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1、作文范文之钱包被偷的英语作文钱包被偷的英语作文篇一:托福口语对话之钱包丢失 智课网toefl备考资料 托福口语对话之钱包丢失 carl: hello. excuse me. sally: yes. can i help you? carl: do you remember me? i just had lunch here a half hour ago. sally: of course i remember you. carl: i think i lost my wallet here. sally: oh, no. really? i didnt see anything. carl:

2、 really? you didnt find a wallet? sally: no, i didnt. would you like to go look by the table with me? carl: yes, i would. its not here. and its not on the floor. has anyone sat at this table since we left? sally: no. its been empty the whole time. carl: hmm. i dont know how it could have happened. s

3、ally: i remember, sir, that your friend took the bill. you didnt pay for the lunch yourself, did you? carl: no. my friend did. sally: then are you sure you took your wallet out of your pocket while you were here? carl: no, im not sure. but i usually take out my wallet when i sit down. its unfortable

4、 to sit on it. so i usually put it next to me on the table. sally: maybe you lost it before you came here. or maybe you left it at home. carl: i dont think its at home. i think i had it when i left the house. but what should i do? sally: well, the first thing you should do is make sure its not at ho

5、me.then, if it isnt, you need to call your credit card panies and cancel your cards. next, you need to replace whatever you lost , your drivers license, things like that. carl: should i call the police? sally: you can if you want. but the police usually dont do anything about lost wallets. carl: hmm

6、. ill go home and check. maybe youre right. maybe its at home. sally: im sorry we couldnt find it, sir. carl: thanks for your help. 卡尔:哈啰,请问一下. 莎莉:请说,我能帮你吗? 卡尔:你记得我吗?刚刚一小时前我在这里吃午餐. 莎莉:当然我记得你. 卡尔:我的皮夹掉在这里. 莎莉:不会吧,真的吗?我没有看到. 卡尔:真的吗?你没发现到皮夹? 莎莉:没有.你要跟我到桌子那边看看吗? 卡尔:好的.不在这里,也不在地上. 我们走后这一桌有人坐吗? 莎莉:没有,一直是空

7、着的. 卡尔:我不知道怎么会这样. 莎莉:先生,我记得是你朋友付帐的. 你没有付自己的午餐钱,不是吗? 卡尔:是的,是我朋友付的. 莎莉:那么你确定在这里你曾从口袋拿出皮夹来吗?卡尔:我不确定.但是通常我坐下来时,会把皮夹拿出来. 坐在上面很不舒服,所以通常我把它放在桌子上的旁边. 莎莉:可能你来这里之前就掉了,或是你遗忘在家里. 卡尔:我想不会在家里,我记得出门时带着. 我该怎么办呢? 莎莉:首先你要确定不是放在家里. 如果不是,你要打到信用卡公司取消信用卡. 接下来你要重办遗失的证件,像是驾照之类的东西. 卡尔:要报警吗? 莎莉:如果你要的话可以.但是警察通常不处理皮夹遗失的案件. 卡尔:

8、我会回家找找看.也许你是对的,也许是放在家里. 莎莉:很抱歉,我们没有找到,先生. 卡尔:谢谢你的帮忙.篇二:英语作文范文 请根据下列要点提示以my home为题, 写一篇60词左右的短文. 提示: 1. 有一个客厅, 一个厨房, 两间卧室; 2. 晚上喜欢坐在客厅的沙发上, 和父母一起看电视; 3. 卧室里有一张椅子, 一台电脑和一张大床. 4. 最喜欢的地方是阳台balcony, 我在那里玩游戏, 与朋友聊天. my home my home is very beautiful. there is a sitting room, a kitchen and two bedrooms in

9、 the sitting room, i like sitting on the sofa and watching tv with my parents in the evening. in my bedroom, there is a chair, a puter and a big bed. my favourite place is the balcony. i can play games and chat with my friends there. i love my home very much! 以my bedroom为题写一篇英语作文, 根据提示词对所给图片进行描

10、述.词数60左右.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数内. my bedroom i have a small and beautiful bedroom on the left of the door, there is a piano. in the left-hand corner of the room, you can see a bed with a small table beside it. on the small table, there is a lamp, a toy and a photo of mine. next to the table, there is a de

11、sk. on the desk there is a shelf with many books on it. in the right-hand corner of the room, you will find two wardrobes. i put my clothes in them. i like my bedroom very much. do you like it? 说到蛇, 大家都可能认为蛇很可怕, 其实不然.汤姆读了一本关于蛇的书之后, 对蛇有了全新的认识.请根据下面表格信息提示, 写一篇60词左右的短文.开头已给出, 不计入总词数 . tom was afraid of

12、 snakes before. yesterday he read a book on snakes. after reading the book, he knows about snakes better. he thought all snakes were poisonous and harmful before, but now he knows some are not. he thought we should kill snakes when we saw them. but now, he thinks we should protect them because snake

13、s are our friends and are important in nature. now he is not afraid of snakes any more, but likes them. 假如你们班要重新选班长, 你认为amy在许多方面很适合, 你想推荐她.请根据所给提示, 给王老师写一封60词左右的推荐信.信的开头、结尾已给出, 但不计入要求词数. 提示: 1. 她学习刻苦、认真, 做事细心, 能歌善舞, 还经常帮同学打扫卫生; 2. 她很有礼貌, 对同学很友好; 3. 她在上周五放学回家的路上拣到一个钱包, 一直在路边等到失主回来认领钱包, 失主很感激她. dear m

14、iss wang, i would like to remend amy for our monitor. amy works hard and is careful with everything. she is good at singing and dancing. she often helps others do some cleaning. she is a polite girl and she is friendly to all of us. last friday, she found a wallet on her way 1home after school. she

15、kept on waiting until the owner came back to get it. the owner thanked her very much. i think shell be a good monitor. 假设你是图中的小女孩, 请你根据图画内容提示, 以第一人称的口吻, 写一篇60词左右的短文, 描述一下昨天下午发生的事.开头已给出, 不计入总词数. yesterday afternoon, i saw a man opening my neighbours door when i arrived home the man was holding a bag.

