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1、人教版英语九年级Unit11单元练习含答案 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) . 听对话,选出与所听对话内容相匹配的图画。每段对话读两遍。 (5分) 1. What does she want to buy? A. B. C. 2. Where does the womans sister work? A. B. C. 3. What are they talking about? A. B. C. 4. What kind of weather makes the man sad? A. B. C. 5. What

2、 is Kathys favorite animal? A. B. C. . 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5分) 6. A. Id like to. B. Good idea. C. Sorry, I cant. 7. A. I ride to work. B. I like walking. C. I dont have a car. 8. A. I love it a lot. B. No,thanks. C. With pleasure. 9. A. 10 minutes later. B. About 10 minutes. C. 10 minutes ago.10.

3、A. Sorry, I cant. B. Yes, he has. C. No, he doesnt. . 听下面5段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (5分)11. What kind of movies does the man like? A. Movies about monsters. B. Movies about interesting people. C. Movies about great people.12. What kind of music does Jane like? A. Jane likes loud music. B. Jane likes noisy

4、 music. C. Jane likes soft and gentle music.13. Why do you think they would like to eat at the Blue Lagoon? A. Because the Blue Lagoon has the loudest music. B. Because the Blue Lagoon has the most comfortable seats and soft music. C. Because the Blue Lagoon has the most delicious food.14. What happ

5、ened to Gina after she used the cream? A. She got pimples on her face. B. Her face became beautiful. C. She became more beautiful.15. What does Mary think of the new shampoo? A. Mary doesnt think her friend should try it. B. Mary thinks it doesnt work as well as the advertisement said. C. Mary think

6、s it works well. . 请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不超过3个单词。短文读两遍。(5分)Welcome to Our Party!Time to startat 16. tonightPlacein the school 17. For whom18. Things to bring19. Activitieslistening to songs, 20. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)21. We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes ever

7、yone . A. excited B. frightened C. happily D. luckily22. The assistant wont let you the cinema if you havent a ticket. A. enter B. to enter C. entering23. Father often tells me too much time on computer games. A. dont spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending24. The more you smile, the you

8、will feel. A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily25. - Lily Lucy has joined the swimming club because they have no time. - Its a pity! A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; or D. Neither; nor26. - Why are you so excited today? - We were told a picnic this weekend. A. have B. to have C. havi

9、ng D. had27. Mum,I volunteer my time the plates. A. to wash B. washing C. washed D. be washed28. - Which do you prefer, Chinese food or Western food? - I would rather Chinese food. Lets have noodles. A. to have B. having C. had D. have29. Youre supposed to keep the classroom . A. clean B. cleans C.

10、cleaned D. cleaning30. The teacher made us English exercises all the time. A. did B. do C. doing D. to do31. Many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams true. A. come B. came C. comes32. Lets the school rules. A. dont break B. not to break C. not breaking D. not break

11、33. - Mom, I am afraid that I cant get through the hard time Im having now. - My boy, be brave and tell yourself . A. dont give up B. not to give up C. not give up D. to give up34. Its believed that you work, result youll get. A. the harder; the better B. the hardest; the best C. the greater; the wo

12、rse D. the more; the more35. I can swim skate. Will you teach me how to swim and skate? A. not only; but also B. both; and C. either; or D. neither; nor三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)36. Are we in a about the price?37. Dont p the door! You should push it.38. The man is full of c to face the illness.39.

13、- Whats the w of the baby giant panda? - Its 100 grams.40. His personal w is estimated(估计) at around $100 million.41. The doctors always e their patients carefully.42. The little girl is too frightened, and her face turns p .43. The chair is very hard. Its u to sit on.44. Its not my f , so I shouldn

14、t say sorry.45. You must k the ball, not throw the ball because you are a football player.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)46. Give some candies to the little boy. Dont (使失望) him.47. Dont worry. We are all in (一致) with you.48. The teacher, Yang Xiangming showed great (勇气) to jump into the river to save

15、 the boy.49. Youve put on (重量), havent you?50. Knowledge is the most precious (财富) of all things.51. Its very (不舒服的) to sit in the armchair.52. To be a scientist is my (目标).53. The famous Brazilian soccer team has ever had many excellent (教练).54. Our (友谊) will be remembered forever.55. The boy fell

