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1、济南中考英语选词填空题专练中考英语选词填空专练(1).选词填空(10分)A阅读短文,从方木 travel for have to rather tha n less onsI want to be a t have to our guide. In fact, it is all I have ever wan ted to be. Iwant to 86 , especially to En glish-speak ing coun tries such as theUn ited States and Australia. Howeverknow that I 87 improve myE

2、nglish, so I ve started taking 88 at a Ianguage school. It reallyhelped me lear n En glish. I have bee n a stude nt here 89 two years,and I really love it. Maybe whe n I leave school I will think about beco ming anEn glish teacher 90 a tour guide.B阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助 动词或不定式符号。(每词限用一次)c

3、lea n fall make relax bigIt sno wed heavily in November in n orther n China. Big snows91 on Beiji ng, hebei, Sha nxi, Nin gxia and Xin jia ng. For manycities, it was 92 sno wfall in the past 50years. Traffic93 hard. Many schools had to close for days.Jia Aizhen, 14, said, “It was lucky because I had

4、 more time to go over my less on s. I felt 94 to see the white snowy world. ”Kang Xinyi and Wang Danyang, both 13, said, “It was so good we didn t go toschool!. We n ever saw such a big snow. We made only a small sno wma n last year.And we 95 up the roads with our classmates since yesterday. ”(2)选词填

5、空 (10分)A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。 (每词限用一次)cook ing for late dinner meToday was not a good day. Everyth ing went wrong. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to wake up. I just had a glass of milk (86) breakfast.Of course, I missed the bus and had to wait for the n ext bus. I was(87) for school and th

6、e teacher told me to stay in the classroom atlunchtime to finish the schoolwork.Whe n I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. Un luckily, I had some problems finishing it. At that time, Mom was busy with(88) . She was (89) some fish and some vegetables.She knows I don t like them,

7、but she thinks they are good for (90) .It was a horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be better.B.阅读短文,从方框中选出适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。 (每词限用一次)I remember be speak fall finish IEvery one has his teachers. I (91) Miss Gao, my first En glishteacher, all my life. She is the best teacher I have had. She is not tall,

8、 but she has two big beautiful eyes. Her voice sounds nice and she (92) En glishvery well. She teaches us carefully and gives us cha nces to speak En glish. If our homework (93) well, she will speak highly of us. And we(94) very in terested in lear ning En glish since the n. One day whe nwe we playe

9、d a game in her class, I (95) dow n hard. She was veryworried and sent me to hospital at on ce. She is not only a good teacher but also a kind mother.(3).词汇填空(10分)A.阅读短文, relax ing me boati ng happy volleyballToday I had a good time. It was sunny and hot. You know sunny days always make people (86)

10、. My frie nds in vited (87 ) to thebeach to have fun. We did lots of thi ngs there. In the morning we went(88) on the sea. I n the after noon some were playi ngbeach(89) . As for me , I enjo yed the beautiful sun shi ne on thebeach . It was really (90) .B.从方框中选出适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定 式符号。send c

11、ome be grow studyEvery one has a dream. So does Zhang Chen. When he(91) eight, he hoped to go to a famous collage. But now he isgoing to be a rich man whe n he (92) up. There are some poorfamilies in our coun try. They have no eno ugh money for school. He wants to help some of them. With his help, m

12、aybe many poor childre n can (93) to school.Now he (94) harder tha n before. He hope his dream(95) true one day.( (10 分)A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。after some fruit strong n ecessaryHealth is very important for us. But what can we do to keep healthy? Let me tell you (86) good ideas. First, you should eat (

13、87) andvegetables four or five times a week. Then, you should eat food like tofu every day because it s good for people. Milk is also (88) . So yulidsdirinkmilk twice a day. It can help you to be (89) . Next, it s good for y(to do morning exercises every day. And last, (90) supper, you shouldgo out

14、for a walk.B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。(每词限用一次)come take hear talk workOne day whe n Zhang Peng came back home from school, he saw a man (91) with his gran dfather. “ Your son (92) in Beiji ng, isn t he? ” the man asked. “ Yes. ” his grandpa said. “ He asked me (93) here. He is ill in hospital and

15、he needmoney. I m here to get some money for him. ” said the man.Whe n Zhang Peng (94) this, he went out quietly and phoned hisfather. His father said he was fine. Then Zhang Peng quickly called the police. Soon two policeme n came and the man (95) to the police stati on.(5)选词填空(10分)A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的

16、单词填空。(每词限用一次)homework goodbye studying never kindHow time flies! It s three years since I came to the school. Now I m going to86 to my classmates. I 87 _ ll forget my school. There aremany beautiful flowers and trees. The teachers are so 88 that we all lovethem. I have fun 89 with my classmates. We

