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1、新世纪英语高一知识要点梳理新世纪英语第一册Unit One OccupationsText (课文练习)Translate the following sentences into English (1) 烹调有各种不同的方法。(various) There are various ways of cooking .(2) 我决定听从她的建议,早点儿睡觉。(follow) I decided to follow her advice and went to bed early.(3) 这支医疗队由两名外科医生和四名护士组成。(make up of) The medical team is ma

2、de up of two surgeons and four nurses.(4) 你长大后想做什么?(grow up) What are you going to take up/ follow when you grow up?(5) 警方怀疑这两起案件可能有关联。(link)The police suspect that the two crimes may be linked.(6) 第二起交通事故涉及两辆小汽车和一辆卡车。(involve) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.(7) 律师仔细地将程序解释给我们听。(ex

3、plain) The lawyer carefully explained the procedure to us.(8) 女孩的脸上带着幸福的笑容。 (wear) The girl is wearing a happy smile.(9) 音乐会有大量的观众。(audience) There was a large audience at the concert.(10) 男孩比女孩在做警察方面更受到偏爱。(favour) Boys are favoured over girls as policemen.(11) 许多家庭收集报纸以废物利用。(collect) Many families

4、collect newspapers for recycling.(12) 努力工作带来成功。(produce) Hard work produces success.(13) 越来越苛刻的环境条例对经济的增长可能产生不利的影响。 (impact) Tougher environmental laws could have a negative impact on economic growth.(14) 俱乐部的成员包括各行业的人。(walk) The members of the club include people from all walks of life.(15) 暴力犯罪的增加

5、是一种新的趋势。(trend)The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend(16) 他给孩子的喉部动了手术,从而救了他的命。(operate) He operated on the boys throat, and saved his life.Supplementary Reading Translation1. 高中毕业生 大学毕业生(graduate)High school graduate university graduate 她是第一中学的毕业生 She is a graduate of NO.1 School.克蕾丝以优异

6、成绩从高中毕业了。(graduate)Chris graduated from high school with honors.2. 他的教书生涯非常成功。(career)His teaching career has been a great success.3. 他坚持说自己没病,不应该被送去医院。(insist)He insisted that he was all right and shouldnt be sent to hospital.4. 我还没有把握该做些什么。(sure)I m not sure of what to do./ Im not sure what I ough

7、t to do.5. 糟糕的管理导致了工厂的倒闭。(management)Bad management led to the failure of the factory.6. 对你所做的一切,我非常感激。(grateful)Im so grateful to you for all that youve done.7. 尽管我不喜欢他,但他是个优秀的人。(even though)He is an excellent man, even though I dont like him.8. 我们已经决定尽一切努力救火中的孩子。(make up ones mind)We have made up

8、our minds to save the child in the fire with all possible means.9. 你能独自完成这项工作吗?Can you finish the work on your own?10. 不要半途放弃你的计划。(give up)Dont give up your plan half way.11. 我们对待困难应采取积极态度。(attitude)We should take a positive attitude towards hardship.12. 他对物理一点也不感兴趣。(take)He takes no interest in phy

9、sics.Unit One Occupations 词组句型Book One Unit One Occupations1、来自各行业的人们 1、people from all walks of life2、从事不同职业2、take up different occupations3、生死攸关3、the difference between life and death4、毫无例外4、without exception5、教育机构5、educational institution (可数)6、接待客人6、receive(/greet) people7、作为秘书男孩比女孩更受欢迎7、Girls a

10、re favored over boys as a secretary 8、学习新知识8、acquire new knowledge9、某人被卷入某事;某人参与某事某事牵涉到某人9、sb. be/get involved in sthEg. Many people were involved in the fight.sth. involve The fight involved many people.10、老师给学生打分。授课布置作业批改试卷10、Teachers give grades to their students.give/ explain lessonsgive/

11、 assign homeworkcorrect/ mark test papers11、老师对学生的影响是终身的。11、Teachers impact on their students stays all through their lives.12、给病人动手术12、operate on sick people13、修复不正常的器官13、repair the organs that no longer work properly14、有大量观众14、have a large audience15、今天他的发型很怪。15、He is wearing a strange hair-style

12、today.16、对于英语学习采取积极的态度16、take a positive attitude towards English study17、年轻人应该自己选定学习科目。17、Young people should decide their course of study for themselves.18、下定决心18、make up ones mind to do sth./ about sth.19、我决定学习商业管理。19、I decide to take up/ study business management20、从事教书的职业从事医生的职业从事律师的职业20、follow

13、 a teaching careerfollow a doctors careerfollow the law21、对某事感兴趣21、take an interest in sth.22、独自做出重大决定22、make a great decision on ones own23、他放弃了在政府部门的工作。23、He gave up his government service.24、愿意做某事24、choose to do sth.Eg. He chose to leave right away instead of staying there.25、老板和客户间的桥梁25、a link b

14、etween the boss and the visitors26、制定计划和时刻表26、work out plans and timetablesUnit TwoTranslation:1、 站在这美丽的森林中,他情不自禁的深呼吸。( can t help but )Standing in the beautiful forest, he couldnt help but have a deep breath2、 她出身于医学世家。( come from )She came from a medical family.3、 在经历了一次又一次的失败后,他终于成功了。(one after a

15、nother )Having had one failure after another, he finally succeeded.4、 中国加入世贸组织后,一大批外资公司涌入了上海。( a great number of )Since China entered WTO, a great number of foreign companies have flooded into Shanghai.5、 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼时就学会了照顾自己。( at an early age )Her parents were busy with their work, so she learn

