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仁爱英语九下Unit 5 Topic 2练习.docx

1、仁爱英语九下Unit 5 Topic 2练习Unit 5 China and the worldTopic 2 He is really the pride of China.一、教学目标: 1.语法要求定语从句(3)2.重点句型1. What a great explorer.2. Its hard to believe.3. Could you tell me more about him?二、重点难点1. pioneer意为“先驱,创始人:倡导者”。e.g. a computer pioneer计算机方面的先驱2. in the field/area of意为“在领域”。e.g. Bin

2、g Xin is famous for childrens works in the field of Chinese literature. 在中国文学领域冰心以儿童作品而著名。3. in the year 551BC公元前551年。表达“公元公元前年”时,用AD和BCAD表示“公元”,BC表示“公元前”;书写时AD写在年数前后均可,BC应写在年数之后;“从某年到某年”应写为fromto或e.g. From 200 B.C. to A.D. 500 is seven hundred years. 从公元前200年到公元500年,共为700年。4. in ones thirties/twent

3、ies 在某人三十多岁时二十多岁时。在从twenty到ninety表示整十的单词中,把单词末尾的y改为i再加-es,表示约略数字。e.g. George Bush became the president of the USA in his forties. 乔治布什在他四十几岁时成为美国总统。5.search与searchfor的区别search作动词时,意思是“在.搜查”或“搜身”。是个及物动词,后面直接跟“被搜的对象”。Thepolicesearchedtheprisonertoseeifhehadagun警察对该囚犯搜身,看他身边是否有枪。如果表示搜查某一对象的目的是要找什么时,要用s

4、earch.for,强调有具体的目标。ShesearchedshopaftershopforJimspresent她为了给吉姆买礼物,找遍了所有的商店。当没有“被搜的对象”只有“寻找的目标”时,则要用searchfor短语。AllnighttheysearchedforMarget通宵他们到处寻找马吉特。insearchof是个固定习语,of后面的名词一定是“寻找的目标”。Ilookedeverywhereinsearchofmyglass我到处寻找我的眼镜。6. spend花费。其主语必须是人。spend time/money (in) doing sth. 做某事花费多少时间金钱,in可省

5、略。spend time/money on sth. 在某物上花费时间金钱。e.g. Guo Peng spent two hours on his homework last night. 昨晚,郭朋做作业花费了两个小时。另外,表示花费的还有:cost,take和pay fora. cost的主语必须是物。sth. costs sb. some money 某物花费某人多少钱。e.g. The clothes cost her 30 dollars. 这件衣服花了她三十美元。b. take主要指花费时间。It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时

6、间。e.g. It took them two years to build such a tall building. 建筑如此高的楼房花费了他们两年的时间。c. pay的基本用法是:pay(sb.)moneyforsth.付钱(给某人)买Ihavetopaythem20poundsforthisroomeachmonth.payforsth.付的钱Ihavetopayforthebooklost.我不得不赔丢失的书款。payforsb.替某人付钱。Dontworry!Illpayforyou.别担心,我会给你付钱的。paysb.付钱给某人Theypayuseverymonth.他们每月给我

7、们报酬。paymoneyback还钱。MayIborrow12yuanfromyou?Illpayitbacknextweek.你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。payoffonesmoney还清钱Hepromisedtopayoffmymoney.他答应还清我的钱。7. pass away婉转的表达,指“去世,亡故,消失”。类似的表达方式有:go to heaven(褒义)/hell(贬义)e.g. My grandfather has gone to heaven. 我祖父已经去天国了。The bad fellow has gone to hell. 那个坏家伙已经下地狱了。8. the p

8、ride of 的骄傲。pride n自豪,骄傲,形容词为proud; take pride in或be proud of 为而自豪,骄傲。e.g. I take pride in my work. 我为自己的工作感到骄傲。The Great Wall is the pride of the Chinese. 万里长城是中国人的骄傲。He was proud of himself for not giving up. 他为自己没有放弃而感到自豪。9. die of/from死于,后接表示死因的名词、代词或名词短语。e.g. The man died of/from lung cancer. 这

9、个人死于肺癌。The girl died of/from earthquake. 这女孩死于地震。10. graduate from 毕业于。eg. He graduated from Tsinghua University in 2004. 他于2004年毕业于清华大学。11. further study 进一步学习,深造。12. as well as也,还,而且。eg. She is beautiful as well as clever. 她漂亮而且聪明。13. set up建立。14. in charge of主管、掌管。 inchargeof主动,主语往往是人;inthecharge

10、of被动,主语一般是物;inchargeof“主管,掌管”;inthechargeof“被.管理,在.管理之下”eg. She is in charge of two companies, so she is very bus. 她掌管两家公司,所以她很忙。 ThedocumentsareinthechargeofComradeLee.文件由李同志保管。15. at the age of在岁时。eg. He could play chess well at the age of 8. 在八岁时他就能下象棋很好。16. at the end of在末端,尽头17. spread vt.& vi.

