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1、初一英语第二十九单元Shopping初一英语第二十九单元ShoppingHow much are all these school things ?How much a kito are these ? 这些东西多少钱一公斤 ?问什么东西要多少钱一公斤,还可说 How much are they a kilo ? ( 复数 ) 或 How much is it a kilo ? ( 单数或不可数 ) 。此外,还有 How do you sell it ? ( 这个怎么卖 ? ) 等句型。I want would like ,please . 劳驾,我要买I would like half a

2、kilo of apples , please .I would like two kilos of eggs , please . 请给我称两公斤鸡蛋。Do you have anyhere ? 你这儿有吗 ?Do you have any socks here ?Do you have any mile here ?Could I have ? 给我来行吗 ?Could I have half a kilo ?Could I have one and a half kilos of oranges ?How much / many do you want ?Do you have any

3、tea here ?How much do you want ?Do you have any pencils here ?Yes . How many do you want ?售货员问顾客要购买多少东西时,得根据所购的东西为可数或不可数而选用 How many 或 How much。2. 意义特别的疑问句Dont we have any food for supper ? 难道我们晚餐连一点食物也没有吗 ?Arent you Young Pioneers ?Cant you say it in English ?Doesnt he get up early every day ? 点拨 这

4、里列举的都是否定结构的一般疑问句。请注意回答时千万不要照汉语的思考习惯去回答。照汉语回答,就会是“是的,我不是。”“不,我是。”如照此中文译成英语,肯定自相矛盾,令人不知所云。其实,大可不必管中文意思,只要你是少先队员,回答便是:“Yes , I can . ”否定则为“No , Im not . ”对的回答为“Yes , I can . ”或“No , I cant . ”作答时,只要后面是肯定的,前面一定得用“Yes”后面是否定的,前面一定得用“No”。3. Is that all ? 就这些吗 ? 完了吗 ?Thats all。完了;就这些。Thats all for today . 今

5、天就 ( 说 ) 到这里吧。4. Let me see . 让我想想。I cant come today . Let me see . How about Saturday ? 我今天来不了。让我想想,星期六怎么样 ?区别:Let me look at it . 让我瞧瞧。单元难点疑点释疑1 . I want to buy some food for supper this evening . 我想买一些今天晚饭吃的东西。句中 food 是不可数名词。不可数名词一般没有复数形式,因此不能与 a / an 或数词连用,也不能用 one 来替代。在不可数名词前可用 the , some , muc

6、h , a lot of , a little , no 等。例如:How much is the meat ? 这肉多少钱 ( 1公斤 ) ?There is a little milk in the bottle . 瓶里还有一点牛奶。Some people drink a lot of water every day . 有些人每天喝大量的水。不可数名词前可用“数词 + 可数名词 + of”来表示计量。例如:I want three bottles of orange . 我要3瓶桔济汁。Id like ten kilos of rice . 我想买10公斤大米。2 . You can

7、help me carry the things . 你可以帮我搬东西。help 用作动词时,后面可跟某人,意为“帮助某人”。如要表示“帮助某人做某事”,可以说 help somebody ( to ) do something,do 前的 to 可有,也可省去。例如:3 . How many ( pears ) do you want ? 您要多少 ( 个 ) ( 梨子 ) ?Two , please . ( 请给我 ) 两个。How much ( fish ) do you want ? 你想要多少斤 ( 鱼 ) ?Two kilos , please . ( 请给我 ) 两公斤。注意两个

8、问句所用疑问词组及回答的不同。用 how many 提问,表示所问的东西是可数名词,可直接用数词回答。用 how much 提问,表示所问的东西是不可数名词,要用数词 + 可数名词回答。例如:How many bananas do you want ? 你想要多少香蕉 ?Five , please . / A kilo , please . 五根。 / 一公斤。 ( 完整回答是:I want five bananas / a kilo of bananas , please . )How much rice do you want ? 你想要多少大米 ?Ten kilos , please .

9、 10公斤。 ( 完整回答是:I want ten kilos of rice , please . )4 . Can I help you ? 您想买什么 ? / 我能帮您什么忙吗 ?这是售货员在接待顾客时常说的话。还可说:What can I do for you ? 我能为您做些什么吗 ? / 您想买什么 ?顾客回答时,常说:Thank you . I want / would like或 Yes , please . I want / would like5 . This one is 3 yuan thats dear ! 这个三元钱 一 很贵( 1 ) yuan 是中国人民币单位“

