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1、最新圆梦计划专升本大学英语入学测试模拟题及答案2013年圆梦计划专升本英语入学测试模拟题及答案一、单选题1、One of my teeth is so _ that it is going to be missing soon(2)( ) Alose Bloose Closs Dlost标准答案:B我的一颗牙齿松动的马上要掉了。2、How about taking a walk?Oh, I think its _ cold for a walk(2)( ) Avery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso much标准答案:C走路怎么样?哦,我想走路太冷了。3、After

2、living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle _ in a town.(2)( ) Afor Bat Cup Ddown标准答案:D在大城市生活了很多年以后,他们发现很难再在小镇上生活。4、The reason for my absence was _ I had fallen ill.(2)( ) Awhy Bbecause Cfor Dthat标准答案:D我缺席的原因是因为我生病了。5、It was in this house _ the important meeting in history was

3、held.(2)( ) Awhere Bthat Cwhich Din which标准答案:B这是房子就是历史上举行了重要会议的那个。6、Well_ what our country expects of us.(2)( ) Akeep up with Bput up with Cstand up to Dlive up to标准答案:D我们要达到国家对我们的期望。7、The writer has listed why cloning is not feasible to be _on humans.(2)( ) Aamended Badopted Cadjusted Dadapted标准答案

4、:B作者列举了为什么克隆不能被人类采用的原因8、I think the chief thing that _ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor.(2)( ) Ahit Bstruck Cbeat Dknocked标准答案:B我想最打动我的事情是布什先生的友善和幽默。9、Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed _ her age and status.(2)( ) Ain regard to Bin accordance with Cin reference to Din com

5、parison with标准答案:B克林顿太太总是按照她的年龄和身份来着装,打扮整洁素雅。10、After the _of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2)( ) Arelay Brelease Cconvey Dtransfer标准答案:B在17名英国旅客被释放后,布莱尔先生表示继续关切其他仍在被劫持的乘客的安全。11、The “qua

6、lity” newspapers are often held _ as an example of impartial journalism.(2)( ) Aback Bin Cup Donto标准答案:C有“质量”的报纸常常是公正新闻的见光的最好之处。12、_how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.(2)( ) AIn turn BAs to CThanks to DAs a rule标准答案:B灿烂的玛雅文化是如

7、何突然消失于地球的仍然是一个难解决的谜。13、In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be _by manufacturers.(2)( ) Arejected Breformed Crelived Dreinforced标准答案:D在市场经济时代,制造商应加强“顾客第一”的理念。14、The football match was held over until further notice _the continual rain.(2)( ) Aon account of Bthanks to

8、Cbut for Das for标准答案:B足球比赛在雨停了以后,另行通知。15、Some people consider it unwise to _themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.(2)( ) Aparticipate Binvolve Ccombine Dassociate标准答案:B有些人认为参与到夫妻之间的吵架是不明智之举。16、The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels _ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature

9、in 1954.(2)( ) Aearned Bgained Cawarded Dclaimed标准答案:A在1954年,老人与海和其它许多的小说获得了厄内斯特海明威诺贝尔文学奖。17、Those who had moved to America under the _that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decision.(2)( ) Aillusion Bintention Cimpression Dconcept标准答案:A那些认为美国遍地是黄金的人,到了美国后,开始后悔自己的决定。18、T

10、he actors have to _ before they appear in front of the audience.(2)( ) Acover up Bpaint up Cmake up Ddo up标准答案:C演员出现在观众的面前之前必须先化妆。19、John was never particular _ the food his wife served.(2)( ) Aabout Bof Cfor Dto标准答案:A约翰从不挑剔他妻子煮的食物。20、Hot metal _as it grows cooler.(2)( ) Acontracts Breduces Ccondens

