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1、九年级英语Unit3全单元精美导学案扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 3 Teenage problems Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 备课人:顾文红一、目标导学1、帮助学生学会谈论青少年在学习,交友,家庭关系等方面所遇到的问题。2、帮助学生学会思考个人问题及解决方法。3、掌握本课时出现的重要语言点。二、自学助思1、自学P6-7页生词,掌握单词(短语)的正确读音,了解词义及单词词性。四会单词:mark_ mad_ exam_ perhaps _ 四会短语:get fat _ get enough sleep _ d

2、rive me mad _ close friends _ get low marks in exam_ manage your time better _四会句型:Why not eat less and exercise more? They dont have time for me.2、大声朗读P34-35页内容,找出下列重点句型并试着翻译成中文。(1)Im getting fat.(2)Why not eat less and exercise more?(3)I dont have enough time to do my homework.(4)Perhaps you shoul

3、d manage your time better and go to bed earlier.三、群学导引1.Free talk : T-Ss :Talk about their problems.2.Pair work: T asks Ss to work in pairs. Describe their good friends problems.3. P7 Part A : S /Ss : The students should finish it individually ; Read it aloud and check the answers.4.P 7 Part B : (1)

4、 T-ss: T asks the Ss to listen to the tape and try to answer some Qs. (2) Ss: Listen to the tape and read it loudly. (3) Free talk: Ss: work in pairs or groups: make their own dialogues. (4) Ss Share their performance.5.Comic strip: (1) T-ss : Play the tape , the Ss should listen carefully and try t

5、o find out the answer to the questions: 1.Why is Eddie getting fat? 2. What is Hobos suggestion? 3. Why does Hobo tell Eddie not to eat too much? (2) Ask the students to act it out,help them if necessary.课堂达标检测一、翻译下列短语。1、变胖_2、感到疲劳_3、有足够的睡眠_4、使某人发疯_5、不时地_6、一位密友_7、感到孤独_8、整天_9、有足够的时间_10、太多的考试_11、吃得太多_1

6、2、发出噪音_二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I dont get enough _(睡眠).2. Danial has no _(亲密的) friends. he feels lonely.3. _(跑步) and swimming are good for you.4. My little sister often _(打扰) me when I am studying.5. My cousin always makes a lot of _ (噪音) when I am sleeping.三、翻译句子。1. 吃得太多对你是不健康的。_2. 我家里的电视总是开着。_3. 大多数学生睡眠不足

7、,这是个严重的问题。_4. 有的父母整天忙于工作,他们没时间陪孩子。_四、拓展探究1、Discussion : T helps the Ss talk about their problems.2. Finish some Exercises : TIMES ENGLISH POST (各班级根据学生生情自己选择)五、课后省学1、记忆本课时词汇、短语和重要句型。2、熟读Comic strip和对话,鼓励学生背诵。3、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 3 Teenage problemsPeriod 2-3 Reading一、

8、目标导学1、帮助学生学会表达自己的烦恼和情感。2、帮助学生学会向别人寻求建议。二、自学助思1、自学P36-37页生词,掌握单词(短语)的正确读音,了解词义及单词词性。(教师可根据生情和自己教学进度,分两次让学生完成)四会单词:deal_ choice_ but_awake_ hardly_ imagine_ doubt_ worth_ suggestion_ cause_ strict_ schoolwork_ valuable_ friendship_ list_四会短语: deal with_ stay up late _ stay awake_ have spare time for m

9、y hobbies_ be worth doing _ dream of a long holiday_ offer me some suggestions_ become the cause of my problem_ worry about the time _ get into trouble _ be strict with _ develop our hobbies _ stay out _ valuable advice _ make a list_ work out_ according to _ 2、大声朗读课文,找出下列重点句型并试着翻译成中文。I dont know ho

10、w I should deal with it. I have no choice but to do it.I cannot imagine my life without hobbies.I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.I hope to hear from you soon.I am crazy about football. I dont understand why they are so strict with me.I wonder how I can achieve a ba

11、lance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.Then work out how much time you need to finish it all.What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have?I hope you think my advice is worth taking.三、群学导引step1:导入老师说:I know from last class that you have a lot of problems. (老师用自己创设的情景单词导入 choice s

12、tay up late complete spare doubt strict 并进行板书)Then ,what can we do to feel better if we have any problems. 这里学生只要能说出写信给别人就可以了,老师可以借机导入 offer suggestions。 对于书后练习B中有的单词进行弥散式导入,也就是在遇到该单词的时候就让学生去猜。Step2 呈现1. 老师说:I think writing letters is a good way. So, today I will show you two letters. First, please

13、read Millies letter to Sigmund. And answer the following questions.1) What Millies problem is?2) What she wants Sigmund to do? 学生略读给出答案1. 老师说:I have some sentences here about Millie. But, some of them are wrong. Can you read Millies letter again and do True or False?学生跳读给出答案,可以个学生读一遍,另外一个学生报答案。对于正确的

