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1、Reading1AdvertisementsU1 重点词汇讲解1. advertise (1) v. 为做广告,登广告宣传 e.g. The perfume has been advertised in all the major womens magazines. 这种香水在所有主要的女性杂志上都做了广告。(2) vi. 登广告招聘 e.g. We need to advertise for a new chef. 我们需要登广告招聘一名新厨师。 advertisement n. 广告,宣传 e.g. If you want to sell your old sofa, why not pu

2、t an advertisement in the local paper? 你若想卖掉旧沙发,为什么不在本地报纸上登个广告呢?advertising (1) adj. 登广告,广告宣传 a national advertising campaign一个全国性广告宣传活动(2) n. 广告业 e.g. He has been working in advertising for 20 years. 他从事广告业已经二十年了。2. persuasive adj. 有说服力的 persuade v. 劝说 persuasion n. 说服e.g. They used many persuasive

3、 arguments. 他们用了许多有说服力的论据。【常用搭配】(1) persuade sb./pron. 说服某人e.g. I can persuade the boss soon. 我很快就能说服老板。(2) persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事e.g. I persuaded him of its truth. 我使他相信这是真的。(3) persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事e.g. They persuaded her to go with them. 他们说服了她和他们一起去

4、。 We persuaded him into taking the job. 我们说服她接受这份工作。(4) persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事e.g. I persuaded my father out of smoking. 我劝服我父亲戒了烟。(5) persuade sb. that-clause 使某人相信e.g. She persuaded me that the death did not end all. 她使我相信死并不能结束一切。(6) sb. be persuaded that-clause 某人相信e.g. Im almo

5、st persuaded that he is honest. 我几乎相信他是诚实的。3. cheat (1) vi. 作弊,作假 e.g. Kids have always found ways of cheating in school exams. 孩子们总能找到考试作弊的方法。 (2) vt. 欺骗,哄骗 e.g. He was accused of cheating investors out of their life savings. 他被指控骗取了投资者一生的储蓄。 (3) vi. 不忠 e.g. He swore to me that he had never cheated

6、. 他向我发誓从来没有对我不忠。(4) n. 骗子,作弊者 e.g. We should have strict penalties for tax cheats. 我们对骗税者应该有严厉的惩罚。 (5) n. 作弊行为4. breath n. (1) 气息 e.g. His breath smelt strongly of alcohol. 他呼出的气中有很浓的酒味。(2) 呼吸 e.g. She took a long slow breath to calm down. 她长吸一口气,让自己平静下来。【常用短语】hold ones breath 屏住呼吸e.g. I held my bre

7、ath and dived into the river. 我屏住呼吸,潜入了这条河里。be out of breath 上气不接下气e.g. She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 她爬楼爬得上气不接下气。 breathe (1) v. 呼吸 e.g. He held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. 他紧紧地抱住她,使她几乎喘不过气来。(2) vi. 吸入 e.g. I dont want to breathe in other peoples smoke. 我不想吸入二手烟。

8、5. fool (1) n. 蠢人,傻子 e.g. How could you be such a stupid fool! 你怎么会笨成这个样子!(2) vt. 愚弄,欺骗 e.g. I was completely fooled by her. 我完全被她愚弄了。【常用短语】fool sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做e.g. Dont let anyone fool you into handing over large sums of money. 不要让人骗得你把大把大把的钱交出来。foolish adj. 愚蠢的 foolishly adv. 愚蠢地6. cure

9、(1) n. 有效药,疗法 e.g. Doctors say that there are several possible cures. 医生说有几种可能奏效的疗法。(2) n. 对策,方案 e.g. Its the only possible cure for our trade deficit. 这是解决我们财政赤字的唯一对策。(3) vt. 治愈 e.g. Many formerly fatal diseases can now be cured. 原先的许多绝症现在都可以治好了。 (4) vt. 控制,消除 e.g. Nothing seemed to cure him of his

10、 nervousness. 好像什么都不能消除他的紧张情绪。7. comment (1) n. 评论,述评 e.g. We would welcome your comments on our work. 我们欢迎你对我们的工作提出意见。make a comment on = make comments on 对做出评价e.g. Did she make any comments on your speech? 她对你的演讲做出什么评价了吗?(2) n.(电视,电影)评论 e.g. a page of news and comment(3) v. 发表意见,评价 e.g. Im not in