11、es Ddecreases标准答案:A热的金属遇冷会收缩。21、The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than_ .(2)( ) Afor ours it had Bit did for us Cwith us Dwith ours标准答案:B对我们来说,研究目的意义的重要性超过研究本身。22、Do you know _the population of China is?(2)( ) Ahow many Bhow much Cwhich Dwhat标准答案:B你知道中国的人口总数是多少吗?23、Ad

12、vertising is different from other forms of communication_ _the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.(2)( ) Ain that Bnow that Csee that Dwhereas标准答案:A广告不同于其他形式的沟通之处在于广告主要用于消息传递。24、I know nothing about his journey _ he is likely to be away for six months.(2)( ) Aexcept Bunless Cexcept that

13、 Dapart from标准答案:C关于他的旅行,除了知道他很可能要离开六个月,其他的我都不清楚。25、_editor and _publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.(2)( ) AAn, a BThe, a CThe, the DThe, /标准答案:D编辑和出版这本杂志是一个来自英国有学问的人。26、Many a white-collar worker_to return to the easy days of university or college.(2)( ) Awishes Bwish Chave wi

14、shed Dwishing标准答案:A许多白领工作后都怀念在大学读书的那一段美好时光。27、He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground _.(2)( ) Adie Bdeath Cdead Ddeadly标准答案:C他打了女孩的脸使她摔到地上死了。28、She woke up from the nightmare _ .(2)( ) Awith start Bwith a start Cstarting Dstarted标准答案:B她从恶梦中惊醒。29、Is there any_in your company?(2)( )

15、 Avacancy Bdesertion Cemptiness Dhollow标准答案:A你公司里还缺人手吗?30、The old man _the boy on his knees.(2)( ) Aseated Bwas seated Csat Dwas sat标准答案:A老人让男孩坐在他的膝上。31、Voices of argument were _as the two motorists became more bad-tempered.(2)( ) Aincreased Brisen Cswollen Draised标准答案:D激烈的争吵声使得两个驾驶变得更加暴躁。32、Dont ta

16、ke him for a friend; hes _a bully.(2)( ) Aeverything to Bnothing but Canything like Dsomething of标准答案:D不要总是跟他推心置腹,有时候他有些霸道。33、She was exhausted and in no_for dancing.(2)( ) Aemotion Btemper Cmood Dfeeling标准答案:C她太累了,没有心思跳舞了。34、During foggy weather trains are late _ .(2)( ) Aand so forth Bmore often t

17、han not Cor something Das a matter of fact标准答案:B有雾时,火车常常误点。35、The speaker doesnt know how to _himself across.(2)( ) Amake Brun Ctake Dput标准答案:D说话人不知道怎样自圆其说。36、Its high time you _us the truth.(2)( ) Atell Bhave told Ctold Dhad told标准答案:C这是你告诉我们真相的最佳时期。37、If I_to do the experiment, I would do it some

18、other way.(2)( ) Ashould be Bshould be going Cwas Dwere标准答案:D如果是我做实验,我会用另外一种方法。38、We_it without your help.(2)( ) Acouldnt have done Bcouldnt do Ccould have done Dcould havent done标准答案:A没有你的帮助,我们不可能做到。39、Is this film moving?Yes, it is_.(2)( ) ARarely have I seen this before. BRarely before have I see

19、n this. CRarely have I seen before this. DRarely I have seen this before.标准答案:A这部电影很感人吗?是的,是我以前从未感受过的。40、I suppose she is not serious,_ ?(2)( ) Ado I Bdont I Cisnt she Dis she标准答案:C我想她要求不是很严格的,不是吗?41、I can only do it for you _Im paid in advance.(2)( ) Ajust as Bin that Cnow that Don condition that标准

20、答案:D我只能为你做到有条件的提前支付。42、I bought this antique vase at a quite _price.(2)( ) Acheap Breasonable Cexpensive Dsmall标准答案:B我用一个非常合理的价格买到了这个古董花瓶。43、Hardly had they arrived at the airport _the plane started to leave.(2)( ) Athan Bthen Cuntil Dwhen标准答案:C他们要在飞机起飞之前到达机场,几乎是不可能的。44、This project must be complete

