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1、大学四级674大学四级-674(总分:732.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BPart Writing/B(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.BOpportunity and Success/B 1不同的人对机遇的看法不同; 2机遇是人们获得成功的不可忽视的重要因素; 3决定一个人成功失败的因素并非机遇。(分数:106.00)_正确答案:()解析:BOpportunity and Success/B Attitudes toward opportunity vary from person to person. Some people consider opportunity as the

2、most important factor in their life. Without opportunity, they assume, they could not achieve anything. As a result, they expect opportunity to come, and often complain a lot in their lifetime about their bad luck to have few opportunities. In contrast, other people hold that opportunity for ones su

3、ccess is important but not decisive. With opportunity, yet without knowledge and skill, they believe, the opportunity is doomed to slip away. We cannot deny that opportunity is an important factor for our success. It is true that opportunity can enable a person to be successful. A person with opport

4、unity is just like a person in the darkness being given a light, which will lead him to success. Missing it, on the contrary, nothing will be left but regret and disappointment. Furthermore, some opportunities are so rare and valuable that everyone should grasp and make good use of them. Yet it is n

5、ot opportunity itself that can decide a persons success or failure. In my opinion, opportunity is fair to every person. What really counts is not how lucky you are to come across mere opportunities but how capable you are to grasp and take advantage of them to better your future. To gain this capabi

6、lity, one needs knowledge, skill and experience. As a proverb goes: Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.二、BPart Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)/B(总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.Degraded land in South China results from excessive cutting and burning of forests by expanded population.(分数:7.

7、00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)解析:第一段介绍文章的主题,关于中国北回归线和南海地区水土流失,土质下降的现象。自从宋代起,由于人口南迁,中国南部山区、热带和亚热带森林受到严重破坏。人们乱砍乱伐获得耕作用地以及用于造房和取火的木材。题干与原文内容相符。3.Farmers can improve agricultural production by using more and more expensive fertilizers to make the degraded land get enough nutrients.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:N)解析:文章第一个小标题介

8、绍了水土流失的后果。其第一段第一句话就说失去肥沃土壤的最直接后果就是减少农业生产。水土流失后,即使用化肥,也很难生产农作物。因为贫瘠的土壤很难保持化肥养料。大雨冲走土壤更加重问题的严重性。所以,本题表述错误,化肥不能提高水土流失地方的农业生产。4.New towns and other non-agricultural uses occupy large amounts of degraded land.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:NG)解析:题干表述的是新城镇和非农业用地占用大量的退化土地。查读第一小标题下第二段,不用说更多的腐蚀地,中国根本无法承担失去有潜力的生产用地。其实,

9、新城镇的发展和其他非农业用途已经占用很多土地。现在中国人均耕地大大低于世界平均水平。其中,并没有明确新城镇和非农业用途占用的是什么样的土地。5.Waterlogged fields and coastal sand storms make people in parts of Guangdong Province introduce the dam-pond system to raise fish in the pond and grow vegetables on tops of the dam around the pond.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:N)解析:题干表述的

10、是水涝和沙尘暴使广东省部分地区引用“堤坝池塘模式”,池塘里养鱼;周围堤坝种蔬菜。参看第一小标题下第三段,水涝地和沙尘暴是由于土壤腐蚀所致。土壤腐蚀流失,河流携带大量沉淀物,沉积河道后引起水位上升,周围形成水涝地。水涝地无法耕种,建成池塘用来养鱼。这种模式是由于土壤腐蚀流失而形成的,并不是水涝和沙尘暴所促成的。所以,本题表述错误。6.Reforestation is forbidden in order not to reduce erosion and sediments in the rivers in some areas, otherwise dam-pond system may ha