11、 传播;展开,使散步18.honor作名词,意为“荣誉”。常用句型:Itsmyhonortodosth.honor作动词,意为“尊敬(等于honour);给以荣誉”。behonoredas意为“被誉为”三重点词组:inthefield/areaof在领域;agreatthinker伟大的思想家; mainideas主要思想;kindnessandgoodmanners“仁”和“礼”; afamousphilosopher著名的哲学家;wisesayings至理名言; theimportanceofdoingsth.做某事的重要性;learnfromsb向某人学习; receiveagooded

12、ucation接受良好的教育;attheageof在年龄; travelaroundChina周游列国;searchforgoodrulesofbehavior寻找良好的行为准则; inonesthirties在某人三十几岁时;spendtime/moneyonsth.在上花费时间(金钱);spendtime/money(in)doingsth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;passaway=gotoheaven去世;消失;setup建立,创立;cometoanend结束;defeatothersixstates打败其他六国;beproudof=takepridein以为傲,为而骄傲;bethepr

13、ideof是的骄傲;become/beinterestedin(doing)sth.对(做)某事感兴趣;acaptainandpalaceofficial船长和朝廷命官;leadsevenoceanjourneys领导了七次航海之行;succeedindoing成功做;theeastcoastofAfrica非洲东海岸;dieof死于疾病、衰老等内因(如cancer,hearttrouble等);diefrom死于事故等外因(如accident,earthquake等);Learnthenewwhilereviewingtheold.温故而知新。 findthedirection寻找方向;pa

14、ssaway去世;消失;oceanjourneys航海;search+某地+forsth.搜查某地找某物; Itshardtobelieve!很难相信!ononeswayhome在某人回家路上 Whatapity!=Whatashame!真遗憾!developtradeandfriendship发展贸易与友谊;betweenand在两者之间;graduatefrom.毕业于;furtherstudy进一步学习,深造;receiveonesPh.D.degrees获得博士学位;aswellas而且,也,还;setup建立,创立;fromthenon从那时起;inchargeof主管,掌管;dev


16、尽头;makefireworks制作鞭炮;printtechnology印刷术;realizeonesdream实现某人的梦想;四、重点语法定语从句()作宾语和定语的关系代词1. whom指人,为who的宾格形式,在句中只能作宾语。其前没有介词时,也可用who/that代替,也可省略。 e.g. The girl (who/whom/that)1 like isnt here now. 我喜欢的那个女孩现在没在这儿。(作宾语,可省略) The doctor with whom she went to the United States last month is very famous.上月与

17、她同去美国的那位医生非常有名。(作介词宾语,介词with提到了whom前,whom在此不能省略, 也不能用who代替)2. which与that指物,在句中作宾语,可以省略。 e.g. I like the book which/that my mother bought for me yesterday我喜欢妈妈昨天给我买的那本书。(作宾语,可以省略)3. whose指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语,不可省略。 e.g. The girl whose father is a doctor is our classmate.父亲是医生的那个女孩是我们的同学。(作定语,不能省略)五、练习Unit

18、5 China and the worldTopic 2 He is really the pride of China.I. 词汇运用。A. 根据首字母提示及句意完成单词。1. Qingdao is a beautiful city near the c .2. The little boy from a poor village wants to go to Beijing U when he grows up.3. In the United States, Qian Xuesen received his Ph. D d in both aerospace and mathematic

19、s.4. China lies in the e part of Asia.5. Our country is developing t and friendship with other country.6.What exactly is the i of television on children?7.Last summer I visited a beautiful small village on the c _ of Qingdao.8.Li Ming is studying in Peking U . He is the pride of his family.9.After j

20、oining the WTO, the t _ between China and other countries has increased.10.Yang Liwei is a hero w we are proud of.B. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,完成句子。11. Her eyes (充满)tears when she heard the exciting news.12. Song Zuying is famous (在领域)of folk music.13. In the past, the medical condition was very poor and many peo

21、ple (死于)illness.14. The people in Sichuan are trying their best to (建立) their home again.15. Change III is (是的骄傲)Chinese people. 单项选择。1. The English-Chinese dictionary my father bought for me many years ago is still of great value.A. whose B. when C. who D. that2. John is the boy legs were badly inj

22、ured in the accident.A. whose B. that C. who3. I still remember the college and the teachers I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which4. -Your shoes are so old. Why dont you buy a new pair?-Because I all my money on the mobile phone.A. spend B. have spent C. am spending D. was s

23、pending5. People often live a hard life .A. in their forty B. in their forties C. in forty D. on forties6. Mr. White, the headmaster, has made a great to the growth of the school. A. progress B. contribution C. invention D. protection7. -What are you looking for? -Im looking for the watch I bought y

24、esterday. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose8. After he graduated Hong Kong University. He wants study in America. A. in, farther B. from, farther C. from, further D. in, further9. age of 8, Tim won first prize in the piano competition. A. In B. At C. On D. For10. of the road, you will see a bank. You

25、 can change money there. A. By the end B. In the end C. At the end D. The end11. He has set up a big company by himself in his . A. twenty B. twentith C. twenties D. twentieth12. great picture! Who painted it? A. How B. What C. How a D. What a13. The dictionary is cheap useful. I will buy it. A. wel

26、l B. as well C. as well as D. too14. -My uncle was very fat in the past. But he lost 40 kilos last year. - A. Thats bad! B. Its hard to believe! C. Have a good time D. Never mind.15. The young woman skirt is white is our English teacher Miss Yang. A. who B. whose C. whom D. that16.Being blind is som

27、ething most people cant imagine. We should help them. A.who B.what C.that D.whom17.Jack is very sad, because his grandmother last week. A.passed away B.passed by C.passed to D.passed on18.Do you know everybody _ came to the party? Almost, but I dont know the one _ you talked with near the door. A.who; / B.whose; that C.that; which D./; whom19. When did Zheng He travel to the east of Africa? the year 1433. A.coast, In B.beach, In, At D.coast, At20.A paper-making factory was _ near the river. It has badly polluted the river water. A.set out B.gre

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