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本文(人教版九年级英语Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark解析版doc.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版九年级英语Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark解析版doc.docx

1、人教版九年级英语Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark解析版doc人教版九年级英语Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.1单词攻略humorous adj.有幽默感的 silent adj. 沉默的 helpful 有用的 score n.&v.得分;进球 background n. 背景 interview v. n.面试;采访 Asian adj.亚洲的 n.亚洲人 deal v.对付 shyness n.害羞 dare v. 敢于 crowd n.人群ton n.吨 private adj.私人的;私密的 gua

2、rd n.警卫;看守&v.守卫require v.要求 European adj.欧洲的 n.欧洲人 African adj.非洲的 n.非洲人British adj.英国(人)的 speech n.演讲 public n.民众 adj.公开的;公众的ant n.蚂蚁 insect n.昆虫 seldom adv.很少 influence v.&v.影响 absent adj.缺席 fail v.失败 examination n.考试 exactly adv. 确切地Pride n.自豪 proud adj. 骄傲的 general adj.普遍的 n.将军 introduction n.介绍

3、 2短语集锦保持沉默keep silent 应对deal with 幽默感sense of humor公开地in public 对.产生影响have an influence on 缺席 be absent from亲自in person 为.感到骄傲be proud of/take pride in 过去常常used to do 闲逛hang out 照看take care of 作演讲give a speech 在.擅长do well in 开始从事take up 不再not.anymore 取得成功make it 有时from time to time3经典句型1. I used to

4、be afraid of the dark. 我过去怕黑。2. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. 很难相信他过去在学校里有困难。3. It is very important for parents to be there for their children. 父母陪在孩子身边是很重要的。4. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.我们已经有三年没见到我们的小学同学了。5. This party

5、 is such a great idea. 这次聚会真是个好主意。6. I used to see him reading in the library every day.我以前看到他每天都在图书馆里读书。7. I interviewed a nineteen- year- old Asia pop star Candy Wang.我采访了一位19岁的亚洲流行歌手王凯迪。8. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class and then for the whole school.当他好些之后,他敢在全班人面前唱歌,后

6、来又在全校学生面前唱歌。9. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有极少数的人能够到达成功的顶峰。10. She was never brave enough to ask questions. 他没有足够的勇气去问问题.11. Too much attention can also be a bad thing. 受到太多的关注,也可能是一件不好的事。12. My life has changed a lot in the last few years.在过去的几年里,我的生活发生了很多的变化。四、语法易用used t

7、o 过去常常,可用于各种人称,表示过去存在的,但现在已经停止的情况或习惯。used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”He used to going fishing by the lake.他过去常去湖边钓鱼。used to的句式变化didnt use toShe used to like apples. She didnt use to like apples.usednt toShe used to like apples. She usednt to like apples.used to 一般疑问句1. 在句首加did,并把used 变成use2. 把used当助动词提到句首

8、1.Did she use to like apples?Yes, she did./No, she didnt.2.Used she to like apples?Yes, she used to./No, she usednt to.used to 反意疑问句附加疑问部分可借助did或used1.She didnt use to like apples, did she? 2.She usednt to like apples, used she?There used to be表示“过去有.”There used to be a bank across from the street.u

9、sed to 相似结构辨析used to do sth.过去常常做某事My mother used to wash clothes by hand.我妈妈过去常用手洗衣服。get/be used to doing sth.习惯做某事My mother gets/is used to washing clothes in the washing machine.妈妈习惯用洗衣机洗衣服。be used to do sth.被用来做某事=be used for doing sth被用来做某事The washing machine is used to wash clothes=The washing

10、 machine is used for washing clothes.洗衣机是用来洗衣服的。五单词精讲1. humorous adj.幽默的【巧记】humor(名词)+ous(形容词后缀)=humorous 【拓展】sense of humor幽默感【考题链接】Everyone likes him because he is very_humorous _. 2. A man who has_sense of humor_ is popular with others.2. Silent adj.沉默的 【拓展】silence沉默 in silence沉默地 【短语】keep/remain

