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1、中级口译0909答案2009.9.13中口真题答案及解析Spot DictationFor centuries, people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be two sides to the argument. Some people argue that just letting everybody trade freely is best for both the co

2、untry and the world. Others argue, that trade with other countries makes it harder for some people to make a good living. Both sides are at least partly right. International trade matters a lot. Its a fact on the life of people are enormous. Imagine a world in which your country did not trade at all

3、 with other countries. Imagine what kind of job you would be likely to get. And what goods you could buy or not buy in such a world. For the United States for example, start by imagining that it lived without its 70 billion dollars a year in imported oil, and cut back on its energy use because the r

4、emaining domestic oil and other energy sources were more expensive. Producers and consumers in other parts of the economy would feel the same if they were suddenly stripped a foreign-made goods like CD players and clothing. On the export side, suppose that Boeing could sell airplanes, and farmers co

5、uld sell their corps only within the United States, and that US universities could admit only domestic students. In each case, there are people who gain, and people who lose from cutting off international trade.In any case, less or more international trade will have strong affects on your career, as

6、 well as your life. For years, American companies are often faced with the choice of buying American-made goods which are expensive, and foreign made goods which are cheap. If the company buys America goods, it may anger tax payers by feeling to keep prices low. But if they buy us foreign goods, it

7、may endanger the jobs of American workers. Recently, congress has passed a law compiling American companies with government contracts to give preference to domestic goods and services.Statements1. Are you looking for someone who can translate this contract into Portuguese? What about our new secreta

8、ry, I hear she had stayed in Brazil for several years.2. Finding employment is not easy these days even in big cities. If I were you, I would be delighted wih such a job offer.3. Also present at the conference is Dr. Madison, who will join our discussion this afternoon to give an expert view on the

9、current situation of global economy.4. If you intend to try bungee jumping, most countries require that you be over the age of 18, and join a bungee jumping club, or be properly instructed for the sport.5. Keeping a business firm running is far more difficult than starting it. According to current s

10、tatistics, two thirds of new business firms will fail in the first five years.6. Scientists report that hunting or eating wild animals not only destroy the balance of nature, but also run the risk of being infected by virus from animals.7. We can never learn a foreign language in the same way as we

11、acquire our first. For even a 3-year-old child can have thousands of hours of contact with his mother tongue.8. Once you enroll in full or part-time courses at this college, our services are all free of charge, except that you pay 30 pence a copy for any photo copying made here.9. If you have yet to

12、 appoint a new sales manager in charge of our L.A. office, Mrs. Coleman was born there and has good connections.10. Suppose the gasoline tank of your car holds 20 gallons and you average 16 miles to the gallon, how far can you drive on a tank tull of gasoline?Talks and ConversationsQ11-14B: Hey Mary

13、, you look depressed. Is everything OK?G: Its my parents. They are not easy to put up with. They are so old fashioned and they never let me do anything. I go out at night only once in a while, and when I do, I have to be back by 10:00. What should I do?B: Have you tried to talk to them?G: They never

14、 have any time for me. My dads work comes first, and my mum only sits down with me when she wants to show me off to her friends:” Marry gets straight As, and she made basketball team this year! Er, I want to move out and live on my own! B: Well, I get along with my parents, but we dont agree all the

15、 time. They worry too much about me. If Im going away, its always: dont forget to call as soon as you arrive!, take this medicine with you in case you get sick”,” you must stay away from drugs. They know Im not into that. They should trust me. G: I guess parents are all the same.11: What does the wo

16、man think of her parents?12: Which of the following is TRUE about the woman?13: What do this mans parents often ask him to do when he is going away?14: What does the man think his parents should do?Q15-18Ladies and Gentlemen, we all know that even with the advances of science and technology in our m

17、odern society, it is very difficult for us to predict an earthquake, let alone, prevented. But people had long ago tried every possible means to record and in some way predict the occurrence of an earthquake. The worlds first instrument for recording earth quakes was invented in China in the second

18、century AD. The instrument, today we would call it a seismoscope was designed by a Chinese astronomer, and geographer named Zhangheng. It was a vessel like device made of bronze and measured in 6 feet in diameter. Inside the instrument, there was a pendulum that was swing from the movement of a trim

19、mer that is too weak to be felt by a human being. When the pendulum swung, it will pull one of the attached bars. The bar will open the mouth of the dragon sculpture on the outside of the vessel. And a bronze ball will drop, and fall with a clang into the open mouth of a frog sculpture below. This s

20、eismoscope could not only record the movement of an earthquake, but also show from which direction of the earthquake came. In AD 138, Zhangheng used his invention to announce that a major earthquake has struck 400 miles northwest of Luoyang, the Chinese capital. His report came long before massagers

21、 on horse back brought news of the earthquake to the capital city.15. For what purpose was the vessel like seismoscope invented?16. What is the function of the pendulum inside the instrument?17. According to the talk, what happened in the year AD 138?18. How was the news of earthquake brought to the

22、 capital city before the invention of such an instrument?Q19-22B: Hi Betty, nice to see you again! How long ago did we two meet in the student centre? Im glad the final examinations are over, and we dont have to stay up all night to cram all the academic stuff into our minds. G: Yes. Im glad we can

23、be here again to relax, and have fun with other fellow students. And now we can look forward to our summer holiday. Ive been thinking of going to the States for some time.B: I think it would be much better for you to go on holiday here in England than to the United States. To start with, its a lot n

24、earer, and so it would be much cheaper to get around. That means you will have far more money to spend. G: That may be true. But thinking about when you get there. There are much more to do in the United States. There are so many different things to see, and places to go. Imagine you could go to New

25、 York, San Francisco, the Grand Canyon, and Disney World!B: Exactly! Disney World! I have been dreaming of going there ever since my childhood.G: So, you are changing your mind, arent you?B: Im still worrying about the cost of taking a trip to the States. Meanwhile, if you stay here in England, you

26、can probably take up some part-time jobs. That way, you can earn extra money to support your study next semester.G: Maybe you are right. Ill think it over, and talk about it with my parents while Im home. Anyway, it is they who pay for my study here in the university.19. What has the man been doing

27、recently?20. Why does the man wants to spend his holiday in England?21. Where is this conversation taking place?22. At the end of the conversation, what does the woman decide to do?Q23-26All humans experience stress. It is a necessary part of life. Generally speaking, a persons ability to deal with

28、stress is affected by his or her feelings, attitude and outlook on life. To start with, my topic for this weeks lecture is teenage stress. Parents tend to think that their childrens adolescence is a carefree period of life. However, study show that teenagers can experience the most stress of all peo

29、ple. They can experience stress related to money, family problems, self-esteem, acceptance by their peers, getting accepted into college, choosing a career, and pressure to do well in school, sports or clubs. One reason for such stress is that childhood has gotten shorter, and the perception of chil

30、dren has changed. With the rapid advance of information technology, children can get messages that in the past, were probably meant only for adults. And the dividing line between childhood and adulthood ceases to exist. Children do not play as many as their games as we used to. And most of their gam

31、es and sports nowadays are those usually performed by adults. Youngsters are encouraged to use adult language that was once never to be heard around a child. Today, our people are under tremendous pressure to achieve and succeed. It seems to me that the higher our living standard is, the more stress

32、 our children experience. In any case, the way by which we live today definitely has something to do with the increase of the level of stress. 23. According to the talk, how would parents view their childrens adolescence?24. Which of the following is not a stress-related phenomenon for teenagers?25. According to the speaker, what kind of messages can children get today?26. What has contributed to the increase of the level of stress?Q27-30A: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown. Wont you take a seat? Thats an attractive shirt, is that new?B: Fair

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