14、答案老师可适当引导出更多信息点,也可以引导同学们猜一些单词。来完成书后B 部分。Millie 文章中生词多,如果采用问题方式来完成细节回答,在单词没有完全处理的情况下,学生困难很大; 在对错选择中,如果是生词造成的错选,就放着一会再解决2. 老师说:We have known the problem of Millie. Lets meet another poor boy. Please read Simons letter and complete the following questions. 1. What Simons problem is?2. What he wants Sig

15、mund to do?5. 老师说:I want to know more details about Simon. Please read his letter again and help me give the answer.1. What does he want to be?2. How long does he often play football?3. Why does he get into trouble?4. What does he think about his hobby?5. He doesnt know what _ _ and how _ _a balance

16、 between study and hobbies. 6. He wishes Sigmund _ _ him some suggestions. 这里的一个阅读填空也是想锻炼同学们的阅读能力。6. 老师说:Boys and girls, we can see that they all expressed their ideas clearly。 How many parts do they have in their letters?Whats their use? 同学们看书给出答案,老师在多媒体上集体对答案。7. 学生跟老师读黑板上的单词并跟录音朗读课文。四、拓展探究1.Ss try

17、 their best to finish Part B2 ,help them if necessary.2.Retell the article .Give them some key words if possible.五、课后省学1、记忆本课时词汇、短语和重要句型。2、熟读课文,鼓励优秀学生分段背诵。3、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。Reading 2教学目标1. 利用精读,教习重点短语和句子。2. 使学生学会用来表达思想的短语和句型。3. 使学生初步尝试提建议。教学内容四会内容 词汇:choice complete refuse accept hardly sp

18、are ping-pong doubt whether worth offer suggestion value plenty allow strict achieve task either 词组: deal with stay up late hand in on time be of great value hear from plenty of be crazy about stay out late allow to do from time to time achieve a balance句型: 1. I don now know how to deal with it.2. I

19、 have no choice but to do it.3. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies.4. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.5. Can you offer me some suggestions?6. They will be of great value to me.7. However, my love of football has become a big problem now. We like staying out late to play fo

20、otball. 8. My parents do not allow me to play outside.9.I really do not under stand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry form time to time. 10.I wish I could have my parents suport.一. 课前导入:你对这篇课文了解多少?请你自我检测一下。Millie is a G 9 student, she has lots of h and he likes p volleyball and Pingp

21、ong. However, she has a lot of homework to do every day, so she finds its hard for her to keep b between her study and hobbies. She has so m homework to do so she cant find any time f her hobbies. She really feels b about that. She really wants to ask someone to t her how to a balance between the tw

22、o.Simon is c about football. He likes p football at school or in the park after school. Sometimes they even s out late. His parents are very s with him and they ask him to come h early. Simon feels very s . He thinks, s time on hobbies can help him r and make life i . Can someone o him some v sugges

23、tions?二、请以My problem为题向大家表达一下你的心声。课堂交流展示一、预习作业你完成得怎么样呢?你能否把你的答案读给大家听一听。让大家来听一下,记下你们认为他她读得不准的或不对的单词,并帮助他/她更正。二、组间交流:各小组将本组认为难以理解的句型写在黑板上,其它组的同学阅读这些句型,并帮助他们理解这个句型。三、小组合作,每一组完成一篇Our problem。让一位组员口述。(10分钟)四、请大家完成课本38页Part B. 两人一组完成并核对答案。五、我们已经学习了关于Millie和Simon的信,你对他们的问题了解了吗?请你在他们各自问题后打“”,不属于他的问题项后打“”。并请

24、你在文中找出对应的句子。六、现在Sigmund Friend给Millie和Simon回信了,但信中有一些单词丢了,你能帮他们补起来吗?完成后读给你的同桌听一听,比一比,看谁对的多。A部分我对了_个,B部分我对了_个。七、你能从Sigmund Friend的信中找出他给出的建议吗?(至少五条) 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _八、请大家以第一人称写出自己的问题和烦恼,并写出解决方法。 _课堂达标检测一、学习完本课时一些重点词汇和句型,相信下面的题目你一定能轻松应对,但要细心哦!1. We really dont know how _(work) out the problem.2. _

25、(write) poems is one of my favorite _(hobby).3. Dont turn on the TV, I have a lot of work _(do) today.4. My father _(give) up _(smoke) already.5. A: Who taught you _(play) this computer game? B: I _(teach) _(I).6. I cant _(solve) the problem, please give me some _(advice).7. Dont always feel _(stress), try _(relax) yourself.二、翻译下列句子。1、我有个问题,而且我不知道如何应对它。_2、有时我想拒绝做如此多的作业,但通常我还是接受它。_3、我常常怀疑,这样如此努力学习值不值得。_

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