11、ve to be stopped.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:NG)解析:题干表述的是为了不减少有些地方河流的腐蚀和沉淀,禁止重新造林,这样,堤坝池塘模式就能有效地起作用。查读第一小标题下第四段,介绍说如果控制腐蚀,堤坝池塘模式不得不可笑地停止。一旦控制,河流河渠需加深,从而降低池塘水位。在若干地区,重新造林已经减少腐蚀和沉淀,河床降低,水位降低,最后通过用泵往池塘加水。但没有明确说要停止重新造林或停止堤坝池塘模式,只是过程中遇到了问题而已。7.Windbreaks are planted along the sand-covered coastal belt to reduce

12、 the movement of sand blowing inland by wind action.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)解析:第一小标题下第五段介绍了沙尘暴是湿带地区花岗岩风化造成大量沉淀物的结果。风、浪、雨的作用把沙粒带到农田里,在沙子覆盖的沿岸地带建防风林能减少这种情况发生,本题表述与原文相符。8.Loss of coveting plants and soil may change the climate and even bring about flooding rain in the affected area.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:

13、N)解析:土地失去植被和土壤后,当下大雨时,带来大量泥石流甚至山崩造成严重损失。并非能导致洪水般的降雨。这一点在第一小标题下第六段可得到答案。9.Agroforestry is the combination of 1 methods to restore degraded lands to productive lands developed and tested by research scientists.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:agriculture and forestry)解析:在第二小标题下的第一段开头,介绍了解决水土流失现象的基本策略农业林业结合法。这也是文章

14、第二部分介绍的主要内容。针对资金紧张的严重情况,要以增加农民的收入为前提,具体的方法要充分考虑少数民族地区文化和环境条件。本题考点强调掌握文章大意要点。10.How the ground cover should be planted can be a kind of art with more consideration of growing crops that 1.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:can occupy the same site)解析:在第二小标题下第三段主要讲述怎样把各种农作物进行联合种植。地表种植需要阳光多的,能提供阴凉的,比如橡胶树。药草可以种在树阴下。地

15、下种植根部可以间作的植物,这样它不会过分竞相吸收水份和土壤里的营养。本题表述的是种植的艺术在于能够找到可以在同一个地方配合生长的多种植物。11. 1is very important because urban development is forcing farmers off many lowland areas.(分数:7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Farming hilly areas)解析:题干要求找到“因为城市发展迫使农民离开地势较低地区,这种情况下,什么是重要的?”。文章最后一段提到有效利用各种类型土地是最大的挑战,其中包括利用陡峭的山区土地。一个固定农业模式就是山上间作果树

16、,平地种庄稼;建鱼塘,放牧小型牲畜等。三、BPart Listening Comprehension/B(总题数:1,分数:56.00)BQuestions 12 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard./BBQuestions 12 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:56.00)A.He often misses Lily s parties.B.He has other plans tonight.C.He is looking

17、forward to attending the party.D.He wants to know if he should bring anything to the party.解析:听力原文 W:Are you going to Lilys party tonight? M:Are you kidding?I wouldnt miss it for anything. Q:What does the man imply? 本题和是否去party有关,W的问题是问M是否去。而M的回答:“I wouldnt miss it for anything”已经表示他是要去的。答案为C。A.List

18、en to the radio.B.Listen to some music.C.Fix it if her theory is right.D.See if the CD player is working.解析:听力原文 M:I cant understand why this CD player always breaks down W:Here,let me have a listenIf its the same problem as I think,there may be an easy solution Q:What will the woman probably do? 本题

19、和修理CD player有关。w说若像她估计的那样,问题就能解决了。所以W的下一步要试着修理一下CD player。A.One.B.Three.C.Seven.D.Eleven.解析:听力原文 W:Here an the seven books that you wanted M:ThanksBut I dont think I asked for this one Q:How many books does the man want? 数字判断题。本题关键词是seven。女士对男士说“这是你要的七本书。”男士回答“这本我没要。”没要是指书拿错了,并非是指数量上有误。另外注意seven和ele