10、元”的译音。注意没有复数形式。( 2 ) dear “昂贵的”“贵的”它的反义词是 cheap “便宜的”,“索价低了”。例如:The pencil-box is five yuan . Its too dear . I want a cheap one . 这个笔盒要五元钱,太贵了。我想要个便宜的。6 . I want to go shopping . 我想去购货。go shopping “去购货”go + 动词 - ing 形式的短语属于习惯用语。例如:go fishing去钓鱼,go boating去划船,go swimming 去游泳7 . Would you get it , ple

11、ase ? 你去拿来好吗 ?这句话还可说:“Do you get it , please ? ”或“Can you get it , please ? ”但不如“Would you get it , please ? ”客气,语气婉转。8 . I want to buy some food for supper his evening . 我要为今晚的晚餐买些好食物。( 1 ) want . v . “想要” ( = would like ) 例如:I want an eraser . 我要块橡皮擦。I want to go our for a walk . 我想去散步。I want you

12、to play with me . 我想要你和我一块玩。( 2 ) for 是介词,意思是,“为”例如:Can you mend it for me ? 你能帮我修修吗 ?Let me carry the books for you . 让我帮你搬这些书。( 4 ) 在英语中表达时间时用 this , that 构成的短语,一般不必再加介词。例如:this evening 今晚,this morning今天上午,this afternoon今天下午,this week本周,this year今年9 . Theres only bread and water . 只有面包和水。( 1 ) 此句中

13、的主语是不可数名词 bread and water,故用 there is , 而不是there are . 一般情况,是用 there is 还是用 there are , 由第一个主语来决定,即:看第一个主语是可数名词的单数还是复数,或是不可数名词。例如:There is some milk in the glass . 杯里有些牛奶。There are two books on the table . 桌上有两本书。There is a pen and two books on the table . 桌上有一支钢笔和两本书。( 2 ) 本册书学到的不可数名词有:rice , bread

14、 , fish , meat , water , tea , milk , orange ( 桔汁 ) , food( 3 ) 不可数名词一般只用单数形式,要表示其数量时,需量词帮忙。例如:a cup of tea 一杯茶,two glasses of water 两玻璃杯水,five bags of rice 五袋米,eight bottles of orange 八瓶桔汁10 . Can I help you ?( 1 ) 这是服务员主动向顾客询问的用语。在不同的场合有不同的译法。例如:在商店是:Can I help you ? 你要买什么 ?在饭馆:Can I help you ? 你要

15、吃点什么 ?在旅社:Can I help you ? 你要住宿吗 ?( 2 ) Can I help you ? 的答语有:Thank you , I want , please 或 Yes , please . I would like等等。例如:A : Can I help you ? 你要买什么 ?B : Yes , please . Id like some tea . 是的,我想要买点茶叶。11 . You can often buy things from their shop on your way home . 你常可在回家途中到这家商店买东西。from从You can see

16、 the river from this window . 从这个窗口你可以看到那条河。He is from Shanghai . 他从上海来的。 ( 他是上海人。 )( 2 ) on the / ones way to在某人去的途中,例如:On my way to the shop , I see many people . 在我去商店的路上,我见到许多人。On the way to my school , I can see many buses . 在上学的路上,我可看到许多汽车。On the way to the factory , there is a big park . 在去工厂

17、的路上,有一个大公园。( 3 ) on ones way home 在 ( 某人 ) 回家途中Home 在这里是副词,所以,它的前面不用介词“to”。例如:On her way home , Mum often buys something . 妈妈常在回家的路上买东西。13 . But dont forgot your things early in the morning . 你在清晨可别忘了带你的东西。( 1 ) forget . v . “忘记”Dont forget to wash your hands before meals . 饭前别忘了洗手。Please dont forge

18、t to back my book .12. how many 与 how much 的区别在特殊疑问句中,how many 后接可数名词的复数形式,回答时用基数词。how much 后接不可数名词。在问价钱时也用 how much。要根据问的具体意思来回答。例如:( 1 ) How many boys are there in your classroom ? There are twenty - two boys .( 2 ) How many children does Mr Wang have ? Oh , he has only one .( 3 ) How much tea do

19、you want ? Half a kilo , please .( 4 ) How much is the bread ? Its one yuan fifty fen .【 妙文赏析 】(1)Voltaire ( 伏尔泰 ) ,the great French writer , wrote a small book and sent it to his publisher . Time passed , but Voltaire received no news about it . So at last he sent his publisher a letter . In it the

20、re was only the sign“ ? ” .All the copies of the book had already been sold . It was quite clear to the publisher what the sign “ ? ” meant in Voltaires letter . So he sent an answer . It was as short as Voltaires letter . The answer was also only one sign “ ! ” .赏析:世界上最短的书信是什么,该算是“ ? ”和“ ! ”。你知道这两个

