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译林版初一英语7A Unit3 Welcome to our school 知识点精讲精练.docx

1、译林版初一英语7A Unit3 Welcome to our school 知识点精讲精练七上Unit3 Welcome to our school!知识点精讲精练1. Which of the subjects do you like best, Eddie? 埃迪,你最喜欢学科中的哪一门?【知识点】which pron. 哪一个例:Its hard to say which is better.很难说哪一个好些。best adv. (well的最高级)例:I work best in the morning. 我在上午工作效率最高。He who laughs last laughs bes

2、t. (谚语)最后笑的人笑得最好。 you like best? = What is your favourite.?例:Which fruit do you like best? = What is your favourite fruit.【拓展】best还可以用作adj.(good的最高级)例:She is best at painting. 她最擅长绘画。He is the best student of all. 他是所有学生中最优秀的。1-_ do you like best? -I like dogs best.AWhat color BWhat time CWh

3、at animals DWhat sports2- season in Beijing you like best?-I like autumn best. Its cool and sunny.AWhat; does BWhich; are CWhich; do DWhat; are3-_is her favourite subject?-Her favourite subject is Art.AWhy BWhen CWho DWhat4- Whats favourite colour?- favourite colour is green.Ahis; His Bhis; Her Cher

4、; His Dyour; Your答案:CCDA2. Look! I have two cakes, and you have one. So I can eat three!看!我有两块你有一块。因此我能吃三块蛋糕!【知识点】替代词:it代指同类同物,one代指同类异物。例:I have a book. It is new. 我有一本书,它是新的。Your dictionary is good. I want to buy one too. 你的字典很好,我也想买一本。【辨析】It,one,ones,that和thoseit特指,代替前文提到过的事物。(同类同物)例:He is eating

5、 a banana. It looks delicious.one泛指,代替单数名词,可指人或物。(同类异物)例:I dont like this book,Id like a more interesting one.(one=book)ones泛指,代替复数名词,可指人或物。例:There were a few young people with some old ones in the house.(ones=people)that特指,代替不可数名词或单数名词,指物。例:The weather in Wuhan is hotter than that of Dongguan.(that

6、 = the weather)those特指,代替复数名词。例:The machines are better than those we produced last year.(those=the machines=the ones)1. Your book is interesting. Can you let me read_?A. one B. the one C. it D. them2. -_your sister have a computer?-Sorry, I dont think she has _.A.Do; it B. Does; one C. Do; one D. D

7、oes; it3. The shop looks interesting. Theres a lovely dress in the window, but I cant afford(付得起) it. What does the “it” refer to(指代)?A.window B. shop C. dress D. something4. I dont have a pen. Can you lend me_?A. these B. those C. them D. one答案:CBCD3. Do you know the name of each subject? 你知道每门学科的名

8、字吗?【知识点1】each det./pron. (两个或两个以上的人或物种)各自,各个,每个例:Each student want to attend the sports meeting.【辨析】each与every1) each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等;every只能作形容词。例:Each student has his own desk. 每个学生都有自己的桌子。(定语)The students each have a desk. 学生们每人有一张书桌。(代词,同位语)Each has his good point. 各人有各自的优点。

9、(代词,主语)Our head teacher had a talk with each of us. 我们的班主任与我们每个人都谈了话。(代词,宾语)The children can have a bag each. 孩子们每人可带一只提包。(状语)Every member has a share in the profits made by the company每个会员可分享公司的盈利。(形容词)2) each与every都可在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every表示“每个”之意,含有“全体”、“全部”之意味。例:I know each number of your fam

10、ily. 我认识你们家的每个成员。(强调每一个都认识)I know every number of your family. 我认识你们家的每个成员。(强调认识全家人)3) each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全”。例:我给她父母每人一件礼物。误I gave a present to every one of her parents .正I gave a present to each of her parents .4) 指上下文提到过的确定数目中的“每一个”时,要用each;如果上下文没有提及时,不能用each,要用everyone等。例:我认为这

11、三个答案个个都正确。误I think every answer of the three is right .正I think each of the three answers is right .我看见人人都忙着工作。误I saw each was busy with his work .正I saw everyone was busy with his work .5) each 单独做主语或each、every修饰的单数名词做主语时,谓语动词为单数形式,但each of them做主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数形式都可以。例:Each / Each person / Every pers

12、on is living a happy life now. 人人都过着幸福生活。Each of them are / is wearing full dress. 他们个个都身着盛装。6) every可以与not连用构成部分否定,意思是“并不/非所有人”,而each则不可以与not连用。全部否定是no one ,意思是“个个都不”、“没有人”等。例:人人都不喜欢这个电视剧。误Each / Everyone / Every one of them doesnt like the TV play .(表示并不是所有人都喜欢这个电视剧,并不排除可能还有人喜欢)正No one likes the T

13、V play .7) each与other可构成相互代词,every则不可以。例:We should take care of each other and help each other. 我们应该互相关心,互相帮助。8) 表示“每隔”、“每”,要用“every基数词复数名词”。这种结构中的every不能用each替代。例:Theyll choose one out of every ten girls .他们将在每十个姑娘里挑选一个。We hand in our homework every three days.我们每隔两天(每三天)交一次作业。【注意】“每三天或每隔两天”,也可以写作“

14、every third day”,即,若用序数词时,后接单数名词。再如every four weeks / fourth week(每四周/每隔三周),every other day / second day / two days(每隔一天),every other line(每隔一行)等。【知识点2】各学科相对应的英语Chinese 语文 Math 数学 English 英语 Physics 物理 Chemistry 化学 Politics 政治History 历史 Geography 地理 Biology 生物 P.E 体育 Music 音乐 Art美术 1_ of them has a

