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1、单词21.instructShe instructed him the best way of learning maths.正确答案:教 你的答案: 详细解释:翻译- 她教他学数学的最好方法。近义词- teach词义扩展- v. 命令,指示The demander instructed soldiers to wait until further information. 指挥者命令士兵等下去,直到进一步通知。2.fussStop fussing about, or you would make a mess忙乱, 大惊小怪 你的答案: 详细解释:翻译- 别大惊小怪的, 否则你会把事情搞砸的

2、。巧记- fuss (发音记忆烦死) 忙乱, 大惊小怪的词 组 make a fuss of 娇养 (某人), 过分关怀 (某人)You would spoil your children if you keep on making a fuss of him. 如果你再溺爱你的孩子,你就害了他了。3.deficiencyAfter an unexpected plague, this district has suffered a deficiency of food.正确答案:缺乏,不足 你的答案: 详细解释:翻译- 一场突如其来的瘟疫过后,这个地区饱受食物缺乏之苦。巧记- suffici

3、ent 充足的 deficient 缺乏的 deficiency n. 缺乏词义扩展- 缺陷The deficiency of this program is obvious. 这个项目的不足之处显而易见。近义词- shortage 不足,短缺; lack 缺乏,短缺4.houseLast year we paid off the loan of our house正确答案:房子 你的答案:无论如何 详细解释:翻译- 我们去年还清了房子的贷款。词义扩展- 议院,机构,所,社The House of Commons is voting on the new proposal. 下议院正在投票表决

4、新提议。 v. 住宿,给房子住When I was in London my aunt housed me. 我在伦敦时我姑姑提供房子给我住。词 组 keep house 管理家务We employ a housemaid to keep house for both of us are very busy. 我们雇佣了一个仆人为我们管理家务,因为我们俩都很忙。5.downstairsThe neighbors downstairs came to tell us not to be so noisy.在楼下 你的答案:前行 详细解释:翻译- 楼下的邻居让我们别这么吵。6. foregoing

5、The words foregoing come into force as soon as uttered.正确答案:在前的,前述的 你的答案:成年人 详细解释:翻译- 上面所说的话已经说出立即生效分析- fore (前面的)going (走) 走在前面的 在前的,前述7.housewifeAfter marrying him, she played the role of a mother and wife as a housewife.家庭主妇 你的答案:前行 详细解释:翻译- 和他结婚后她就作为家庭主妇担当起母亲和妻子的角色。8.submergeThe murderer submerg

6、ed the dead body in the lake.正确答案:淹没 你的答案:扔掉 详细解释:翻译- 谋杀犯把尸体沉没在湖里。巧记- sub 在之下,低于。 merge 吸收,并入。submerge 在海底下被吸收,被淹没了。词义扩展- 潜水He submerged to seek the pearls. 他潜水找寻珍珠。近义词- sink:下沉,沉没。9.someWould you please give me some bread and milk for breakfast?一些 你的答案:扔掉 详细解释:翻译- 你能给我些牛奶和面包做为早餐吗?近义词- any词义扩展- a. 某

7、一Some one left a cake on our front porch. 有人在我们的门廊上留下了一块蛋糕。pron. 一些,若干 We have coffee. Would you like some? 我们有咖啡,你要来点吗?ad. 大约,稍微 The necklace Mathilde lost cost some $400. 玛蒂尔德丢的那条项链价值大约400美元。10.deficitTax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.赤字,逆差 你的答案:扔掉 详细解释:翻译- 税率低

8、而政府支出大,结果出现预算赤字。11.yetThe book is satisfying, yet there are some mistakes正确答案:尚,仍然 你的答案:扔掉 详细解释:翻译- 这本书很让人满意,但还是存在一些问题。词义扩展- ad.已经,更 conj.然而,但是词组- and yet 可是,然而She speaks Russian fluently and yet she prefers to chatter in English. 她说俄语很流利,可是她更喜欢用英语交谈。as yet 到目前为止,到那时为止As yet, we havent heard the new

9、s about the football games. 到目前为止,我们还没听到关于足球赛的消息。12.somehowSomehow, we will find the entrance to this house one day.正确答案:以某种方式 你的答案:无论如何 详细解释:翻译- 我们将来总会找到这幢房子的入口。联想- some是“某个”的意思, how意为“怎样”,表“方式”,因此somehow就是“以某种方式”。13.growthThe growth rate of chinas population is the highest in the world.正确答案:增长 你的答

