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现代大学英语精读5 第三课 中文对照.docx

1、现代大学英语精读5 第三课 中文对照 商品流通、人员流动、观念转变、文化变迁 兹温格尔埃拉tectonica cultures, of reformation worldwide a of throes the in are we Today 1. and habits of shift globscientists, social of vocabulary curious the in called, dreams hbusiness, politics, in changes of assortment wild a for term inexact an alization.Its e

2、ntertainment. ealth, old-establiAll market. world the established has industry Modern consumed,are products whose industries new by dislodged are industries national shed home, at only not fwe wants old the of place In globe. the of quarter every in but distant of products the satisfaction their for

3、 requiring wants, new ind climes.and lands ManifCommunist The in ago years 150 this wrote Engels Friedrich and Marx Karl fact ordinary an describes now statement Their esto. life. of 用社会,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化巨变的阵痛,。对于政治、商贸、保健及娱乐领域的”全球化“学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫现代工业已建立了世界市场。已建立的所有旧的国民工“ 巨大变化,这个词并不贴切。

4、人们用新的需求业被其产品不仅在国内而且在世界各地范围内销售的新兴工业所取代。恩格斯早马克思和弗雷德里希.卡尔”用外地的产品满足自己的需求。取代原有的需求,在年前就在共产党宣言中写下了这些。他们那时的陈述描绘了现在生活中的普150 遍事实。hoand live they where on deal great a depends this about feel people How 2. have. they money much w a not reality, a is stated, report one as globalization, Yet beforesince connecti

5、ons cultural and commercial weaving been have Humans choice. camel first the newspservice, postal the century 19th the In afield. ventured caravan cfundamental wrought ships steam-powered great and railroads, transcontinental apers, and radio, telephone, Telegraph, hanges. knotsintricate more and ti

6、ghter tied television phonecellular Internet, the computers, Now world. wider the and individuals between jet cheaper and TV, cable s, conthese complicated and accelerated have transportation nections. 对此人们有何感受很大程度上取决于他们的生活所在地和所拥有的金钱数。然而,。早在第一批骆驼商队冒险”是一种事实,而不是一种选择“正如某篇报道所述,全球化邮政服务、世纪,19在人们一直在编织着商贸和文

7、化相互间的交往。出外经商前至今,报纸、横跨大陆的铁路及巨大的蒸汽轮船带来了根本变化。电报、电话、收音机和电视 把个人和外部世界更紧密地连在一起,这种联系更为复杂、不那么直接也不易察觉。现在,计算机、互联网、移动电话、有线电视和相对便宜的喷气式飞机空运加速了这种 联系并使这种联系更加复杂。mIdeas move. People move. Goods same: the remains dynamic basic the 3.Still, of scope and speed the is now difference The change. cultures And ove. changeth

8、ese five. only took Internet the users; million 50 acquire to years 13 television took It s. 文化变迁。观念转变、人员流动、商品流通、产生这种变化的动力是一致的:然而,电视机拥有不同的是这些变化的速度和范围。互联网只用年时间,13万用户用了5,000 年时间。5了anthropoand scientists social Western Some this. about happy is everyone Not 4. a not and logists, rwill cloning cultural

9、of sort a that believe politicians, foreign few DisneCoca-Cola, McDonalds, of assault cultural the as regard they what from esult y, inpeople the all of fifth a than more itselflanguage English the and MTV, Nike, agendaor backgrounds their Whatever degree. some to English speak now world the with eq

10、uated often Westernthat convinced are critics these s, influences AmericanMcWobig one it, terms observer one as producing, crease, cultural every flatten will rld. 人类学家和为数不少的外国政治一些西方社会学家、对这种变化并不是人人满意。迪斯尼、可口可乐、克隆是他们所认为的麦当劳、家认为文化”文化轰炸MTV“耐克和也是英语语言本身的结果,因为现在全球多于五分之一人口都或多或少地讲英的结果,往往这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响,

11、 语。不管他们的背景和纲领如何最终产生一就像一位观察家所说的,一压平。会把文化上的差异. 等同于美国的影响 个麦当劳世界,一个充斥美国货和体现美国价值观的世界。 to sprout factions 5.Popular xenophowhere China, In anxieties. nationalist exploit calbook recent a hand, upper the for struggled often have ambition economic and bia can China led Chinesthe considers it what attacking

