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1、英语练习复习专升本专用专升本英语考试题型Part One. Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (二十个句子为教师用书里的例句及学生用书课后练习的第三题) Part Two. Reading Comprehension (30%) (共3篇,其中一篇在练习册)Part Three (Cloze 10%) (课外内容)Part Four. Blank-filling (10%) (练习册每课的第一部分,词形变换,共10句)Part Five. Translation (30%) 作业(中翻英+英翻中)3 paragraphs (英翻中) (每课课文中BOOK 1 p17

2、6 Para3; p206 Para7; p230 Para814; Book 2 p3 Para3; p27 Para9-10; p53 Para4; p79 Para4;)5 sentences (中翻英) (课后练习的中翻英句子)大学英语 读写教程2Unit 11. The accident resulted in the death of two people. 这场事故造成两人死亡。The childs illness resulted from eating unclean food. 孩子生病是由于吃了不干净的食物。2. Jenny had to account to her h

3、usband for every penny she spent.珍妮得向丈夫说明每一文钱是怎么花的。North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of British trade earnings.Unit 81. He will sleep on the matte and tell us the decision later. 他要考虑一下此事,再把决定告诉我们.2. It suddenly occurred to him that this was something he should never do.他突然想到这种事情他根本就不应该做.

4、 3. I am standing here today to report events that occurred on October 13.今天我站在这里是来报告发生在10月13日的事件的. 4. A number of local personalities were present.出席的有许多当地要人.5. He never tried to understand her complicated personality. 他从未设法去理解她复杂的性格.6. Production of fruit and vegetables has also risen in varying d

5、egrees. 水果和蔬菜的产量也有了不同程度的增长.7. The sooner you start, the more quickly youll be finished. 你开始得越早,完成得就越快.8. The piece of music is composed for 2008 Olympic Games.这首乐曲是为2008年奥运会而创作的. 9. The book is composed of essays written over the last twenty years.这本书收集的是近20年撰写的散文. 10. She was occupied with the clea

6、ning of the big house.她正忙于打扫那幢大房子. 11. After several days discussion, their project began to take shape. 经过几天讨论,他们的项目框架开始成形了.12. He sometimes had trouble putting his words into action.他有时候不能将自己说的话付诸行动. 13. If Henry did not attend the meeting last night, he must have had too much work to do. 如果享利没参加昨

7、晚的会议,他一定是手头的活太多了.14. Now more and more city adults spend their free time trying to improve themselves at school or college.现在城市里越来越多的成年人利用业余时间到学校或大学去充电. 15. He selected poems that would be representative of the 20th century poetry for a book. 他挑选了能代表20世纪诗歌的作品汇编成书.16. His solid foundation was respons

8、ible for his present success. 他今天的成功归功于他扎实的基础.17. The children are responsible for cleaning their own rooms. 孩子们负责打扫自己的房间. Unit 9:1. She stood out among the students by her beauty. 她的美丽使她在学生中与众不同.2. No matter how hard he tried, he simply could not work the problem out. 不管怎么努力,他就是解答不出这题.3. There is n

9、o doubt whatsoever that the scientist has devoted all his life to his cause. 毫无疑问,这位科学家把一生都献给了事业.4. His work in linguistics has aroused intense scholarly interest. 他在语言上的成果引起了学术界浓厚的兴趣.5. Anne was aroused from a deep sleep.安妮被从熟睡中叫醒. 6. Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.

10、 安妮很聪明,通过考试毫不费力.7. We cant afford to sit back with so many things to be done. 要干的活那么多,我们不可能坐视不动.8. The aim of cruise was to awaken an interest in foreign cultures. 这次巡游的目的是激发对国外文化的兴趣.9. She struck him as a very controlled woman. 他感到她是一个很克制的女人.10. Try to focus your mind on your study. 尽量把精力用在学习上.11.

11、Try to adapt yourself to the new environment. 尽量让自己适应新的环境.12. The movie was adapted by the writer himself from his best-selling novel.这部电影是由作者本人根据自己的畅销的小说改编的. 13. It took her several months to adapt to the quick pace of city life.她花了几个月时间才适应城里的快节奏生活. 14. Youll profit from the books. 这些书会使你受益的15. I m

12、ade a handsome profit from the sale of my car. 我把车卖了,挣了不少钱.Unit 10 1. The negotiations could find no middle ground. 谈判双方无法找到折中办法.2. I keep the picture where I can see it every day.我把画放在每天可以看到的地方. 3. Galieo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed. 伽利略证实重量不同的物体落下的速度一样.4.

13、You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer.你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机. 5. Enormous crowds were demonstrating for human rights.有大批群众在为争取人权示威. 6. The officer was charged with selling out to the enemy.这位军官被指控背叛投敌. 7. Many towns have camping places for the convenience of tourists. 很多城镇为方便游客而设立了野营场所.8. Mod

14、ern conveniences such as air conditioning and electric light have changes the way we live. 诸如空调和电灯这样的现代化设施改变了我们的生活方式.9. His question was not related to the question at hand.他的问题与眼下的问题无关. 10. The great day is at hand. 伟大的日子即将来临.11. Potatoes are in short supply because of the bad harvest.现在马铃薯供应不足. 12

15、. Forget the details and give me the bottom line.细节就不要说了,说说关键的吧. 13. What impressed me most was his sincerity. 我印象最深的是他的真诚.14. The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.这个地方住的不全是有钱人,虽然大家都这么认为. 15. They stand for equal pay for equal work.他们主张同工同酬. 16. ATM stands for au

