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高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 7 优秀教案 新人教版必修5.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 7 优秀教案 新人教版必修52019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 7 优秀教案 新人教版必修5Self-assessment1.I have finished learning this unit and now I feel I am_of most of the contents learned in this unit? A.slightly confidentB.confidentC.quite confidentD.very confident 2.I

2、n this unit I have learned the following verbs: _nouns: _adjectives: _adverbs: _expressions: _patterns: _3.I can make sentences with some of the words and expressions and patterns that I like very much._Test一、单词拼写1.Soldiers, policemen and nurses wear u_ 答案:uniforms2.The dress is a_in all sizes at th

3、is shop. 答案:available3.The explanation in the note c_the difficult sentence. 答案:clarified4.The Loop Railway was being c_ at that time. 答案:constructed5.The children t_ with joy at the sight of the Christmas tree. 答案:thrilled6.Sophia cleaned and _(整理)two of the bedrooms in the morning. 答案:arranged7.Ch

4、oose furniture thats _(与一致)with the modern style of the house. 答案:consistent8.You and I can do some _(观光), till I go back to Cambridge. 答案:sightseeing9.He seems to think that the delay is to suit your _(便利). 答案:convenience10.The _(关系)of mother and child is the closest in the world. 答案:relation二、单项选择

5、11.Taking this medicine, if _, will of course do good to his health. continueC.continuesD.continuing 12.His letter, _ to the wrong number, reached me late. have been have addressed C.having been addressedD.being addressed 13.Mr.Smith was much surprised to find the

6、watch he had had _ was nowhere to be seen. repaired be repaired 14.Is there anything you want from town? No, thank you.But I would like to get _. A.mailed lettersB.those letters mailed mail those lettersD.those letters mail 15.Once _ at the shop, you will be dismi

7、ssed immediately. A.caught stealingB.caught to steal C.catching catch to steal 16._ in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party. A.Dressing; noticedB.Dressing; noticing C.Dressed; noticingD.Dressed; noticed 17._ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _ o

8、ut of life. A.Seeing; frightenedB.Seeing; frightening C.Seen; frightenedD.To see; frightening 18.We found the students seated at tables and had their eyes _ on the scene of the launch of Shenzhou spaceship. A.fix B.fixed C.fixing fix 19.When we got back from the cinema, we found the lamp _ but

9、the door _.A.being on; shutB.burning; shutting C.burning; shutD.on; shutting 20.Is Tom a good talker. No, he never speaks to me other than _ something? A.ask ask forC.asked forD.asking for 21puters have _ abacuses in most offices. A.taken place ofB.taken place C.taken the place ofD.taken the

10、ir places of 22.A big fire _ in their house last night. A.was broken outB.broke out C.broke upD.broken down 23.Where is your bike? Oh, it is broken.Look, it _ over there. mendedB.will be being mended 24.On my birthday, my father bought me _. A.a nice long new black Britis

11、h penB.a long nice new British black pen C.a new black British long nice pen D.a British new long black nice pen 25.Janes pale face suggested that _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination.; should haveB.was; haveC.should be; hadD.was; had 答案:1115 ACCBA1620 DABCC2125 CBD

12、AB 三、完成句子26.这位老太太只在特殊的场合穿这件衣服。 The old woman only wears this coat _ _ _. 27.你犯了个错, 你漏了个字母“t”。 Youve made a mistake youve _ _ the letter“t”. 28.吴老师不在的话, 谁来代她的课? Who will _ _ _ _ Miss.Wu when she is away? 29.很多特殊的典礼都是为了纪念名人。 Many special ceremonies_ _ _ _ famous men. 30.下议院由658个成员组成。 The House of mons

13、 _ _ 658 members. 31.那房子被隔成数套公寓。 The house _ _ _ several flats. 32.改掉习惯是很难的。 Its difficult _ _ _ _ a habit. 33.非常需要有一本关于这个主题的书。 Theres _ _ _ _ a book on this subject. 34.她听到那消息就哭了起来, 但很快就恢复过来了。 She _ _ when she heard the news, but quickly _. 35.使他极为高兴的是, 他的小说被接受出版。 _ _ _ _, his novel was accepted fo