15、dictionary(字典) and _ one of them can look up words in the dictionary.AEach; every BEvery; each CEach; each DEvery; every2_the students is here. Shall we have a meeting?AEach of BEvery CEach DEvery of3_ doctor in that hospital _ kind and friendly.AEach of; is BEach; are CEvery; is DEvery; are4_ of us

16、 _ a good plan for the holidays.AEvery;has BEach;has CEvery;have DEach;have答案:AACB4. Whats the date today, Millie? 米莉,今天几月几号?Yes, I can. What time is it? 能,什么时候?【知识点】Whats the date today? 用来询问日期例:-Whats the date today?今天几号?-Its 10 October.今天10月10号。What day is it today? 询问星期几例:-What day is it today?今

17、天星期几?-Its Wednesday.(今天)星期三。What time is it? 用来询问目前的时间例:-What time is it? 现在几点? -Its eight (oclock). (现在)8点。1-_? -Its 2 May.A. When is today B. What day is it today C. Where is the date D. Whats the date today2-Whats the _ today?-Its October twelfth.-What _ is it today?- Its Sunday.Adate, day Bday,

18、date Cdate, date Dday, day3- _is it today? -Its _the 21st of June.AWhen; on BWhat date; / CWhat date; on DWhen; /4Its _ for lunch. I walk to the dining hall three _ a day.Atimes; time Btime; times Coclock; times Dtime; time5- _ is it? - Its Six oclock.AWhats time BWhats the time CWhat time DWhat the

19、 time答案:DABBC5. The parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon. 家长会在下午的两点钟开始。【知识点1】begin v. 开始,启动,起始begin to do sth 开始去做某事例:When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时间开始?At last the guests began to arrive. 客人们终于陆续到达了。beginning n. 开始in the beginning 一开始at the beginning of 在.的开始【知识点2】时间介词的使用1) at用

20、在时间点前例:at seven (oclock) 在七点钟 at half past eleven 在11点半 at ten to six 在五点五十分用在正午和夜晚前例:at noon 在正午 at night 在夜晚用在不止一天的节假日前例:at Christmas 在圣诞节 at the Spring Festival 在春节2) in用在早晨、下午、晚上前例:in the morning在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上用在月份前 例:in July 在七月用在季节前 例:in winter 在冬天用在世纪前 例:in the 20t

21、h century 在20世纪用在年份前 例:in 2020 在2020年用在年月前 例:in April, 2019 在2019年四月3) on用在星期前 例:on Sunday 在星期天用在某一天前例:School begins on September 1st. 学校9月1日开学。用在某一天的早中晚前例:She came to see us on a cold morning. 她在一个寒冷的早晨来看我们。on the afternoon of October 25th 在10月25号的下午用在一天的节假日前例:on Teachers Day 在教师节 on Childrens Day

22、在儿童节on Chinese New Years Day 在大年初一 on Christmas Day 在圣诞节那天1. Children get gifts _ Christmas and _ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on2.The English teacher told me to get there_ half past ten.A: in B. at C. on D. of3. A lot of students in our school were born _ March, 1981. A. in

23、 B. at C. on D. since4. My grandfather was born _ Oct. 10, 1935. A. on B. in C. at D. of5. The train is starting _ five minutes.A. in B. at C. for D. on6. Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening. A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on7. Children wake up very early _ the morning of Christmas D

24、ay.A. in B. on C. for D. at 8. _ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street. A. In B. At C. On D. For 9. It happened to be very cold_ the morning of our sports meeting. A. at B. on C. with D. of10. Why did you get up so early _ this morning. A. / B. on C. at D. in11. He went to Shanghai_ Septemb

25、er 3, 1991 and came back_ a cold morning last year. A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; at12. Mrs. Brown came to China _1996.A. on B. of C. to, D. in 13. They started off _an autumn afternoon. A. for B. at C. in D. on 14. He often goes _school _six thirty _the morning. A. for; to; in B. to; at; in

26、C. to; for; at D, for; at; to15. He arrived _Shanghai _9: 30 _March 5. A. at; in; at B. to; on; at C. in; on; at D. in; at; on 16_ the _ of the class, he played a very beautiful song.AIn, begin BAt, begin CIn, beginning DAt, beginning17The _ of the movie is very scary.Abegin Bbegins Cbeginning Dto b

27、egin18Everyone _ here now. Lets _.Ais; begin Bare; to begin Care; begin Dis; to begin19The school day_ at seven every morning.Abegins Bis beginning Cbegin Dis begins20-When_ to work as a doctor, Miss Hu?-Three years ago.Ado you begin Bwill you begin Care you beginning Ddid you begin答案:BBAAA BBCBD CD

28、DBD DCAAD6. After that, parents watch two of our lessons.自那以后,父母看我们两节课。OK. Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30. 好的,让我们一点半在学校门口见。【知识点1】after that意为“此后,自那以后”。例:After that, I begin to play football with him.自那以后,我开始和他一起踢足球了。【知识点2】Lets do sth “让我们做某事吧”,这是一个祈使句,用来表示请求建议例:Lets study English together. 让我们

29、一起学习英语吧。【知识点3】meet v. 相遇,遇见,集合,开会 过去式:met例:Did you meet anyone in town? 你在城里碰见什么人了吗?meeting n. 会议,集会例:What time is the meeting? 什么时候开会?1-Can we _ ping-pong? -No_ tennisAplay;Lets play Bplays;Lets play Cto play;Lets play Dplays;Lets play to2-_play_volleyball with Lang, thats great!ALets; the BLet us; a CLets;/ DLet us; the3Tony, Im happy _ you again.Ameet Bto meet Cto meeting Dmeets4- Lets at 9:00 at the bus stop. - Ok. See you.Ato meet Bmeets Cmeet Dmeeting5There a parents meeting next week .Ais go

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