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1、给客户发英文邮件范文可编辑docx Word A4打印 标准格式 可随意修改 给客户发英文邮件范文编写人: 日 期: 给客户发英文邮件范文篇一:客户开发邮件英语范文 客户开发邮件英语范文 Dear Sir, Very glad to send E-mail to you, Im Annie. I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair. First Id like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest

2、ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs. We approach you today in the hope of establishing long business relations with you and expect, by our joint effect

3、s, to enlarge our business scope. It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our competitive price with high quality. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. Thanks& best regards Yours faithfully, Steven XXX CO.,LTD Website: Ad

4、d: XXX Tel: 0086-769-26048888Fax: 0086-XXX Cell phone: 0086-13717413999E-Mail:xxxxx 篇二:英文客户开发信范文大全 以下是一封开发信的例子: Dear Mr. Steven Hans, We get your name and email address from your trade lead on that you are in the market for ball pen.We would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we m

5、ay build business cooperation in the future. We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. You are welcome t

6、o visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details. As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in

7、it, its my pleasure to offer news to you regular. Best regards, Dafu Wong 请注意这封开发信的写法。作为初次联系的信件,它简洁明了,鲜明地展示了自己的特点:工厂、款式多、价格有竞争力,并暗示建议 客户绕开中间商直接跟厂家合作。因为不知道客户的详情,特别强调有多种品质,这样无论对方是精品路线还是廉价路线,都有洽谈的空间。 此外,并没有谈论太深,而是引导客户去访问自己的网站。最后再抛出诱饵,以不断提供新款信息为由吸引客户回复,而客户一旦回复,就极可能确认了应该联系的人-要知道,你原先获得的名称地址很可能只是个打字员的。这样的开

8、发信,再随附一张展现琳琅满目款式的产品照片,效果会很不错的。当然,开发信要自己写,而不要抄书或者网上那种固定的。古板雷同的文字只会让客户反感。况且产品种类不同,写法也不一样。工艺品还是日用消费品、时尚产品等不妨轻松活泼,而如果你卖的是阀门,那么还是严谨专业些比较好。 此外,开发信不同于Trade Lead,为表示诚意,不宜千篇一律,应该根据客户的规模、国籍不同略作调整,在信件中适合的地方自然地点一下客户的公司名字,暗示这封开发信是专门诚意写给贵公司的,而不是草率地广告。这些小技巧虽然不起眼,但颇能给客户以好感。 记住,能吸引客户回复的开发信,才是成功的开发信。 开发信,可以用传真的形式,但目前

9、更多的是采用电子邮件方式。 篇三:英语商务邮件范文 邮件范文 1. Dear Mr./Ms, Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you w

10、ould suggest. Yours faithfully, 尊敬的先生/小姐 我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月2日到7日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月3日下午2:00点拜访您。 请告知这个时间对您是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。 您诚挚的 Back to Top <回信> Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Green's visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Ca

11、iro and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, 尊敬的先生/小姐 谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。 希望收到您的来信。 您诚挚的 Back to Top 2. Dear

12、 Mr/Ms, I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient? I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, Se

13、ptember 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我是达拉斯W/P电子公司的代表,将于下周一到周五(10月5-9日)住留昆明。我乐于请您商讨我们新的显示器。星期二即10月6日上午09:30是否方便? 从周二,即9月29日,我将住在北京的长城宾馆,直到周六,即10月4日,在那会有给我。如商讨日期不方便,请另外建议。 Back to To

14、p <回信> Dear Mr/Ms, Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you. We look forward to meeting yo

15、u. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我们将很高兴与您会面并与您商谈新的显示器,但10月6日不太合适。如方便的话,我们愿在10月7日与您会面。 期待与您见面。 您诚挚的 Back to Top 3. Dear Mr. / Ms, I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe. I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and shou

16、ld like to call on you at 2.00 p.m. on that day. If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 我现正在汉堡参观港口,以让欧洲了解并使用我们的新型集装箱。 星期三即六月4日,我将到安特卫普,我会于当天下午2:00打电话给你。 对此约定如不来信,我将认为于这个时间打电话是方便的。 您诚挚的 Back to Top 4.

17、 Dear Mr. / Ms, Mr. Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at half past two. I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come. Yours faithfully

18、 尊敬的先生/小姐 杰克巴伦先生,我们的人事主任,让我向你申请会计职位表示感谢,并请你于7月5日星期五的下午两点半来见他。 是否能来,请告知,多谢。 您诚挚的 Back to Top < 回信> Dear Mr./ Ms, Thank you for your letter of yesterday inviting me to come for an interview on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at 2:30. I shall be happy to be there as requested and will bring my diplom

19、a and other papers with me. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐 谢谢昨日来信通知我面试,我将于要求的7月5日,周五下午两点半到达,并带去我的证书及其它书面材料。 你诚挚的 信息查询 Request for Information 信息查询回复样本 尊敬的 Charles Aznavour 先生: 您 7 月 16 日的查询现已收到。得知贵公司对我们的产 品有兴趣,.深.感荣幸。 我们已通过 DHL 给您邮寄了我公司最新的产品目录以 及一些常用原料的样品.。 很抱歉未能寄上全套样品,但保证我公司的产品质量 确实如您所期.。 我公司业务部经理 Angel

20、a Wang 女士将于下月到法国 出差,希望到时能与您面谈并奉上全套产品样品。相 信看了这些样品之后,您也会同意我们的产品用料考 究、质量上乘、工艺精良,能吸引最挑剔的买家.。 除了您查询的产品以外,本公司还生产品种繁多的小 机具。贵公司若感兴趣,可浏览我公司网页.: / 期待您的订单.。 顺祝商祺., 陈国玉,总经理 达尼米克出口上海电子有限公司 gchen / Sample reply to an RFI Dear Mr. Charles Aznavour, Thank you for your inquiry dated 16 July. We a

21、re pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. We have sent you a copy of our latest catalog by DHL, together with samples of some of the materials we regularly use in manufacturing of our products. I regret to say that we cannot send you the full range of samples. You can be assured, h

22、owever, that our products are of the quality you expect. Mrs. Angela Wang, our Sales Manager, will be in France next month and would be pleased to visit you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are

23、used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. We also manufacture a wide range of widgets in which you may be interested. You can find a full illustration of them in our online catalog at / We look forward to receiving an order from you. Yours sincerely, Chen Guo Yu, General Manager Dynamic Exports Shanghai Electronic Co., Ltd. gchen / 2

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