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1、20XX年上海中级口译听力真题及解析修改版第一篇:2013年9月上海中级口译听力真题及解析Spot dictation Next, lets talk about earthquakes on our planet. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an eart

2、hquake. The ground vibrates. Houses fall down. Trains run off the lines. Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives. Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces

3、 inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves, also known as seismic waves, or tsunamis can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Very often fires follow the most

4、serious earthquakes. In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas pipes. The gas escaped, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fires out. There was no water. The Tokyo Earthquake of 19

5、23 happened just before noon. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood. Soon 134 fires were burning in the city. What kind of building stands up

6、best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts together and the walls do not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn. Over the years, scientists carefull

7、y studied the results of the earthquake in different parts of the world, and they are convinced that this kind of building is the safest. 【解析】 根据文意,本文类似一段关于地震的讲座。说话者开篇就讲述了地震的危害,并在之后的段落中相继介绍了地震形成的原因,以及用1906年旧金山大地震 1923年的东京大地震举例说明了地震也会伴随着大火。最后,通过这些生动的例子,说话者又利用一个问句引出科学家们通过研究发现,钢筋水泥房是最安全的。 整篇文章没有出现特别难的生

8、词,而且地震也是大家较为熟悉的,所以总体难度并不大。 Statement: 1. George started his new job with King Brothers only a month ago and he wants to invite his boss, the sales manager to dinner. 2. I got some bad news today. The store with which I work is laying off stuff. Im worried that they are going to let me go. 3. You are

9、 not supposed to see Gary tonight. He plans to finish his financial report this week and he is too busy for parties these days. 4. I hope our first supply will induce your customers to place regular orders in the future. And we both can make big profits. 5. These books are two weeks overdue. But luc

10、kily for me, theres a moratorium this week on fines. They are trying to encourage returns. 6. May is a time for green grass, picnics, and unfortunately, examinations. In the United States, high school students take their final examinations at the end of every school year. 7. China is now the third l

11、argest producer of films in the world. However, most of the revenue came from a handful of the movies produced. 8. Let me explain why I questioned the feasibility of the project. We dont appear to have enough time. If we were to push our people, the quality of the product becomes questionable. 9. Wh

12、ile some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban on whale hunting. 10. In 1950, New York City was the only city with a population of ten million. Now, in 2010, worldwide we have 38 cities with populations of over ten million people. 【解析】 statement

13、s总体难度不高,但是对于lay off,induce,overdue,moratorium,revenue,feasibility等词还是需要同学们平时的多多积累。另外,做题过 程中还要注意对数字的敏感度,如statement 10就出现了包括年份、人口数量、城市数量在内的多个数字,千万不要一定到数字就犯晕。其实做statement还有一个要点是听出一些包含转折、递进、 让步等含义的信号词,本次的statement中出现了不少but,however,while,利用这些关键词准确把握句意是做题的关键。 Talks and Conversations 1 Questions 11 14 are

14、based on the following conversation. M: Im going to Boston next week and Id like to make some reservations. Can you fix that for me? W: Sure. What dates are you traveling on? M: Ur Starting Monday, June 18, about mid-day, late morning or early afternoon. W: Let me check, please. Yes, I can get you o

15、n a noon flight from New Orleans to Boston. How does that sound? M: Thats just fine. W: OK. Now where are you planning to stay? M: Top Hotel, Boston. Would you make reservations for Monday, June 18 and Tuesday, June 19? Two nights, single, with bath, please. By the way, I prefer it in the non-smokin

16、g area. W: June 18 and 19. Single with bath. Non-smoking area. Top Hotel, Boston. Yes, they have the room available. M: Fine. 11 What is the man doing? 12 When is the mans flight? 13 How long is the man going to stay in Boston? 14 Which of the following is not a requirement by the man for his accomm

17、odation? 【评析】 本对话是一段关于订机票和酒店的日常对话,难度不大,主要考察细节获取。在听对话时可以预测会对日期、时间等细节进行提问,所以要注意抓取关键信息做好笔记。关键词:make reservations 预订 non-smoking area 无烟区 Talks and Conversations 2 Questions 15 18 are based on the following talk. If you live in the United States, there are a number of ways that you and your family can m

18、ix well with the local residents. Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are working with Americans, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can participate in the almost inevitable discussions about how our team will do this year. Sports review is

