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1、五年级作文之英语作文Myday怎么写五年级英语作文Myday怎么写五年级【篇一:英语作文my day8篇】 my day8篇 day today is sunny. i get up early and read some english. then i have breakfast and go to school. in the morning we have four lessons, theyre two enlish lessons, one chinese lesson and one history lesson. i like english best. at noo

2、n we have lunch at school, we have rice and vegetables, but we dont like them very much. in the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson. math is difficult, but i study hard. and we sing a beautiful song. we finish school at a quarter to five. i play basketball with my friends on the

3、playground. its fun! then i go home and do my homework, next i have dinner with my parents and watch tv. i go to bed at nine oclock. day my name is is sunny. i get up at 6:00. then i eat breakfast and go to school. i have four chinese class,one math class,one english cla

4、ss and one p.e.class. at noon we have lunch at school. afternoon, we have two math lessons and one music lesson. math is too difficult.then i go home and do my homework, next i have dinner with my parents and watch tv. i go to bed at nine oclock. day i had a wonderful holiday at spring festival

5、 . i went to the park with my friends . we met at eight oclock at the school gate . we went to the park by bike .it was a beautiful day . we sat under a big tree and chated with each other . we took about some movies and some fun things . we had lunch there . we ate hamburgers and some drinks , but

6、i know they are not healthy and not good for us . then we played some games . we were all fell tired ,but we were very happy ! it was great fun ! day today is monday. i get up at 6:00. i have my breakfast at about 6:30.then i clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. i have noodles for br

7、eakfast. i go to school at 7:00. i do morning exercises at 7:50.we have four classes in morning. at 11:30, im very hungry. i have lunch at school. i go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. we have three classes in the afternoon. i have computer class and art classes. i like them very much. i go home at 5:30

8、. i do homework after school. my sister、brother and i watch tv at 8:00 in the evening. then i wash my face and brush my teeth. i go to bed at 10:00. im happy today! day this is my day .i get up at 6:00,then have breakfast.after breakfast i go to school at 7:00,it is 11:30 i am go home,i have lu

9、nch at 12:00,i make a habit of taking a nap after 1:00 i am go to school,it is 4:30 i am go home,then i have dinner ,at 7:00 i do my homework ,at 9:00 i go tosleep.this is my day! day today is my birthday. i get up at eight oclock. but no one is at home. so i go to my friend freds home

10、. but he isnt at home. i feel disappointed. what a terrible birthday! on my way home, an old woman stops me. she tells me that today is my birthday and my parents name. and she says that i will meet a tiger at night. i feel afraid. because she is right. then i go home. then my parents and fred come,

11、 they say happy birthday to me. and they buy a dog called tiger for me. what fun is today! 7.a day to remember it was sunday. our teacher mr zhu led us to a park nearby.usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. but today we went there to take part in voluntary labour. we got there at nine oclo

12、ck. mr zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working. the students in group one planted trees and watered flowers. the students in group two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist. they also cleaned the benches in the park. i was in group three. we went to the childrens playgro

13、und and cleaned all the equipment there. we worked very hard. at about eleven we finished working. we met at the gate of the park. we all felt tired but very happy. important day july 20th 1969 was an important day for the human being.two american astronauts landed on the moon. it was the first

14、 time for man to be on the moon. as soon as they got there, they put a television camera on the moon in order to let the people on the earth watch them on tv at home. before they-left the moon,they collected some moon rocks and brought them back to the earth. a new age of exploration began.【篇二:五年级英语

15、下册第一单元教案】 unit1 myday lets talk 一教学目标 知识与能力目标:(1) 能够听懂、会说、会读对话:when do you do morning exercises/ eat breakfast.? i usually do morning exercises/ eat breakfast at .并能在实际情景中运用。 (2) 能够运用所学的知识填写自己或调查别人的作息时间表,并反思自己的生活和学习习惯。 (3) 通过话题、功能、结构、任务有机结合的训练,提高学生用英语交际的能力。在自主性学习和成功的体验中,进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。 二教学重、难点分析