21、d _as scheduled.(2)( ) Ain vain Bat most Cin advanced Dby all means标准答案:C这个工程项目必须如期完工。45、When questioned, he _doing anything illegal.(2)( ) Arefused Bobjected Cdenied Dopposed标准答案:C当被问到,他否认做过任何违法的事情。二、阅读短文,根据所给语境,按要求完成下列各题(A)My son Joe started dating a young lady whose father worked in a police stat

22、ion.Joe was interested in working there.And he came home one day and he said, “Im taking the police test.”When he graduated ,they assigned(分配)him to East New York where I started my career. (1)However,Joes brother,John wanted nothingto do with police or firefighters.He wanted to be the “next Donald

23、Trump”,a millionaire(富翁)well-known in America.But in 1984,I came down with throat cancer.He noticed how the guys I worked with in the fire department(消防队)took care of us.He decided to be a firefighter.Both the boys would call we when they were working.John would always call around four oclock ,and t

24、hat particular(特别的)night ,September 10,we spoke for a few minutes.And I said, “I love you.”and he said, “I love you.”Joe called me in the morning and told me to turn on the television ,that a plane just hit the Trade Center(世贸大厦).(2)I just said, “Be careful.I love you ”He said, “I love you ,too.”Tha

25、t was it. We had the boys for John for 36 years,Joe for 34 years .Its not many people that the last words they said to their son or daughter were “I love you,”and the last words that they heard were “I love you.”So,that makes me sleep at night. 我的儿子乔开始跟一个父亲在警察局工作的年轻女士约会。乔对在警察局工作很感兴趣。他有天回家,对我说,“我要去参加

26、警察考试。”当他毕业的时候,他们分配他在纽约东部,那也是我开始我的职业生涯的地方。(1)然而,乔的兄弟约翰一点也不想做警察或消防队员。他想成为“下一个唐纳德”,一个美国著名的百万富翁。但在1984年,我得了咽喉癌。他注意到和我一起工作的消防队的同事们照顾着我们。他决定成为一名消防员。 这两个孩子在工作的时候都会给家里打电话。约翰总是大概在四点的时候打电话,在九月十日,那个特别的晚上,我和约翰聊了几分钟。我说,“我爱你。”他说,“我爱你。”乔叫我在早上打电话给我,叫我打开电视。电视里报道一架飞机撞击了世贸大厦。我只是说,“小心。我爱你,”他说,“我也爱你。”如此而已。我们生下约翰有36年了,乔也

27、34年。有很多的人,他们对自己的儿子或女儿说的最后一句话就是“我爱你”,而他们听到的是最后一句话也是“我爱你”。有很多想说的话没有说出口,这让我晚上睡不着。46.将(1)处翻译成汉语。_47.。根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。(每空一词)Joe was a _,while his brother,John,was a firefighter.The two brothers were both_when the Trade Center was destroyed.48根据(2)处完成下面的句子。(每空一词)I just _him _be careful and I loved him.【参考答

28、案】46、但是Joe的弟弟,John一点儿也不想做警察或消防员47、Policeman dead48、told to(B)(49)Da Shan, a Canadian, is perhaps Chinas most famous foreigner. He speaks Chinese well. He was born in 1965. He(66)started to learn Chinese when he studied at Toronto University. In order to remember more Chinese words, (67) wrote ,he, t

29、hem ,often , on, cards, down , small . But he would only memorize words he met with while reading, listening or talking in the following two weeks. “Theres no use learning words that dont appear often,”he said. “And the best way to learn a foreign language is to keep using it and understand the culture behind it, Or youll forget everything quickly.”Da Shan says it is important to get into the language environment. (68)与中国朋友交谈has helped him learn not only the words, but also the country and its people. 大山,加拿大人,也

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