16、 i realized that he was a thief. i thought i was not strong enough to catch him. suddenly, i got an idea. i took out my mobile phone and took a photo of the thief. then i called the police. the police caught the thief very soon with the picture of the thief. 请根据图示并发挥你的想象力, 描述一下green middle school 的校

17、规.60词左右 green middle school rules there are too many rules in green middle school. for example, the students cant eat in the classroom. they have to eat in the dining hall. the students can play soccer or games on the playground, but they cant play in the classroom or hallways. the students cant run

18、 in the hallways, either. in the school library, they can read books but they must keep quiet. 假设去年暑假你过了一个无聊的假期, 请以i had a really boring summer vacation为题写一篇短文. 要求: 1. 短文内容至少要对四项活动进行描述; 2. 字数70词左右.开头已给出, 不计入总词数. i had a really boring summer vacation i dont like holidays. i always feel bored in my ho

19、lidays. last summer vacation i didnt go to any interesting places. the first month, i just stayed at home and watched tv. sometimes i read books or studied my subjects. my father and mother went to work every day. they didnt want me to play outside or play puter games. then the next month i went to

20、my grandparents home and stayed with them. it was also boring. i wanted to swim in the sea, but they said it was dangerous. so i had to stay at home and watch tv again. 假设你是一名天气预报员, 请从下列景点中选出两至三个, 用简练、正确的语言对天气情况进行描述, 并针对具体的天气情况给游客提出合理建议. 2 weather report good morning, ladies and gentlemen. are you g

21、oing to visit mount emei in sichuan? it is cloudy in the morning, and in the afternoon it will be rainy. so please take an umbrella with you. the weather of mount tai is very good. it is sunny all day. and it will be warm too. you should wear a hat. tianchi is also a good place to visit. it is snowy

22、 today. if you go there, you can see the beautiful snow. i think you should take some warm clothes if you go to jilin. 期末考试将至, 同学们一定都做好了准备.本期书面表达请大家联系学期初的计划, 回顾一下在本学期的学习过程中自己哪些方面做得特别好, 还有哪些不足之处.题目自拟, 把自己的心情写出来, 可适当发挥. i will work harder i didnt do well this term. i was a little lazy. i didnt study h

23、ard at math, because i thought it was too difficult for me. i like football, so i usually played it with my classmate after school. then when i went back home, i was so tired that i couldnt study well. so maybe i will fail in the final tests. but i will study harder next term. and i will keep studyi

24、ng english in the summer holiday because its my favourite subject. 暑期将至, 同学们应该有很多计划和打算吧.请以my plan for summer vacation为题, 把你的打算和愿望都写出来吧!best wishes for you all! wish you have a wonderful holiday! my plan for summer vacation summer vacation is ing. i think ill have a busy vacation. in june, i plan to

25、practise the violin every morning. you know practice makes perfect. i will have many lessons and take part in a concert. then every afternoon, i will spend some time doing my homework and playing with my friends. but i will spend most of my free time watching tv. in july, my parents will take me to

26、australia. it must be relaxing and interesting. 假如今天是星期天,你和弟弟去中山公园 游玩.请根据下列提示内容写一篇60词左右的短文. today is sunday. i go to zhongshan park with my brother. zhongshan park is very beautiful. there are a lot of interesting things. we play games in the park. when we are tired and hungry, we go to buy food and

27、 fruit in the supermarket near the park. we enjoy ourselves there. we hope to visit the park again. 下面的表格介绍了上个星期天的春游活动.请根据表格中所提供的信息写一篇60词左右的短文. last sunday we went on a spring trip in west park. early in the morning, we met at the school gate and started out by bike. first we went to the zoo to see

28、animals. then we went boating on the river. we had a piic at lunch time. of course we took many beautiful photos. when we got home, we were tired but very happy, because we had a good day. 3 假设你是夏雪,你的笔友卡特里娜想到你居住的海滨城市旅游.根据下面的示意图给她写一封不少于50词的电子,告诉她怎样到你家,并且告诉她在你家每天都可以步行去海滩玩.开头与结尾已给出,但不计入总词数. dear katrin

29、a, im very glad you are visiting our city. now let me tell you how to get to my home. after you get out of the train station, you can take the no. 8 bus to yingbin road. it takes about half an hour. the bus stop is near my home. its not very far from my home to the beach. we can go there on foot. it

30、 only takes 20 minutes. i hope to see you soon. 请根据下面表格中的内容提示, 以what are the family doing?为标题, 写一篇50词左右的短文, 描述一下这家人的活动, 可适当发挥. look! what are the family doing now? tom is doing his homework. his sister mary is playing puter games. she likes it very much. she usually plays them on weekends. what are

31、the father and grandfather doing? they are playing chess. and what about the mother and grandmother? oh! they are talking. 假设你们学校最近成立了环保俱乐部, 你 也加入了, 并准备一起开展以下的环保活 动: 1. 回收 一些废旧物品, 如纸张, 瓶子, 电池 等; 2. 看见同学乱扔垃圾要制止; 3. 宣传保护环境的重要性. 要求: 1. 根据以上提示要点写一篇英语短文, 文章必须包括要点的所有内容; 2. 60词左右, 文章开头已给出. several days ago, an environment club was formed in our school. we are going to do something to help protect our environment. we will recycle things like waste papers, bottles and batteries. and if we see our schoolmates throwing rubbish on the ground, we will stop them. we also plan

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