21、符号是什么意思吗 ?(2) Weight or Money ?An overweight jogger ( 慢跑者 ) was running in the park . “How many pounds have you lost ? ”asked a passer - by . “About 300 , ”gasped ( 喘着气说 ) the runner . “Im chasing ( 追赶 ) the man who just stole my wallet . ”赏析:在这篇文章之中 pound 一词有两个意思。the passer - by 问的是重量,而 the jogger

22、回答的是钱“英镑”。(3)Mrs White has two children . Tommy is seven , and Anine is four . Tommy goes to school , but Annie doesnt . When Tommy is at home , he often plays with Annie . Usually hes very nice to his little sister .One day the two children are playing at home .Suddenly Annie begins to cry ( 哭 ) .

23、Their mother runs over and asks,“Why are you crying ? ”“Tommy breaks ( 弄坏 ) my doll , ”says Annine .“How does he break it ? ”“I hit ( 打 ) him on the head with it , ”says Annie .赏析:谁把 Annie 的布娃弄坏了 ? 你不觉的可笑的 ? 是 Tommy 还是 Annie 自己呢 ?(4)Mr Smith had a nice , brown coat . He loved it very much , but his

24、wife did not like it , because it was old . She said , “Give it to a poor man . ”But Mr Smith always said , “No , I like this coat . ”Then a cigarette ( 香烟 ) fell on it and made a hole in it , so Mrs Smith said , “Please dont wear it again . ”Mr Smith took it to a small tailors shop and said to the

25、tailor ( 裁缝 ) “Please make another coat like this one . ”The tailor made the coat very carefully , Then he lit a cigarette , and made a hole in it in the same place .赏析:这位裁缝做了一件大衣,上面烧一个洞,为什么 ?是因为这样做,裁缝认为才和原来的那件一样符合顾客的要求。是吗 ?【 思维体操 】1 . _ shop sells school things ?A . What B . Where C . Which D . Who

26、2 . How _ is the yellow bike ?A . many B . much C . about D . old3 . How _ pens are there in the pencil - box ?A . much B . many C . old D . nice4 . I often have two eggs _ breakfast ?A . with B . / C . to D . for5 . What do you have _ supper ?A . to B . for C . / D . the6 . The boys are _ their way

27、 home .7 . I often buy things _ the shop _ my school .8 . The people _ the shop near our school are very friendly .9 . You must hand in your exercise books _ five oclock .10 . The shop sells a lot _ school things .11 . Miss Gao often _ ( buy ) things on Sundays .12 . Look ! They are_ ( sell ) fish t

28、here .13 . The shop is _ ( close ) at eight at night .14 . Id like _ ( go ) shopping with you .15 . Listen ! Who _ ( talk ) in that room ?答案与提示: 1 . C 2 . B 3 . B 4 . D 5 . B 6 . on 7 . from , near 8 . in 9 . before 10 . of 11 . buys 12 . selling 13 . closed 14 . to go 15 . is talking1问的是哪个商店,而不是什么商

29、店,所以应该选C而不选A。2询问价钱,只用 how much。3问“多少”,且后面为可数名词复数,用how many,而不用 how much。4和5主要考查介词 for,表示目的,常译为“为了”。 6“在某人回家的路上”常译为 on ones way home。7“从某商店”的“从”用 from,“在我学校的附近”用介词 near , near my school 修饰 the shop,作定语,8“在商店”用介词 in。9“在之前”且表示时间的介词只能为 before。10是短语 a lot of,“一些”的意思。11表示经常性的动作,用一般现在时,主语为单数,谓语动词用三单形式。12.

30、look 是现在进行时的标致词,表示正在进行的动作,助动词 are 已给出,所以直接加上 v - ing。13. 表示这家商店晚上8:00关门,陈述一事实或经常性、习惯性的动作 ( 状态 ) ,用一般现在时,动词 close 要变为形容词 closed。14. would like 后接动词不定式 to do sth。15. listen 为现在进行时标志词,表示动作正在进行,本句用现在进行时,who 作主语时,常表示单数,进行时助动词用 is,再加上动词 talk 的 - ing形式即可。三、智能显示【 心中有数 】单元语法发散思维掌握可数名词和不可数名词英语的名词按其语法意义可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词和不可数名词关系到限定词 ( 如 this , these 等 ) 的搭配,也关系到主语和谓语的一致。因此,从一开始学习英语时就要密切注意。可数名词有两种,一为规则的 ( 即在名词原形后加 - s 或 - es ) ,一为不规则的 ( 前已有所谈及 ) 。有些集体名词,如 people,通常是复数,用复数动词。如:Some young people are singin

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