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1、河北省衡水中学届高三上学期四模英语试题3河北省衡水中学2018届高三上学期四模英语试题第一卷(选择题共9n加油0分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;n加油每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从n加油题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。1n加油. How many minutes does n加油the woman think John will n加油be late for the meeting?A. n加油10 minutes. n加油 B. 15 minutes. n加油 C. 20 minutes.2. Wha

2、t dn加油oes the man think then加油 building will probably n加油be?A. An apartment building. n加油 B. A hotel. n加油 C. A store.3. How does tn加油he mm fed about his present jobn加油 seeking?A. He is confident n加油 B. He is tiren加油d of it. C. He isn加油 not quite sure.4. What do you know an加油bout the price of meat?A.

3、 It is goin加油ng up every day. B. It isn加油 high everywhere. n加油 C. It is higher in on加油ther stores.5. Where n加油does the conversation most prn加油obably take place?A. in the kn加油itchen. n加油 B. In the living room. n加油 C In the studay.第二节(共1n加油5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对活或独白。每段对话或独白后有几n加油个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出

4、最佳选项,并标在试卷的相n加油应位置。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the n加油woman feel at the begn加油inning of the conversatin加油on?A. Relieved. n加油 B. Angn加油ry. n加油 C. Excited.7. Which city will the n加油art exhibition go to next weekn加油?A. Los Angles. n加油 B. New York.n加油 n加油C. Chicago.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。n加油8. Where did the man

5、live before?A. n加油In the Oak Greek apan加油rtments. B. In the n加油dorm. C. Inn加油 a house he rented.9. What doesn加油 the man do since others dn加油o the cooking?A. Cook meals. n加油 B. Do the shopping. n加油 C. Learn how to cock.听n加油第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.n加油 How is the woman going to Nn加油ew York?A. By train. n加油

6、B. By pn加油lane. C. Bn加油y bus.11. Why are the tickn加油ets cheaper?A. It is slower. n加油 B. There is no placen加油 to sleep. n加油C. It arrives at midnight.12. How muchn加油 will the woman pay for the tickets?A. n加油$ 25. B. $ n加油30. n加油 C. $ 50.听第9段材料,回答第13至n加油16题。13. When will the man an加油rrive at the airpor

7、t?A. At 8:00. n加油 B. At 9:00. n加油 C. At n加油10:00.14. Which of tn加油he following is the man mn加油ost likely to do in Italy?A. Atn加油tend an art school. n加油 B. Lie on the beach. n加油 C. Visitn加油 art exhibitions.15. How is the man n加油going the travel in Milan?n加油A. By bike. n加油 B. On foot. n加油 C. By car.16

8、. What wn加油ill the woman probably do during hern加油 vacation?A. Have a relaxing n加油time. B. Stay at homen加油. C. Takn加油e a summer course.听第10段材料,回答n加油第17至20题。17. What can wn加油e learn from the spean加油ker?A. Judge everything frn加油om facts.B. People may fon加油ol you by putting up a good appearance.n加油C. D

9、ont judge a persn加油ons intelligence by his appearn加油ance.18. What do we know about n加油the young man?A. He is stupid. n加油 B. He is a talenten加油d writer. C. He likes chan加油tting.19. What can we kn加油now from the example of the student?A. n加油The teacher is fooled by the intellign加油ent student.B. The stu

10、denn加油t is good at giving the teacher a good n加油impression.C. The teacher knon加油ws the students tricksn加油.20. What is the accurate suggestion n加油given by the speaker?A. Judging a boon加油k by its cover. n加油 B. Keeping a close eye onn加油 a student.C. Taking timn加油e to observe a personn加油.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题

11、;每小题2分,满n加油分40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、n加油B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ALiving Music n加油in the HomeLiving music in the n加油Home is a Waldorf-inspn加油ired resource for parents and tean加油chers who wish to shn加油are the joy of music with thn加油eir children and student. We provn加油ide musical training for adults so theyn

12、加油 can make music in their homn加油es and classrooms.NEn加油W! In addition to our online n加油offerings (see below), we are nown加油 offering in-person parent-chin加油ld music classes in western n加油Massachusetts. We invite youn加油 to come to join us for BabySong n加油and ChildSong, offern加油ed at the Cottage Gard

13、en.n加油CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFOn加油RMATIONCLICK HERE FOR REGISTEROn加油UR ONLINE COURSESFinding Yourn加油 Inner VoiceInstructor: Michelle Prn加油indle (about)Available: March 17This n加油course offers instrucn加油tion in vocal (唱歌的) techniqun加油e that will help parents and tn加油eachers to find their inner voicn加油

14、e. The course removes modem mn加油isunderstandings about the voin加油ce. It offers advice on overcomin加油ng psychological boundaries to n加油joyful singing. This in加油s done through practical, confn加油idence-building exercisen加油 that parents and teachers can practicen加油 in their own homes alongn加油 with the v

15、ideos and audio files pn加油rovided. The course also offers an加油 variety of songs for singing win加油th children.Mood of the Fifthn加油Instructor: Dan Prindle (About)n加油Available: March 17This course n加油begins by giving parents andn加油 teachers a solid foundation in the basin加油cs of western music theory th

