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1、届高三英语二轮复习效果检测13. 单项填空1. (杭州模拟)The premierthe importance of developing Chinese economy in his speech at University of Cambridge. A. approved B. devoted C. realized D. stressed2. The leaderhis basketball team by bringing in several young players. A. weakened B. strengthenedC. quitted D. banned3. (温州模拟

2、)I am told that the new law will come intoon January 1st next year. A. effect B. use C. service D. existence4. He feltof cheating in the exam, deciding never to do such things again. A. shame B. ashamed C. sorry D. shameful5. It is reported that the accidentcareless driving, so a lot of moneybe paid

3、 by the driver. A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due toC. is due to; was due to D. is due to; due to6. (徐州模拟)A great many teenagers becameplaying computer games, wasting their precious time. A. accustomed to B. addicted toC. used to D. due to7. There are too many people in the building durin

4、g the daytime. Yes, thats a serious threat to safetyfire or other disasters. A. in case of B. in spite ofC. in view of D. in place of8. (黄冈模拟)After all, preferring peaceful means does not mean China will put _ its own sovereignty and territorial integrity(主权和领土完整). A. at heart B. at handC. at most D

5、. at risk9. If you do it without others help, you will onlydifficulty. A. turn into B. put intoC. get into D. break into10. Hehis position as president by giving jobs to his friends in exchange for money. A. gained B. changed C. abused D. refused11. Do you feel like?No, but Id liketoday. A. to skate

6、; skate B. skating; skatingC. skating; to skate D. to skate; skating12. Do you thinkworthwhile to go all the way to Beijing to buy that computer?Well, Im going to visit the Birds Nest and the Water Cube. A. it B. / C. this D. that13. (西宁模拟)has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month

7、. A. That B. What C. It D. As14. (南平模拟)An awful accident, however, occur again at the railroad crossing the other day. A. did B. does C. has to D. had to15. It was a(n)situation, because the restaurant was too expensive for us but we didnt want to just leave. A. amazing B. curiousC. desperate D. awk

8、ward. 完形填空A woman told about her experience as a child when her try at baking a cake for her dad ended in a failure. Instead of1her, her father praised her a lot. It was a life lesson for that lady. It improved her self-esteem(自尊心)so that she had the2to try new things without the fear of failure. Wh

9、en I read about that, my mind went3over to a lazy summer afternoon many years ago. Our family of four were enjoying ourselves, 4on the grass. Daddy made a5, and we all laughed. Then Daddy glanced at me and said, “Karen, run up to the house and6me a cheese sandwich. ” I jumped up happily and7our lawn

10、 and went into the kitchen and gathered the ingredients(原料). Feeling like a(n)8girl, I ran back across the yard and9handed my creation to Daddy, who took a big10. As he chewed(咀嚼), he asked, “Did you wash your hands first?” “No, sir, ” I answered. I hadnt11thought about it. He spit the chewed-up foo

11、d out onto the ground as he threw the sandwich into the air. Cheese and bread12everywhere. “Now, go back to the house, wash your hands, and fix me another13, ” he said. I turned and walked slowly across the yard, 14not to cry, torn between hurt and anger. The15no longer seemed so beautiful. That was

12、 one of the first times in my life that my father made me feel16, but it certainly wasnt the last. In his later years, my dad became much gentler. He17me and showed his love to me in different ways. But I18: what if Dad had dealt with the incident in a19way, like the father whose daughter20in her ca

13、ke baking?(275W)1. A. punishing B. missing C. reminding D. warning2. A. plan B. idea C. courage D. order3. A. up B. back C. down D. ahead4. A. standing B. hiding C. moving D. lying5. A. song B. cry C. joke D. film6. A. pass B. fix C. offer D. buy7. A. ran across B. turned over C. left for D. arrived

14、 at8. A. beautiful B. anxious C. big D. honest9. A. secretly B. luckily C. slowly D. proudly10. A. bite B. step C. mouth D. hand11. A. still B. even C. also D. yet12. A. walked B. watched C. ran D. flew13. A. sugar B. cake C. sandwich D. snack14. A. struggling B. agreeing C. learning D. pretending15

