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译林版高中必修三 Unit 1 Section Ⅵ Language pointsⅢProject.docx

1、译林版高中必修三 Unit 1 Section Language pointsProjectSection Language points()(Project).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1The snow is very loose(松散的)and there is a lot of air in it.2Unlike(不像)his brother,he has a sense of humor.3The thieves stole 1 million worth of jewellery(珠宝)4It was more than flesh(肉)and blood coul

2、d bear.5“Ill call the doctor,”he said calmly (镇静地)6Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work.7As a matter of fact,what attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.8Generally speaking,young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older ones.9The woman got into a panic

3、when she heard that her son had been injured in the accident.10Contrary to my expectation,they agreed to my plan.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引,吸引力,吸引物attractive adj.有吸引力的2likely adj.可能的unlikely adj.不可能的3employ vt.使用;雇佣employment n雇用employee n雇工,雇员employer n雇主unadj.反义词做的人/被的

4、人unlikely 不可能的unhappy 不开心的unfit 不合适的employee 雇工employer 雇主examiner 考官examinee 考生interviewer 采访者interviewee 被采访者.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1contrary to 与相反2different types of 不同类型的3mistake.for. 把误认为4be fit to do 适合做5follow the advice 采纳建议6result in 导致7watch for 观察等待(某人出现或发生某事)8roll up 卷起来;到达;(尤指)涌向,涌到.选词填空选用上述短语

5、的适当形式填空1Michael rolled up half an hour earlier.2Parents should always watch for signs of depression(沮丧)in their children.3Being devoted to his work resulted in his great success.4What you have done is contrary to the doctors orders.5The sisters are so alike that many people mistake one for the other

6、.v.up“起来”v.from“由于”,from表原因roll up 卷起来warm up 热起身来speed up 加速result from 由于arise from 起因于be tired from 因而感到疲惫背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.不要惧怕鲨鱼:你被闪电击中的几率要比受到鲨鱼袭击的几率大30倍。“30 times more.than”是“倍数比较级”的用法。S

7、ound travels more than four times faster in water than in air.声音在水中传播的速度是在空气中传播速度的4倍多。2.Though it may seem hard to believe,the bird the officer uses is the same bird often seen in public parksthe pigeon.虽然这似乎令人难以置信,但那名军官所用的鸟儿和我们常在公园里看到的一种鸟是同样的鸽子。though引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。Though I know Mum is the most

8、 important person in my world,I just cant do what she likes me to do.尽管我知道妈妈是我生命中最重要的人,可是我还是不能做她想让我做的事情。3.However,it was in war that they found their greatest use.然而,它们的最大用途却是在战争中被发现的。“it was.that.”是强调句型。It was in Asia that the worlds greatest cultures had their birth.世界上最伟大的文化都起源于亚洲。 contrary adj.相

9、反的 n相反的事实或情况(教材P18)Contrary to what many people might assume,evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.和许多人可能会认为的正好相反,有证据显示鲨鱼极少攻击人类。be contrary to 与相反;违反on the contrary 正相反;恰恰相反to the contrary 相反,与此相反What he told me was the contrary of what you told me.他告诉我的和你告诉我的正相反。The governments actions ar

10、e contrary to the public interest.该政府的行为是和大众的利益相悖的。It wasnt a good thing;on the contrary,it was a huge mistake.那不是件好事,恰恰相反,是个巨大的错误。 attract vt.吸引(教材P18)Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery,because sharks are attracted to the flash of colours and bright objects.不要穿鲜亮的衣服或佩戴珠宝首饰,因为鲨鱼会被颜色或明亮物体的闪光吸引。

11、(1)attract sth. 吸引某人关注某事attract sb.s attention/attract the attention of sb. 吸引某人的注意(2)attractive adj. 有吸引力的;诱人的(3)attraction n. 吸引;吸引力In ancient Egypt,a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment.在古埃及,店主发现他能通过改变(购物)环境来吸引顾客到店里来。

12、His speech attracted the attention of the audience.他的演说吸引了听众的注意。Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction(attract)现在,这座昔日皇家宫殿作为一个主要的旅游景点向公众开放。 calm adj.镇静的,沉着的,平静的 vt.&vi.使平静, 镇静(教材P18)Keep calm.保持冷静。(1)keep/remain calm 保持冷静(2)calm down (使)平静下来,(使)镇静下来calm sb./

13、oneself down 使某人/自己平静下来(3)calmly adv. 安静地;平静地;冷静地When this happens,the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument.当这种情况发生时,重要的是不要把平静的讨论变成激烈的争吵。It is very important to keep calm when the earthquake breaks out.当地震发生时,保持镇静是很重要的。He took a few deep breaths to calm

14、himself down他深深地吸了几口气,使自己平静下来。The television announcer read the news calmly(calm)电视播音员平静地念了这则新闻。明辨异同calm/still/quiet/silentcalm“平静的,沉着的”,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。still“静止的,不动的”,指没有运动或动作的状态。quiet“宁静的,安静的”,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。silent“寂静的,沉默的,不发声的”,指没有声音或不讲话。calm,still,quiet,silentWhen facing danger,one should keep

15、 calm;when taken photos,one should keep still;when someone else is asleep,one should keep quiet;in class,one shouldnt keep silent about the teachers questions. panic vi.&n. 惊慌,恐慌(教材P18)Do not panic.别惊慌失措。(1)panic sb.into doing sth. 使某人仓促行动panic over/about 因而恐慌(2)in (a) panic 惊恐地;惊慌地get into a panic