19、also a good source of information from which you can learn about the most popular sports in the country. Most Americans are car owners and some are even obsessive about the subject. They can spend hours discussing the merits of foreign cars versus American cars, deciding on the best family car or th

20、e best sports car. And car-repair is also a popular topic of discussion. You can contribute by talking about cars you have owned, or by sharing information youve read in automotive magazines such as Car And Driver or Popular Mechanics. Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies

21、regularly. So naturally, television shows and the latest movies become topics for discussion. If you are unable to watch American television or attend American movies, reading the entertainment section of such magazines as Time and Newsweek will keep you up to date on what is popular in America. Rea

22、ding these magazines will also give you a broad American perspective on current events in both America and the world. They are good resources for information that you can use in discussions. 15 According to the speaker, why do we need to find out about the local sports teams in America? 16 What maga

23、zines will give you information about American movies? 17 Whom is the speaker addressing? 18 What is the main idea of the talk? 【评析】本文是一篇介绍美国生活的小短文,旨在告知听者一些融入美国生活的方式。其中介绍了美国人对于体育、汽车、影视的喜爱,听者可以投其所好、入乡随俗。难度适中,考查细节理解和主旨理解。在做题时要根据全文内容把握主旨大意,同时要注意举例时候提到的一些细节。 关键词:mix 融入,混合 sports review 体育评论 obsessive 着迷

24、的 car-repair 修车 attend movies 看电影 Talks and Conversations 3 Questions 19 22 are based on the following conversation. M: Well, Shirley, now that weve seen the 3 apartments, which one do you like best? W: I dont know Brad. I know one thing. I didnt like the one on the 68th street. M: Neither did I. Le

25、ts cross that one off. That leaves the 72nd street one and the 80th street one. W: The one on the 80th street has a better view and a very cheerful kitchen. M: Yes, and I like the carpeting in the hall. It was clean, but there was no good place to put a desk. W: Thats true. You should always just pu

26、t it in the corner of the living room. But then you wouldnt have any privacy and the bedroom was too small. M: Right. And I do need to be able to leave my work out on the desk without having it looked into by nosy visitors. W: Oh, Brad, we dont have that kind of visitors. But I do agree the desk sho

27、uldnt be in the living room. It is a constant reminder of unfinished work. What about the 72nd street apartment? It has a dining area; we could eat in the kitchen and put the desk in the dining area. Its more private there. M: Yes, that sounds OK. Only what I didnt like about that place was the west

28、 wind though. It gets quite hard in the late afternoon with the sun beating down on the window. W: Didnt you notice the air-conditioner? M: No, was there one? W: Yes, and we could improve on the curtains too. M: That place did have the best parking facilities of the three. W: Yes, I think that apart

29、ment is best for our needs. There is good parking and there is a semi-private area for your desk. That takes care of the daily activities. We will just let the other chips fall where they may. M: OK. Lets take that one. 19 How many apartments have they seen? 20 Why did Brad and Shirley cross off the

30、 apartment on the 68th street? 21 What is wrong with the west window? 23 Which considerations are crucial in Brad and Shirleys choice of an apartment? 24 Which apartment have they decided to rent? 【评析】本对话选自中级口译听力教程。这是一段关于挑选公寓的日常对话,难度适中,主要考察细节理解。通过对话,将每个公寓进行了比较,提出了各自的优缺点,最后进行权衡,选择了第72大街的公寓。在做题时要听清楚每项

31、描述具体属于哪一公寓,避免混淆。 关键词:cross off 划掉 privacy 隐私 nosy 好管闲事的 parking facility 泊车设施 Let the chips fall where they may. 不管后果如何。 Talks and Conversations 4 Questions 2326 are based on the following conversation. As any parent will tell you, small cuts and miner grazes are unavoidable among small children. Su

32、ch cuts and grazes will usually need little or no treatment. The bleeding will clean the wound naturally, and it should stop within a few minutes, as the blood clots and dries. More serious cuts may need to be gently cleaned with soft cotton and warm water. They should then be dressed with a clean c

33、otton bandage. Follow this simple checklist of questions. Ask yourself each of these questions in order to make sure you treat cuts and grazes properly: Firstly, is the cut on the face? If it is, call a doctor as soon as possible especially if the eye is injured. Secondly, is the cut near the eye? If it is, put a clean piece of

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