15、. A. lawn B. day C. kitchen D. sky16. A. happy B. excited C. interested D. uncomfortable17. A. brought B. found C. supported D. followed18. A. promise B. wonder C. admit D. advise19. A. positive B. silent C. strict D. special20. A. stayed B. succeeded C. appeared D. failed. 短文改错(宁波模拟)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请

16、在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写上该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。This summer, I was lucky to have joined an archaeology summer camp, which lasted ten days. During the summer camp, we visited several museums which many va

17、luable cultural relics were displayed. Even more excited, we got a chance to go to an archaeological site. It was the first time that we had been very close to ancient civilization that I could witness how the digging was carried out. The speeches were made by famous archaeologists informed us on mu

18、ch knowledge about this field. Besides, I make many friends who are interested in archaeology and we are still in constantly touch now talking about how we like. . 书面表达(绍兴模拟)上个月, 你校举行了运动会。你班同学李强报名参加3, 000米长跑, 他的事迹让全班同学非常感动, 请你根据以下提示, 用英语为校报写一篇100120个词的短文。提示如下: 1. 赛前积极训练(不管天气有多么不好, 学习任务有多么繁重, 他都坚持每天训

19、练半小时); 2. 赛场上的情景(全班同学为他加油; 他不小心被绊倒了, 却坚持跑完); 3. 你的简短评论。参考词汇: 报名参加enter for_【语篇随练】请运用上下文暗示法, 按照以下提示题号找出完形填空中的对应词题 号原文选项6_13_答案解析. 1. 【解析】选D。句意: 总理在剑桥大学强调了发展中国经济的重要性。stress强调, 符合句意。approve赞成, 同意; devote奉献, 把专注于; realize实现, 理解。【变式备选】Things can easily go wrong when people are under. A. stress B. weight

20、C. load D. strength【解析】选A。句意: 在有压力的情况下, 人容易把事情搞砸。under stress固定搭配, 意为 “在压力之下” 。2. 【解析】选B。句意: 队长通过招进几个年轻的队员来增强他的篮球队的实力。strengthen加强, 符合题意。weaken削弱; quit停止; ban禁止。3.【解析】选A。句意: 我被告知新法律将于明年一月一日起实施。come into effect实施, 实行, 符合句意。come into use开始被使用; come into service投入使用; come into existence成立, 开始存在。【变式备选】T

21、he conference has been held to discuss theof global warming on peoples lives all over the world. A. importance B. effectC. protection D. attitude【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。effect意思是 “影响” , 即讨论全球气候变暖对人们生活的影响。其他选项不合题意: importance意思是 “重要性” ; protection意思是 “保护” ; attitude意思是 “态度” 。4. 【解析】选B。be/feel ashamed of因而羞愧, 符

22、合题意。shame不用于此结构; sorry应与介词for连用; shameful用来形容事物, 表示 “令人感到可耻的” 。5.【解析】选A。由于事故发生在过去, 因此应用过去时。第一空表示 “由于” , 第二空表示 “预定要” , 故选A项。6. 【解析】选B。句意: 许多青少年沉溺于玩电脑游戏, 浪费他们宝贵的时间。become addicted to沉溺于。become accustomed to习惯于; become used to习惯于; due to由于。【变式备选】They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are accustomedat mea

23、ls. A. to talk B. to not talkC. to talking D. to not talking【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。句意: 他们很安静, 不是吗?是的。他们习惯于在吃饭的时候不说话。be accustomed to习惯于, 为固定短语。其中的to为介词, 后接名词、相当于名词的词或短语或动名词。7.【解析】选A。考查介词短语。句意: 白天有太多人待在楼里。是的, 万一发生火灾或其他事故, 那对于安全是一个严重的威胁。in case of万一; in spite of尽管; in view of鉴于; in place of代替。A项符合句意。【变式备选】He a

