their characters, and analyzing the spirit val

10、ue and significance of this book This paper gives a description of the spirit in Gone with the windconcerning mainly the individuals” characteristic and some background of the history. Through analyzing the individuals characteristic, get the conclusion that Different individuals perform their own r

11、oles before and after the war, they experience the war, and reflect the real characteristic. In the war, some people will choose avoid the reality, some people can find the best way to face the life, some people accept the war calmly, and some people give up their lives. Therefore War is a disaster

12、to people from ancient time whether it is a just war or not and people always suffer the great sorrow. (Times New Roman 小4号,单倍行距)Key words: civil war change in characters Gone with the Wind (Times New Roman体小4 加粗) (Times New Roman体小4)关键词之间无标点符号,空一个字符(即两格)目录(黑体小2 居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)1引言1.1作者生活的战争环境 1

13、.2对美国南北战争的认识 2战前不同人物的性格(各章的名称黑体4号,其余宋体小4)2.1斯佳丽 2.2瑞德 2.3艾希利 2.4媚兰 3战后人物性格变化3.1斯佳丽 3.2瑞德 3.3艾希利 3.4媚兰 4人物性格变化的影响4.1分析战争对人物性格影响 4.2分析人物性格的闪光点 结束语致谢参考文献附录(结束语、致谢、参考文献及附录黑体4号加粗) 注意页脚形式和正文不一样 CONTENTS1 Introduction11.1 The Author11.2 Civil War.错误!未定义书签。2 Different Characters 错误!未定义书签。2.1 Scarlet.错误!未定义书

14、签。2.2 Rhett Butler.错误!未定义书签。2.3 Ashley.错误!未定义书签。2.4 Melanie.错误!未定义书签。3 Comparison Between Changes in Characters After Civil War.错误!未定义书签。2.1 Scarlet.错误!未定义书签。2.1 Rhett Butler错误!未定义书签。2.3 Ashley.错误!未定义书签。2.4 Melanie.错误!未定义书签。4 The Effects of Civil War on Change in Characters错误!未定义书签。4.1 The effect of

15、 Civil War on the chnage in characters 错误!未定义书签。4.2 The shining points of characters .错误!未定义书签。Conclusion.5Acknowledgements6References .错误!未定义书签。Appendix141 Introduction (Times New Romans加粗小2加粗)(章标题段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)左对齐The author, Margaret Mitchell was born in Georgia Atlanta, the U.S. city. she grown

16、 in a family lawyer,in November 8, 1900. Her father was once the President of the city of Atlanta of the history. During the Civil War, about in 1864, Atlanta fall into the Northern army generals Sherman hands. Since childhood, Margaret always heard her father and friends, even among residents talke

17、d about the Civil War (W,2007). When Margaret was 26-year-old, she decided to create a novel of the Civil War, and Atlanta had become the natural background of the novel.Gone with the Wind describes the love story that happened in 1850s-1860s, a period of the great change in America,which characteri

18、zed by the civil war. Gone with the Wind, is a works of romanticism color, reflecting the theme of Civil War. Scarlett was demonstrated by the heroine of treason and arduous pioneering spirit. The readers are indulged the spirit of self-improvement (Bi, 2001). In fact many read ers appreciate the sp

19、irit of Scarlett.Civil War was an important step of the industrialization (Tao, 2005). The story happened before, during, and after the civil war, not only showed a scene of war, but gave a description of the spirits of American in the South in the process of the comprehending the business spirit.Th

20、is paper will first concern on the background of the history of America, and then make an analysis the changing of the individuals before and after the war, and comparing the difference of the roles in the novel, at last gives a conclusion of the great influence to the characteristics of individuals

21、 from analysis and comparison.This paper gives a description of the spirit inGone with the Windconcerning mainly the individuals characteristic and some background of the history. And it goes on to analyze the characteristics of the spirit.(正文全部用Times New Roman小4,每段开头首行缩进两个字符,正文行间距固定为23磅,字符间距为标准) 1.

22、1 The author (Times New Roman加粗小3号加粗)Margaret Mitchell, the author of Gone with the Wind, who was born in 1900 in Georgia. She used to hear something about the Civil War when she was a little girl. It made her show more sympathy to the people who suffered so much in the Civil War. So many American s

23、cholars thought this book denied American history and reminded people of the slave system. “Although the literary circles of American deliberately belittle its literary value, it is still a successful and great work.”(Shi,2007).This sentence gives high evaluation of the book the value if the book in

24、 the literature world is great.1.1.1 Background(Times New Roman 加粗4号加粗)Margaret Mitchell, the author of Gone with the Wind, who was born in 1900 in Georgia. Author (Times New Roman 加粗小4号)Margaret Mitchell, the author of Gone with the Wind, who was born in 1900 in Georgia.(章、节标题要保证段前为0.5行、段后为0

25、.5行)正文中如有图表,图名在下,表名在上,图表名使用小四号加粗Times New Roman,图表内容用五号Times New Roman。图表与正文上下各空一行。(举例:1.2-3, 1.2代表第一章第二节,3代表本节的第三个图表。).以下每一章节按此格式排列.公式、图文示例:(1)公式示例:(1.1) (1.2) 表名在上在尚在(2)表示例:表1.1Altera 可提供的基本宏功能单元类 型描 述算术组件包括累加器、加法器、乘法器和LPM算术函数门包括多路复用器和LPM门函数I/O组件包括时钟数据恢复(CDR)、锁相环(PLL)、双数据速率(DDR)、千兆位收发器块(GXB)、LVDS收

26、发器和发送器、PLL重新配置和远程更新宏功能模块存储器包括FIFO Partitioner、RAM和ROM宏功能模块存储组件存储器、移位寄存器宏模块和LPM存储器函数(表标题中文黑体小4号、数字及字母Time New Roman粗体小4号,表内容宋体或Time New Roman体5号)(3)图示例:图1.1数据通道模块内部结构图名在下,黑体小四在尚在图1.2进入Symbol操作界面Conclusion (Times New Roman 小2、居中、加粗)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行)This study mainly concerns on the characteristic of t

27、he individuals in the novel before and after the civil war. War is a disaster to people from ancient time whether it is a just war or not and people always suffer from hunger blooding and becoming homeless in the war.This study does not cover all the information about the civil war and the love stor

28、y. I mainly want to introduce the great influence of the civil war to the people. Different individuals perform their own roles before and after the war, they experience the war, and reflect the real characteristic .In the war, some people will choose avoid the reality, some people can find the best

29、 way to face the life, some people accept the war calmly ,and some people give up their lives. As you reading this study, there may be some personal thoughts about the theme. And in this study, I mainly research the individuals character, and the influence of the war to the lives of the southern people, and the influence of the war to the changing of the characteristic of the individuals. In my opinion, the environment is the great factor which influences the character. Therefore, the research or study about individuals c

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