17、always helped each other.Though there s always too mu90 , I ll mysschool life. Because Ihave lear ned a lot from my teachers and frie nds.B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动 词或不定式符号。(每词限用一次)do get look come sedIt was a sunny win ter morning. Mrs Smith was sitt ing in front of a shop andlook ing at

18、the busy traffic. Then, a man 91 towards her.“ Excuse me, ” said the man, “ Could you tell me how I can 92 to then earest hospital, please? ”Mrs Smith looked at him up and dow n. “ He 93 like a farmer, ”she said to herself. “ Let me make fun of him. ” Then she turned to him and said,down in the midd

19、le of the street and soon you ll 94 to a hospital.“ Please show me how 95 it, then, ” said the man.(6)选词填空(10分)A 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。play same old betteralwaysLinda is my best friend. She has short straight blonde hair and blue eyesShe is as(86) as me but shes a little taller. She is (87) energetic.W

20、e sit together in class and We both like the (88) subjects-art andscienee We usually (89) tennis for half an hour after school Linda oftenwins. However, I do a little (90) than her in the testsB.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助 动词或不定式符号。(每词限用一次)try be become taketellHenry, a 14-year-old boy,used(91

21、) too fat to play sports. He went to thedoctor and (92) to have a balaneed diet So he (93) not to eattoo much meat or sugar because they might make him get heavierNow he isnt fat at all. He does sports every day an(94) a member of the school soccerteam. Next week Henry (95) part in the school sports

22、 meet(7)选词填空(10分)A阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。many far beach from pare ntsLisa got a letter. It was (86) her friend, Wan da. Wan da s home is(87) away and n ear the seaShe wan ted Lisa to come to her houseLisa s(88) said she could goLisa took a train to Wanda Thhouwere happy to see each otherThe girlswent to

23、 the (89) , saw movies, and played (90) games Theyhad a lot of fun and enjoyed themselvesB阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动 词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。see be win callworkBill likes to fix up old cars . He has one very old black car It (91) “ Miss Lizzy. Last week . he( 92) on Miss. Lizzy for a long time until

24、 the old car looked like new. Bill plans to take one of his old cars to a car show . He thi nks, “ Miss. Lizz(93) the best one to take for the coming carshow . ” Many people come (94) Bill s. caris the best car in the showand it (95) the first prize!(8).选词填空(10分)A .阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)into wal

25、king police followed unusualI had a very 86 experie nee on Saturday. At around ten oclock in the morning,I was 87 down the street whe n a UFO Ian ded right in front of me. You canimagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I 88 it to see where it was going, and l was

26、very surprised whe n it went 8 a souve nir shop. While it was look ing at the souve nir, the shop assista nt called the 90 .B .阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助 动词或不定式符合(每词限用一次) t .show visti be come uke1 91 back from Beijing after three days vacation two days ago. This is thesec ond time I 92 there

27、. During the time, some photos of beautiful places93 , like the Great Wall, -the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum. I 94them to my classmates at school tomorrow at break. I will tell my classmates that Beijing is really beautiful. We can not only see beautiful scenery but also get a lot of history

28、 kno wledgehope 95 it aga in one day.九 hold build clean wish foreignBeijing 91 the 29h Olympic Games in August. We are veryhappy and all the Chin ese are proud of it. Many 92 will visitBeiji ng. In order to welcome them, we 93 a lot of won derfulbuildi ngs and stadiums. You can see the air here is 9

29、4 tha n before.How nice everythi ng is. The Olympic Games is our dream. Now people inBeijing are working hard for it .Best 95 to you, Beiji ng!96She does a lot of housework at home.否定句)She a lot of housework at home.97The old man has bee n in Ji nan for about 50 year(戈 U线提问) has the old man bee n in

30、 Jinan?98The weather was so bad that many people couldlngo back home.(同义句)The weather was bad for many people go back home.99The news made all the people excited.(变为被动语态)All the people whe n they the n ews100北京国家体育馆什么样?像个鸟巢。-What does the Natio nal Stadium ?-Like a bird vest.101上周我们去了九鼎塔,还拍了一些照片。Las

31、t week we went to Jiud ing Tower and some there.102通过举办奥运会,我们能结交世界各地的朋友。We with people from all over theworld by host ing the Olympic Games.103穿牛仔裤的人不能进入音乐厅People who wear jea ns to the con cert wo go to the con cert .clea n fall make relax big十 It sno wed heavily in November in no rther n China. Big snows91 on Beiji ng, hebei, Sha nxi, Nin gxia and Xin jia ng. For manycities, it was 92 sno wfall in the past 50years. Traffic93 hard. Many schools had to close for days.Jia Aizhe n, 14, said, “It was lucky because I had more time to go over my less ons.I felt 94 to see the white snowy world. ”

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