16、at arn加油e necessary for understanding music in n加油the mood of the fifth. These incln加油ude the fundamentals of music then加油ory (basics of pitch and rhythm).n加油 The course then continues tn加油o define the mood of the fifth, descn加油ribe its elements and give a varietn加油y of examples. This coursn加油e prov

17、ides the necessary knowlen加油dge for parents and teachers n加油to fully understand thn加油is often unclearly dn加油efined concept.1. If Tome who doesntn加油 have a computer wants to use n加油the resource, he can .A. calln加油 Michelle Prindle directn加油lyB. take the course Fn加油inding Your Inner VoiceC. join in n加

18、油BabySong and Childsong at then加油 Cottage GardenD. take in-pen加油rson music classes in eastern Man加油ssachusetts2. What can n加油teachers and parents learn in tn加油he online courses?A. Instruction in von加油cal technique.B. How to n加油breathe while running.C. Various son加油ngs suitable for adultn加油s.D. How t

19、o deal with children succen加油ssfully.3. One can learn n加油about western music by taking n加油 .A. Mood of the FifthB. Fin加油nding Your Inner VoiceC. in-person parn加油ent-child lessonsD. any of the on加油nline courses mentioned4. This n加油text is most probably takn加油en from a .A. scin加油ence journal B. tn加油ra

20、vel guideC. storybook n加油 D. websiteBJames Gross, a psn加油ychology professor at Stanfon加油rd University, has a 13-year-old daughten加油r who loves math and science. “It hasnn加油t occurred to her yet thats unusual,n加油” he says. “But I know in n加油the next couple of years, it n加油will.”Shes already n加油being

21、pulled out of class to do an加油dvanced things with a couple of on加油ther kids, who are guys. And as somen加油one who studies human emotion for a pron加油cession, Gross says, “I knn加油ow as time goes on, she will feel incren加油asingly lonely as a girl whon加油s interested in math and scien加油nce, and be at risk

22、 of narron加油wing her choices in life befn加油ore finding out how farn加油 she could have gone.n加油Gross concern clearly shows what han加油s been a touchy subject in the worldn加油 of science for a longn加油 time: Why are there still so few womn加油en in science, and how n加油might that affect what we learn from rn

23、加油esearch?Women now maken加油 up half the national workforce, earnn加油 more college and graduate degrees thn加油an men, and by some estn加油imates represent the largest sinn加油gle economic force in then加油 world. Yet the gender gap in science pn加油ersists, to a greater degreen加油 than in other professionn加油s,

24、particularly in high-end, matn加油h-intensive fields such as comn加油puter science and enginen加油ering.According to Un加油S Census Bureau statistics, n加油women in fields commonly referred to asn加油 STEM (science, technology, n加油engineering, mathematics) n加油made up 7 percent of that workforn加油ce in 1970, a fi

25、gure that han加油d jumped to 23 percent by n加油1990. But the rise essentially stopn加油ped there. Two decades later, in 2011,n加油 women made up 26 percent of the n加油science workforce.5. According to Jamn加油es Gross, in the near fn加油uture his daughter may n加油 .A. become a great sn加油cientistB. feel lonely an

26、d have n加油fewer choicesC. be pulln加油ed out of class with some guysn加油D. learn math and science better ann加油d better6. We can learn from the textn加油 that .A. women are cleverern加油 than men in collegeB. men represenn加油t the largest single economic forcn加油eC. women make up mon加油re than 50% of the natio

27、n加油nal workforceD. the numn加油ber of women graduating from con加油llege is larger than that of menn加油7. How does the author develop n加油the last paragraph?A. By providing en加油xamples.B. By making n加油comments.C. By following tin加油me order.D. By explaining the prn加油ocess.8. Which of the following n加油is th

28、e best title for the text?n加油A. Why It Is Important to Gn加油et More Women Into Scienn加油ceB. James Gross, Confusion About Hisn加油 daughterC. Situation of Women加油n in the Whole CountryD. Futurn加油e of women in the WorkforceCItn加油 was close to midnight and n加油it was unusual to see vehicn加油les on the road.

29、 Howeven加油r, several trucks pulled over and wn加油orkers silently unloaded camera equipmen加油nt and cardboard boxes, and then n加油carried them inside the Morgenson famin加油ly home.What took place over the nen加油xt eight weeks was inspired by a Hon加油llywood movie calledn加油 The Joneses about a fan加油mily of

30、marketers whon加油 move into a local neighborhood tn加油o sell their products secrn加油etly to their neighbors. Tn加油he idea was to test the power of worn加油d-of-mouth marketing. By filmn加油ing a rear family in unscrn加油ipted (无剧本的) situations, my teamn加油 and I would document how then加油 Morgensons circle on加油

31、f friends responded to brands andn加油 products the Morgensons bought in加油nto their lives.With then加油 help of 35 video cameras and 25 micrn加油ophones hidden in siden加油 the furniture, the operation don加油ne secretly showed something sn加油hocking. The most powerful hidden pern加油suader of all isnt in your T

32、V or on n加油the shelves of your supermarken加油t. Its a far more important influence n加油thats around you almon加油st every waking momentn加油: your very own friendn加油s and neighbors. There is non加油thing quite so persuasive as observinn加油g someone we respect or admire using a bn加油rand or product.Our analysis also fon加油und that the brands the Mon加油rgensons used went faster. Abon加油ut one third of the Morgensons n加油friends began promoti

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