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1、英语数字用法英语数字用法 本文通过举例的方式详细地说明英语数字的用法。1. 数字的读和写(1) 20以上的数字书写时用连字符35 thirty-five67 sixty-seven填写支票时常用英语词表示英镑或元,用阿拉伯数字表示便士或分:22.45 twenty-two pounds (and) 45 pence$79.30 seventy-nine dollars (and) 30/100(2) 100以上的数字329 three hundred and twenty nineand的发音为/n/, 重音在最后一个数字。 美式英语有时省略and。(3)1000以上的数字1100 one t

2、housand one hundred 非正式亦作eleven hundred2500 two thousand five hundred 非正式亦作 twenty-five hundred(上述非正式形式最常用于1100到1900之间的整百数字)(4) 常常用逗号或英式英语用空格将数额大的数字分成3个数字一组:33,423 or 33 423 (thirty three thousand four hundred and twenty three)2,768,941 or 2 768 941 (two million seven hundred and sixty-eight thousan

3、d nine hundred and forty one)(5) 用a还是用one130 a/one hundred and thirty1000000 a/one millionI. One更正式、更准确、可表示强调:e.g. The total cost was one hundred and sixty three pounds exactly.It cost about a hundred and fifty dollars.II. a只能用于数字的开头:1000 a/one thousand2100 two thousand one hundred 不说two thousand a

4、hundredIII. 1100到1999之间的数字一般不用a:1099 a/one thousand and ninety-nine1100 one thousand one hundred1340 one thousand three hundred and forty不说a thousand three hundred and forty 序数词1st first 5th fifth 2nd second 9th ninth3rd third 12th twelfth4th fourth 21st twenty-firstetc. 分数1/2 a/one half1/3 a/one th

5、ird1/4 a/one quarter(美式英语亦作a/one fourth)表示强调用one不用a1/12 one twelfth1/16 one sixteenth2/3 two thirds3/4 three quarters(美式英语亦作 three fourths)9/10 nine tenths较复杂的分数 用over19/56 nineteen over fifty-six31/144 thirty-one over one four four整数和分数 用and连接2 two and a half5 2/3 five and two thirdsOne加分数后用复数名词:1

6、1/2pts one and a half pints分数/百分数和名词短语 用of连接A fifth of the women questionedThree quarters of the population75% of the population表示一半(half)时不用冠词a,有时可省略ofHalf (of) the work is already finished.在表示度量或数量的短语中不用ofHow much is half a pint of milk?It takes me half an hour by bus.在代词前用ofWe cant startonly half

7、 of us are here.分数/百分数和动词分数/百分数与不可数名词或单数名词连用时,动词一般为单数:Fifty percent of the land is cultivated.Half (of) the land is cultivated.单数集合名词的谓语动词在美式英语中用单数,但在英式英语中用单、复数均可:Three quarters/75% of the workforce is/are against the strike.名词为复数,谓语动词亦为复数:Two thirds/65% of children play computer games.小数 读和写均用小数点(.

8、)(不用逗号)表示小数点后的数字逐个读出:79.3 seventy-nine point three3.142 three point one four two0.67 (zero) point six seven (英式英语亦读作nought point six seven)数学表达式+ plus- minus times/ multiplied by divided by= equals/is% per cent (美国英语用percent)32 three squared53 five cubed610 six to the power of ten square root of 数字0

9、数字0在英式英语中有几个不同的名称,而在美式英语中通常用zero表示:用于精确的科学、医学和经济语境,亦用以表示温度:It was ten degrees below zero last night.Zero inflation/growth/profitNought在英式英语中用以表示数字、年龄等:A million is written with six noughts.The car goes from nought to sixty in ten seconds.clothes for children aged nought to six美式英语o/ u/ 用以读出银行账号、电话号码

10、等 电话号码每个号码分别读出,o读作/ u/(英式英语)或/o/(美式英语):(01865)556767 o one eight six five, five five six seven six seven(或 double five six seven six seven) 温度摄氏温标()在英国为官方用法,在美国用于科技语境:a high of thirty-five degree CelsisuThe normal temperature of the human body is 37.华氏温标(F)在美国用于科技以外的其他各个方面,在英国仍普遍使用。Degrees/Fahrenhei

