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ssat middle level 数学 1说课讲解.docx

1、ssat middle level 数学 1说课讲解ssat middle level 数学 1In the practice questions, fractions may be written in a “number slash number” format.For example, the fraction “two-thirds” may be written as 2/3.1. Which of the following is the number: Seven-hundred nine and thirty-four thousandths ?(A) 709.34(B) 70

2、9.034(C) 709.0034(D) 7,009.34(E) 7,009.0342. If 76 + D8 = 134, then the missing digit D is equal to what number?(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 63. If 12 / x = 3 / 7, then x =(A) 20(B) 21(C) 28(D) 29(E) 354. Jack ran for 1/2 hour. Hank ran for 1/3 hour more than Jack. How many hours did Hank run?(A) 3/4(B)

3、4/5(C) 5/6(D) 6/7(E) 7/85. Amy has n more books than Bob, and Bob has 2 less books than Cathy. If Cathy has 5 books, how many books does Amy have?(A) n 3(B) n + 3(C) n 7(D) n + 7(E) n 106. Craig is at school. If he walks 7 miles north, then 4 miles east, then 7 miles south, how far away will he be f

4、rom school?(A) 19 miles(B) 15 miles(C) 11 miles(D) 7 miles(E) 4 miles7. N is an even number between 10 and 30. N is also a multiple of 7 between 20 and 40. Which is N ?(A) 14(B) 21(C) 28(D) 32(E) 358. The perimeter of a rectangle is 62. If its width is 13, then its length is(A) 17(B) 18(C) 19(D) 20(

5、E) 219. A man is on the ninth floor. He goes up twenty-one floors, then down a dozen floors, then up sixteen floors, then up forty-sevenfloors. What floor does the man end up on?(A) Sixty-ninth floor(B) Seventy-second floor(C) Seventy-fifth floor(D) Seventy-eighth floor(E) Eighty-first floor10. Whic

6、h number is the smallest?(A) 0(B) 10(C) 1(D) 100(E) 111. The next number in the series 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 is(A) 20(B) 21(C) 22(D) 23(E) 2412. Chase is 9 years old. Amber is twice as old as Chase. Kristyn is three years younger than Chase. What is the combined age of Amberand Kristyn?(A) 16(B) 18(C)

7、20(D) 22(E) 2413. Camron is 50 inches tall. Julia is 5 inches shorter than Camron. How many inches tall is Julia?(A) 43(B) 44(C) 45(D) 49(E) 5514. 1/10 =(A) 0.001(B) 0.01(C) 0.1(D) 1(E) 1015. All of the following are true EXCEPT(A) 4/5 1/2(B) 2/3 1/3(D) 1/7 2/516. If the pattern below continues to t

8、he right, what will the 25th word be?left, up, right, down, left, up, right, down,(A) left(B) right(C) up(D) down(E) all of the above17. Chris takes out the trash every 2nd day and washes the dishes every 3rd day. Last Thursday he did both chores. On what day of theweek will he be doing both chores

9、again?(A) Sunday(B) Saturday(C) Monday(D) Wednesday(E) Friday18. If 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 = 6, then is equal to(A) 19(B) 24(C) 28(D) 34(E) 3819. A square has a perimeter of 40. What is the length of one of its sides?(A) 8(B) 10(C) 12(D) 16(E) 2020. All of the following fractions are equal to 1

10、/3 EXCEPT(A) 2/6(B) 10/30(C) 4/12(D) 7/20(E) 3/921. What is the difference between 50% of 20 and 100% of 6?(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 622. If A = 36, then 7 more than A 4 is equal to(A) 11(B) 15(C) 16(D) 20(E) 2123. Mrs. Taylor wants to give 2 candy bars to each of her 32 students. There are 7 candy ba

11、rs in each package. How many packagesmust she buy?(A) 9(B) 10(C) 11(D) 12(E) 1324. Twenty-four people are to be divided into teams, each having the same number of people. Which of the following CANNOT be thenumber of teams?(A) 4(B) 6(C) 8(D) 10(E) 1225. It is equally likely to land on any of the 9 s

12、quares numbered 1 through 9 on a game board. What is the probability of landing on aneven number or a multiple of 3?(A) 1 out of 3(B) 4 out of 9(C) 5 out of 9(D) 2 out of 3(E) 7 out of 926. Which of the following is true?(A) 20 4 = 0.5(B) 0.4 0.5 = 2(C) 20 0.4 = 50(D) 0.5 4 = 20(E) 20 5 = 0.427. Whe

13、n a number is divided by 6, the quotient is 7 and the remainder is 4. If the same number is divided by 9, the remainder is(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 528. If a 3 = b 4 = 2, what is the value of a + b ?(A) 13(B) 14(C) 15(D) 16(E) 1729. If two interior angles of a triangle have measures of 50 degrees and

14、60 degrees, what is the measure of the third angle of the triangle,in degrees?(A) 50(B) 56(C) 60(D) 70(E) 11030. Tom has 7 books and Jane has 25. How many books must Jane give Tom if each is to have the same number?(A) 7(B) 8(C) 9(D) 12(E) 1831. If 23 = 56 8, then equals(A) 1(B) 2(C) 4(D) 8(E) 1632.