11、a position to comment on the matter. 我无权对此事发表评论。8. aim(1) n. 目标,目的 e.g. My main aim on this course is to gain confidence. 我上该课程的主要目的是获取自信。(2) n. 瞄准,准头 e.g. He quickly regained his balance, took aim, and fired.他迅速重新恢复平衡,瞄准并开火。(3) vi. 打算,企图 e.g. The project aims to provide an outlet for childrens crea

12、tivity. 该项目试图为孩子们的创造性提供一个表现的场所。(4) vt. 瞄准 e.g. He was aiming at the tree but missed. 他瞄准了那棵树,但是没有打中。 【常用短语】be aimed at (doing) sth. 旨在于,目的在于e.g. (1) The regulations are aimed at the prevention of accidents at work. 这些规定的目的是为了要防止工作事故。 (2) The book is aimed at people without specialized knowledge. 这本书

13、适宜那些没有专业知识的人阅读。9. benefit(1) n. 益处,好处 e.g. The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community. 新的体育中心将会使社区居民持久受益。(2) n. 福利,津贴 e.g. The benefits include medical insurance and a company car. 福利包括医疗保险和一辆公车。(3) vi. 受益,得到好处 e.g. Patients have benefitted greatly from this treatment. 病人已从该治疗

14、中大大受益。(4) vt. 对有好处,有助于 e.g. The system mainly benefitted people in the south. 这项制度主要使南方人受益。beneficial adj. 有益的e.g. One or two glasses of wine a day can be beneficial. 每天喝一两杯酒是有益的。 10. promote v. 提升,使晋级;积极筹划,鼓励,促进(1) The young army officer was promoted to captain. 这位年轻的军官被提升为了上尉。(2) How can we promot

15、e the sales of this product? 我们如何推销这一产品呢?(3) We must promote the match carefully. 我们必须认真策划这场比赛。【派生词】 promoter n. 策划者,推销者 promotion n. 提升,促销活动11. consult(1) vt. 向咨询,求助 e.g. Before going on a diet, youd better consult your doctor. 节食前,你最好向你的医生咨询一下。(2) v. 商量,征得同意 e.g. Well consult with representatives

16、of different jobs. 我们会和不同职业的代表商量。(3) v. 查找,查询 e.g. Consult the timetable to see when the last train leaves. 查一下时间表,看看末班车什么时候开出。12. recommend vt. 推荐;介绍;建议 【常用搭配】(1) recommend sth. to sb.= recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐e.g. Our teacher recommended us some new books on this subject. 老师向我们推荐了这个学科的一些新书。(2) rec

17、ommend sb. to do sth. 推荐/劝告某人做某事(3) recommend sb. as 推荐某人为(4) recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做e.g. I recommend he should see a doctor. 我建议他去找个医生。 recommendation n. 建议,提议e.g. The old man should listen to the doctors recommendation that he stay in bed. 老人应听从医生卧床休息的建议。13. determine v. 确定;决定 de

18、termination n. 决心;果断;坚定【常用搭配】(1) determine sth. 决定某事(2) determine to do sth. 决心做某事(3) determine on (doing ) sth. 就做出决定determined adj. 有决心的,决定的(在句中常作定语或状语) 【常用搭配】(1) be determined to do sth. 下决心/决定做某事e.g. The police are determined to bring back the missing boy when his family have given up all hope.

19、警方决心找回失踪的男孩,而他的家人已经放弃了所有的希望。 At the age of twenty, Steve left his hometown, determined not to return without making his mark. 在二十岁时,史蒂文离开了他的家乡,下定决心不搞出点名堂绝不回来。 (2) be determined +从句14. urge(1) vt. 敦促,催促 e.g. The UN urged them to honor the peace treaty. 联合国敦促他们尊重这项和平条约。(2) vt. 强调,竭力主张 e.g. He urged re

20、straint in dealing with the protester. 他强调在应对抗议者时应该保持克制。(3) n. 冲动,强烈的欲望 e.g. I had an overwhelming urge to kiss him. 我有种冲动要吻他。15. product C/U. 产品,产物(1) They must have new markets for their products. 他们的新产品必须有新的市场。(2) The plan was the product of many hours of careful thought. 这个计划是长时间仔细思考的产物。【派生词】pro

21、duction n. 生产 producer n. 生产者,制造者 productive adj. 生产的,多产的productivity n. 产率,生产能力 produce n. 产量 U. 产品,农产品 v. 生产【单词辨析】(1) product 产品,产物,它主要指工厂制造的产品;也可以用于化学反应的生成物。(2) production 指生产或制造产品的行为,即生产过程。(3) produce 用作名词时,解释为“产品,产物”,但它常指农产品。16. danger C. 可能引起危险的人或物 U. 一般的“危险”【派生词】dangerous a. 危险的endanger vt. 危