11、t/Centigrade/Celsius(华氏度/摄氏度)这些词常常省略:Temperature soared to over a hundred.(100F)Shes ill in bed with a temperature of a hundred and two.(102F)货币在英国100 pence/p=1 British pound (1)It costs 90p/90 pence return on the bus.表示单枚硬币: a twenty pence piece/ a twenty p piece表示英镑和便士通常只说数字:It only cost five nine

12、ty nine. (5.99)在非正式英式英语:1 a quid a penny 一分硬币5c five cents a nickel 五分硬币10c ten cents a dime 一角硬币25c twenty-five cents a quarter 二角五分硬币$1.00 one dollar a dollar bill 一元纸币在非正式美式英语中美元叫buck: This shirt cost fifty bucks.英语日期的读和写1. British English 英式英语15 October 1997 或15th October 1997 (15/10/97,即:日/月/年)

13、His birthday is on the ninth of November.His birthday is on November the ninth.2. American English 美式英语May 16, 1996 (5/16/96, 即:月/日/年)Her birthday is May 16th. 3. Years 年份1998 读作nineteen ninety-eight1609 读作sixteen o nine1500 读作fifteen hundred2000 读作(the year) two thousand2005 读作two thousand and five

14、2016 读作twenty sixteen4. 公元纪年 AD 76/ A.D. 76 读作AD seventy-six76 CE/ 76 C.E. 读作seventy-six CE (上述两种表示法均指公元76年。)5. 1000BC/ 1000 B.C. 读作 one thousand BC1000BCE/ 1000 B.C.E. 读作 one thousand BC(上述两种表示法均指公元前1000年。)年龄表示一个人的年龄只用数字:Sue is ten and Tom is six.She left home at sixteen.岁的男子/女子/男孩/女孩等:Theyve got a

15、 girl of three and a boy of five.a young woman of nineteen.书写、描述或强调某人的年龄用years oldShe was thirty-one years old and a barrister by profession.He is described as white, 5ft 10 ins tall and about 50 years old.Youre forty years oldstop behaving like a teenager!years old亦用以表示事物存在的时间:The monument is 120 y

16、ears old.亦可用ayear-old/month-old/week-old等表示:Youth training is available to all sixteen-year-olds.a ten week-old babya remarkable 1000 year-old tomb正式用语或书面语用years of age:Not applicable to persons under eighteen years of age.表示某一年龄段的人用theage group:He took first prize in the 10-16 age group.表示一个人的大致年龄:

17、13-19in his/her teens21-29 in his/her twenties31-33 in his/her early thirties34-36 in his/her mid thirties37-39 in his/her late thirties特指某事情与某年龄有关可用at/by/before etc. the age of:Most smokers start smoking cigarettes before the age of sixteen.用于时间的数字表示时间的方法通常不止一种:半小时6:30 six thirty Half past six(英式英语

18、) Half six (非正式英式英语)其他时刻5:45 five forty-five (a) quarter to six(BrE)/ (a) quarter to/of six(NAmE)2:15 two fifteen (a) quarter past two(BrE)/ (a) quarter after two(NAmE)1:10 one ten ten past one(BrE)/ ten after one(NAmE)3:05 three o five five past three(BrE)/ five after three(NAmE)1:55 one fifty-fvie

19、 five to two(BrE)/ five to/ of two(NAmE)表示5、10、20和25分钟不必用minute,但表示其他分钟用minute:10.25 twenty-five past/after ten10.17 seventeen minutes past/after ten只有表示整点才用oclcok: Its three oclock.上午、下午、傍晚或是晚上就用in the morning、in the afternoon、in the evening或at night。在较正式的语境中用:a.m.= in the morning or after midnight早上或午夜以后p.m.=in the afternoon, in the evening or before midnight 下午、晚上或午夜以前He gets up at 4 a.m. to deliver the mail.oclock不与a.m.或p.m.同时用。

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