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1、How用法详解How 用法详解how 的用法较活,含义丰富。现就 how在句中的用法作一小结,以便同学 们在学习中能更好地理解和掌握它。1.表示感叹。如:How cold it is today !今天好冷啊!How hard they are working !他们在多么辛勤地劳动啊!How fast he runs !他跑得多快啊!2.表示问候。如:How do you do ?你好!How are you ?你(身体)好吗?3.表示某种方式、手段或方法。如:How do you spell it ?你怎样拼写它?How did he go to school yesterday ? 他昨

2、天是怎样去上学的?How do you know about it ? 你怎么知道这件事的?4.表示爱好、程度、看法等。如:How do you like the music ?你觉得这首乐曲如何?How is your Chinese ? 你的汉语如何?How do you like China ? 你认为中国怎么样?5.问天气。如:How is the weather in Beijing 北京的天气怎么样?How is the weather in winter冬天的气候怎样?6.问路。如:Excuse me , how can I get to the train station ?请

3、问去火车站的路怎么走?7.问年龄。如:How old are you ?你多大了?How many players are there in a team?一个队有几名队员?How much bread is there on the table ?桌子上有多少面包?9.问价钱。如:How much is this coat ?这件外套多 少钱?How much are these apples ?这些苹 果多少钱?10.问高度。如:How high is the mountain ?这座山 有多高?How tall is the girl ?这女孩儿有多高?11.问距离。如:How far

4、away is his home from the school ?他家离学校有多远?How long is the Yellow River ?黄河有多长?12.问时间。如:How long were you away from school last year ?去年你缺课多长时间?How soon will they come back ? 他们将何时回来?How often do the buses run ?公共汽车多长时间开一班?how long 用来提问 “多长时间 ”,对 “一 段时间的长短 ”提问时用,与 延续性动词连用;how often 用来提问某动作或状态发生 的频率,

5、对 “一段时间内发生 了 几 次 活 动 ”( always , usually , often , never 或 twice a day 等表示频度的词 或短语)提问时用;how soon 用来提问某人要 “多快 ”能做 好某事,或某事要 “多快 ”能 完成,对 “过多少时间(就 能)”(in短语)提问时用,常用于将来时。13.征询对方的看法、意见或向对方提 岀建议、请求等。如:HoW about Friday ?星期五怎么样?HGW about going out for a walk ?出去散散步好吗?Im from Sha nghai. HGW aboutyou ?我是上海人。你呢?

6、练习题:1.OUr P.E teacher has been at thisSChOOl SinCe he came(戈卩线提问) our P.E teacher been at this school?2.She WriteS to her ParentS once a week.(划线提问) She Write to her parents?3.Li Ping SPent twenty yuan On the dictionary.(划线提问) Li Ping on the dictionary?4.Itll take them three WeekS to finishthe work.

7、(划线提问) it take them tofinish the work?5.Its about two kilometers from here to the country.(划线提问) from here tothe country?6.Jane and her brother will finish the work in two hours.(戈卩线提问) Jane and her brother finish the work?7. did he Call you the day beforeyesterday?TWiCe.A. What time B. How many tim

8、esC. How much D. How long8.Ive WOrked in that factory for two years.(划线提问) you WOrked in that factory?9.I Paid fifty yuan for the sweater. did you Pay for the sweater?10.It is Windy .11.I am getting on well With it.12. is a ticker for the filmHaCker He?About forty yuan .A. How old B. How manyC. HOW

9、much D. HOW often13. tea did you have?TWO CUPS.A. How many B. How muchC. How soon D. WhiCh14. a year does your school haveSPOrtS meetings?TWiCe a year.A. How often B. How soonC. How long D. How many times15. will your father be back?.A How long B how oftenC How soon D How Wide16.They will come back

10、in a month will they come back?17.I StUdy EngIiSh by asking the teacher for help.用 how many, how, how much, how often, how long,how old 填空1.A: StUdentS are there inthe ClaSSroom?B: There are 15 StUdentS in theCIaSSroom.2.A: do you take a bath?B: I take a bath twice a week.3.A: have you been Iearning

11、EngIiSh?B: I have been Iearning EngIiSh for2 yearS.4.A: StarS are there in theSky?B: There are many StarS in the sky.5.A: are you? B: I am fine.6.A: does your mother go toBeijing?B: My mother goes to Beijing by train.7.A: days are there in aweek?B: There are SeVen days in a Week.8.A: is your bag?B: My bag is 50 dollars.9.A: is your grandma?B: My grandma is 60 years old.

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