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1、面试经典问答双语版五面试经典问答双语版(五)41问:你现任的老板会不会把你看做是一个有超前意识的员工? 答:绝对会。九象网http:/实际上,在我年度工作评语里她说我是她员工队伍中最可靠和适应能力最强的人。我认为主要归因于我善于应变和超越别人的能力。您想听一个例子吗?随时准备提供一个你毅然坚持到底并获得重大成果的重要项目。说明你在解决一个棘手问题时的可靠性和自觉性。假如你描述你“长时间工作”,则要保证说明你这个时间是高效的,而不是低效 率的。q: would your current boss describe you as the kind of employee who goes the

2、extra mile?a: absolutely. in fact, on my annual evaluations she writes that im the most dependable and flexible person on her staff. i think this is mostly because of my ability to juggle and prioritize. would you like an example?42问:讲述你没能发挥你能力的一次事例。 答:我第一次被引见给董事会的时候,我没有料到他们会问其他一些问题。除了我准备汇报的事情外我没有准备

3、其他任何东西。现在我的上司和我都绞尽脑汁提前准备所有的“怎么样”。这个问题要求求职者去叙述一次消极的情况。根据问题的意思讲一件早期因没工作经验而造成的工作失误。然后说明作为上次的经验教训,你现在有了更好的判断能力。q: tell me about a time you didnt perform to your capabilities. a: the first time i had to give a presentation to our board, i failed to anticipate some of their questions. i was unprepared for

4、 anything other than what i wanted to report. now my director and i brainstorm all in advance. 43问:员工们有的注重思想,有的注重实干,你如何评价自己呢? 答:对我来说在每个项目上都有明确的方向是重要的,那就是为什么与思路清晰的管理者在一起,我能成为很好的支持者的原因。我总是能很好地完成任务。通过这个问题,面试官在寻找一个恰当的人选。假如工作以团体为主而该应聘者偏爱独立工作,那问题就出现了。在完成过去的工作项目时,你是否按工作任务所指定的界限进行呢? q: employees tend to be

5、either concept oriented or task oriented. how do you describe yourself?a: its important for me to have clear direction on each project. thats why im good in support roles, with managers who have very specific ideas. im thorough at carrying out the tasks. 44问:你的同事会告诉我有关你注意细节方面的什么呢? 答:我的同事总是靠我给他们指出他们工

6、作中忽略的东西,所以他们很可能会告诉您,我在工作中考虑得很周密。在这里,面试官感兴趣的是应聘者的独立性和完成工作的能力。你负责任吗?你是否卓有成效地为团体活动做贡献而不是被卡在一些无关紧要的细节上?你能有效地利用你的时间吗?假如是的话,举出一个别人称赞你的例子。 q: what would your colleagues tell me about your attention to detail?a: my coworkers always count on me to help them think through what might have been overlooked, so t

7、hey probably tell you i think through processes from a to z. 45问:日常工作中,你怎样应付压力? 答:我每周至少出去吃一顿饭并借此清理一下我的大脑。我自己有一个原则,即直到我觉得冷静了才对事情作出反应。我先思考,然后行动,我已学会了加班加点地干活。-在这里,叙述一个你已解决的压力较大的项目,及你在这个项目中组织每一步骤时所采取的具体行动,以及如何把工作坚持下去的事例,这可能会有好处。在压力下你是如何保持心境的平和及保证你的职业水准的? (责任编辑:九象网http:/)q: how do you manage stress in yo

8、ur daily work?a: i try to get out for lunch at least once during the week to clear my head. i also have a personal rule that stops me from reacting to any problem until i fee calm about it. i think, then act,but i have learned to do that over time. 46问:如果事情不按你所计划的发展,你又如何重新部署呢? 答:我开始想像有可能出现的最坏结果,然后找出

9、能避免那糟糕结果出现的预防措施。这样做之后,我通常都能取得和原定目标不相上下的结果。我前面叙述的那个培训例子就是证明。描述曾经出现的困难迫使你改变原来的计划,但你还是达到了预期的目的。你是否得到别人的协助支持才能实现这个目标的?吃一堑,长一智,你以后又是如何预见困难的呢? q: how do you regroup when things havent gone as planned?a: i start by trying to imagine the worst possible outcome; then i back up and identify precautions i can

