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本文(中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练12Units56八下练习.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练12Units56八下练习2019年中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练12Units5_6八下练习6(八下)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.2018莱芜 We will have a sports meeting in October, but knows the date for sure.A.everybody B.nobodyC.anybody D.somebody2.The price of the houses has in the city recently.A.raised B.risen C.shut D.led3.She a Ge

2、rman in 2015.A.was married marriedC.married D.being married4.It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings.A.standard B.treasureC.invention D.instruction5.I saw Mr. Smith in the office at ten yesterday morning.Thats impossible. He an English party with us then

3、.A.has B.hadC.was having D.has had6.The bus passengers outside the airport.A.picks up B.looks afterC.drops in D.sends for7.Lily has a beautiful . Listen! She is singing in the next room!How nice!A.look B.noise C.sound D.voice8.In our childhood, Grandma often us to pay attention to our table manners.

4、A.reminded B.hoped C.allowed D.beat 9.Whos your favorite teacher?Miss Green. She makes us English in an interesting way.A.believe in B.take part in up with D.fall in love with10.How long will you stay here? I finish my homework, Ill go back home.A.As soon as B.While C.Unless D.If.2018青海改编 完形填空A girl

5、 was working as a nurse in a private hospital.One day, a patient who was 11 ill was brought to her hospital, but soon had to be moved to a different hospital for an operation.The director of the hospital said that the patient couldnt leave 12 he paid his bill first.The patients family asked if they

6、could pay the bill 13 the operation, as the patient was terribly ill.But their request was refused.The nurse, who had just arrived to work, heard about the situation and made a(n) 14 decision.She took off her golden 15 and used it to pay the patients bill. 16 her help, the patient was immediately ta

7、ken to the other hospital and his life was saved.Although the watch was the only piece of valuable thing she 17, the nurse donated it to save the patient, 18 he was a total stranger to her.The nurses action caught the attention of the doctor 19 was on duty that day.He later 20 the nurse and they fin

8、ally got married.We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. Love means giving as much as we can.Love is like a smile, neither has any value unless they are given away. As Mother Teresa once said, “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do.”11.A.heavily

9、 B.especially C.simply D.seriously12.A.unless B.because C.though D.if13.A.since B.until C.after D.before14.A.surprising B.exciting C.interesting D.fascinating15.A.necklace C.ring D.glasses16.A.In order to B.As forC.Thanks to D.Thanks for17.A.borrowed B.made C.saw that B.even t

10、houghC.and if19.A.who B.whose C.when on well with B.made friends withC.fell in love with D.was proud of.2018淮安 阅读理解Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business.Halfway there was a mountain.Before he left home, his family warned him to stay calm and climb on

11、to trees if he was in the face of beasts(野兽).In this way, the beasts couldnt do anything to him.The young man remembered these words and began his trip.He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there. He thought his familys worries were unnecessary.And he became relaxed as he

12、walked.Just at that moment, he saw a fierce(凶猛的) tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once.The tiger roared(咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man.The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger.Full of fear, he had to hold the

13、 tiger tightly.The tiger thought that must be a giant beast.So it was afraid and started running madly.People on the road didnt know what happened and said, “Look at the young man.He is riding a tiger!” “Cool!” “Superman!”Hearing these words, the young man was very angry.“Why cant they see Im suffer

14、ing a lot? Dont they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death?” he said to himself.21.The young man went to the village travel visit friendsC.on business D.for holiday 22.The young mans family warned him of .A.fierce beasts B.terrible trafficC.cold weather D.foolish people 23.Ho

15、w did the young man feel when he saw the tiger? A.Excited. B.Scared. C.Surprised. D.Bored.24.The tiger was afraid because was old and weakB.the young man was very strong thought people around would kill mistook the young man for a giant beast 25.What can we learn from the last two

16、paragraphs(段落)? A.People on the road were wise.B.The young man was very brave.C.We shouldnt admire others blindly.D.The young man shouldnt listen to his family.从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空26.If it is cold enough, we can water ice. 27.On October 17, the young woman a beautiful baby girl. 28.She Paris when sh

17、e first went there. Since then she has lived there for 20 years. 29.Mr. Black was so tired that he quickly. 30.The fire . Put some more wood on!.根据汉语意思完成句子31.开始下大雨时,他们正在踢足球。They soccer it began to rain .32.最初,他不知道健康的重要性。 , he didnt know the of health.33.虽然那位老人记得在这附近工作过,但他不记得地址了。 the old man remember

18、ed near here, he didnt remember the address.34.在困难时期,我们应该不懈努力而不是放弃。We should keep trying giving up in times of difficulty.35.你在森林里睡得时间真长! long time you slept in theforest!.2018德州改编 选词填空阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给11个动词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化(可添加助动词或者情态动词),填入空白处。Once upon a time, a father and his son were wa