16、陷入惊(恐)慌My panic was rising and I could feel my heart beating wildly.我恐慌起来,我能感觉到我的心脏剧烈地跳动着。The building was on fire,and people living in it fled in panic.那座大楼着火了,居民们惊慌失措地逃了出来。The protests became more violent and many people were panicked into leaving the country.抗议变得更加激烈,吓得许多人离开了那个国家。 employ vt. 使用;雇

17、佣(教材P19)During both World War and,pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines,saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories.在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战期间,鸽子被军方用来和前线往返传递信息,挽救了许多士兵的生命,甚至帮助赢得了一些重要的胜利。(1)employ 雇佣某人任职位employ 把当用empl

18、oy do sth. 雇佣某人做某事employ oneself in (doing) employed in (doing) sth. 从事于/忙于(做)某事(2)employment n. 雇佣,就业unemployment n. 失业employee n. 雇工,雇员employer n. 雇主He employed his knife as a lever.他把刀子当杠杆用。The children were employed in weeding(weed) the garden.孩子们忙着给花园除草。These drugs were customarily

19、 employed to treat(treat) the disease.以前这些药通常用来治疗这种疾病。语境助记After two years unemployment,he has just been employed by a big company.To be a good employee,he employs all his spare time in learning about new things about the company.Soon he is promoted by his employer.失业两年后,他刚被一家大公司雇佣。为了成为一名好员工,他利用他的业余时

20、间学习有关公司的新的东西。很快他被他的雇主提升了。 (教材P18) Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.不要惧怕鲨鱼:你被闪电击中的几率要比受到鲨鱼袭击的几率大30倍。(1)【要点提炼】30 times more.than.意为“比大30倍”,是一种倍数表达法。(1).倍数adj./adv.的比较级than.(2).倍数what从句.(3).倍数asadj./倍数as many/muchn.a

21、s.(5).倍数the size/length/width/height/depth/weight等of.Industrial prices have risen three times more quickly than agricultural ones.工业产品在价格增长的速度上是农业产品的三倍。The production now is three times what it was ten years ago.现在的产量是十年前的三倍。Our new school is four times bigger(big) than the old one.我们的新学校是老学校的四倍大。We

22、 had three times as many people as we expected.来的人是我们预料人数的三倍。名师点津倍数用法两注意(1)表示两倍用twice或double,三倍及以上用数词times;(2)前面的倍数还可以是分数、百分数、小数或a quarter,half等。(2)likely adj.可能的sb./ likely to do sth. 某人/事可能做It be likely that . 可能New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to 15,000

23、 in debt.新生们现在知道,他们很可能会在离开高校时债务高达15 000英镑。Its likely that he will come here in two days.他很可能两天后会来这儿。明辨异同probable/likely/possibleprobable主语用形式主语it,其常用句型为:Its probable that .likely主语可以是人、物或形式主语itpossible主语用形式主语it,常用句型为:Its possible that .和Its possible (for sb.) to do sth.probable,likely,possibleIts re

24、ported that it is likely to rain tonight.Its not possible for them to finish the work ahead of time.It is likely/possible/probable that they will come to attend the party. (教材P19)However,it was in war that they found their greatest use.然而,它们的最大用途却是在战争中被发现的。【要点提炼】句中it was.that是一个强调句型,此句强调了地点状语in war。

25、(1)强调句型的基本结构:It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其余部分。该句型用来强调主语、宾语或状语等,但不能强调谓语。如被强调的部分指人时,可用who/that,其他一律用that。(2)强调句型的一般疑问句:Is/Was it被强调部分that/who.?(3)强调句型的特殊疑问句:疑问词is/was itthat/who.?(4)not.until.结构的强调句型:It is/was not until.that.It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to

26、have helped someone in trouble.正当我们回家的时候我意识到帮助那些困难中的人是多么好的感受。It was three weeks later that he heard the news.三个星期之后他才听到这个消息。It was not until ten oclock that he went to bed.直到10点他才上床睡觉。名师点津判定强调句型的方法。一般来说,如果把句子中的“It is/was和that”去掉,稍加调整语序,能还原成完整句子,且句子意思依然完整,则为强调句型。.单句语法填空1Who was it that spoke first at

27、 the meeting?2In my opinion,the new manager is likely to offer (offer)more jobs to the young people.3Rumours of war panicked many investors into selling(sell) their shares.4This box is three times bigger (big) than that one.5Their car was caught in a traffic jam,thus causing (cause) the delay.6Mexic

28、an law prohibits the employment(employ) of children under 14.7This is one of the most attractive (attract) places Ive been to.8Pollution and other serious problems have resulted from human progress.9It wasnt hit.On the contrary,it was a big failure.10The old man is reading the note attached(attach)

29、to the small box.单句改错1I didnt say I liked it.To the contrary,I was very much against it.ToOn2Whoever has necessary good qualities is more likely achieve success in their career.likely后加to3Staying one day here costs three times price of renting a house in my hometown for a month.price前加the4It was not

30、 until the early 19th century when his musical gift was fully recognized.whenthat5Her car broke down;as the result,she had to ask someone to repair it.thea.完成句子1It was Tom that put forward the suggestion.(it)是汤姆提出的这个建议。2I think tickets for the film are likely to be expensive(likely)我认为电影票可能很贵。3This street is three times as wide as that one.(这条街道是那条街道的三倍宽。4He is said to have achieved great success in scientific research.(achieve)据说他在科学调查中已经取得了很大成功。5He turned off all the lig

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