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1、模拟4 模拟试题4第一部分 听力部分一 听力(共15题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,计25分)第一节:听对话,选图片。第二节:听小对话,回答问题6. How many books has the man got ? A. Two B. Six C. Eight7. What day is it today ? A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Monday 8. What does the man do? A. A driver B. A waiter C. A shop assistant9. How much are the potatoes? A. On

2、e fifty a kilo B. Two fifty a kilo C. Fifty fen a kilo10. Where did his father go? A. USA B. Canada C. Australia第三节:听长对话,回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答第1112小题11. Where do you think are the speakers? A. In a shop B. At a bus stop C. On a farm12. What does the girl want to do ?A. To learn to milk cowsB. To drink so

3、me milk C. To learn to ride bikes听下面一段较长对话,回答第1315小题13. Why did Jim pack his sports shoes ?A. Because he is going to run in the streets B. Because he is going to play basketball.C. Because he is going to play football14. What did Jack pack?A. His bag ,Chinese book and umbrella.B. His sports shoes ,b

4、ag and sunglassesC. Some Beijing duck, a box of chocolate and sports shoes.15. Why did Jims mother think Jim needs an umbrella?A. Because London is very hot and the Sun is always shining brightly .B. Because London often rains.C. Because London often snows. 第二部分 读写做部分二、单项填空(共10小题,计10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

5、选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。16. _ monkey can climb_ trees. A. The , the B. A, the C. The , D. A , 17. I keep a diary every day. _. A. So he does B. So does he C. Neither does he D. He doesnt either18. _ can the work be finished ? In six months. A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How far19. 30,000 dollars_ a

6、large number of money , but its _ than we need. A. is, far more B. are, far more C. is , far less D. are , far less20. This exercise is _ difficult_. A. so, that few of us can do B. so, that few of us can do it C. too , for anyone of us to do D. too, for anyone of us to do it21. Since you are_ great

7、 trouble , why not ask your friend _help. A. in , for B. in , to C. with , for D. with , to22. Do you want an apple or an orange ? _ . I really dont mind. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither23. Is this your bag ? oh , _ ! Thanks. A. it is B. this is C. it is that D. thats it24. Im going to Beijing

8、next week. _. A. Have a good journey B. its very nice of you C. Let me say Good bye to you. D. Congratulations to you25. No matter _ the weather is , Ill go to the farm. A. when B. what C. where D. how三、完形填空(共15小题,计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2640各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。When quite young , Deniel didnt obey the ru

9、les of school . One day the teacher _26_ him breaking a rule and asked him _27_ forward to be punished. In that school striking the open hand _28_ a ruler was the punishment . Deniels _29_ happened to be very dirty . _30_ the way to the teachers desk he wiped the palm of one hand on his_31_.“Give _3

10、2_ your hand ,” asked the teacher . Out went the _33_ hand . The teacher _34_ it for a moment and said , “ Deniel , if you _35_ another hand in this classroom _36_ than that , I will _37_ you go.”Immediately from behind Deniels back came the left hand , “_38_ .sir,” he answered.“_39_ will do,” said

11、the teacher, laughing. “ You_40_.”26. A. caught B. took C. catch D. take27.A. come B. came C. to come D. coming28.A. in B. with C. for D. on29. A. desk B. legs C. hand D. hands30. A. In B. By C. On D. At31.A. clothes B. shirt C. jacket D. trousers32. A. I B. me C. my D. mine33. A. right B. left C. f

12、at D. thin34. A. look B. look at C. looked at D. saw35. A. can find B. found C. look for D. look out36. A. dirty B. dirtier C. much dirty D. dirtiest37. A. tell B. ask C. let D. make38. A. Here is it B. Here it is C. This is D. That is39. A. That B. What C. It D. This40. A. cant go B. may not go C.