19、lking from one town to another.While they 36., they happened to pass by a river.They were tired and stopped there 37.Then the father asked his son to get him some water from the river.Then the son walked to the riverside and he 38. some women washing clothes there.Right at that moment, a bullock car

20、t(牛车) started crossing the river.As a result, the water became very dirty.“I mustnt take the dirty water to my father,” he thought.So he came back and said, “Look, Father.A bullock cart 39. the river now, so the water is dirty and it cant be drunk.” Father said nothing.After a while, the son 40. to

21、get some water again by his father.The water was still dirty, but he didnt go back.He thought, “My father is so thirsty.I 41. back clean water this time, even though it will take me a long time.” Then he sat there, waiting until the water was clean.He collected some in a bowl and took it back.“Oh, y

22、ou are back at last.I 42. for you for almost half an hour,” Father said.After 43. the water, he looked up at his son and said, “Now, 44. about what made the water clean.You let it be and the water became clean on its own.It is also the same with your mind.When it is disturbed(打扰),just let it be, and

23、 it will calm down on its own.”The son thought for a while and said, “Thank you, Father.I 45. this forever.”We can make best decisions when we stay calm.参考答案.1.B考查代词辨析。连词but表示转折,故判断后面的分句表示否定,故用nobody。故选B。2.B3.C4.B句意:人们所接受的是:知识是人类最宝贵的。standard意为“标准,规格”;treasure意为“宝藏,珍宝”;invention意为“发明”;instruction意为“

24、命令, 指示”。根据句意可知选B。5.C根据“at ten yesterday morning”和“then”可知,此处表示过去某个时刻正在做某事,应用过去进行时。故选C。6.Apick up意为“捡起,接送”;look after意为“照顾”;drop in意为“顺便走访”;send for意为“派人去叫”。根据题干意思可知,应该是公共汽车在机场外接送乘客。故选A。7.D根据“Listen! She is singing in the next room!”可知,设空处是指“嗓音”。故选D。8.A9.D句意:“谁是你最喜欢的老师?”“格林老师。她用有趣的方式让我们英语。”believe in

25、意为“相信”;take part in意为“参加” up with意为“想出”;fall in love with意为“爱上”。根据句意可知选D。10.A.主旨大意 本文是一篇故事类记叙文。讲述的是一个病重患者需要转院去做手术,可是医院的主管要求病人家属必须先交清在该院的费用。病人的家属提出的做完手术后再支付的要求被医院拒绝。在这家医院里上班的一位护士听说了此事,用自己的金表为病人付账。多亏了她的帮助,病人得救了。文章告诉我们:要主动去爱和帮助他人。11.D考查副词辨析。根据下文“moved to a different hospital for an operation”可知,病人病情严重。

26、故用 seriously。故选D。 12.A考查连词辨析。根据语境判断,医院负责人要求病人家属“除非交清费用才可以转院”。故选A。13.C考查介词辨析。根据语境可知,应该是要求在手术结束后结清费用。故选C。14.A考查形容词辨析。根据下文“她用自己的金表为素不相识的病人交费”可知,这个决定让人感到意外。故选A。15.B考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“Although the watch was the only piece of valuable thing(尽管这块金表是这个女护士手头唯一的值钱的东西)”可知,女护士是用自己的金表替病人支付的医疗费用。故选B。16.C考查固定短语。根据语境可知句

27、意为“多亏了女护士的帮助,病人才能迅速转移到另一家医院,从生死边缘被抢救回来。”故选C。17.D考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“She took off her golden”可知是指“她自己拥有的金表”。故选D。18.B19.A考查关系代词的用法。先行词是doctor指人,并在从句中作主语,故要用who引导定语从句。故选A。20.C考查动词短语辨析。根据下文中的“got married”可知是指“这个医生爱上了这位有爱心的护士”。故选C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。叙述了一个年轻人到一个村子经商路遇老虎并与老虎周旋的故事。文章告诉我们不要被表象误导,从而盲目崇拜他人。21.C细节理解题。短文第

28、一句话说明年轻人去一个村子经商。故选C。22.A细节理解题。短文第一段第三句话提示他的家人警告他要当心野兽。故选A。23.B细节理解题。“he saw a fierce tiger”的下文是“他立刻爬到附近一棵树上”和下段的叙述可知年轻人看到老虎非常害怕。故选B。24.D细节理解题。根据“The tiger thought that must be a giant beast.So it was afraid and started running madly.(老虎认为这一定是一个巨兽。因此它很害怕,开始疯跑。)”可知选D项,老虎误以为这个年轻人是一个巨兽。25.C推理判断题。短文最后两段叙

29、述的是路人以为年轻人骑着老虎是超人,而年轻人则吓得要命。故选C项,“我们不应当盲目地崇拜别人”。.26.turn; into27.gave birth to28.fell in love with29.fell dying down.31.were playing; when; hard/heavily32.At first; importance33.Although/Though; working34.instead of35.What a.36.were traveling/ crossing40.was asked 41.must take42.have waited43.drinking44.think45.will remember

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