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云南省中考英语复习 第一部分 教材知识研究 七下 Units 13习题.docx

1、云南省中考英语复习 第一部分 教材知识研究 七下 Units 13习题第一部分 教材知识研究七年级(下)Units 1-3. 词形转换1. (2017玉溪红塔区模拟)Dont be afraid of_ mistakes because nobody will be right all the time. (make)2.(2018原创)In most countries, people_ eat traditional food on special holidays. (usual)3.(2018原创)Though the news may make Lily sad, they have

2、 to tell her the_ . (true)4.(2018原创)My family are looking forward to_ in the new house. (live)5.(2018原创)It is a good habit to brush_ every day.(tooth)6.(2018原创)The famous _ wrote the story based on memories of her childhood. (write)7.(2018原创)Running on the beach can not only be peaceful and beautifu

3、l experience, but it can also make you a stronger_. (run) 8.(2018预测)Our _ slowed down as we approached the crowd on the road. (drive) 9.(2018预测)The company employs six full-timers and one part-time_ . (work) . 词组翻译1.(2017大理下关四中模拟)“Please_ when you are in my class.” The English teacher said to the st

4、udents. (讲英语)2.(2017大理模拟)Everyone should try his best to make his dream_ . (实现)3.(2018原创)Its normal to have bad feelings. You can_ them with your family. (谈论)4.(2018原创)Lucy is such a nice girl that we all want to_ with her. (交朋友)5.(2018原创)The latest news from the_ attracts many listeners. (广播电台)6.(2

5、018原创)He rides a bicycle to go home after school instead of taking the _ . (校车)7.(2018原创)Jennifer is really_ drawing pictures. I think she will be a good painter. (擅长于)8.(2018预测)It is said that drinking a cup of milk every day_your health. (对有好处)9.(2018预测)Dont_ making mistakes when you are learning

6、a language. (害怕)10.(2018预测)My little brother was attracted at the sight of the rich kinds of food_ in the supermarket.(展出). 单项填空1.(2017南京)We cant enter the room. I cant find my key. Is it possible that you_ it at home?A. left B. fixed C. managed D. designed2.(2017重庆A卷)Well have to say goodbye, my de

7、ar friends! But I will _ forget the days we spent together. A. always B. often C. never D. usually3. (2017曲靖二模)Judy, hurry up! Its time to_ or youll be late for school. Got it. A. get on B. get up C. get to D. get along4. (2017曲靖二模)The meat_ good. Can I eat some more?Of course. Please serve it to yo

8、urself. A. tastes B. is tasted C. feels D. is felt5.(2017昆明官渡区二模)How can I become a good English learner? _ developing your study skills. A. In B. For C. With D. By6.(2018原创)I want to relax myself. Shall we go out to the cinema _ stay at home tonight?A. so B. but C. for D. or7.(2018原创)The audience e

9、njoyed the performance because it made them _ a lot. A. to laugh B. laughing C. laughed D. laugh8. (2018原创)My brother stopped_ his homework, although the game show was very interesting. A. to do B. do C. doing D. to doing 9.(2018原创)Hi, John, what do you_ our new English teacher?She is very patient a

10、nd kind. A. come in B. think over C. think of D. come out10.(2018预测)The story he told us was really_. Everyone of us can t help laughing. A. funny B. boring C. helpful D. long11. (2018预测) _ is something for students to practice what they have learned after school. A. Housework B. Homework C. Activit

11、y D. Holiday. 完形填空(2018原创)A great way to make my middle school life colourful is to join club. Our school has many clubs, such as sports club, volunteer club, reading club, cooking club, robotics club and so on. I think there are_1_ 30 club. Our school even lets us start our own club_2_ we dont find

12、 one that sounds good to us. Our school_3_ a club time in the timetable. We can go to clubs every Thursday afternoon. We do different club activities in_4_ rooms. When I was in Grade 7, I joined the sports clubs. I practiced playing basketball and table tennis in the clubs. And sometimes we had or_5

13、_ matches. Volunteering (志愿活动) is alsoa sort of club in our school, which helps us meet new people to be_6_. I joined it in Grade 8. We had a group of volunteers to_71_ money for events, make cards for elderly people or people in hospital, and clean up local parks. At school, my classmates also do f

14、un things_8_ joining clubs, drawing during break time, taking part in parties or doing other activities after school. We _9_ enjoy ourselves in clubs. Together with learning_10_ in school, clubs make my school life more interesting and meaningful. 1. A. at last B. at most C. at least D. at first2. A

15、. if B. while C. unless D. after3. A. gets up B. holds up C. sets up D. puts up4. A. different B. same C. big D. small5. A. learned B. joined C. made D. watched6. A. enemies B. friends C. classmates D. teachers7. A. accept B. receive C. raise D. give8. A. by B. with C. of D. for9. A. hardly B. reall

16、y C. nearly D. carefully10. A. subjects B. cooking C. washing D. sports. 阅读理解A(2017昆明盘龙区二模)About thirty years ago, China was known as the“Bicycle Kingdom”. However, the two-wheeled ways of transportation became less and less popular later. But these months you can see a revival(复兴)of bikes across Ch

17、ina, more and more people choose riding bikes instead of driving to schools, workplaces or parks. Some start-ups(新兴公司)like Ofo and Mobike came up with the bike-sharing plans. They have brought the plans to peoples daily life and developed it to a new level. Unlike other sharing plans around the worl