12、by best-seller the became no say not to travelers Chinese advising things, foreign in blindly believe to willingness e fly burned, be Hollywood that suggesting and 777 Boeing a on 的派别不断滋生以便利用持此观点的国民的焦虑)或得到公众支持(反映公众情绪中国可以说和不安。在闭关锁国和发展经济两种政策并存并争取其主控地位的中国,不这本新书成为畅销书,这本书对中国人的盲目崇洋媚外心理进行了,批驳,建议中 飞机,还建议烧掉进

13、口的好莱坞大片。777国游客不要乘坐波音 6.There influencecultural Western of denouncers the among Westerners many are Chineof lives The them. of one isnt anthropologist, Harvard a Watson, James but s, says. he ago, years 30 were they nowthan better infinitely are know I villagers se the of because partly open more bec

14、ome has China Theypeople. ordinary of demands defor force major the is globalism say would I worldthe of part become to want mocracy omoral a its feel I players. CD stereos, refrigerators, want People China. in to continue should there out people ?Those say: to not bligation wmuseum a in live work.

15、that showers have will we hile 沃森并对西方文化影响持斥责态度的人中有许多西方人而哈佛人类学家詹姆斯年前的好多了。中国越来越30我知道现在中国农村人的生活比“不是其中一员。他说:我要说全球观念-部分原因是出于中国老百姓的要求。他们想成为世界的一部分开放,在中国是民主的重要动力。人们需要冰箱、音响和远在中国的那些人应该继?机。CD。我认为不说这?续过着落后的生活,而我们却可以使用淋浴器,过着舒适的现代生活 ”种话是一种道义。phenomenona is travel, and study of months over discovered I 7.Westerniz

16、ation, through shot oCritics bedfellows. strange very by populated and inconsistencies with computers.and transplants organ not but Hollywood and Coke blast culture Western f Boosters theprotect and preserve to efforts increased to point can culture Western of aspects salubrious less some of mention

17、 no make they Yet environment. Western of eagerlyadopbeing are they as even which, automobiles, and cigarettes as such culture, Apparently effects. disastrous having are world, developing the in ted iswesternization either. paradise to or hell, to road straight a not 在特别怪我发现西方化是一种内部充满矛盾的现象,经过几个多月的研究

18、和旅行,西方文化批评家斥责可乐和好莱坞,却不斥责器官移植和计算异之人中占有一席之地。但他们不提西方文化中不那么健康的一面,西方文化支持者指出继续努力保护环境,机。譬如香烟和汽车,就在发展中国家急切地接纳这些东西时,它们已带来很坏的后果。显 然,西方化既不会直达地狱,也不会直通天堂。unpredictabland resilient, resourceful, as are cultures that discovered also I 8.But ostensible the Angeles, Los In them. compose who people the as e wof fount

19、ainhead Hat supposedhave ever could I than diversity more saw I degradation, cultural orld 32 represents body student the School High ollywood ShanghaiIn languages. different educChinese by redesigned been has Street Sesame show television the that found I We traditions. and values Chinese teach to

20、ators tolone box, American an borrowed lan400 than more are there where India, In it. into content Chinese put and me, d very several and guages andbeef of instead mutton serves McDonalds religions, strict Hindu. orthodox most the even to acceptable menu vegetarian a offers 富有弹性而且不可善于随机应变,不过我也发现文化就如

21、同构成文化的民族一样,在好莱预测。在洛杉矶,世界文化堕落明显的源头,我看到的差异要比我想像的多这一电视节目已被中国”芝麻街“种完全不同的语言。在上海,我发现32坞高中学生说我们借“教育家重新改组,用以传授中国人的价值观和传统习惯。一位教育家对我说:多种语言和几种纪律严明的宗教的印度,400在有”装进去的是中国内容。用美国盒子, 麦当劳供应的是羊肉汉堡而不是牛肉汉堡,还为那些最正统的印度人提供素食菜谱。 in million 800 teenagersof mass critical 9.The have there most the world, the mergingof engines p

22、owerful the of one is spend to money and time with beenever Kids cultures. global sorryIm stuffm. buy they all above and out, hang they travel, his put to teenager first the was who discover to failed I say to bacon cap baseball frsprang which music, rap that know do I But him. copy to one first the

23、 Or kward. began ghettos, inner-city the om teenagwhite rebellious when only money big making Comwant? to going are kids what predict anyone can how But it. buying started ers need urgently panies Theyrtrends. forecast to up sprung have consultants so know, to explaito morning one hand in me took Fr