16、t how to take care of herself at an early age.6、 他想知道怎样才能表现运动中的人体美。( in motion )He wanted to know how to represent the beautiful human body in motion.7、 他30岁时被公认为是当时杰出的雕塑家之一。( regard as )By the time he was thirty, he was regarded as one of the outstanding sculptors of the age.8、 乘公共汽车从这儿到机场至少要花一个小时。

17、( It )It takes at least one hour to get to the airport from here by air.9、 你相信我不知道昨天所发生的一切事情吗?( that )Do you believe that I dont know all the things that happened yesterday?10、她最终拒绝了去当秘书。( turn down )Finally she turned down the job of being a secretary.11、他又帅体型又健壮,深受同学的喜爱。(well-built)He is handsome

18、and well-built, so hes quite popular among his classmates.12、Mary总是把她的房间弄的井井有条。(order)Mary always keeps her room in order.13、这道数学题是如此复杂以至于Tom花了半个小时才解出来。(tricky)The math problem was so tricky that it took Tom half an hour to solve it.14、她是一个能力很强的秘书,所以总是受到老板表扬。(capable)She is a very capable secretary,

19、 so she is often praised by the boss.15、他为残疾儿童开办了一所特殊学校。(handicapped)He set up a special school for handicapped children.16、我们把昨天拍的几张照片拿去洗了。(develop)We had the photos that had been taken yesterday developed.17、由于他经常迟到,他被革职了。(remove)He was removed from his job because he was always late for work.18、注

20、意不要把盐和糖搞混了。(mix)Please try not to mix the salt with the sugar.19、警察搜查了整幢房屋以找到杀人凶手。(search)The police searched the whole house for the murderer.20、我们应该对生活充满信心,努力去实现我们的梦想。(confidence)We should be full of confidence in our life and try hard to realize our dreams.Unit Two 词组句型1. be remembered as 被作为(为人)

21、怀念2. be/come from 来自/出生于3. at an early age 年纪尚小时4. belong to 属于5. oneafter another 一个又一个6. by the time 不迟于7. regardas 把视作8. give a task 布置任务9. at first 起初10. turn down 拒绝11. notbut 不是而是12. agree to do 同意做13. shut up 隔离;封闭14. get ready to do 准备好做15. work alone 独自工作16. get through 经历/检查/用完17. lie on o

22、nes back/chest 仰/俯卧18. as a result(of) 作为的结果19. become used to(doing) 习惯于 used to do 过去常常20. ever since 自此后21. all over the world 全世界22. a great number of 许多的/大量的23. home and overseas 海内外的24. cant help but do 禁不住做25. be closely related to 与密切相关26. manage to do 设法(成功)做到27. at the beginning(of) 一开始28.

23、 meet with 遭遇29. no doubt 毫无疑问30. in this/that way 以这/那样的方式31. in motion 运动中32. be modest about 谦虚的33. be selfless/selfish 无/自私的34. admire sb. for 钦佩某人什么35. lose heart 丧失信心36. full of confidence in 对充满信心37. fight against 与作斗争38. well-built 体格健美的39. develop films 冲洗胶片40. take a picture of 照相41. remov

24、efrom 移除/免去42. (be)quick and orderly 快而有序的43. except for 除了(不包括)44. mix up 混淆45. keepin order 有序的保存46. search for 搜寻47. feel sorry for 对感到难过/遗憾Unit ThreeTranslation (Text)1. 我一直想知道是谁先说出这个简单的事实。(utter)I have often wondered who first uttered that simple truth.2. 我觉得这么做是一件可耻的事。(shame)I think it a shame

25、 to behave like that.3. 这个小男孩吸引了我的注意力。(attention)The little boy caught my attention.4. 我是如此生气,以至于想朝他扔东西。(feel like)I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him.5. 这个小女孩盯着橱窗里的玩具。(stare)The little girl stared at the toys in the window.6. 要是她发现你把她的书弄丢了将会怎么样呢?(what if)What if she finds out

26、that youve lost her book?7. 你们最后将有机会提问任何问题。(opportunity)Youll have the opportunity to ask any questions a the end.8. 请给我一些关于如何省钱的实用建议。(tip) Please give me some useful tips on how to save money.9. 他开始罗罗嗦嗦地讲诉自己的工作。(launch)He launched into an account of his career. 10. 研究显示,饮食习惯正迅速改变。(indicate) Transla

27、tion (Additional Reading)Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.1. 他看过这部电影了,但是没有做任何评论。(comment)He had seen the film, but made no comments on it.2. 她肯定很早就走了,因为她没有在早餐时间露面。She must have gone out early, for she had not shown up for breakfast.3工作过多,休息过少,常常导致疾病。Too much work and too littl

28、e rest often leads to illness.4. 笑了一下,以此来回复我的建议。He responded to my suggestion with laugh.5. 如果客人不能按时回复邀请,主人可能无法准备适量的食品和饮料。(amount)If guests dont answer the invitation on time, the host cannot possibly plan for the correct amount of food and drink. 16我们一直后悔卖掉了农场。(regret)Weve always regretted selling

29、the farm.7我向他提供饮料,但是她没有理睬 (respond)I offered him a drink but he didnt respond to my offer.8我希望我们能在截止前完成这项任务。(deadline)I hope we can finish this task before the deadline.9他处事不顾及他人。(regard)He acts without any regard for other people.10我们准时完成了我们的试验。(schedule)We finished our experiment on schedule.11你究竟

30、欠他多少钱?(owe)How much on earth do you owe him?Unit Three 词组句型ride on the bus乘汽车a opportunity for sb. to do做某事的机会practise doing sth.训练做某事get off the bus下车what a shame多遗憾exchange with交换at the same time与此同时pay close attention密切注意feels like想做某事,愿意in return作为报答leave alone不管what if要是如何launch into开始侃侃而谈stick to坚持(真理)rather than 而不是

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