10、案:成年人 详细解释:翻译- 中国的人口增长率是世界第一。近义词- increase14.includeYour duty for the day includes checking your homework and cleaning the house.正确答案:包含 你的答案:发育 详细解释:翻译- 你今天的任务包括检查作业和打扫房间。巧记- in(里面)+clue(to shut关) 关在里面 包含15.lowerThe bottle is on the lower shelf so that the children can reach it.较低的 你的答案:发育 详细解释:翻译-

11、 瓶子在较矮的架子上,孩子们都够得着。巧记- low低的+比较级“er” 较低的词义扩展- v. 降下,放低Lower the price, and you will make a big profit. 降低价格,你就会赚大钱的。16.insureMy husband and I insured the house against fire and theft.给保险 你的答案:发育 详细解释:翻译- 我和丈夫对房屋进行了火灾和偷盗保险。词义扩展- v. 保证Their support will insure me success. 他们的支持将成为我成功的保证。近义词- ensure: a

12、ssure:17.18.negotiateWe are negotiating with a foreigner for trade.正确答案:商议 你的答案:车库 详细解释:翻译- 我们正与外国人商谈贸易。19.initiativeThe receipe of making fish is initiative in China.正确答案:起始的 你的答案:精彩的 详细解释:翻译- 这个做鱼的食谱始于中国。巧记- initiative to begin形容词词尾 开始的,创始的,起始的词义扩展- n. 第一步,创始,主动精神He is full of enthusiasm and alway

13、s does hard work on his own initiative. 他对工作满怀热忱,总是主动做难的。20.burnAfter parting her boyfriend, she burnt all his old letters.正确答案:烧毁 你的答案:精彩的 详细解释:翻译- 和男朋友分手后,她烧掉了所有他写给她的信。词义扩展- v. 烧伤The man was badly burnt for rushing into a burning building to rescue a baby. 为了从一栋着火的大楼里救出被困的婴儿,那个人被严重烧伤。n. 烧伤,灼伤The h

14、onest dog died of serious burns. 这条忠实的狗死于严重的烧伤。词组- burn outAll of his wealth was burnt out. 他所有的财产都被烧光了。burn up 烧起来,旺起来Mum put more wood on the fire to make it burn up and the room became warm gradually. 妈妈往火上添了一些柴使它更旺,整个屋子渐渐暖和起来。 烧完,烧尽Losing her heart, she burnt up everything and left. 她烧掉所有的东西,心灰意

15、冷地离开了。21.fenceThere are fences made of bamboo around the garden.正确答案:篱笆,栅栏 你的答案:精彩的 详细解释:翻译- 花园被竹子做的篱笆围着。词义扩展- n. 击剑He likes watching fence. 他喜欢看击剑表演。v. 击剑I am learning how to fence. 我正在学怎样击剑。22.gentlyZephy blows gently, and birds warble lightly.正确答案:轻轻地 你的答案:精彩的 详细解释:翻译- 西风轻轻地吹, 小鸟欢快地歌唱。23.downHe j

16、umps down from the tree only to break his leg.正确答案:向下 你的答案:精彩的 详细解释:翻译- 他从树上跳下来,没想到摔伤了自己的腿。词义扩展- 直到He intends to take a train to Guangzhou down to south. 他打算乘火车南下广州。 由大到小He got his essays down to only five pages. 他把他的论文缩减到只有五页。 平息下去The noise was dying down. 噪声渐渐减低。 处于低落状态Dont let the temporary failu

17、re get you down. 不要遇到暂时的困难就垂头丧气。 prep. 下,顺向下walk down the street 沿街而行24.correspondShe has corresponded with me for several years.正确答案:通信 你的答案:交往 详细解释:翻译- 她与通信有几年了。分析- corr + spond together + to promise一起约定,通信,一致,符合词义扩展- v. 符合,一致The witnesss statement corresponded with the research of police. 证人的证词与警

18、方调查一致。 相当于,对应The content of the book corresponds to what our teacher said in class. 书上的内容与我们老师课堂上讲的一致。25.aerospaceThe aerospace industry is important to every country.正确答案:太空 你的答案:交往 详细解释:翻译- 航空航天工业对每个国家都很重要。26.blessMay god bless you!正确答案:保佑 你的答案:交往 详细解释:翻译- 愿上帝保佑你!27.correspondingWrite your answers

19、 of choice in corresponding brackets.正确答案:符合的,相关的 你的答案:交往 详细解释:翻译- 将你选择的答案填在相应的括号里。分析- correpond + ing形容词词尾表示与有关的 符合的,相关的28.hillsideThere is a big tress planted on the hillside last year.正确答案:山腰 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 在山腰上有一颗去年中的树。分析- hill(山)+side (边)=山边bineThe two enterprises combine together to enhance