20、ven的读音区别,故选C。A.See it later when he is not so busy.B.Not see it since he has seen it before.C.Wait for the video to come out.D.Never see it, since its not his type.解析:听力原文 W:Ive got a free ticket to the moviesDo you want to come along? M:Itll come out on videoBesides,it/s too violent for me Q:What w

21、ill the man probably do? 本题的关键句在于Besides之后“its too violent for me”,意思是M不喜欢这类电影。A.Buy a re-charger.B.Buy some batteries.C.Buy the dictionary from her;D.Use hers for a while.解析:听力原文 M:Id like to get one of those electronic dictionaries W:Well,if youre serious about getting one,Im trying to get rid of

22、mineAll it needs is some batteries Q:What does the woman suggest the man do? 本题和买电子字典有关,当W说自己想处理自己的字典时,意思是建议M买她的字典。A.He wants to get a cup of tea himself.B.He doesnt want any cup of tea.C.He doesnt want the woman to bother him.D.She doesnt want to go back to sleep so soon.解析:听力原文 W:Ill get you a cup

23、 of tea M:Please,dont botherIm going back to my dormitory to sleep in a minute Q:What does the man mean? 本题的令人混淆一词是“Please”。所以此题非常易选A;但是“dont bother”使句意转折,即他想回去睡觉。A.She should try to see if the schedule could be changed.B.She should change her major.C.She should change her mind.D.She shouldnt have s

24、o many finals.解析:听力原文 W:Believe it or not,Im stuck with four finals in one week M:Gee,what a clash,Cant you get it changed? Q:What does the man imply the woman do? 本题意思是指W一周有四门期末考试,而M建议能不能改变一下时间表。所以此题的答案是A。A.She doesnt have a roommate.B.She will have a roommate this year.C.She doesnt like to have a

25、roommate.D.She prefers having a roommate.解析:听力原文 M:The new dorm rooms are not bad this yearYou should up for room this year W:Actually I tried toBut I was told I needed to live with another roommate Q:What can be inferred about the woman? 本题的关键词是信息词but,从转折意思推断出W不愿意和人同住。所以答案为C。四、BQuestions 19 to 22 a

26、re based on the conversation you have just heard./B(总题数:1,分数:28.00)(分数:28.00) a car the middle of a highwayC.near a police the roadside解析:听力原文19-22 Ann Ben! You cant park here! Theres a double yellow line. Ben Oh, well be back in a few minutes. Its OK. Ann Oh, no, it isnt. Y

27、oull get a parking ticket if you park here. Bell No, I wont. Its half past five. All the wardens have gone home. Ann Ben! Ben Yes? Warden Is this your car, sir? Ben Oil, My! Well, Im sorry, sir. Im just looking for a ear pork around. Ann Yes, he is. And he doesnt know the way well. But can you tell

28、us where we can find a parking space near here, sir? Warden Theres one an the comer of the second block. But dont park your car by the roadside next time, sir. Ann No, no, we wont. Thank you very much, sir. Ben Youre really good, Ann! But we have to hurry, Im afraid. We must get back before 6. Ann B

29、ut you mustnt drive too fast. Ben Take it easy, Ann. Dont be anxious. Ann Look, Bea! A police car is following. Policeman Excuse me, sir. May I see your licence? Ben Of course, sir, Well, Im sorry Ive left it at home. Policeman In that case, youll have to take it to the police station within five da

30、ys. Ben But. but why? Policeman You were speeding, sir. Ben But I was only doing 35 ! Policeman Theres a 30 miles an hour speed limit on tiffs road, sir. Ben Is there? I didnt see the sign. Policeman Well, sir. Weve been following you. Ben So you were doing 35, too. Policeman No, sir. We were doing 60 miles an hour. Otherwise we couldnt catch you. 19. Ben parked his car_. 细节推理题。考查是否听懂Warden的话“dont park your car by the roadside next time”。由此可推理出 Ben把车停在了路边。A.he thought there was no danger of getting a parking ticket at that was too late to drive onC.that was the only pl

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