24、lways did well at schoolhaving to do part-time jobs every now and then. A. in spite of B. regardless ofC. on account of D. in case of【解析】选A。句意: 尽管不时地做些兼职工作, 他在学校表现一向不错。in spite of尽管; regardless of不考虑; on account of因为; in case of如果, 万一。8.【解析】选D。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 毕竟, 喜欢和平的方式并不意味着中国将把自己的主权和领土完整置于危险之中。at ris

25、k处于危险之中, 符合句意。at heart内心里; at hand在手边, 在附近; at most至多。9.【解析】选C。句意: 如果你在没有别人帮助的情况下做这件事的话, 你会陷入困境的。get into意为 “陷入” , 符合语境。turn into变成; put into输入; break into闯入。10.【解析】选C。句意: 他滥用他当总裁的职权, 把很多工作岗位给了他的朋友以获取酬劳。abuse在此意为 “滥用(职权)” , 从题干中by giving jobs to his friends in exchange for money可推知选C项。11.【解析】选C。feel

26、 like doing表示 “想做” 。would like后一般跟to do, 表示一次性的行为。12.【解析】选A。考查代词。本句中it用作形式宾语, 代替后面的不定式短语。13.【解析】选D。句意: 正如宣布的那样, 下个月我们要举行期末考试。as引导非限制性定语从句, 在从句中作主语, 修饰后面的句子。【变式备选】(济南模拟)A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses, has happened in Iraq and other countries. A. what B. it C. as D. one【解析】选C。句意:

27、 战争很残酷, 它经常导致巨大的损失, 正如在伊拉克和其他国家所发生的那样。as引导非限制性定语从句, 指代前面整个句子。14.【解析】选A。句意: 然而, 几天前在铁路交叉口的确又发生了一起可怕的交通事故。根据句意及句中时间状语the other day可知, 应为一般过去时态, 故用did对occur进行强调。15.【解析】选D。根据because从句的意思可知, 这是很难为情的局面, awkward意思为 “难为情的; 局促不安的” , 符合题意。amazing令人惊奇的; curious好奇的; desperate绝望的, 拼命的。. 同样是两个孩子给父亲做东西吃, 结果都很糟糕, 可

28、是父亲对她们的态度却截然不同, 一个是鼓励, 另一个是批评, 不同的家庭教育方式具有不同的效果。1.【解析】选A。根据下文中的her father praised her a lot和It improved her self-esteem. . . 可知, 父亲没有惩罚(punishing)她。2.【解析】选C。父亲对女儿的失败没有给予批评, 而是给予表扬, 这使得她有勇气(courage)尝试新的东西。3.【解析】选B。根据下文讲述的故事可知, 此处指作者的思绪回到(back)了许多年前的一个夏天的下午。4.【解析】选D。联系下文中的I jumped up happily. . . 说明家人

29、都是躺在(lying)草坪上。5.【解析】选C。结合下文中的and we all laughed可知父亲讲了一个笑话(joke), 所以大家都笑了。6.【解析】选B。由下文Now, go back to the house, wash your hands, and fix me another. . . 可知她是去给父亲做(fix)三明治。7. 【解析】选A。由下文中的. . . went into the kitchen. . . 可知作者从草坪上跳起来, 跑过(ran across)草坪, 来到厨房。8.【解析】选C。作者去取原料, 然后把做出的三明治送给父亲, 结合下文中的对比意义,

30、可以推知作者感觉自己像一个大(big)女孩。9.【解析】选D。把做成的三明治送给父亲的时候, 作者感到很自豪(proudly)。10.【解析】选A。根据下文中的As he chewed, he asked, “Did you wash your hands first?” 可知父亲咬(bite)了一大口。11.【解析】选B。作者甚至(even)没有想到洗手这件事情。很明显, 作者对父亲所说的话感到意外。12.【解析】选D。根据上文中的. . . he threw the sandwich into the air. 可知奶酪和面包四处飞(flew)。13.【解析】选C。联系上文可知父亲把之前做好的三明治扔了, 现在父亲要作者再去重做一个三明治(sandwich)。14.【解析】选A。作者高高

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