11、 silent保持沉默【考题链接】After hearing the bad news, my parents didnt talk and they finished the rest of their dinner_in silence_.3. Helpful adj.有用的;有帮助的【巧记】Help(名词)+ful(形容词后缀)=helpful 【短语】be helpful to sb./sth对.有帮助【考题链接】1. My teacher gave me a lot of _helpful _ books in math. 2.The following information ca

12、n_be helpful to_ readers.4. Influence v.&n.影响【拓展】influence=effect 【短语】have an influence/effect on sb.对.产生影响【考题链接】1.His unhappiness_influence_ his schoolwork.2.His ideas had a great influence_B_ B.on C.with D.to5. absent adj.缺席的;不在的【拓展】absence n.缺席;不在 【短语】be absent from缺席. be present in/at出席.

13、参加.【考题链接】He _was_absent from_classes and failed his examinations.6. fail v.不及格;未能做.【拓展】failure n.失败 【短语】fail to do sth未能做成某事 fail in sth.在某方面失败【考题链接】1.She failed_to pass_(pass) the driving test. 2._Failure_ is the mother of success.7. Introduction【拓展】introduce v.介绍【短语】make introduction做介绍 self-intro

14、duction 自我介绍 sb.将某人介绍给某人【考题链接】Our English teacher introduced a new student_to_ us yesterday.8. general adj.普遍的 n.将军【拓展】generally adv.普遍地;通常地 【短语】in general=generally总的来说【考题链接】_In_general_,China has changed a lot in the past 20 years.9. examination n.考试【拓展】examine v.检查;考查【短语】take an exam

15、ination参加考试 pass the examination通过考试 fail the examination考试不及格 【考题链接】1.Everyone student wants to_pass the examination_. 2. When you _ fail the examination_ in the college, you have a second chance(机会) to_take an examination_.10. require v.要求【拓展】 requirement n.要求【短语】 require doing sth.需要被做 require sb

16、. to do sth要求某人做某事 require that sb(should) do sth.【考题链接】This situation requires we_C_ action quickly.A.will take B.can take C.take take11. Interview v.&n.面试;采访【拓展】interviewer n.面试官;采访者 interviewee n.被采访者;面试人员 【短语】interview sb. about sth.就某事采访某人 have an interview with sb.采访某人【考题链接】I want to take

17、 the job, so I must prepare for the_A_well.A. Interview B.activity C.program D.show12. shyness n.害羞【巧记】shy(形容词)+ness(名词后缀)=shyness【拓展】类似的单词:happiness快乐 sadness伤心 carelessness粗心【考题链接】 After hearing what the king said, the old man went away with_shyness_(shy).13. private adj.私人的 public adj.公开的 n.民众【拓展

18、】in private 私下地 in public 公开地 private school私立学校 public school公立学校【考题链接】Its impolite to read others_A_ letters without permission(允许). A.private B.simple D.ancient六、短语赏析1.区分deal with和do withdeal with处理;应对常与how连用do with处理;应对常与what连用【考题链接】1.Tom has learnt how to_deal with_difficulties. 2. Wha

19、t do you _do with_your camera.2.区分the number of和a number ofthe number of意为“.数量”,后接名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。The number of the books is 3,000.a number of意为“许多”,后接名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。A number of people are here.【考题链接】1.The number of the volunteers_A_100 now. And a small number of them_ already gone to the workp

20、lace.;have B. are;have;are;has3. 区分not.anymore和not.any longernot.anymore=no more一般修饰短暂性动词,表示动作发生的次数、频率不再延续。not.any longer=no longer一般修饰延续性动词,表示动作、状态或时间不再延续。【考题链接】1.He doesnt live here_any_longer_. 2.The old man doesnt travel _anymore_.3. -Excuse me, is this Mr. Browns office?-I am sor