10、take to avoid that scenario. in this way i usually end up with a result close to the original goal. the training example i described earlier is proof of that skill. 47问:在你目前的工作中,你是如何对工作任务的轻重缓急排序并用什么措施来处理的? 答:我的办法就是每天一大早就首先处理两大客户的事务。这样,如果有什么问题出现的话,即使最挑剔的顾客也被照顾得很好。说明你是如何收集资料、如何预见困难和如何应付压力的。叙述一下你的一些个人工

11、作习惯,这些习惯能使你按轻重缓急的次序去安排工作且又能避免管理过细或运作停滞。几年来,有什么方法使得你能越来越好地把握时间? q: how have you prioritized or juggled your workload in your current job?a: i juggle by working only on my two major accounts early in the day. that way, if interruptions occur, my most critical customers are taken care of. 48问:说说在最近的一份工

12、作里,你是怎样改进职业技能的。 答:最令我骄傲的是我对数据库技术的应用。例如,在我们的邮寄服务里,过去对邮件进行人工分类需花费几天的时间,现在通过快速的特征搜索法只需五分钟就完成了。描述一下为了提高工作效率而提高了工作技能。一些典型的例子有可能包括:学会一个新软件的应用、参与专业研讨会或者参加成年人学习班。 q: describe a professional skill youve developed in your most recent job. a: im most proud of my new skills in applying database technology,for e

13、xample, in our mailing services. what used to take us days of manual sorting now takes five minutes through a quick search feature. 49问:为什么服务是一个如此重要的问题? 答:服务是令消费者满意的重要因素。它和成本一样重要甚至比成本更重要。如果顾客得不到他所期望的或更好的服务,他就不会是你公司的回头客了。此外,这个顾客在你的公司的体验会影响市场上大批顾客对你公司的看法。人们肯定会相互交流信息。这不仅影响效益,也影响将来的销售。在很多场合,服务能成为一个公司有别于

14、其竞争者的原因之一。信誉差的服务会使一个公司在市场上的地位大打折扣。面试官想断定这个人选是否懂得对顾客的服务能在市场上树立积极形象的重要性,以及顾客服务质量对新销售业务的影响。出色的顾客服务能极大地帮助建立长期客户关系及促进业务的运转,这是盈利公司的生命线。公司的客户关系越长久,公司的盈利可能性就越大。q: why is service such an important issue?(责任编辑:九象网http:/)a:service is a major contributor to customer satisfaction. it is just as important as, or

15、maybe even more important than cost. if a customer isnt receiving a level of service that meets or exceeds his or her expectations, that customer wouldnt be a customer for very long. in addition, that customer s experience with your company may affect how potential customers in the marketplace view

16、your company. people do talk and share information. this may affect not only profits but future sales as well. in many instances service may be the one thing that distinguishes a company from the competition. a bad reputation for service may compromise a companys position in the marketplace. 50问:告诉我


18、要的,特别是在服务业里你的反应尤为重要。面试官在寻找能证明你有能力从事大量接触公众的工作的证据。举出一次你遇上的麻烦,而你又是如何解决问题的例子。你回答时应举例说明你的成熟态度、你的交际能力和洞察别人的需要和感受的能力。 q: tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer. how did you handle the situation?a: my customer service position at the telephone company involved dealing occasionally

19、with irate customers. when that happened, id try to talk in calm, even voice, in order to get the person to respond in a businesslike manner and focus on trying to resolve the situation. most times i was able to rectify the problem and pacify the customer, but i remember one incident in particular i

20、n which the caller became verbally abusive. i tried to remain calm and professional and not to let my personal feelings enter into the situation. i didnt respond to the abuse, i just made a note of it and continued to help the customer as best i could. when the abuse persisted, however, i politely asked him to call back and ask for my manager, because at that point i knew i couldnt resolve the problem.

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