24、eeman Amanda and hunters, cool called e n works. it how 是融合全球文化的关键及主要-亿8全世界共有-许多既有时间又有钱的青少年力量之一。孩子们爱旅行、闲逛,重要的是他们买东西。很遗憾我没能发现哪个青少年哪个青少年第一个模仿他,但是我确实知道最先出现在市内黑人区第一个倒戴垒球帽,人们然而,的说唱乐就是在有叛逆精神的白人青少年开始买票观看时才开始赚大钱的。许多公司迫切想要了解孩子们的需要,因此出现了顾?又会如何预测孩子们需要什么呢阿曼达。”猎酷者“被称之为他们预测将来的趋势,问,弗里德曼一天上午向我讲述了其 中的奥秘。IntelYouth c

25、alled company York-based New a for works 22, is who 10.Amanda, one conduct to Angeles Los to come has and ligence whose surveys, annual three of andhair brown shoulder-length has She MTV. and Sprint as clients such to go results skirt brocade knee-length a wearing is simple and thifunny The no. says

26、 she but me, to cool very looks Amanda top. wrap black dont you that is work my about ng hjust You says. she it, do to cool be to have eye. the have to ave 的公司工作,她到洛杉矶”青年情报“岁,在其基地设在纽约的一家叫作22阿曼达进行调查,调查的结果要通报给公司很多重要的客户。她留着披肩的棕发,穿着一条长我“她说:但她自己并不这样认为。阿曼达打扮得很酷,在我看来,及膝盖的织锦短裙。 ”的工作有趣之处就在于做此工作你不必扮酷,你得有眼光。ea

27、spocket seedy slightly a Feliz, Los in diner ?50s-style smallish a to go 11.We tthe of few a through wander we Then trendy. become just has that Hollywood of t be to going not its If shops. hrift to going never its remarks, Amanda affordable, on. catch 年代式样的餐馆,这家餐馆位于好莱坞东面一个比50我们去了一家小一点的、阿曼达说:然后我们去逛了

28、几家旧货店。这个区域刚刚成为时尚聚集点。较破落的区域, ”如果人们买不起,那它就不会流行起来。“ see she does trends 12.What sa of more becoming is home the now? forming place a to go you nowright huge travels And again. place ocial bacstuff bring and k. 眼下旅行正热家正在成为一个社交的地方,?“现在她看到将要形成的流行趋势了吗 ”人们到某地去,买回来许多东西。 way easiest the so days, these origina

29、l be to hard really 13.Its withup come to thterm huge the be to going is Fusion exist. already that things mix to is stuff new everybodys at concludes. she use, to going arthat things punkand music Spanish like blending, more be to going Theres unrelated. so e “她最后说:现今创新极为困难,因此最容易的办法就是把现存的东西捏在一起,融合将

30、会成为人人都要使用的大词,将来会有越来越多的毫不相拿出一个新玩意儿来。 ”关的东西融合在一起,如西班牙乐和蓬克乐。SlopTom Take morph. and mix cultures where central, fusion is Angeles 14.Los a is Tom mah-jongg. and er beiThis fanatic. mah-jongg a also is who geek computer the sell and passions two these marry to way a found has he America, ng He result. m

31、ah-joplay to you enables that Dynasty, Shanghai: program, software a designed has both involves game Chinese ancient This Internet. the on ngg iand luck, and strategy ceaselessthe and smoke of full are that rooms small in Asia over all played still is t click alsois It players. the of concentration

32、fierce the and tiles plastic chunky the of in clubs country at women society rich by played oapartments in and Hills Beverly AngLos in desk his at it playing was 50, Tom, But Side. West Upper Manhattans n one eles building. office empty nearly a of silence the in evening 斯洛珀和麻将为例:以汤姆各种文化在这里交汇并有所改变。洛

33、杉矶是融合中心,汤姆是个计算机怪才,同时还是个麻将迷。由于这是美国,所以他找到了把这两种爱好他设计了一个人们可以在互联网上玩麻将的软结合在一起的方式并把自己的成果出售。玩这种老式中国麻将既需要技巧又需要运气。亚”上海:帝国“件程序,这个程序叫做屋子里弥漫着烟雾,洲人仍然在小屋子里玩麻将,到处都能听到麻将牌相互撞击所发出美国加利福尼亚州西南(的不绝于耳的喀哒声。玩家们精神高度集中。居住在比弗利山和曼哈顿上西城公寓里的有钱女人们也在俱乐部里玩麻将。)部城市,好莱坞影星集居地岁的汤姆一个人坐在办公桌旁,在寂静、空旷的办公大50然而,一天晚上,在洛杉矶, 楼里玩麻将。 showed screen compu

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