16、into the hole. We (拉) him up.五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)56. 请相信我。我不会让你们失望的。(词数不限)Please believe me. I wont .57. 这个消息使得他很高兴。(词数不限)The news .58. 他只是一位教师,而不是艺术家。He is only a teacher an artist.59. 在考试中,我们越细心,我们犯的错误就越少。In our exam, the careful we are, the mistakes well make.60. To start with, the compute

17、r room must (保持清洁).六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) I think smiling is as important as sunshine(阳光). Smiling 61 sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you arent happy, you can smile, and then you will feel 62 . Someone may say, I dont feel happy. Then I would say, Please smile when you

18、are unhappy or play with your friends happily, then you will really be happy 63 . You dont like crying, right? So you must 64 smiling, and you know smiling will let people 65 everything unhappy. Every day we see teachers or classmates and say, Hi! How are you? At 66 time, you are smiling, right? Smi

19、ling can let you have 67 friends. With a smile, people will know youre a 68 person. They will talk with you, 69 you will have more and more friends. So I think 70 is like a flower, the sunshine, and warmth(温暖). It will give you happiness.61. A. likes B. is like C. like D. are like62. A. happy B. sad

20、 C. angry D. upset63. A. ago B. before C. again D. after64. A. fond B. hate C. worry D. prefer65. A. stop B. remember C. forget D. know66. A. different B. the same C. same D. the different67. A. more B. less C. least D. most68. A. unfriendly B. serious C. kind D. busy69. A. but B. if C. because D. s

21、o70. A. crying B. saying C. speaking D. smiling七、阅读理解(共3小题;共6分) One midnight, a little girl woke up to pass water. She by herself got up and down her bed, walked to the bedroom door and opened it. She looked outside and walked back, for it was so dark in the hall that she feared. Her mother said, “D

22、ont be afraid, honey. Take courage!” “Whats courage?” she asked, running to her mothers bed. “Courage is the brave breath,” her mother answered. “Mum, do you have courage?” “Certainly.” The girl held out her little hands, saying, “Mum, blow some of your breath of courage to me.” After her mother ble

23、w out two mouthfuls of breath into her little cold hands, the little girl clenched her fists(握拳) nervously, afraid that the “breath of courage” would run away. Then with her fists clenched, she walked out of the bedroom towards the bathroom with nothing to fear. Her mother said to herself, “It will

24、be nice if someone can blow some kind of breath to me. Then I can hold it in my hands too when I feel terrified or lost.” In fact, mostly, what we are terrified of is nothing but the fear in our mind. Who we should defeat(战胜) is nobody but ourselves.71. The girl walked back because . A. the bathroom

25、 was too far away B. her mother wouldnt go with her C. she was too afraid of the dark D. the bedroom door was locked72. To stop “mothers breath” from running away, the girl . A. held out her little hands B. clenched her fists C. talk to her mother D. held her own breath73. The writer mainly wants to

26、 tell us that . A. adults are always brave enough B. children learn to be brave quickly C. the fear in ones mind is the real problem D. the mother can deal with anything with breath八、短文7选5(5选5等)(共5小题;共10分) In my spoken English class, I asked the students about their university life. To my surprise,

27、74. After their highly controlled(控制) high school lives, they were having difficulty getting used to (习惯) the free time in the university. When I asked them to describe their high school lives, 75. they got up at six in the morning and studied until ten or even later at night. Most of this time was

28、spent doing lots of homework. When they entered the university, in my opinion, 76. to spend all their waking hours studying. They should also take an active part in social activities. They should learn to divide their time outside of class between sports and clubs. Whats more, 77. watching TV and ch

29、atting with their roommates. But what surprised me most was that many of them did not seem happy because 78. They felt that they should be doing something else whatever they were doing. Thats why they were not happy. To those students, my advice is: Get used to it and learn to make decisions for you

30、rselves. A. they should spend some time B. the students are not expected C. they had so many choices. D. many of them told me E. many of them expressed disappointment.九、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分) Jack was going to graduate from college. For many months he loved a beautiful sports car very much, and he kn

31、ew his rich father could afford it. On the graduation day, the father called him into his study. He gave his son a beautiful gift box. Jack opened the box and found a copy of the Bible with his name on it. Angrily, he shouted to his father, With all your money you give me a copy of the Bible? He left the Bible, and then left the house quickly

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