13、must go D. may go四、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Trudys class has a newspaper . The students write stories , articles and poems for it. Then one of them types their works into a computer and prints it out . The teacher pins up everything on the wall so that it looks like a larg

14、e , open newspaper.One day Trudy said to the teacher , “Most newspapers have advertisements . Can we have advertisements in ours?”The teacher thought it was a very good idea . She made Trudy the advertising manager and Trudy asked the other students to advertise in the newspaper.Here are some of the

15、 advertisements she received.FOR SALE Sony Walkman . In good condition Complete with earphone . Best offer. see MiriamCOOD HOME WANITED Six lovely Persian KittensNeed homes . They are the cleverest things youve never seen. Free to the right Person. see JohnWORK WANTED Strong boy is willing to work i

16、n gardenor do housework . 3 hours a week . Not expensive. see TomWANTED PC In good condition . Must be at least a Pentium see AllanCONCERT TICKETS Has anyone got a spare ticket to the Raidersconcert next week ? Im desperate and will pay well for a good ticket. see ShelieLOST A golden ring with a blu

17、e stone in it.Reward . see Patricia 41. Who wanted to put advertisements in the newspaper? A. Trudy B. The teacher C. Some of the students D. Allan42. What does Tom want to do ? He wants to _. A. do other peoples homework B. do gardening or housework C. see six Persian Kittens D. fix broken PCs43. W

18、hy will Shelia pay well for a Raiders concert ticket?A. Because she hates going to the concert.B. Because she wants very much to go to the concertC. Because she likes collecting the concert tickets.D. Because her friends are going to the concert44. What will Patricia give the person who finds her ri

19、ng? A. Nothing but a golden ring B. Another ring C. A ticket to the Raiders concert D. A reward45. What is the main idea of this passage ?A. Trudys class has a newspaper B. Trudy wrote some advertisements for the class newspaper.C. The teacher wrote some advertisements for the newspaperD. The studen

20、ts in Trudys class wrote advertisements for their newspaperB Air is a colourless, tasteless and invisible gas that is around us. An “empty” drinking glass and an “empty” room, in fact , are not really empty .Each is filled with air . When the glass is filled with water , the water pushes the air out

21、 of the glass. Air , as a gas , has no definite shape , but because it is matter , it takes up space and it has weight . It is easy to prove that air is something that takes up space . Stuff a piece of dry cloth into the bottom of a glass so that it will not fall out when the glass is turned upside

22、down . Push the upside _down glass , holding straight up and down , into a jar of water till the glass is completely covered . When the glass is taken out of the water , the cloth is still dry . The air inside the glass shows that it takes up space and keeps the water from coming in. 46. Air has no

23、definite shape because _.A. it is a mixture B. it is a gas C. it is matter D. it is nothing 47. Since air is matter , it has _.A. room , and weight as well B. both room and shapeC. either room or weight D. neither shape nor weight 48. The word “Stuff” means _ in Chinese A. 撕 B 盖 C 取掉 D 塞 49. The wri

24、ter tells that the experiment_.A. is carried out in the space B. must be done in the labC. is made in the room D. is only can be done in the open air 50. Which of the following pictures give us the correct result of the experiment?( W=water A=air C=cloth ) ACCIDENT REPORTWHENWHEREWHOWHAT (ACCIDENT)R

25、ESULT C All students need to have good study habits .When you have good study habits you learn things quickly .You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room ? This is not a good place , because it is usually too noisy . You need to study in a quiet place , like your bedroom

26、. A quiet place will help you only to think about one thing. When you study , do not think about other things at the same time . Only think about your homework . If you do this , you will do your homework more quickly ,and you will make fewer mistakes . Good study habits are very important .If you d

27、ont have them , try to learn them . If yours are already good , try to make them better.51. How do you learn things when you have good study habits?A. All students need to have good study habits.B. We will learn things quickly C. Do not think about other thingsD. Only think about our homework 52. Wh

28、en do you remember things easily? A.When we have good study habits B. When we study C. When we learn things D. When we need to have good study habits53. What should you not do at the same time when you study?A. We should have good study habits.B. We should learn things quickly C. We should not think

29、 about other things54. What must you only think about when you study?A. We must only think about good study habitsB. We must only think about other things C. We must only think about our homework D. We must only think about mistakes55. If you do not have good study habits , what must you do?A. We mu

30、st try to make them better .B. We must try to learn them and have them C. We must try to make fewer mistakes D. We must try to do our homework quickly 五单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据下列句子所给的汉语注释,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一词。56. The camera is _ (值) 3,000 yuan.57. December is the _(十二) month of the year.58. On the way

31、 home I met two _ (德国人) 59. What a pity ! Its_ (下雨) again.60. I met a friend of _ (她) in the street yesterday. She was so happy.61. The boy is the _ (骄傲) of the family.62. She said that she_ (花费) much money on clothes every year.63. Lucy is the _ (差) at French among the students.64. He has _ (借) the book for two weeks.65. Can you sing this song _

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