16、 (1) 本课的教学重点是熟练使用句型:when do you do morning exercises/ eat breakfast.? i usually do morning exercises/ eat breakfast at. 以及让学生理解并懂得what about you? 和and you ?的用法。 (2) 本课时的教学难点是单词 exercises, usually 的正确发音。 8. 课前准备 (1) 教师准备五年级上册第二单元的动词卡片和本单元 a lets learn 部分的动词卡片。 (2) 教师准备录音机和五年级上册第二单元b部分的歌谣磁带和本节课的磁带。 (4

17、) 学生准备日常生活用语单词卡。三、教学过程 1导入 (热身/复习活动,激活思维) (1) 教师放五年级上册第二单元b部分的歌谣,复习巩固句型: what do you do on saturdays? 以及动词短语:watch tv, read books, play computer games 等。 师生吟唱歌谣: t: what do you do, what do you do, what do you do every day? s: i read books. i read books. i read books every day. (歌谣呈现了周末活动和每天的日常活动。通过吟

18、唱这首歌谣调节学生的情绪,激活学生已有的知识储备。) (2) 活动:快乐猜猜猜 t: what do you do, what do you do, what do you do every day? ss: i read books/ play football/.学生任意拿出一张课前准备的单词卡片,边挥舞边说该短语。 教师从自己的单词卡片中抽取一个词组,学生抽取的卡片如果跟教师手中的一样,就可以在自己的卡上打。 2学 (呈现活动,引导学习) (1) 呈现句型:when do you play sports? i usually play sports at 4:30. 教师选取一张动词短语

19、卡片,说:i play sports at 4:30 every day. when do you play sports? 请一名学生作答,引导学生注意正确的时间表达法。(2) 呈现句型:what about you?/ and you? 教师就同一问题提问不同的学生,从而引出what about you ?/ and you?的用法。同时比较各个同学的作息习惯,引导学生养成良好的学习和生活习惯,改掉不良的习惯。 (教师在接近真实的语言环境中与学生交流一天的生活起居和学习情况,在交流的过程中层层引出新的语言点,体现了英语学习的“在学中用,在用中学” 的思想。) (3)评选活动:busy be

20、e/lazy bone (在问答作息时间时,为了吸引其他听问答的学生的注意力,让他们根据同学的问答评出谁是“勤劳的小蜜蜂”和“小懒骨头”。) (4)操练并运用会话: when do you play sports/do morning exercises .? i usually play sports/do morning exercises at . what about you / and you? i usually play sports/do morning exercises at . sometimes i play sports/do morning exercises at

21、 . 注意 usually / often / sometimes 的使用。 (学生先做听答练习,即师问生答,然后逐步扩展到生问生答,最后扩展到一段对话。教学环节设计由易到难,层层推进,符合学生的认知特征,同时也训练了学生的会话能力。) (5)听读做 lets talk 和lets try,就会话内容进行角色扮演或相互问答,并对对话内容做简要复述。(此活动的设计便于了解学生是否真正理解了会话内容,低层次的要求进行角色扮演;相互问答和简要复述为程度较好的学生设计。) 3. 巩固活动,交际运用 (1)活动一:教师下发_s timetable,请学生根据教师或一名学生的提问完成表格。 _s time

22、table get up _ have breakfast _ go to school _ do morning exercises _ have chinese class _ have lunch _ play sports _ go home _ eat dinner _ do homework _ watch tv _ go to bed _ (听听做做,有助于学生对对话内容的理解和掌握,进一步反思自己作息时间表的合理性。) (2)活动二:学生根据所填的表格,介绍自己的作息时间。 (3)活动三:找朋友 活动二中一学生介绍自己的作息时间表时,其余学生边听边对照自己的作息时间表,相同的一

23、栏打上。8项相同就是好朋友。 t: please tell us about your day. s1:i usually get up at 6:50 in the morning. s2: me too. ( 打上). (相同的学生齐说): we usually get up at 6:50 in the morning. (本环节教师设计了一个含信息沟并且在学生当中互有牵制性的活动,有利于吸引全体学生的注意力;此活动还有利于增强同学之间的友谊。) (4)活动四:talk about good habits and bad habits. 四人小组活动,讨论并列出好习惯和坏习惯若干条。 堂