15、 A sailor eats one orange every 6 hours. How many oranges will he eat in 4 days?(A) 8(B) 10(C) 12(D) 16(E) 2433. ( 12 + 10 + 8 ) ( 6 + 5 + 4 ) =(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 534. If N is an even number, which of the following is an odd number?(A) N + 1(B) N + 2(C) N + 4(D) 2 N(E) N 335. How many seconds a

16、re there in one-tenth of a minute?(A) 12 seconds(B) 6 seconds(C) 10 seconds(D) 8 seconds(E) 15 seconds36. The temperature of three different cities is 60 degrees, 35 degrees and 46 degrees. What is the average (mean) temperature for thesethree cities?(A) 43 degrees(B) 44 degrees(C) 45 degrees(D) 46

17、degrees(E) 47 degrees37. A rectangular backyard is 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. If 90 square meters is covered with grass, what percent of thebackyard is covered with grass?(A) 29%(B) 35%(C) 40%(D) 45%(E) 90%38. Four out of 10 diners in a restaurant are in the smoking section. The ratio of din

18、ers in the smoking section to diners in the non-smoking section is(A) 2 to 3(B) 2 to 5(C) 3 to 5(D) 3 to 2(E) 1 to 339. What is the greatest number of squares, each measuring 2 cm by 2 cm, that can be cut from an 8 cm by 6 cm rectangle?(A) 6(B) 8(C) 12(D) 16(E) 2440. Five percent of the guests at a

19、Halloween party were dressed as ghosts. If there were 6 ghosts at the party, how many guests wereat the party?(A) 60(B) 100(C) 120(D) 140(E) 150For Questions 41 and 42, refer to the following definition.y z = ( y z ) ( y + z )41. 6 8 =(A) 24(B) 34(C) 40(D) 44(E) 5042. If N 5 = 3 , then N =(A) 2(B) 3

20、(C) 4(D) 5(E) 643. If 4 P = 17 + 3, then P =(A) 3(B) 4(C) 5(D) 6(E) 744. All of the following are factors of 5 6 EXCEPT(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 545. In the problems below, how much must be added to the smaller answer to make it equal to the larger answer?67 8 =498 6 =(A) 99(B) 180(C) 271(D) 362(E) 45

21、346. Which of the following is equal to 0.5 10 ?(A) 1/4 of twenty(B) 1/2 of forty(C) 1/3 of thirty(D) 1/2 of fifty(E) 10 times 547. Which of the following is a factor of 20 and a multiple of 2?(A) 1(B) 5(C) 10(D) 12(E) 1548. In a zoo, 3 out of every 5 monkeys are brown. If there are 40 monkeys at th

22、e zoo, how many of them are brown?(A) 21(B) 22(C) 24(D) 26(E) 2849. The “8” in the number 18,111 has a value how many times the value of the “8” in the number 11,181 ?(A) 1(B) 10(C) 100(D) 1,000(E) 10,00050. The product of two whole numbers is 6. Their sum could be(A) 3(B) 5(C) 6(D) 8(E) 1051. The a

23、rea of the square is 36. What is the sum of the lengths of two sides of the square?(A) 12(B) 14(C) 16(D) 18(E) 2052. How many numbers belong in Set 1 and Set 2 ?Set 1: odd whole numbersSet 2: numbers less than 10(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 553. Stephanie has 30% more money than Matthew. If Matthew has $

24、40, how much money does Stephanie have?(A) $50(B) $52(C) $54(D) $56(E) $5854. Forty-eight players divided themselves into teams. How many more teams of 3 can be made than teams of 4 ?(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7(E) 855. Sheila begins a project in March. If the project ends 15 months later, during which mont

25、h does the project end?(A) July(B) May(C) August(D) June(E) April56. Kyle bought four pizzas of the same price with a $20 bill. If he got $8 in change, how much did one pizza cost?(A) $2(B) $3(C) $4(D) $5(E) $657. If 300 + + 60 = 940, then =(A) 460(B) 480(C) 560(D) 580(E) 62058. The difference between 4,991 and 1,507 is closest to(A) 2,500(B) 3,000(C) 3,500(D) 4,000(E) 4,50059. All the sides in a polygon are of equal length and its perimeter is 64. What is the length of one side?(A) 8(B) 9(C) 10(D) 11(E) 1260. Of the following, which is between 1/2 and 3/4 ?(A) 0.4(B) 0.5(C) 0.6(D) 0.8(E) 0.9

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