20、competitiveness in markets.正确答案:联合 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 这两家企业联合在一起去增强市场竞争力。分 析 com + bine together,with + two 把两者合并起来词义扩展- v. (使)化合One atom of carbon combines with two atoms of oxygen to form a molecule of carbon dioxide. 一个碳原子与两个氧原子化合成二氧化碳分子.30.forecastListen to the daily weather forecast is a habit of

21、 mine.正确答案:预报, 预测 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 收听每日天气预报是我的一个习惯.巧记- fore(前面的, 预先的) cast (扔, 抛) 提前扔下的 预报, 预测近义词- predict; foresee; foretell31.initiateThis reform movement was first initiated from England.正确答案:开始,发动 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 这次改革运动首先从英国发起。巧记- in it ate intoto go动词词尾 进入内部开始研究近义词- start; begin; set off32.gro

22、w upThe grow up man in front of you is not na?ve at all.正确答案:成人的 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 站在你面前的男子已经长大成人,不再幼稚。词义扩展- n. 成年人Having been a grow up, you have your own responsibility. 作为一个大人,你有你自己的责任。近义词- adult; grown; matured33.hithertoHe has been looking for a woman referred to hitherto as Mrs. X.正确答案:迄今的 你的答案

23、:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 他一直在寻找那个迄今都被称为X小姐的人。巧记- hit(击打)+ her(她)+ to 联想 打她打到今天为止(迄今)34.fundamentalThe fundamental difference between socialism and capitalism is to whom the means of production belong.正确答案:基础的, 根本的 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 社会主义和资本主义的根本区别在于生产资料归谁所有。巧记- funda(基金) man(人类) tal(形容词词尾) 人类的基金 (人生存需要最基本的物质条件)基础

24、的, 基本的词义扩展- n. pl. 基本原则, 基本原理One should gasp the fundamental rather than some superficial things. 我们应该抓住原理而不是表面的东西。35.instructorThe driving instructor is telling us how to make a turn.正确答案:指导者 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 驾驶教练正教我们该如何转弯。36.pastureWe are forbidden to play on the pasture belonging to him.正确答案:牧草地,

25、 牧草 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 他不准我们在他的牧草地上玩耍。37.gentleHis gentle voice eased my pain.正确答案:温柔的 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 他温柔的声音减轻了我的痛苦。38.correspondenceInternational correspondence has been cut off because of the war.正确答案:温柔的 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 他温柔的声音减轻了我的痛苦。38.correspondenceInternational correspondence has been cut off

26、 because of the war.正确答案:通信 你的答案:山脚 详细解释:翻译- 国际通信因为战争被截断。分 析 correspond + ence 通信,一致+名词词尾信件,一致,符合词义扩展- n. 符合,一致There is a close correspondence between the two statements. 两种说法基本一致。 相对于,相对My achievement is rather modest in correspondence to yours. 我取得的成绩跟你比起来实在是微不足道。39.maintenanceThe department was r

27、esponsible for the buildings maintenance.正确答案:维修 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 这个部门负责建筑物的维修工作。词义扩展- n. 维持,保持 Our foreign policy is maintenance of friendly relations with all countries. 我们的外交政策是与所有的国家维持良好的外交关系。40.fundA disaster fund was founded immediately after the flood正确答案:基金, 资金 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 洪水之后立即建立起了赈灾基

28、金。41.foundationMaterial is the foundation of the spirit.正确答案:基础 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 物质是精神的基础。分析- found(建立)ation 基础,建立,根本,创立词义扩展- n. 地基the foundation of a block of flats. 一排公寓的地基。 基金,基金会the charity foundation 慈善基金会42.hopeHe has been hoping for coming back of his mother.正确答案:盼望 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 他一直盼望他母亲回

29、来。词义扩展- n. 希望,期望She is always full of hope for the bright future. 她总是对美好的明天充满希望。同义词- desire,long43.downwardDont ride on the downward path from the top of the hill.正确答案:向下的 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 别在那条从山顶上下来的小路上骑车。词义扩展- ad. (also downwards) 向下,往下 Children of three and downwards should be kept far away from

30、this bottle of medicine. 三岁及三岁以下儿童应避免接触这瓶药。44.colorIn England the color of the sky is as gray as lead.正确答案:颜色 你的答案:主张 详细解释:翻译- 英国天空的颜色像铅一样。词义扩展- n. 颜料His paint in water color won the first prize in national competition. 他的水彩画在全国大赛中得了一等奖。n. 肤色Your dress suits your color perfectly. 你的衣服正好配你的肤色。v. 给着色,染He colored his room into green to make it cooler in summer. 他把房间刷成绿色以

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