24、清检测【篇三:新版人教pep版五年级下册英语第一单元myday教案】 unit1 my day 第一课时 知识目标: 1能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast, do morning exercises, haveclass, play sports, eat dinner. 2能够听懂问句:when do you do morning exercises / ? 并能用所学动词短语替换句型“at ”中的关键词回答问句。 能力目标:能理解并跟唱lets sing的歌谣。 情感目标:能够合理安排日常学习和周末活动。 教学重点:掌握a部分lets learn中的五个动词短语,并

25、能用这五个短语回答询问作息时间的问题。 教学难点:掌握五个四会短语和单词exercises的正确发音。 教学准备:课件、单词图片 教学方法:情景教学法、tpr教学法 preparation准备活动 1.lets singten candles,听并跟唱三年级上册第六单元歌曲复习数字,为本节课时间表达做铺垫。 talk:复习上节课重点内容。 s1:when do you get up? s2:i get up at 5 oclock. s1: when do you? s2: i atoclock. presentation新知呈现 1.由free talk环节自然引入prdro的

26、时间安排,t:how about pedros chedule? lets watch together.利用ppt出示本课lets learn内容,请学生仔细观察,猜测词组意思,并鼓励生大胆说出学过的或认识的单词。eg: do, morning, have, class, play, dinner. 2.师根据学生记忆规律,由易到难,打破顺序,组合讲解:have class并举例拓展。 have pe class play footballplay sports horse fork 辅助记忆 tea break(head) readpeach fast 拓展:eat lunchdinner

27、 e+xer+ci_se+s分音节讲解,并请生标注,突破难点发音。 3.学习上述词组时穿插入句型-when do you? atoclock.词不离句,帮助记忆,并适时加入书写,加深记忆。 4.practice巩固操练 1.listen and repeat by themselves 3.看谁说得快;请生利用句型将词组替换,快速说完五组对话,时间最短者获胜。 production输出拓展 ask and write: 将同学分成若干组,在小组内选一人在黑板上画一个大时钟,将指针指向6:00,问“when do you get up? ”,小组内其他同学回答“i getup at

28、 6:00 a.m.”,然后指向另一个时间问其他活动在何时进行,让其他同学回答,比比看,看哪一小组回答的既准确又迅速。 progress输出运用 1.ex. 2.summary 3.homework 板书设计: unit1 my day eat breakfast, ,. do morning exercises / ?when do you haveclass play sports eat dinner at 学情检测: 课后反思: unit1 my day 第二课时 知识目标 1能够听懂、会说句型:when do you finish class in the morning? we f

29、inish class at 1oclock.并能在实际情景中运用。能够正确使用usually这个频度副词。 2能在role play部分用本课时目标语言询问同学的作息时间,并能对结果做简单的反思。 能力目标:能够听懂lets try部分的录音,完成听音找答案的练习。 情感目标:能够合理安排日常学习和周末活动。 教学重、难点: 熟练使用句型:“when do you finish class in the morning? we finish class at 1oclock.”问答活动时间。 教学准备:课件、单词图片 教学方法:情景教学法、tpr教学法 preparation准备活动 1.播

30、放课本p70 unit1my weekend,听并试着跟唱。 2.main scene:利用ppt出示主情境图,使学生初步感知本单元的主句型,-what do you? i atoclock. what do you do on the weekend? i often presentation新知呈现 1.lets try listen and tick. where are zhang peng and pedro?请同学们感知新语言并认识新任务pedro。 2.lets talk 1)继续追问when does pedro finish class in the morning?请生听录

31、音两遍并快速回答问题。 2)核对问题答案he finish class at 1oclock.后请生自主阅读对话找出when相关的问答句,并讲解本节重点句型:when do you/+动词短语(原形)+其他?并适时操练,eg: when do you go to school? when do you get up? 3)师带领生通读全文,讲解重难点词组: 形近:then(然后;那时) when 同义:what time 拓展:what什么 where哪里 who谁lunch after dinner 在之后breakfast start: super star 辅助记忆 拓展:always, often, sometimes, never lly: familly 辅助记忆 late:晚;迟a-e辅助记忆 3.listen and repeat. in groups and act it out. p

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