16、tomatic teller machine. ATM指的是自动柜员机.17. I am on the committee considering new members for our club. 我是俱乐部委员会的委员,负责审查俱乐部新成员的资格.18. His industry and ability will ensure his success. 他的勤奋和才能将确保他得到成功.19. They assured us that the plane would be on time. 他们向我们保证飞机将会按时到达.20. We all worked hard to assure th

17、e accomplishment of the program on time.我们都努力工作以确保项目取得成功. 21. When I said that, I was not thinking of her feelings.我说那话时没有考虑到她的感受. 22. I tried to think of her phone number, but I just couldnt remember it.我使劲想她的电话号码,但怎么也想不起来. 23. After rounds of talks, they had to concede.经过几轮谈判,他们只好作出让步. 24. The man

18、ager had to concede that his carelessness led to the loss.经理不得不承认损失是由他的疏忽造成的. 25. They never give Gene any credit for all the extra work he does他们从未表扬基恩多干了活. 26. You cant rely on him for assistance.你不能指望他来帮助你. 27. The tax only affects people on incomes of over &200,000 - in other words, the very ric

19、h.税收只影响收入超过20万美元的人,换言之,只影响那些最有钱的人. 28. Well never yield to external pressure.我们绝不会向外界压力屈服.29. This piece of land yielded a crop worth $ 500,000 last year.这块地去年长出的庄稼值50万美元. 30. Good sense will always win the day in the end. 有理智的人最后总是赢家.Translation 8-10Unit 81. There are twenty universities in this ci

20、ty, some of which are world-famous.2. The more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes.3. She was filled with pity for the innocent victims.4. He was occupied with his business matters and didnt have time to think about a holiday.5. The countrys economy depends to some degree on the import of raw

21、 materials.6. After several discussions between the numbers of the committee, a new plan of action began to take shape.Unit 91. Should you have any doubt about the plan, please feel free to contact us any time.2. We have learned how to face reality instead of escaping from it.3. It just proves that

22、you cant hope to turn in a worthy report if you havent done enough preparation.4. we have to face that possibility no matter how unlikely it may sound.5. The newcomers found it hard to adapt themselves to the climate there.6. It strikes me as odd that school children are required to come to school t

23、wo hours before class.Unit 101. I keep the picture where I can see it every day as it reminds me of my university days.2. In some countries, what is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.3. He is used to keeping a dictionary at hand so that he can find the meaning of new

24、 words he comes across.4. When confronted with personal pressure, you should stand firmly for your belief that you will reach your ultimate goal.5. In other words, be yourself and face reality, but dont sell out to convenience.6. I dont like those people who always rely on external factors in order

25、to feel good about themselves.北海石油占英国贸易收入的很大一部分。3. The child raced through his homework in order to watch the football match on TV.为看电视转播的足球赛,那孩子匆匆做完了作业。4. It is a convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。Conventions are usually held in large cities.会议通常在大城市里举行。5. Hes so

26、lazy that its difficulty to assess his ability.他懒得很,所以很难评估他的能力。6. The bank refused to help the company; consequently it went out of business.银行拒绝帮助这家公司,公司因此倒闭了。7. Given their inexperience, theyve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们已经做得不错了。Given that the time is limited, theyve done a good job.考虑到时间紧张,他们已经

27、做得不错了。8. The question at hand relates to our use of resources.我们讨论的问题与资源利用相关。Realizing that the end of his career is near at hand, he looked for some additional income.意识到退休在即,他着手寻找额外的收入。9. Will you apply for the position by letter or in person?你是写信还是亲自前去申请那个职位?10. Her success was due to her great l

28、ove for her work.她成功是因为她非常热爱她的工作。11. Some students enjoy English classes, whereas some hate them.有些学生喜欢英语课,而有些人却讨厌英语课。12. She took the failure as the start for the coming success.她把这次失败看作今后成功的起点。Unit 21. I could think of little to say in the presence of so many people.在这么多人面前,我几乎说不出话来。2. This story

29、is by no means interesting; why not tell us a better one?这个故事一点也没意思,为什么不给我们讲个有意思点儿的呢?By no means can teaching in school be separated from practice.学校教学决不能脱离实践。3. I always count on my father to cheer me up whenever I feel unhappy.当我不愉快时,我总是靠父亲帮我鼓气。4. He came upon a book he had always wanted to have.他

30、以为发现了一本梦寐以求的书。5. The star always seems indifferent to public opinions.这位明星似乎总是对公众的评价漠不关心。6. He asserted that the girl had stolen his wallet.他坚持说那个女孩偷了他的钱包。People in that nation began to assert their right to govern themselves.那个国家的人民开始要求自治权。7. She took little notice of his manner, good or bad.她并不介意他

31、的态度是好是坏。8. The teacher persisted in working regardless of his illness.老师带病坚持工作。9. Reflecting on those nice days, Elizabeth couldnt help giving out a sigh.想着过去那些美好的日子,伊丽莎白不禁叹了口气。Unit 31. He has seen the ups and downs in the relations between the two countries.他目睹了两国关系的起起落落。2. Given mutual goodwill, i

32、t is possible to achieve a settlement.双方如果都有良好的愿望,就有可能达成和解。They met each other through a mutual friend.他们是通过一位共同的朋友而认识的。3. Things will work out well if you will just be patient.如果你耐心点,事情会有个圆满的结果的。The police couldnt work out how the thieves had entered the building.警察搞不懂窃贼是怎么进入那幢大楼的。4. We went through difficulties while working on

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