21、ry, but Mr. Brown doesnt work here_B_.A. anymore B.any longer C.anyway D.any time4. make it【拓展】获得成功;及时赶到;约定时间【考题链接】1.The meeting starts at 10:00. I can make it if I run a bit faster._及时赶到_ 2.You neednt worry and he will make it._取得成功_ 3.Lets make it at 7:00 on Tuesday morning._约定时间_4.The train wont

22、leave for another ten minutes, so I think we can_B_.A. get on B.make it C.turn up D.come on5. 关于in常用短语in person亲自地 in public公开地 in fact事实上 in total总共 in a word总之 in order to 为了 in return作为回报 in a way在某种程度上 in the end最终 in general总体上in the face of面对 in a hurry=in a rush匆忙地 in charge of 在.掌控中 in honor

23、 of为了纪念. be in touch with与.联系 have. in common在.有相同之处 in ( dis)agreement 意见(不)一致 【考题链接】-Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?-My father did that_B_. He didnt want anybody elses help. fact person total disagreement6.关于take的短语take up 开始从事;占据 take part in参加 take place发生

24、 take off起飞;脱掉;成功 take in 吸入 【考题链接】-Hi,Tina!What are you going to do for the coming summer holiday?-I am going to_B_cooking because I like eating delicious food.A.take in B.take up C.pick up D.clean up七句型解读1. I used to be afraid of the dark. 【点拨】used to do 意为“过去常常做某事”【拓展】get/be used to doing sth.习惯做

25、某事 be used to do被用来做某事=be used for doing被用来做某事【考题链接】I _A_the bus, but now I am_ walking.A.used to take; used to B.used to taking; used to C .took;used to used to; am used to2.It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. It is very important for parents to be there for thei

26、r children. 【点拨】前者的结构是It is hard to believe+ that从句意为“很难相信.”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to believe +that从句;第二句的结构是its+adj.+(for)sb.+to do sth.意为“做某事对某人来说.”其中it也是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to be there for their children.【考题链接】Its necessary for us_to learn_(learn) English well.3.Its been three years since we last saw

27、our primary school classmates.【点拨】it is/it has been+一段时间+since+一般过去时的句子,意为“自.已经有多长时间了”【考题链接】The living conditions have improved a lot_C_ China set up the city of Shansha.A. before B.when C.since D.after4. This party is such a great idea. 【拓展】so用法:so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数;So+many/few+可数名词复数;so+much/little+

28、不可数名词 such结构:such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数;such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词【考题链接】Every year a lot of tourists travel to Hainan, because a beautiful beautiful an C.such a beautiful D.a such beautiful5.I used to see him reading in the library every day.【点拨】see sb doing意为“看到某人正在做某事”,强调动作正在发生;区别see

29、 sb do,强调看到了动作发生的全过程或动作经常发生;与此类似的感官动词hear,watch等,都可以跟doing或do【考题链接】1.When I walked past the park, I saw some old people_C_Chinese Taiji.A. do B.did C.doing D.are doing2.I saw her cleaning(clean) the classroom when I passed by. 3.I saw her cleaning_(clean) the room from 6:00 to 9:00.6. I interviewed

30、19- year- old Asia pop star Candy Wang.【点拨】19- year- old意为“19岁的”,在句中作定语,是一个复合的形容词,其结构:数词-名词(单数)-形容词;另一类复合形容词作定语的结构是:数字+连字符号+名词(单数)。【考题链接】Lucy is a _B_ girl.A.13 years old B.13-year-old C.13-years-old D.13-year-old7.As she got better, she dared to see in front of her class and then for the whole school.【点拨】as连词,意为“当.时候”,引导时间状语从句【拓展】作连词,意为“正如”“由于”“按.方式;如同”;作介词,意为“作为”“像”【考题链接】1.As you know, Jack is ill._正如_2.As you were out, I left a message._由于_3.Please do as I told you._按照_4.As a student, you should study hard._作为_

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