18、d, Chinas bicycles can be picked up and left anywhere. The bicycles are locked by the user after riding, and then unlocked by the next rider by using a mobile App and scanning(扫描)a QR code on the bike. People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smart phones. The bikes are equipped with

19、 GPS and can be left anywhere in public places for the next user. Theyre popular among many Chinese people because they provide a good solution to the“last mile”problem, which means the final leg of a persons journey. Chinas government praised Mobike and Ofo last month. They say that bike sharing is

20、 a good way of cutting air pollution and traffic pressure. 1. China is always known as the“Bicycle Kingdom”. 2. These months, more and more people like to ride bikes to school or work instead of driving. 3. Just like other countries, Chinas bikes can also be picked up and left anywhere. 4. The bikes

21、 are equipped with GPS. 5. Shared bikes are good to solve the“last mile”problem. B(2017资阳改编)Getting up to SpeedBefore you begin running, you should:_1_ Ask a friend from school or from your neighbourhood, your brother or sister, or a parent or other relatives. Make sure you have a good pair of runni

22、ng shoes that fit you well. Stay hydrated(含水的)!_2_ Be sure to drink water often to keep your body working. _3_ Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat milk products all help keep a healthy body. Have an apple and a piece of cheese, or an orange and whole-grain cakes. Dont push yourself too

23、hard. _4_ If you are pushing yourself too hard, talking will be difficult because youll be short of breath. _5_ Running is just one of many different activities you can do to stay in shape. Change your routine(常规)enough to keep it interesting, and bring along a friend to run together. A. Run as fast

24、 as you can. B. Snack on healthy foods. C. Most of all, remember to have fun. D. Exercise uses up a great deal of your bodys water. E. You should be able to talk comfortably with your partner. F. Find a partner to train with you. G. First of all, you need to find one who is friendly to be your partn

25、er. 书面表达(2018预测)A Wonderful Activity提示:徬徨,在时光淬砺下成长;锋芒,在挫折洗礼中涵养。三年历练,丰翼的心灵将展翅翱翔。中学生活总是丰富多彩的,你也一定参加了很多令你难忘的活动,请以“A Wonderful Activity”为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你记忆中的一次精彩活动。要求:1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。_.答案七年级(下)Units 1-3.1.making【解析】句意:不要害怕犯错误因为没有人总是正确的。be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事,为固定搭配。故填m

26、aking。2. usually【解析】句意:在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊的节日里吃传统食物。副词修饰动词,故填usually。3. truth【解析】句意:尽管这个消息可能会使莉莉悲伤,但是他们不得不告诉她真相。分析句子结构可知,冠词the后面缺少名词,根据句意可知表示真相,故填truth。4. living【解析】句意:我们家人正期待着住新家。look forward to doing sth.期待做某事,为固定描述。空处需填动名词形式。故填living。5. teeth【解析】句意:每天刷牙是一个好习惯。人的牙齿不止一颗,所以要用复数形式。故填teeth。6. writer【解析】句意:

27、这位著名的作家根据她的童年记忆写了这个故事。句子缺少主语,定冠词修饰名词,又根据her可确定此处为可数名词单数形式。故填writer。7. runner【解析】句意:在沙滩上跑步不仅是平和、美好的体验,而且能使你成为一名更强壮的跑步者。形容词修饰名词,且有不定冠词a,可知此处用可数名词单数形式。故填runner。8. driver【解析】句意:当驶近路上的人群时,我们的司机放慢了速度。根据句意可知此处指司机。故填driver。9. worker【解析】句意:这家公司雇用了六名全职员工和一名兼职员工。形容词修饰名词,前有数词one,此处需用可数名词单数形式。故填worker。. 1. speak

28、 English【解析】句意:英语老师对学生们说:在我课堂上的时候请你们讲英语。speak English讲英语。以Please开头的祈使句应用动词原形。故填speak English。2. come true【解析】句意:每个人都应该尽他最大的努力实现他的梦想。come true意为“实现”,make后跟动词原形做宾补。故填come true。3. talk about【解析】句意:心情不好很正常,你可以和你的家人谈谈。谈论talk about。情态动词can后接动词原形。故填talk about。4. make friends【解析】句意:露西是如此好的一个女孩以至于我们都想和她交朋友。交

29、朋友make friends,再根据want to do sth.可知,此处应填动词原形。故填make friends。5. radio station【解析】句意:这个广播电台的最新消息吸引了很多听众。广播电台radio station。6. school bus【解析】句意:放学后他骑自行车回家,而不是坐校车。校车school bus。7. good at【解析】句意:詹妮弗真的擅长画画。我认为她会成为一名好画家。be good at 擅长,空前已有系动词is。故填good at。8. is good for【解析】句意:据说,每天喝一杯牛奶有利于健康。be good for对有好处。主语

30、为drinking,谓语动词用单三形式。故填is good for。9. be afraid of【解析】句意:当你学一门语言的时候不要害怕犯错。be afraid of害怕。跟在Don t后的动词用原形。故填be afraid of。10. on show【解析】句意:看到超市了展示的花样繁多的食品,我弟弟被吸引了。展出on show。.1. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“我们进不了房间了。我找不到我的钥匙了。”“有没有可能你把它家里了?”left离开,落在;fixed修理;managed管理;designed设计。根据语境可知是询问是否有可能把钥匙落在了家里。故选A。2. C【解析】考查频度副词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的朋

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