22、及endangered a. 面临灭绝的【常用搭配】(1) in danger 处于危险之中(2) in danger (of ) 有的危险(3) out of danger 脱离危险e.g. She was very ill, but is now out of danger. 她病重,但已经脱离了危险。(4) be a danger to 对构成威胁e.g. Smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟危害健康。17. service n. 服务【常用搭配】(1) at ones service 随时为某人做某事e.g. If you need any help, I

23、m at your service. 你要是需要帮助,我可以随时帮忙。(2) do sb. a service 帮某人的忙(3) be of service to sb. 对某人有用处 e.g. Can I be of service to you in organizing the trip? 你组织这次旅行需要我帮忙吗? 【派生词】serve vt. “为服务,招待(顾客端)(饭,菜)” vi.(不及物动词),供职,服役 e.g. I hear you have an experience in the Royal Air Force. Is that true?Yes. I served

24、 in the Royal Air Force for six years.【常用搭配】(1) serve as 充当,担当(2) serve sb. with sth./serve sth. to sb. 给某人端上 (3) serve the people/ the country/ the society 为人民/为国家/社会服务18. aware adj. 明白的,意识到;有意识的;懂事的,明智的【派生词】awareness n. 意识unaware adj. 不知道的,未察觉到的【常用搭配】(1) be aware of 察觉,感觉到e.g. He wasnt aware of th

25、e danger. 他没有察觉到危险。(2) be aware that-clause 知道;意识到e.g. Im well aware that very few jobs are available. 我很清楚工作职位很少。(3) be aware wh-clause 知道;体会到(4) make sb. aware of 使某人意识到19. intended adj. (为而)设计的/打算的【常用搭配】(1) be intended for (专为而)设计的/打算的e.g. The film is intended for the young under 18. 这部电影是专为18岁以下

26、的青少年拍的。(2) intend to do sth. 打算做某事e.g. This was intended to be a picture of a cat. 这幅画本来是要画猫的。20. issue n. 要点,关键问题;流出,放出,出版;发行物,刊物 vt. 发行,发布;出来,流出(1) The real issue is that he is the right man to do that. 问题的关键在于他是做那件事的适当人选。 (2) I bought the book that day after its issue. 这本书发行的第二天我就买了。(3) There is

27、a new issue of Christmas stamps every day. 每年都有新发行的圣诞邮票。(4) The new stamp was issued at last. 新邮票最终发行了。(5) I saw blood issuing from the wound. 我看见血从伤口处流出来。【常用搭配】(1) the issue of bank notes 钞票的发行(2) raise a new issue 提出新论点(3) issue in 导致 (4) issue from 由引起21. claim vt. 声称,宣称 ;要求,索要【常用搭配】(1) claim sth

28、. 宣称/认领,要求得到e.g. After the battle, both sides claimed victory. 战争之后,双方都宣称取得了胜利。 She claimed ownership of the land. 她对这块土地的产权提出了要求。(2) claim A for B. 因为B而要求得到Ae.g. Can I claim payment for him for the damage? 我能代他为其受到的伤害要求赔偿吗?(3) claim that 宣称,宣布22. convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 convenience n. 方便的【常用搭配】 (1)

29、 be convenient to /for sb. 对某人说是方便的(2) Its convenient for sb. To do sth. 做是便利的 e.g. Its quite convenient for us to live near the station. 对我们来说,住在车站附近很方便。(3) for convenience 为方便起见(4) at ones convenience 为某人方便起见e.g. Can you come and see me at your convenience? 你能在方便的时候过来看我吗? 23. approach v. 接近;靠近 n.

30、途径,达到的途径或方法;通路e.g. She heard footsteps approaching from behind. 她听到后面的脚步声逐渐接近。【常用搭配】(1) approach to sth. 的方法,通向的道路e.g. Soldiers were guarding all approaches to the palace. 士兵们在所有通向宫殿的路口放哨。(2) make an approach to 对进行探讨e.g. The company has made some approaches to the government.公司已向政府提出了一些建议。24. share vt. 分享,共有 n. 份额;股份buy 500 shares in a shipping company 购买某航运公司的500股股份 【常用搭配】(1) share sth. with sb.

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