14、r publication.36.当然, 她为你所做的感到自豪。 Of course, she _ _ _ what you have done. 37.不要被她的话所影响。 Dont _ _ _ _ she says. 答案:26.on special occasions27.left out28.take the place of29.are in memory of30.consists of31.was divided break away from33.a great need for34.broke down; recovered35.To his great

15、 proud influenced by what四、完形填空Twenty years ago, Mark Thatcher, the son of Mrs.Thatcher, was reported missing in the Sahara Desert while peting in the Grand Prix Motor race from Paris to Daker.This sad news, so unexpected shook the unusually calm and 38 politician off her balance

16、.Though she did her best to 39as if nothing had happened and made her public appearance as usual.People could not fail to notice that she was no longer the old self-assured prime minister who always had everything under 40.Instead she had bee a very sad mother who was unable to 41 from her shock. On

17、e day when she was to 42 at a lunch party a reporter caught her off her guard by bringing up the 43of her missing son again.She was totally mentally 44 for the question and lost her 45 .Tears were rolling down her eyes 46 she sobbingly told the reporter there was still no news of Mark and that she w

18、as very worried about him.She said that all the countries concerned had 47 to do their best to help her find her son.With that she 48 down pletely and sobbed silently for quite a while.Gradually she 49 down and started to speak as planned.It was a very 50 scene which exposed a new side of Mrs.Thatch

19、ers 51 the public do not usually see, so people began to 52 about the Iron Womans motherly love, a 53 that is mon to all human race. Later Mark returned safe and sound to his mothers 54, good-humored and all smiles as usual 55 nothing unusual had 56 happened.The Iron Woman, however, broke down again

20、 and was 57 sobbing for the second time. 38.A.unhappy B.unsuccessful C.unhurried D.unhealthy 39.A.seem B.look C.act D.pretend B.control C.difficulties D.pressure 41.A.learn B.separate C.reduce D.recover 42.A.arrive C.speak 43.A.subject B.object C.argument 44.A

21、.ready B.unprepared C.famous D.anxious B.son C.belief D.self-control 46.A.because B.that C.thus 47.A.permitted B.admitted C.promised D.managed 48.A.fell B.wrote C.broke D.brought 49.A.sat B.calmed C.turned D.handed 50.A.moving B.merry C.funny D.serious 51.A.thought B.action C.position

22、 D.character 52.A.worry B.think C.set 53.A.habit B.hobby C.feeling D.thought B.attention C.side D.home if that D.though 56.A.never B.ever C.yet D.already 57.A.made B.heard C.felt D.seen 答案:3842 CDBDC4347 ABDDC4852 C BADD5357 CCABD 五、阅读理解 That afternoon Molly almo

23、st danced along the street, as she walked home with her father from the station.They had seen Mrs.Gibson and Cynthia off to London.She wished her step-mother would take herself off to London much more often.“Well now, dad, ”she said, “Im going to have you all to myself for a whole week.You must be v

24、ery obedient(听话的).”“I hope you arent going to boss me, Molly.Youre walking me out of breath already.We mustnt pass Mrs.Goodmays in our hurry.”They crossed the street to speak to Mrs.Goodmays, one of the doctors patients.“Weve just been seeing my wife and her daughter off to London.Theyve gone up for

25、 a week.” “Dear me, to London, and only for a week!”said Mrs.Goodmays, with surprise.“It seems hardly worth the packing.Itll be lonely for you, Molly, without your step-sister.” “Yes, ”said Molly, suddenly feeling as if she ought to have taken this view of the case.“Ill miss Cynthia.” “And you, Dr G

26、ibson, I hope you wont feel like a widower(鳏夫) once again.You must e and have supper with me one evening.What about Tuesday?” Dr Gibson felt a sharp blow on his leg from the toe of Mollys shoe, but even so he accepted the invitation, much to the old ladys satisfaction. A moment later Molly said to h

27、im, “How could you go and waste one of our precious evening!Weve only got five now.Ive been planning all sorts of things for us to do tonight .”“What sort of things?” “Oh, I dont know.Things you used to like, ”she looked at him boldly.“Forbidden things now.”Her fathers eyes lit up, but his face remained serious.“Im not going to be pulled down, Molly.With hard work and sensible guidance Ive reached a very fair height of civilized behaviour, and there Im going to stay.” “Oh no, youre not.Were having bread and cheese for supper tonight, in armchairs in front of the TV!And you shall wear yo

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